Eid y

From Interlingua



y (letter -) n • littera y (ypsilon;ipsilon;i grec)

yacht n • yacht</b> A]

yacht n • yacht

yachting (sport) n • yachting

yachtsman n • sportsman nautic, devoto del yachting

yachtsman n • devoto del yachting, sportsman nautic

yackety-yack n • confabulation

yackety-yack v • confabular, garrular, conversar

yackety-yack v • garrular, conversar, confabular

yackety-yack v • conversar, confabular, garrular

Yah n • Jah

Yah n • Yah

Yahweh (God's personal name) n • Jahveh

Yahweh (God's personal name) n • Jehovah

Yahweh (God's personal name) n • Yahweh

yak n • yak

yak [Zool] n • yak

yam (chinese) n • igname

yam (sweet potato) n • batata

yank v • tirar con violentia

yankee adj/n • yankee

Yankee n • yankee</b> A]

Yankee n • yankee

yap (geog (Pacific island) n • Yap

yap n • latrato acute

yap v • latrar acutemente

yard (courtyard) n • corte

yard [Meas] n • yard</b> A]

yard [Meas] n • yard

yard (measurement) n • yard

yard n • indust

yard n •</b> Naut]

yard [Naut] n • virga

yardstick (norm) n • criterio, norma

yardstick (norm) n • norma, criterio

yardstick (official measurement) n • baston de metal/ligno definiente un yard

yarn (story) n • historia, conto

yarn (story) n • conto, historia

yarn (thread) n • filo

yawn n • oscitation

yawn, stand open, gape v • hiar

yawn v •</b> Fig]

yawn (with tiredness) v • oscitar

yawn or gape (from sleepiness) v • oscitar

yawning adj • grande

yawning n • oscitation

yawning or gaping (from sleepiness) (action of) n • oscitation

yaws, frambesia [Pathol] n • frambesia

ye (old english) pron • vos

year n • anno

yearbook n • annuario

yearly adj • annual

yearn v • for appeter

yearning n • desiro ardente

yeast n • levatura

yell n • crito

yell v • critar

yellow adj • jalne

yellow adj/n • jalne

yellow amber, succin, succinite n • succino

yellow-fever n • febre jalne

yellowness n • jalnessa

yellow-sea n • mar jalne

yelp n • latrato de dolor

yelp v • latrar

Yemen [Geog] n • Yemen

yes adv • si

yes, just so adv • ita

yes (si) adv • sic

yesman n • sycophante

yesterday adv • heri

yet adv • conj

yet (already, so far) adv • jam

yet (but) conj • sed, ma

yet (but) conj • ma, sed

yet, encore!, still adv • ancora

yet (however, nevertheless, notwithstanding) adv • tamen (tà-)

yet (however, nevertheless, notwithstanding) adv • tamen

yet (not -) adv • ancora non, nondum

yet (not -) adv • nondum, ancora non

yet, still, this place, thus far, hitherto, as yet, until now, so far adv • adhuc

yet (still) adv • ancora

yet (still, nevertheless) adv • totevia

yet (still, nevertheless) adv • totevia (-ìa)

yew n • taxo

yiddish adj • judeogerman

yiddish adj • yiddish

Yiddish, Judaeo-German adj • judeogerman

Yiddish, Judaeo-German n • judeogermano

yiddish n • yiddish

yiddish n • judeogermano

yield, cede v • ceder</b> ced-/cess-]

yield, cede v • ceder

yield (collapse) v • plicar se

yield n • rendimento

yield, return n • rendimento

yield (surrender) vi • render se, submitter se

yield (surrender) vi • submitter se, render se

yield vt • render, ceder

yield vt • ceder, render

yield to, comply with v • obsequer

yielding adj • complacente, cedente

yielding adj • cedente, complacente

yielding n • cedimento

yielding silver, argentiferous adj • argentifere

yodel v • yodelar, cantar al maniera tirolese

yodel v • cantar al maniera tirolese, yodelar

yoga n • yoga

yoghurt n • yogurt

yogurt n • yogurt

yoke (1. frame for coupling draft animals; 2. servitude, bondage; 3.</b> Naut]) n • jugo

yoke together v • conjugar

yokel n • persona inculte, rustico

yokel n • rustico, persona inculte

yolk n • vitello

yolk (of an egg) n • vitello

yolk, yolk-like, yolk-colored adj • vitellin

yolk-colored, yolk, yolk-like adj • vitellin

yolk-like, yolk-colored, yolk adj • vitellin

yonder adj • ille

yonder adv • ibi

York n • York

York n • York</b> A]

you [1. in polite or formal use] pron pers • vos

you [1. in polite or formal use] pron pers • te

you (familiar and formal plural) pron • vos

you (familiar singular as object) pron • te

you (familiar singular as subject) pron • tu

you (formal singular) pron • vos

you [in familiar or informal use] pron pers • tu

you (indefinite after preposition) pron • uno

you (indefinite as reflexive object) pron • se

you (indefinite as subject) pron • on

you (thee, used as object of verb) pron • ti

you (vos) pron pl • voi

you all (Amer (familiar plural) pron • vos

you all (Amer (familiar plural) pron • vos (omne)

youg-man n • juvene homine

youg-man n • juvene

young adj • juvene

young (of animal) n • pullo

young (young persons) n • juvenes

young animal n • pullo

young man, youth, lad, boy n • garson

younger adj • plus juvene

younger, junior adj • junior

younger-brother n • fratre cadette

younger-sister n • soror cadette

youngster n • juvene

youngster n • juvene persona

young-woman n • juvene

young-woman n • juvene femina

your [1. in polite or formal use adj poss • vostre

your (familiar singular) pron • tu

your (formal) pron • vostre

your (indefinite) pron • le sue, su le... tue, le... vostre

your (indefinite) pron • le... vostre, le sue, su le... tue

your (indefinite) pron • su le... tue, le... vostre, le sue

yours (familiar singular) pron • le tues, le tue

yours (familiar singular) pron • le tue, le tues

yours (formal) pron • le vostres, le vostre

yours (formal) pron • le vostre, le vostres

yours [in familiar or informal use pron poss • tue

yours (indefinite) pron • le sues, le sue

yours (indefinite) pron • le sue, le sues

yourself (emphatic pronoun) pron • ipse, mesme

yourself (emphatic pronoun) pron • mesme, ipse

yourself (familiar as object) pron • te

yourself [in familiar or informal use] pron refl • te

yourself [in polite or formal use as in: you hurt yourself, to yourself] pron refl • vos

yourself (polite as object) pron • vos

yourselves [in all uses as in: you hurt yourselves, to yourselves] pron refl • vos

youse (Amer (familiar plural) pron • vos

youse guys (Amer (familiar plural) pron • vos

youth, lad, boy, young man n • garson

youth n • juventute

youth (period of life, young) n • juventute

youth (young man) adj • juvene

youthful adj • juvenil

youthful adj • juvene

youthful, juvenile adj • juvenil

youthfulness, juvenility n • juvenilitate

youthfulness n • juventute

youthfulness n • juvenilitate

youth-hostel n • albergo de juventute

yugo-, jugo- (south)</b> occurring in geographical compounds] n • yug-

Yugoslav (1. native of Yugoslavia; 2. Serbo-Croatian language) n • yugoslavo

yugoslav adj • yugoslave

Yugoslav adj • yugoslave

yugoslav n • yugoslavo

Yugoslavia [Geog] n • Republica Federal de Yugoslavia

Yugoslavia n • Yugoslavia

Yukon [Geog] n • Yukon

yule (- tide) n • natal, noel

yule (- tide) n • noel, natal

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