Eid m

From Interlingua



m (letter -) n • littera m (em)

mac n • impermeabile

macabre adj • macabre

macabre, gruesome adj • macabre

macadam n • macadam

macadam n • macadam</b> A]

macadamization n • macadamisation

macadamize v • macadamisar

Macao [Geog] n • Macao

macaroni n • macaroni

macaronic (as in macaronic verse) adj • macaronic

macaronic composition, macaronics n • macaronea

macaronic composition, macaronics n • macaronea (-éa)

macaronics, macaronic composition n • macaronea (-éa)

macaronics, macaronic composition n • macaronea

macaroon n • macaron

mace (1. herald's staff; 2. club) n • massa

mace n • massa

mace-bearer n • massero

macédoine [Cookery] n • macedonia

Macedon, Macedonia n • Macedonia

Macedonia [Geog] n • Macedonia

Macedonia, Macedon n • Macedonia

Macedonian (inhabitant of Macedonia) n • macedone

Macedonian (pertaining to Macedonia) adj • macedone

Macedonian (pertaining to Macedonia) adj • macedonie

maceration (steeping) n • maceramento

Machiavellian adj • machiavellic

Machiavellian n • machiavellista

Machiavellism n • machiavellismo

machinate v • machinar

machination n • machination

machinator, plotter n • machinator

machine n • machina

machine n • machina (mà-)

machine gun n • mitraliatrice

machine gunner n • mitraliator

machine-gun n • mitraliatrice

machine-gun v • mitraliar

machinery (machines collectively) n • machineria (-ìa)

machinery (machines collectively) n • machineria

machinery n • machineria

machinist n • machinista

machinist (one who invents, makes or controls machines) n • machinista

macho adj • masculin

macho (brave) adj • viril, macho

macho (brave) adj • macho, viril

macho (male) adj • masche

machopolyp [Zool] n • machopolypo (-pò-)

machopolyp [Zool] n • machopolypo

mackerel n • maquerello

mackerel n • maquerello (makeréllo)

mackintosh (apple) n • pomo de mackintosh

mackintosh (clothing) n • impermeabile

mackintosh [Comp] n • mackintosh

macro- (long, large)</b> occurring in compounds] adj • macr-

macrocephalic adj • macrocephale

macrocephaly n • macrocephalia

macrocephaly n • macrocephalia (-ìa)

macrocosm n • macrocosmo

macrocosmic adj • macrocosmic

macroscelia, long-leggedness n • macroscelia

macroscelia, long-leggedness n • macroscelia (-ìa)

Macroscelides, elephant shrew [Zool] n • macro-scelide (-scé-)

Macroscelides, elephant shrew [Zool] n • macro-scelide

macroscelous, long-legged adj • macroscele

macroscopic adj • macroscopic

macroseism, major earthquake n • macroseismo

macroseism, major earthquake n • macroseismo (-séizmo)

mad (angry) adj • furiose

mad (as in mad dog) adj • rabiose

mad (be -) v • furer

mad (crazy) adj • folle, demente

mad (crazy) adj • demente, folle

mad (go -) v • affollar se, rabiar

mad (go -) v • rabiar, affollar se

mad (idea) adj • insensate

mad (mentally deranged) adj • folle

mad (upset, make -) v • inferer, inrabiar

mad (upset, make -) v • inrabiar, inferer

Madagascar [Geog] n • Madagascar

madam n • domina, dama, seniora

madam n • seniora, domina, dama

madam n • dama, seniora, domina

madden, drive mad v • affollar

madden v • affollar

maddening adj • exasperante

madder n • rubia

madder root, alizarin n • alizarina

madder root n • alizari

mad-dog n • can rabiose

Madeira [Geog] n • Madeira

madman n • phrenetico

madman, phrenctic n • phrenetico

madness (craziness) n • follia, dementia

madness (craziness) n • dementia, follia

madness (mental derangement) n • follia

madness (mental derangement) n • follia (-ìa)

madness n • affollamento

madness (of animal) n • rabia

madonna n • madonna

madrigal [Poet, Mus] n • madrigal

magazine (entertaining periodical for the general reader) n • magazine</b> A]

magazine (entertaining periodical for the general reader) n • magazine

magazine n •</b> Mil]

magazine (of military supply)</b> Mil], (entertaining periodical for the general reader) n • magazin

magazine (periodical) n • magazine, periodico, revista

magazine (periodical) n • revista, magazine, periodico

magazine (periodical) n • periodico, revista, magazine

mage, magus n • mago

maggot n • verme, larva

maggot n • larva, verme

magic adj • magic

magic, magical adj • magic

magic n • magia (-ìa)

magic n • magia

magic, white magic, theurgy n • theurgia

magic, white magic, theurgy n • theurgia (-ìa)

magic spell, fascination n • prestigio

magical, magic adj • magic

magician [Fem] • maga

magician n • magico

magician n •</b> Masc]

magician [Neut] • magician

magician, sorcerer n • mago

magisterial (as in magisterial air) adj • magistral

magistracy, magistrature (1. dignity or office of a magistrate; 2. magistrates collectively) n • magistratura

magistral [Pharm] adj • magistral

magistrate n • magistrato

magistrature, magistracy (1. dignity or office of a magistrate; 2. magistrates collectively) n • magistratura

magnanimity n • magnanimitate

magnanimous adj • magnanime (-nà-)

magnanimous adj • magnanime

magnate (1. person of eminence or great influence; 2 .</b> Hist] (member of the Upper House in the Diets of Hungary and Poland) n • magnate

magnesia (magnesium oxide)</b> Chem] n • magnesia

magnesian [Chem] adj • magnesian

magnesic [Chem] adj • magnesic

magnesium n • magnesium

magnesium n • magnesium (-né-)

magnet (gen/mech) n • magnete

magnet n • magnete

magnetic adj • magnetic

magnetic (gen/mech) adj • magnetic

magnetism n • magnetismo

magnetize (1. to charge with magnetic properties; 2. to mesmerize) v • magnetisar

magneto [Elec] n • magneto

magneto-electric adj • magneto-electric

magnetron [Atomic Phys] n • magnetron

magnificence n • magnificentia

magnificent adj • magnific

magnificent adj • magnificente

magnify, exalt, extol v • magnificar

magnify vt • magnificar

magnifying, amplifying adj • amplificative

magniloquence n • magniloquentia

magniloquent adj • magniloquente

magnitude (1. greatness; 2.</b> Astron]) n • magnitude

magnitude n • magnitudine

magpie n • pica

magus, mage n • mago

maharaja n • maharaja</b> Hind]

maharaja n • maharaja

maharanee n • maharani</b> Hind]

maharanee n • maharani

mahatma n • mahatma

Mahdi n • mahdi (-dì)

Mahdi n • mahdi

mahogany n • mahagoni

mahogany n • mahagoni (-hà-)

mahogany n • acaju

mahogany n • acaju</b> -jù]

Mahometan, Mohammedan adj • mahometan

Mahometan, Mohammedan n • mahometano

Mahometanism, Mohammedanism n • mahometismo

maid n • servitrice

maiden (girl) n • puella, puera

maiden (girl) n • puera, puella

maiden (Miss) n • senioretta

maiden n • donzella, domincella

maiden n • domincella, donzella

maiden (virgin) n • virgine

maidenhood n • virginitate

maidenly adj/adv • virginose, virginal

maidenly adj/adv • virginal, virginose

mail adj • postal

mail (air -) n • posta aeree

mail (armor) n • armatura de maillia

mail (black -) n • chantage, extorsion

mail (black -) n • extorsion, chantage

mail [Comp] n • posta electronic

mail (letters) n • curreo, currero

mail (letters) n • currero, curreo

mail (letters, papers, sent by post) n • currero

mail, post v • postar

mail (service) n • posta

mail v • postar

mail-armor n • malia

mail-carrier n • currero, postero

mail-carrier n • postero, currero

mailet n • mallette

mailman, postman n • currero

mail-server n •</b> Comp]

maim, cripple, lame v • stropiar

maimed, mutilated adj • mutile

maimed person, cripple n • stropiato

main adj • principal

main, principal, chief adj • principal

mainland, continent n • terra

mainland n • terra firme

mainly adv • principalmente

maintain (1. to keep in the same position or status; 2 . to adhere to an opinion) v • mantener

maintain, affirm v • pretender</b> -tend-/-tent-/-tens-]

maintain, affirm v • pretender

maintain (keep alive) v • supportar, mantener vive

maintain (keep alive) v • mantener vive, supportar

maintain (support) v • supportar

maintain v • mantener

maintain an argument v • contender

maintainer n • mantenitor

maintenance (1. as in maintenance of order; 2. means of sustenance) n • mantenimento

maintenance (1. as in maintenance of order; 2. means of sustenance) n • mantenentia

maintenance n • mantenimento

maize, corn (Indian) n • mais (-ìs)

maize, corn (Indian) n • mais

maize (corn) n • mais

majestic adj • auguste, majestic, magnific

majestic adj • majestatic

majestic adj • majestic, magnific, auguste

majestic adj • magnific, auguste, majestic

majestic, majestical adj • majestose

majestical, majestic adj • majestose

majesty n • majestate

majesty n • majestate

Majesty n • majestate

major (1.</b> Army]; 2. person who is of age) n • major

major (1. greater in demension, rank, age; 2.</b> Mus]; 3.</b> Law] (of full age) adj • major

major adj • major

major n • major

major earthquake, macroseism n • macroseismo (-séizmo)

major earthquake, macroseism n • macroseismo

major-domo n • majordomo

majordomo n • majordomo

majority (1. greater or greatest number; 2. legal age of responsibility; 3. rank of an army major) n • majoritate

majority (1. rank of an army major; 2. legal age of responsibility) n • majoria

majority (1. rank of an army major; 2. legal age of responsibility) n • majoria (-ìa)

majority (adulthood) n • majoritate

majority (the greater number) n • majoritate

make (1. to create, produce; 2. to render, cause to be or become) v • facer</b> fac-/fact-;-fic-/-fect-]

make (1. to create, produce; 2. to render, cause to be or become) v • facer

make, do (with studied care) v • compassar

make, manufacture, confect v • confectionar

make, manufacture v • fabricar

make n • figura, forma, fabrication

make n • fabrication, figura, forma

make n • forma, fabrication, figura

make v • facer, formar, fabricar

make v • fabricar, facer, formar

make v • formar, fabricar, facer

make a choice, choose v • optar

make a criminal attempt v • attentar

make a fideicommissum v • fideicommitter</b> -mitt-/-miss-]

make a fideicommissum v • fideicommitter

make a harsh, shrill, noise v • strider

make a pack of, pack v • paccar

make a speech, harangue v • orar

make a tracing, trace v • calcar

make a tumult v • tumultuar

make an allusion or reference to v • referer

make an allusion or reference to v • referer</b> -fer-/-lat-]

make autographic reproductions, autograph v • autographiar

make believe, simulate, feign, pretend v • finger</b> fing-/fict-]

make believe, simulate, feign, pretend v • finger

make bitter v • amarisar

make black, blacken v • nigrar

make clear, show v • arguer

make clear or lucid v • lucidar

make conformable to a norm, normalize v • normar

make conjectures, conjecture v • conjecturar

make conjectures, conjecture v • conjicer</b> -jic-/ject-]

make conjectures, conjecture v • conjicer

make depraved, deprave v • depravar

make din, make rattling, make noise v • strepitar

make disappear, whisk away [Conjuring] v • escamotar

make distinct, singularize v • singularisar

make double, double v • duplicar

make drunk, inebriate v • inebriar

make easy, facilitate v • facilitar

make empty, empty v • vacuar

make enemies of v • inimicar

make feverish, throw into a fever v • infebrar

make firm, strengthen v • affirmar

make firm or stable v • firmar

make friends of v • amicar

make game of, ridicule v • ludificar

make greater, enlarge v • aggrandir

make greater v • majorar

make hoarse or husky v • inraucar

make honey (as in bees making honey) v • mellificar

make honey, honey v • mellar

make illustrious, illustrate v • illustrar

make impatient v • impatientar

make indignant v • indignar

make infirm, weaken v • infirmar

make into bread v • panificar

make into dough v • impastar

make iridescent, iridize v • irisar

make manifest, externalize v • exteriorisar

make manly v • masculinisar

make marginal notes on v • marginar

make masculine [Gram] v • masculinisar

make music, play v • musicar

make noise, make din, make rattling v • strepitar

make one's debut v • debutar

make one's hair stand on end, give one goose flesh v • horripilar

make one's testament or will v • testar

make or wage war, war v • guerrear

make over or deliver up as property v • mancipar

make pleasant v • ingratiar

make pregnant, impregnate v • pregnar

make proud v • inorgoliar

make pure, purify v • lavar

make rattling, make noise, make din v • strepitar

make ready, prepare v • apprestar

make reconnaissance of, reconnoiter v • recognoscer

make reconnaissance of, reconnoiter v • recognoscer</b> -gnosc-/-gnit-]

make red, redden v • rubificar

make rhymes or verses v • rimar

make rough, roughen v • asperar

make round, round v • arrotundar

make round, round v • rotundar

make sad, sadden v • attristar

make sad, sadden v • contristar

make serene v • serenar

make shorter, shorten v • accurtar

make shorter, shorten v • curtar

make solid or firm v • solidar

make stand out [Paint] v • distaccar

make strong, strengthen v • corroborar

make strong, strengthen v • roborar

make thirsty v • assetar

make uninterested or indifferent v • disinteressar

make up, paint v • fardar

make up into pastry v • pastissar

make use of, use v • usar

make use of subterfuges v • subterfugir

make worse, aggravate (a disease, pain, etc.) v • exasperar

make worthy, dignify v • dignificar

make wry faces, grimace v • grimassar

make young again, rejuvenate v • rejuvenescer

make-a-living v • ganiar su vita, superviver

make-a-living v • superviver, ganiar su vita

make-away-with v • vader se con

make-do (- and go without) v • arrangiar se con e contentarse sin

make-do v • arrangiarse con

make-for (go) v • vader

make-for (go) v • vader (se)

make-good (repair) v • reparar

make-me v • fortia me

make-much-of-a-thing v • facer troppo de un cosa

make-out (kiss) v • basiar se passionatemente

make-out (result) v • resultar

make-out (see) v • vider

maker, doer n • facitor

maker, manufacturer n • fabricante

maker n • fabricator facetor

maker of artificial flowers n • florista

make-shift (in haste) adj • subitari facite (facto)

make-shift (in haste) adj • subitari facite

make-up (a story) v • inventar (se)

make-up (a story) v • inventar

make-up (peace) v • facer le pace

make-up, rouge, paint [Cosmetics] n • fardo

make-way v • ceder, facer via

make-way v • facer via, ceder

making, compounding n • confection

making a criminal attempt on, attacking adj • attentatori

making deeper in level, deepening (action of) n • approfundamento

making infirm, weakening (action of) n • infirmation

making pretensions or laying claims adj • pretentiose

making progress, advancing adj • proficiente

making soft, softening n • amollimento

making strong (act of strengthening) n • corroboration

malaceous [Bot] adj • malacee

malady (illness, sickness) n • maladia

malapropos (french) adv • malapropos intempestive, importune

malapropos (french) adv • importune, malapropos intempestive

malaria (illness) n • malaria

malaria [Pathol] n • malaria</b> I]

malaria [Pathol] n • malaria

malarial adj • malaric

Malawi [Geog] n • Malawi

Malay (1. member of the Malayan Race; 2. Malay language) n • malay

Malay (1. member of the Malayan Race; 2. Malay language) n • malay (-ài)

Malay, Malayan adj • malay (-ài)

Malay, Malayan adj • malay

Malaya, Malay Peninsula n • Malaya

Malaysia [Geog] n • Malaysia

malcontent adj • malcontente

male adj • mascule

male [Masc] • masculin, masculino

male [Masc] • masculino, masculin

male n • masculo

male n • masculo (màs-)

male nurse n • infirmero

malediction, curse n • malediction

malediction n • malediction, exsecration

malediction n • exsecration, malediction

malefactor n • malfactor

malefic, harmful adj • malefic

malefic, harmful adj • malefic (-lé-)

maleficence, mischievousness n • maleficentia

maleficent, evil-doing adj • maleficente

maleficent, harmful adj • malfaciente

malevolence n • malevolentia

malevolent adj • malevole

malevolent adj • malevolente

malevolent n • malvate, malevolente

malevolent n • malevolente, malvate

malformation n • malformation

Mali [Geog] n • Mali

malic adj • malic

malice n • malitia

malicious adj • malevolente, maligne, malvate

malicious adj • maligne, malvate, malevolente

malicious adj • malvate, malevolente, maligne

malicious adj • malitiose

malign v • facer malevolentia

malign v • malignar

malignancy, malignity n • malignitate

malignant (1. malicious; 2. malign, harmful) adj • maligne

malignity, malignancy n • malignitate

mall (1. mallet used in game of mall; 2. the game mall; 3. the alley in which mall was played) n • malleo

malleability n • malleabilitate

malleable adj • malleabile

malleable adj • molle

mallet, beetle, ram, sledge hammer n • massa

mallet n • malletto

mallow n • malache, malva

mallow n • malva, malache

malnutrition n • subalimentation

malodorous adj • malodor

malpractice n • malpractica

malpractice v • malpracticar

malt (convert into malt) v • maltar

malt n • malt

Malta [Geog] n • Malta

malter, maltster n • maltator

maltese adj/n • maltese

maltose [Chem] n • maltosa

maltreat v • maltractar

maltreatment n • maltractamento, maltracto

maltreatment n • maltractamento

maltreatment n • maltracto, maltractamento

maltster, malter n • maltator

malversation (corruption in office) n • malversation

mama (mother) n • mamma

mamelon [Geog] n • mamillon

mamillary (1. pertaining to the breast; 2. mammiform) adj • mamillari

mamillary, mamillated adj • mamillate

mamillary, mamilliform adj • mamilliforme

mamillated, mamillary adj • mamillate

mamilliform, mamillary adj • mamilliforme

mamma [Anat] n • mamilla

mamma [Anat] n • mamma

mammal adj/n • mammal

mammal n • mammifero

mammal n • mammifero (-ì-)

mammal n • mammal

mammalogical adj • mammalogic

mammalogy n • mammalogia (-ìa)

mammalogy n • mammalogia

mammaries n • mammas, mammarias

mammaries n • mammarias, mammas

mammary adj • mammari

mammiferous adj • mammifere

mammiform adj • mammiforme

mammon [Bib] n • mammona

mammoth adj • gigantesc

mammoth n • mammut

man (1. human being; 2. adult male person) n • homine

man (adult male) n • viro, homine

man (adult male) n • homine, viro

man (male human being) n • viro

man (mankind) n • homine, humanitate

man (mankind) n • humanitate, homine

man (species) n • humanitate

man v • guarnir de homines, equipar

man v • equipar, guarnir de homines

manage, administer v • gerer</b> ger-/gest-]

manage, administer v • gerer

manage (administer) v • administrar

manage (conduct, lead) v • conducer

manage (cope) v • arrangiar se

manage (deal with) v • essayar, tractar

manage (deal with) v • tractar, essayar

manage (direct) v • gerer, diriger

manage (direct) v • diriger, gerer

manage (horses) v • manear

manage (master) v • maestrar, magistrar

manage (master) v • magistrar, maestrar

manage (sports) v • managiar

manageable adj • agibile, maneabile

manageable adj • agibile

manageable adj • maneabile, agibile

management, administration n • gestion

management n • administration, direction

management n • direction, administration

management n • gerentia

manager, administrator n • administrator

manager n • director, gerente

manager n • impresario

manager n • gerente

manager n • gerente, director

manager (of estate, etc) n • administrator

manager (sports) n • manager(-o)

manageress n • directrice, gerente

manageress n • gerente, directrice

manage-to (succeed) v • succeder a

managing director n • director gerente

Manchu (1. Manchurian; 2. Manchu language) n • manchu

Manchu (1. Manchurian; 2. Manchu language) n • manchu (-tchù;-djù)

Manchu, Manchurian adj • manchu (-tchù;-djù)

Manchu, Manchurian adj • manchu

Manchukuo npr • manchukuo

Manchukuo npr • manchukuo (-tchùkwò;-djùkwò)

Manchuria npr • Manchuria (-tch-;-dj-)

Manchuria npr • Manchuria

-mancy (divination)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -mantia (-ìa)

-mancy (divination)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -mantia

mandarin (- Chinese) n • chinese mandarin

mandarin (chinese official) n • mandarin

mandarin (Chinese public official) n • mandarin

mandarin (fruit) n • mandarina

mandarin (tangerine) n • mandarina

mandarin (tree) n • mandariniero

mandarinate n • mandarinato

mandarinism n • mandarinismo

mandatary, mandatory n • mandatario

mandate [Law, Pol] n • mandato

mandate n • mandato

mandator, principal [Law] n • mandante

mandatory adj • obligatori

mandatory, mandatary n • mandatario

mandible (jaw) n • maxilla, mandibula

mandible (jaw) n • mandibula, maxilla

mandibular adj • mandibular

mandola, mandora, pandora, pandore, bandore (musical instrument similar to a mandolin, but larger) n • mandola</b> I]

mandola, mandora, pandora, pandore, bandore (musical instrument similar to a mandolin, but larger) n • mandola

mandolin n • mandolino</b> I]

mandolin n • mandolino

mandora, pandora, pandore, bandore, mandola (musical instrument similar to a mandolin, but larger) n • mandola</b> I]

mandora, pandora, pandore, bandore, mandola (musical instrument similar to a mandolin, but larger) n • mandola

mane n • criniera

man-eater, cannibal n • anthropophago

man-eater, cannibal n • anthropophago (-òphago)

man-eating, cannibal, anthropophagous adj • anthropophage

man-eating, cannibal, anthropophagous adj • anthropophage (-òphage)

manège (1. horsemanship; 2. riding school) n • maneo (-éo)

manège (1. horsemanship; 2. riding school) n • maneo

maneuver, manoeuvre n • manovra

maneuver, manoeuvre v • manovrar

maneuver v • manovrar

maneuverability n • manovrabilitate

maneuverable adj • manovrabile

maneuverer n • manovrator

manganate [Chem] n • manganato

manganese (the metal manganese)</b> Chem] n • manganese

manganic [Chem] adj • manganic

manganiferous adj • manganifere

manganite [Mineral] n • manganite

manganous [Chem] adj • manganose

mange, scabies n • scabie

manger, crib n • mangiatoria

manger, crib n • mangiatoria (-ja-)

mangi, scabious adj • scabiose

mangle (clothes) v • passar per le exprimitor

mangle (mutilate) v • deformar, mutilar

mangle (mutilate) v • mutilar, deformar

mangle n • exprimitor de aqua

mango n • mango

man-handle (move by force) v • mover mano

man-handle (treat roughly) v • maltractar

man-hole n • foramine de accesso

man-hood (age) n • etate viril

manhood (as in to arrive at manhood) n • virilitate

man-hood (bravery) n • valentia

man-hood (virility) n • virilitate

mania (1.</b> Pathol]; 2. as in sport mania) n • mania

mania (1.</b> Pathol]; 2. as in sport mania) n • mania (-ìa)

mania, frenzy n • furor

mania n • mania, obsession

mania n • obsession, mania

maniac adj • maniac (-ì-)

maniac adj • maniac

maniac n • maniaco

maniac n • maniaco (-ì-)

manicure n • cura del manos, manicura

manicure n • manicura, cura del manos

manicure v • curar le manos

manicurist n • manicuro

manifest adj • manifeste

manifest n • manifesto

manifest, patent adj • patente

manifest v • manifestar

manifest v • manifesta

manifestation (1. act of manifesting; 2. public demonstration) n • manifestation

manifestation n • manifestation

manifesto n • manifesto

manifold n • multiple, diverse

manifold n • diverse, multiple

maniluvium, bath for the hands [Med] n • maniluvio

manipulate v • manipular

manipulation n • manipulation

manipulative adj • manipulative

manipulator n • manipulator

manipulatory adj • manipulatori

Manitoba (Canada) n • Manitoba

Manitoba [Geog] n • Manitoba

mankind n • humanitate

manliness (bravery) n • virtute

manliness n • virilitate

manliness, valor n • virtute

manly (brave) adj • valente

manly (macho) adj • masche, macho

manly (macho) adj • macho, masche

manly (virile) adj • viril

manly (vulgar) prep. phr • con coliones

man-made adj • artificial

man-made product, artifact n • artefacto

man-made-product n • artefacto

manna (1. Biblical manna; 2.</b> Pharm]) n • manna

manna grass [Bot] n • glyceria

mannequin (1. figure of a person used by artists, tailors; 2. dressmaker's live model) n • mannequin</b> F]

mannequin (1. figure of a person used by artists, tailors; 2. dressmaker's live model) n • mannequin

manner, custom, usage n • more

manner (custom) n • more

manner, fashion n • faction

manner (method) n • maniera

manner, way n • maniera

manner, wise, way n • guisa

mannerism n • manierismo

mannerist n • manierista

mannerly, well-mannered adj • manierose

mano- (1. rare, thin; 2. gaseous)</b> occurring in compounds] adj • man-

manoeuvre n • manovra

manoeuvre v • manovrar

manograph [Engin] n • manographo

manograph [Engin] n • manographo (-ò-)

manometer n • manometro

manometer n • manometro (-ò-)

manor (medieval) n • feudo

manor (modern) n • proprietate seniorial

manor-house n • casa seniorial

man-power n • mano de obra

mansard (1. mansard roof; 2. mansard story or room)</b> Arch] n • mansarda

man-servant, valet n • camerero

mansion n • casa seniorial, palatio

mansion n • palatio, casa seniorial

man-slaughter n • homicidio (involuntari)

man-slaughter n • homicidio

mantelet (1. short mantle or cape; 2.</b> Fortif]) n • mantelletto

mantel-piece n • mantello

mantel-piece n • mantello (del camino)

mantic adj • mantic

mantic, divination, manticism n • mantica

manticism, mantic, divination n • mantica

mantilla (Spanish) n • mantilla</b> H]

mantilla (Spanish) n • mantilla

mantis -mante [Zool] n • mante

mantle, cloak, coat n • mantello

mantle n • mantello

manual adj • manual

manual (book) n • manual

manual (keyboard) n • claviero

manual manual adj • manual

manually adv • manualmente, a mano

manually adv • a mano, manualmente

manufactory, factory n • manufactura

manufacture, confect, make v • confectionar

manufacture, fabrication n • manufactura

manufacture, fabrication n • fabrication

manufacture, make v • fabricar

manufacture n • manufactura

manufacture v • manufacturar

manufacture of wool n • laneria (-ìa)

manufacture of wool n • laneria

manufactured article n • fabricato

manufacturer, maker n • fabricante

manufacturer n • fabricante

manufacturing (as in manufacturing town) adj • manufacturari

manumission n • manumission

manumit v • manumitter</b> -mitt-/-miss-l

manure, dung n • stercore

manure, dung v • stercorar

manure n • stercore

manure v • stercorar

manuscript adj • manuscripte

manuscript n • manuscripto

manx adj • manese, del insula de man

manx adj • del insula de man, manese

many (a good -) adj • un bon numero de

many adj • multe

many adj • plurimel (plù-)

many adj • plurimel

many adj/pron • plure, multe

many adj/pron • multe, plure

many (how -) adv • quante

many pron • plure, multos

many pron • multos, plure

many (so -) adv • tante

many-a adj • multe

many-colored adj • multicolor

many-sided, multilateral adj • multilatere

map n • mappa, carta

map n • carta, mappa

map n • carta (geographic), mappa

map n • carta

map n • mappa, carta (geographic)

map n • mappa

map (of town) n • plano

map v • facer le mappa/plano de

map of the world n • mappamundi

map of the world n • mappamundi</b> NL]

maple, maple tree n • acere

maple n • acere

maple tree, maple n • acere

map-out v • traciar

mar v • guastar

marabou [Ornith] n • marabu

marabou [Ornith] n • marabu (-bù)

marabout (Mohammedan saint or hermit) n • marabut

marasca (cherry) n • marasca

marasca (cherry) n • marasca</b> I]

maraschino n • maraschino

marathon n • marathon

marauder n • predator, piliator

marauder n • piliator, predator

marble (1. as in Carrara marble; 2. as in to play marbles) n • marmore

marble adj • marmorari

marble, marbleize v • marmorar

marble, marbleize v • marmorisar

marble n • marmore

marble v • marmorisar

marble carver, marble cutter n • marmorero

marble cutter, marble carver n • marmorero

marble cutting n • marmoreria

marble cutting n • marmoreria (-ìa)

marble polisher n • marmorero

marble quarry n • marmoriera

marble works n • marmoreria

marble works n • marmoreria (-ìa)

marbleize, marble v • marmorar

marbleize, marble v • marmorisar

marbleizer, marbler n • marmorator

marbler, marbleizer n • marmorator

marcescence [Bot] n • marcescentia

marcescent [Bot] adj • marcescente

marcescent [Bot] adj • marcescente (ppr of marcescer)

march (as in military, processional, funeral, march) n • marcha (-sh-)

march (as in military, processional, funeral, march) n • marcha

march, marchland n • marca

March (month) n • martio

march (musical) n • marcha

March n • martio

march n • marcha

march v • marchar

march v • marchar (-sh-)

marchioness, marquise n • marquise</b> F]

marchioness, marquise n • marchese

marchioness, marquise n • marchesa

marchioness, marquise n • marquise

marchioness n • marchesa

marchland, march n • marca

marchpane, marzipan n • marzapane</b> I]

marchpane, marzipan n • marzapane

mare n • cavalla

margaric [Chem] adj • margaric

margarine n • margarina

margin (1. border, edge; 2. margin of a printed or written page) n • margine

margin n • margine

marginal adj • marginal

marginally adv • marginalmente

marginate, bordered adj • marginate (pp of marginar)

marginate, bordered adj • marginate

marguerite, daisy n • margarita

marguerite n • margarita

Marian adj • marian

Marie, Mary n • Maria

Marie, Mary n • Maria (-ìa)

marigold n • calendula

marijuana n • marihuana

marinade, marinate v • marinar

marinade n • marinada

marinate, marinade v • marinar

marinate v • marinar

marine (1. as in merchant marine; 2.</b> Paint]) n • marina

marine adj • marin

marine n • marina

marine (of the sea) adj • marin

marine shell, conch n • concha

mariner, sailor, seaman n • marinero

mariner, seaman n • nauta

Mariolatry (excessive veneration of the Virgin Mary) n • marianismo

Marion n • Marion

marionette, puppet n • marionette

marionette, puppet n • marionette</b> F]

Marist [RCCh] n • marista

marital adj • marital

maritime adj • maritime (-rì-)

maritime adj • maritime

marjoram n • majorana

mark (1.</b> Hist] (unit of weight for gold and silver; 2.</b> Fin] (monetary unit) n • marco

mark (1. trace, impression; 2. sign, indication; 3. stamp, brand, label) n • marca

mark (correct) v • corriger

mark (currency) n • marco

mark, grade [School] n • nota

mark (indicate, distinguish etc. by a mark or marks) v • marcar

Mark n • Marco

mark (note) v • notar, prestar attention

mark (note) v • prestar attention, notar

mark (school) n • nota

mark (sign) n • marca, signo

mark (sign) n • signo, marca

mark (stain) n • macula

mark, target n • scopo

mark (target) n • scopo

mark, token, indication n • indicio

mark v • marcar

mark again v • remarcar

mark my words! phr • marca mi parolas!

mark over a word as sign of abbreviation [Paleog] n • titulo

mark over a word as sign of abbreviation [Paleog] n • titulo (tì-)

mark with rhythm v • rhythmar

marked (as in a marked difference) adj • marcate (pp of marcar)

marked (as in a marked difference) adj • marcate

marked (observable) adj • notabile

marker (device) n • marca

marker (instrument for marking) n • marca

marker (one who marks) n • marcator

marker (person) n • marcator

market (1. market place; 2. as in cattle market; 3.</b> Econ, Com]) n • mercato

market n • mercato

market v • mercar

marketable, merchantable adj • commerciabile

marketer, merchant, dealer n • mercator

market-research n • investigation del mercato

mark-out v • traciar

marksman n • tirator

marksman, sharpshooter n • tirator

marmalade n • mermelada de oranges

marmorize v • marmorisar

maroon adj • de color marron

maroon v • abandonar sur un insula deserte

marquee n • marquise</b> F]

marquee n • marquise

marquee n • grande tenta

Marquesas (Islands) n • Marquesas</b> H]

Marquesas (Islands) n • Marquesas

Marquesas-Islands [Geog] n • Insulas Marquesa

marquess, marquis n • marchese

marquess n • marchese, marchesa

marquess n • marchesa, marchese

marquis, marquess n • marchese

marquis n • marguis

marquis n • marguis</b> F]

marquis n • marchese

marquisate n • marchesato

marquise, marchioness n • marchese

marquise, marchioness n • marquise

marquise, marchioness n • marquise</b> F]

marquise, marchioness n • marchesa

marriage, matrimony n • connubio

marriage n • maritage (-aje)

marriage n • maritage

marriageable adj • maritabile

marriageable, nubile adj • nubile

marriage-certificate n • certificato de matrimonio

married adj • sponsate

married adj • sposate

married adj • maritate

married adj • sponsate (pp of sponsar)

married adj • sposate (pp of sposar)

married (get -) v • maritar (se), sposar (se)

married (get -) v • sposar, maritar

married (get -) v • maritar, sposar

married (get -) v • sposar (se), maritar (se)

marrow [Anat] n • medulla

marrow [Hort] • cucurbita

marrow n • medulla

marrowy adj • medullose

marry (take in marriage) v • sposar

marry (take in marriage) v • sponsar

marry (unite in wedlock) v • maritar

marry v • maritar

Mars (1.</b> Rom Relig]; 2.</b> Astron]) n • Marte

Mars n • marte

marsh adj • paludic

marsh, bog n • marisco

marsh n • palude

marsh, swamp n • palude

marshal, field marshal n • marechal</b> F]

marshal, field marshal n • marechal

marshal n • marechal

Marshal-Islands [Geog] n • Insulas Marshall

Marshal-Islands v • ordinar

marshalship n • marechalato

marshalship n • marechalato (-sh-)

marshy adj • paludose

marshy adj • paludic, paludose

marshy adj • paludose, paludic

martial (1. pertaining to war; 2. warlike, eager to fight; 3.</b> Old Chem] (containing iron) adj • martial

martial adj • martial

martial, warlike adj • guerrier

martial-law n • lege martial

martian n • martian

martini n • martini

Martinique [Geog] n • Martinique

martyr, martyrize v • martyrisar

martyr n • martyre

martyrdom n • calvario

martyrdom n • martyrio

martyrize, martyr v • martyrisar

martyrology (register of martyrs) n • martyrologio

marvel n • meravilia

marvel, portent, prodigy n • portento

marvel (that which excites wonder) n • meravilia

marvel v • meraviliar

marvellous adj • meraviliose

marvelous adj • meraviliose

marvelous adj • mirific

Marxism n • marxismo

marxist adj/n • marxista

marxlsm n • marxismo

Mary, Marie n • Maria (-ìa)

Mary, Marie n • Maria

Maryland n • Maryland</b> A]

Maryland n • Maryland

marzipan, marchpane n • marzapane

marzipan, marchpane n • marzapane</b> I]

marzipan n • marzapane

mascara n • mascara

mascot n • mascotte</b> F]

mascot n • mascotte

masculine (1. male, manly; 2.</b> Gram]) adj • masculin

masculine adj • masculin

masculinity n • masculinitate

mash n • puree

mash (potatoes) n • puree

mash v • facer un puree de

mask (1. cover for the face, used for disguise; 2. person wearing a mask, masker; 3. as in death mask) n • mascara (màs-)

mask (1. cover for the face, used for disguise; 2. person wearing a mask, masker; 3. as in death mask) n • masca

mask (1. cover for the face, used for disguise; 2. person wearing a mask, masker; 3. as in death mask) n • mascara

mask n • masca

mask (put on a -) v • mascar se

mask v • mascar

mask v • mascarar

masochism n • masochismo

masochist n • masochista

masochistic adj • masochistic

mason (builder) n • mason

Mason, Freemason n • mason

Mason, Freemason n • francmason

mason (freemason) n • mason, francmason

mason (freemason) n • francmason, mason

mason n • mason

masonic adj • masonic, del francmasones

masonic adj • del francmasones, masonic

masonry (1. work of a mason; 2. Freemasonry) n • masoneria

masonry (1. work of a mason; 2. Freemasonry) n • masoneria (-ìa)

masonry (freemasonry) n • masoneria, francmasoneria

masonry (freemasonry) n • francmasoneria, masoneria

masonry (stonework) n • masoneria

masquerade n • mascarada

mass (body) n • massa

mass (coherent body of matter or of individual objects) n • massa

mass (eccles) n • missa

mass, group together v • massar

mass, pile n • mole

Mass [RCCh] n • missa

mass v • massar, agglomerar

mass v • agglomerar, massar

mass v • massar, agglomerar (se)

mass v • agglomerar (se), massar

mass guillotining n • guillotinada (gi-)

mass guillotining n • guillotinada

massacre n • massacro

massacre v • massacrar

massacrer n • massacrator

massage n • massage

massage n • massage (-aje)

massage v • massar

masses of n • grande cumulos de

masseur n • masseur</b> F]

masseur n • masseur

masseuse n • masseuse</b> F]

masseuse n • masseuse

massive adj • massive

mass-media n • medios de communication con le massas

mass-meeting n • reunion in massa

mass-produce v • fabricar in serie, in massa

mass-produce v • in massa, fabricar in serie

mass-production n • fabrication in serie

mast n • mast

mast [Naut] n • mast

master (1. lord, owner; 2. person possessing approved skill or mastery) n • maestro

master (acad) n • magistro

master (as in master of arts) n • magistro

master (be - of) v • posseder

master (lord, owner) n • domino (dò-)

master (lord, owner) n • domino

master n • maestro

master v • maestrar be - of posseder

master v • maestrar

masterful adj • imperiose

master-key n • passe-partout

masterly adj • magistral

masterly adj • maestral

masterly adv • magistralmente

masterpiece n • obra maestral, obra de maestro

masterpiece n • obra de maestro, obra maestral

mastery n • maestria

mastery (skill, dexterity, worthy of a master) n • maestria

mastery (skill, dexterity, worthy of a master) n • maestria (-ìa)

mastic (1. resin exuding from the mastic tree; 2. any of various pasty cements) n • mastico

mastic (1. resin exuding from the mastic tree; 2. any of various pasty cements) n • mastico (màs-)

masticate, chew v • masticar

mastication n • mastication

masto-, mast- (breast)</b> occurring in compounds] n • masto-

mastodon n • mastodonte

mastoid adj • mastoide

mastoiditis [Pathol] n • mastoiditis

mastoiditis [Pathol] n • mastoiditis (-ìtis)

masturbate v • masturbar se

masturbation n • masturbation

mat adj • mat

mat (as in door mat) n • matta

mat, dull adj • mat

mat, dull (metals) v • matar

mat (of hair) v • immiscer se

mat (rug) n • matta

mat (tablemat) n • subplatto

matador (bullfighter) n • matador

matador n • matador

matador n • matador</b> H]

match (agree) v • harmonisar se

match (equal) n • equal

match (equal) v • equalar

match, game n • partita

match (light) n • flammifero

match, lucifer n • flammifero

match, lucifer n • flammifero (-ì-)

match (person to marry) n • partito

match (sport) n • partita, match

match (sport) n • match, partita

match [Sports] n • match

match [Sports] n • match</b> A]

matchbox n • cassetta a flammiferos

matchless adj • incomparabile

mate (bring together for breeding) v • copular

mate (bring together for breeding) v • accopular

mate (check -) v • matar

mate, checkmate v • matar

mate (chess) n • chaco mat

mate (companion) n • companion

mate (copulate) v • accopular

mate (copulate) v • accopular (se)

mate (marry) v • sposar (se)

mate (marry) v • sposar

mate n •</b> Naut]

mate (pal) n • camerada

mate (spouse) n • sposa, sposo

mate (spouse) n • sposo, sposa

material adj • material

material, fabric n • stoffa

material (fabric) n • stoffa

material n • material

material (physical) adj • material

material (substance) n • substantia, material

material (substance) n • material, substantia

materialism n • materialismo

materialist n • materialista

materialistic adj • materialistic

materiality n • materialitate

materialization n • materialisation

materialize (become real) vi • realisar se

materialize (of spirit) v • prender forma visibile

materialize (render material) v • materialisar

materialize vt • materialisar

materially adv • materialmente

matériel n • material

maternal (1. pertaining to the mother; 2. characteristic of a mother) adj • maternal

maternal (1. pertaining to the mother; 2. characteristic of a mother, motherly) adj • materne

maternal adj • materne, maternal

maternal adj • maternal, materne

maternity, motherhood n • maternitate

maternity n • maternitate

maternity hospital n • maternitate

mathematical adj • mathematic

mathematically adv • mathematicamente

mathematician n • mathematico

mathematics n • mathematica

matinee n • matinee

matinee [Theat] n • matinee

matinee [Theat] n • matinee</b> F]

mating (breeding) n • copulation

mating (fig) n • copulamento, copulation

mating (fig) n • copulation, copulamento

matins n • matutinas

matriarch n • matriarcha

matriarchal adj • matriarchal

matriarchate n • matriarchato

matricide (act of killing one's mother) n • matricidio

matricide (one who kills his mother) n • matricida

matriculate v • matricular (se)

matriculate v • matricular

matriculation n • matriculation

matrimonial adj • sponsal, matrimorial

matrimonial adj • matrimonial

matrimonial adj • matrimorial, sponsal

matrimonial, nuptial adj • sponsal

matrimony, marriage n • connubio

matrimony n • connubio, matrimonio

matrimony n • matrimonio, connubio

matrimony n • matrimonio

matrix (1.</b> Anat]; 2.</b> Technol]) n • matrice

matrix n • matrice

matron (elderly wife or widow) n • matrona

matron (in hospital) n • infirmera principai

matron (motherly person) n • matrona

matronly adj • matronal

matte [Foundry] n • matta

matter (1. physical substance; 2. material of thought) n • materia

matter (as a - of fact) prep. phr • in realitate

matter, be important v • importar

matter (in the - of) prep. phr • in le caso de

matter (it's a serious -) phr • es un cosa serie

matter (literary) n • materia, thema

matter (literary) n • thema, materia

matter (printed -) n • imprimitos

matter (problem) n • problema

matter (question, affair) n • affaire, question, cosa

matter (question, affair) n • question, cosa, affaire

matter (question, affair) n • cosa, affaire, question

matter (subject) n • subjecto

matter (substance) n • substantia, materia

matter (substance) n • materia, substantia

matter, thing, affair n • re

matter v • importar

matter (what's the - with you/him?) phr • que ha vos/ille?

mattress n • matras (-às)

mattress n • matras

mattress maker n • matrassero

maturate v • maturar

maturation n • maturation

maturative adj • maturative

mature adj • matur

mature v • maturar

maturity n • maturitate

maturity, ripeness n • maturitate

matutinal adj • matutinal

maul v • maltractar

Mauretania, Mauritania (ancient district of North Africa)</b> Hist] n • Mauritania

Maurice, Mauritius n • Mauritio

Mauritania (French colony of Mauritania) n • Mauritania

Mauritania [Geog] n • Mauritania

Mauritania, Mauretania (ancient district of North Africa)</b> Hist] n • Mauritania

Mauritius [Geog] n • Mauritius

Mauritius [Geog] n • Mauritio

Mauritius, Maurice n • Mauritio

Mauser (rifle) n • mauser

Mauser (rifle) n • mauser</b> G]

mausoleum n • mausoleo

mausoleum n • mausoleo (-éo)

Mausolus [Anc Hist] n • Mausolo

mauve adj/n • mauve

maxillary adj • maxillar

maxilliform adj • maxilliforme

maxim, machine gun (gun) n • maxim

maxim, machine gun (gun) n • maxim</b> A]

maxim n • maxima (màx-)

maxim n • maxima

maximal adj • maximal

maximal, greatest, highest adj • maxime (màx-)

maximal, greatest, highest adj • maxime

maximize v • augmentar al maximo

maximize v • maximisar

maximum adj • maxime

maximum n • maximo

maximum n • maximo (màx-)

May n • maio

may n • maio

may v • pote

may (wishing) adv • que ...

maybe adv • forsan

maybe, perhaps adv • forsan

maybe, perhaps adv • forsan (fòr-)

may-day (m'aider) n • auxilio

may-day n • le prime de maio

mayonnaise n • mayonnaise

mayonnaise n • mayonnaise</b> F]

mayor n • burgomaestro

mayoress n • marita del burgomaestro

Mayotte [Geog] n • Mayotte

maze n • labyrintho

mazurka [Dancing] n • mazurka</b> Polish]

mazurka [Dancing] n • mazurka

M.D [Med] n • MD

M.D (physician) n • MD, doctor

M.D (physician) n • doctor, MD

mdbilization n • mobilisation

me (dear -!) phr • guai!, oh

me (dear -!) phr • oh, guai!

me (it's -) phr • es io

me (me) pron • mi

me pron • me

me (who - ?) phr • qui,io?

me (who - ?) phr • o?, qui

meadosweet, queen of the meadows [Bot] n • ulmaria

meadow n • prato

meadower, cultivator of meadow land n • praticultor

meager, lean, thin adj • magre

meagre adj • magre

meal (dinner, supper) n • cena

meal, flour n • farina

meal (flour) n • farina

meal, repast n • repasto

meal (repast) n • repasto

meal worm, Tenebrio [Zool] n • tenebrion

mean, average adj • medie

mean, average n • media

mean (average) adj • medie

mean (average) n • media

mean (center) n • centro

mean (despicable) adj • villan

mean (inted) v • intender

mean (low) adj • basse

mean, medium adv • medio

mean (middle) n • medio

mean (miserly) adj • avar

mean, paltry, shabby adj • meschin

mean (shabby) adj • meschin

mean v • voler dicer, significar

mean v • significar, voler dicer

meander, Greek fret, key pattern [Art] n • greca

meander v • serpentar

meander, wind v • serpentar

meaning n • signification

meaning, significate n • significato

meaningful adj • significative

meaningless n • disproviste de senso

meanness, shabbiness n • meschineria

meanness, shabbiness n • meschineria (-ìa)

means (agent or instrument by which an end is attained) adv • medio

means (by - of) prep. phr • per medio de, a fortia de

means (by - of) prep. phr • a fortia de, per medio de

means (by all -) prep. phr • naturalmente, certo

means (by all -) prep. phr • certo, naturalmente

means (by no -) prep. phr • non del toto

means (pecuniary) n • medios

means (resources) n • ressources

means (salary) n • salario

means (the - to an end) phr • le solution al problema

means (wherewithal) n • medio

meantime (in the -) adv • interim, intertanto

meantime (in the -) adv • intertanto, interim

meantime, meanwhile (in the -) adv • interea

meantime, meanwhile (in the -) adv • interim (ìn-)

meantime, meanwhile (in the -) adv • interea (-té-)

meantime, meanwhile (in the -) adv • intertanto

meantime, meanwhile (in the -) adv • interim

mean-well phr • esser ben intentionate

meanwhile adv • interim, intertanto

meanwhile adv • intertanto, interim

meanwhile, meantime (in the -) adv • interea

meanwhile, meantime (in the -) adv • intertanto

meanwhile, meantime (in the -) adv • interim

meanwhile, meantime (in the -) adv • interea (-té-)

meanwhile, meantime (in the -) adv • interim (ìn-)

measles (german -) n • roseola

measles [Med] n • rubeola (-bé-)

measles [Med] n • rubeola

measles n • rubeola

measly adj • miserabile, insignificante

measly adj • insignificante, miserabile

measurability, mensurability n • mensurabilitate

measurability, mensurability n • mesurabilitate

measurable adj • mesurabile

measurable, mensurable adj • mesurabile

measurable, mensurable adj • mensurabile

measure (1. size, extent, dimension) n • mesura

measure (1. to ascertain the size, capacity, extent, measurements, of; 2. to be of a certain measurement) v • mesurar

measure (made to -) phr • facite sur mesuras

measure n • mensura

measure (size, length) n • mensura, mesura

measure (size, length) n • mesura, mensura

measure (tape) n • metro

measure v • metir</b> met-/mens-]

measure v • metir, mesurar, mensurar

measure v • metir

measure v • mensurar, metir, mesurar

measure v • mensurar

measure v • mesurar, mensurar, metir

measure in spans palmar v • palmar

measurement (dimension) n • dimension

measurement, mensuration, measuring n • mensuration

measurement, mensuration, measuring n • mesuration

measurement, metrage (in meters) n • metrage

measurement, metrage (in meters) n • metrage (-aje)

measurement n • mensuration, mesuration

measurement n • mesuration, mensuration

measurement (take someone's -) v • prender le mesuras de (un persona)

measurement (take someone's -) v • prender le mesuras de

measurement of time, chronometry n • chronometria (-ìa)

measurement of time, chronometry n • chronometria

measurer n • mensurator

measurer n • mensor

measurer n • mesurator

measuring, measurement, mensuration n • mesuration

measuring, measurement, mensuration n • mensuration

meat (flesh used as food) n • carne

meat n • carne

meat eater, creophagist, carnivore n • creophago

meat eater, creophagist, carnivore n • creophago (-òphago)

meat grinder n • hachatoria (-sh-)

meat grinder n • hachatoria

meat pie, fish pie, pasty n • pastata

meat pie, pasty n • pastisso

meatball n • bolletta

meat-eating, creophagous, carnivorous adj • creophage

meat-eating, creophagous, carnivorous adj • creophage (-ò-)

meatus [Anat] n • meato

mechanic n • mechanico

mechanical (1. as in mechanical powers; 2. as in mechanical action) adj • machinal

mechanical adj • mechanic

mechanical [Eng] • mechanic

mechanical (of personal actions) adj • machinal

mechanical-engineer n • ingeniero mechanic

mechanically adv • mechanicamente

mechanics [Sci] • mechanica

mechanies n • mechanica

mechanism n • mechanismo

mechanization n • mechanisation

mechanize v • mechanisar

mechanized agriculture n • motocultura

mechanotherapy [Med] n • mechanotherapia

mechanotherapy [Med] n • mechanotherapia (-ìa)

medal n • medalia

medal cabinet n • medaliario

medalist (1. maker of medals; 2. one skilled in medals) n • medalista

medallion (1. large medal; 2. round, flat ornament or portrait) n • medalion

medallion n • medalion

meddle (interfere) v • ingerer se

meddle (touch) v • toccar

meddler n • intrigante

meddling adj • intrigante

meddling, interference n • ingerentia

meddling n • ingerentia

mede [Geog] adj/n • medo

Mede, Median n • medo

media (advertising -) n • medios de publicitate

media [Geog] n • Media

media n • medios

media n • medios (pressa e television)

mediaeval, medieval adj • medieval

medial [Philol] adj • medial

Median adj • mede

median adj • median

median [Geom] n • mediana

Median, Mede n • medo

Median, Medic (language) n • medo

median, medium adj • median

median n • mediano

mediant [Mus] n • mediante

mediastinum [Anat] n • mediastino

mediate (1. to form a connecting link between; 2. to act as an intermediary) v • mediar

mediate (as in a mediate cause) adj • mediate (pp of mediar)

mediate (as in a mediate cause) adj • mediate

mediate v • mediar

mediation n • mediation

mediator n • mediator

medic (person) n • medico

medicable adj • medicabile

medical adj • medic(al)

medical adj • medical

medical adj • medic

medical adj • medic (mé-)

medical n • examine medical

medically adv • medicalmente, medicamente

medically adv • medicamente, medicalmente

medicament, medication, medicine n • medicamento

medicaster, quack n • medicastro

medicate v • medicar

medication (act or process of medicating) n • medication

medication, medicine, medicament n • medicamento

medication n • medicamento, medication

medication n • medication, medicamento

medicinal adj • medicinal

medicinal adj • medicamentose

medicinally adv • medicinalmente

medicine (1. medical science or art; 2. substance or compound taken internally to cure disease) n • medicina

medicine (art of) n • medicina

medicine, drug, remedy n • pharmaco

medicine, drug, remedy n • pharmaco (fàr-)

medicine, medicament, medication n • medicamento

medicine (medicament) n • medicamento

medieval adj • medieval

mediocre adj • mediocre

mediocrity (1. quality or state of being mediocre; 2. mediocre person) n • mediocritate

mediocrity n • mediocritate

meditate (1. to be engaged in meditation; 2. to plan, contemplate) v • meditar

meditate v • meditar

meditation n • meditation

meditation, recollection n • recolligimento

meditative adj • meditative

meditator n • meditator

Mediterranean adj • mediterranee

mediterranean adj • mediterranee

mediterranean n • mediterraneo

medium (as in a spiritualistic medium) n • medium</b> L]

medium (as in a spiritualistic medium) n • medium

medium (happy -) n • juste medio

medium, mean adv • medio

medium (means) n • medio

medium, median adj • median

medium (spiritualistic) n • medium

mediumistic [Spiritualism] adj • mediumnic (-ùm-)

mediumistic [Spiritualism] adj • mediumnic

medullary (containing, consisting of, or resembling, marrow) adj • medullar

Medusa [Gr Mythol] n • Medusa

meek adj • mansuete

meekness n • mansuetude

meet, encounter v • incontrar

meet n • reunion

meet (pleased to - you) v • contente de facer vostre cognoscentia

meet vi • reunir se

meet vt • incontrar, ir al incontro de

meet vt • ir al incontro de, incontrar

meeting, assembly n • assemblea

meeting, assembly n • assemblea (-éa)

meeting, encounter n • incontro

meeting n • incontro, reunion, meeting

meeting n • meeting, incontro, reunion

meeting n • reunion, meeting, incontro

meeting (political) n • meeting</b> A]

meeting (political) n • meeting

meeting, running together (action of) n • concurrentia

meet-with v • incontrar

megabit n • mille bits, megabit

megabit n • megabit, mille bits

megabyte n • mille kilobytes, megabyte

megabyte n • megabyte, mille kilobytes

megalocephalic adj • megalocephale

megalomania n • megalomania

megalomania n • megalomania (-ìa)

megalomaniac n • megalomaniaco

megalomaniac n • megalomano (-ò-)

megalomaniac n • megalomano

megalomanical adj • megalomane

megalopolis n • megalopole

megalosaur, megalosaurus [Paleontol] n • megalosauro

megalosaurus, megalosaur [Paleontol] n • megalosauro

megameter n • megametro

megameter n • megametro (-gà-)

megaphone n • megaphono

megaphone n • megaphono (-gà-)

megaphone, speaking trumpet n • portavoce

megaton n • megatonna

megavolt n • megavolt

megawatt n • megawatt

melancholic, atrabiliary (1.</b> Med]; 2. gloomy, depressed in spirit) adj • atrabiliari

melancholy adj • melancholic

melancholy, atrabile (1.</b> Anc. Med] (black bile; 2. gloom) n • atrabile (-ìle)

melancholy, atrabile (1.</b> Anc. Med] (black bile; 2. gloom) n • atrabile

melancholy n • melancholia (-ìa)

melancholy n • melancholia

melic (of song) adj • melic

meliorism n • meliorismo

melliferous adj • mellifere

mellifluence, mellifluousness n • mellifluitate

mellifluous adj • melliflue

mellow (fruit) adj • matur

mellow (fruit) v • maturar

mellow (of character) v • adulciar (se)

mellow (of character) v • adulciar

mellow (voice) adj • dulce

melo-, mel- (song)</b> occurring in compounds] n • melo-

melodic adj • melodic

melodious adj • melodiose

melodist (composer of melodies) n • melodista

melodrama n • melodrama</b> -ma-/-mat-]

melodrama n • melodrama

melodramatic adj • melodramatic

melody n • melodia

melody n • melodia (-ìa)

melomania n • melomania

melomania n • melomania (-ìa)

melomaniac n • melomane (-ò-)

melomaniac n • melomane

melon n • melon

melon bed n • meloniera

melopoeia (1. composition of melodies; 2. chanting of verses)</b> Antiq] n • melopeia

melopoeia (1. composition of melodies; 2. chanting of verses)</b> Antiq] n • melopeia (-péya)

melt, liquefy v • funder

melt, liquefy v • funder</b> fund-/fus-]

melt (of ice) v • disgelar

melt (of ice) v • disgelar (se)

melt v • funder (se)

melt v • funder

melting n • fusion

melting pot, crucible n • crucibulo

melting pot, crucible n • crucibulo (-cì-)

melting-point n • puncto de fusion

member (1. constituent part of a whole; 2. member of a social group, organization) n • membro

member n • membro

member of a congress n • congressista

member of an association n • associato

member-of-parliament n • parlamentario, deputato

member-of-parliament n • deputato, parlamentario

membership (adherence) n • adhesion, qualitate de membro

membership (adherence) n • qualitate de membro, adhesion

membership (people) n • membros

membranaceous, membranous adj • membranacee

membrane n • membrana

membranous (consisting of membranes) adj • membranose

membranous, membranaceous adj • membranacee

memento n • souvenir, memento

memento n • memento, souvenir

memher of parliament n • parlamentario

memoir (memorandum, record) n • memoria

memoir n • memoria

memoirs n • commentarios

memorable adj • memorabile

memorandum (1. note, record of events; 2. informal communication or report) n • memorandum

memorandum (1. note, record of events; 2. informal communication or report) n • memorandum (-àn-)

memorandum n • memo, memorandum

memorandum n • memorandum, memo

memorandum book n • memorandum

memorandum book n • memorandum (-àn-)

memorial (document) n • memoria

memorial (monument) n • monumento commemorative

memorial (statement of facts in form of a petition) n • memorial

memorialist (a writer of memoirs) n • memorialista

memorials n • memorial

memorization n • memorisation

memorize v • apprender de memoria, memorisar

memorize v • memorisar, apprender de memoria

memory (1. faculty of remembering; 2. remembrance, recollection) n • memoria

memory (from -) adv • de memoria

memory n • memoria

memory (within living -) adv • de memoria de homine

menace n • menacia

menace, threat n • menacia

menace, threaten v • menaciar

menace v • menaciar

ménage, household n • menage[F]

menagerie n • menagerie

menagerie n • menagerie</b> F]

mend (improve) vi • meliorar se

mend n • reparation

mend (of health) v • restabilir se

mend, repair v • sarcir

mend, repair v • sarcir</b> sarc-/sart-]

mend vt • reparar

mendacious (1. lying, untruthful; 2. false, untrue) adj • mendace

mendicant, beggar n • mendicante

mendicity n • mendicitate

mending n • reparation

menial adj • servil

menial n • lacai

meningitis [Pathol] n • meningitis

meningitis [Pathol] n • meningitis (-ìtis)

meninx [Anat] n • meninge

meniscus n • menisco

menopause n • menopausa

menshevik, menshevist n • menchevico (menshevìco)

menshevik, menshevist n • menchevico

menshevism n • menchevismo

menshevism n • menchevismo (-sh-)

menshevist, menshevik n • menchevista

menshevist, menshevik n • menchevista (-sh-)

menstrual adj • menstrual

menstrual (pertaining to the menses) adj • menstrual

menstruate v • menstruar

menstruation n • menstruo

menstruation n • menstruo, menstruation

menstruation n • menstruation, menstruo

menstruation n • menstruation

mensurability, measurability n • mesurabilitate

mensurability, measurability n • mensurabilitate

mensurable, measurable adj • mesurabile

mensurable, measurable adj • mensurabile

mensuration, measuring, measurement n • mesuration

mensuration, measuring, measurement n • mensuration

mental adj • mental

mental (mad) adj • demente, alienate

mental (mad) adj • alienate, demente

mental (of the mind) adj • mental

mental-hospital n • asylo de alienatos, hospital psychiatric

mental-hospital n • hospital psychiatric, asylo de alienatos

mentality n • mentalitate

mentally adv • mentalmente

menthol n • menthol

mentholated adj • mentholate

mention (don't - it) phr • es nihil!, nulle causa!

mention (don't - it) phr • nulle causa!, es nihil!

mention n • mention

mention v • mentionar

mentionable adj • mentionabile

mentor n • mentor

menu, bill of fare n • menu</b> F]

menu, bill of fare n • menu

menu n • menu

meow, mew, miaow v • miaular

meow, miaow n • miau

meow, miaow v • miaular

meow (miaow) n • miau

meow n • miau

meow (sound by cat) n • miau

meow v • miaular

mercantile adj • mercantil

mercantilism (1. commercialism, mercenary spirit; 2. theory and practice of the mercantile system) n • mercantilismo

mercenary adj • mercenari

mercenary, grasping adj • mercantil

mercenary n • mercenario

mercerize v • mercerisar

mercerized adj • mercerisate (pp of mercerisar)

mercerized adj • mercerisate

mercerizing, mercerization n • mercerisage (-aje)

mercerizing, mercerization n • mercerisage

mercerizing, mercerization n • mercerisation

merchandise n • merce

merchandise n • merce, mercantias

merchandise n • mercantias, merce

merchandise, ware n • mercantia

merchant, dealer, marketer n • mercator

merchant, dealer n • mercante

merchant, dealer (one engaged in trade) n • negotiante

merchant n • mercante, commerciante

merchant n • commerciante, mercante

merchantable adj • mercabile, commerciabile

merchantable adj • commerciabile, mercabile

merchantable adj • mercabile

merchantable, marketable adj • commerciabile

merchant-bank n • banca commercial

merchant-navy n • flotta commercial, marina mercante

merchant-navy n • marina mercante, flotta commercial

merchant-ship n • nave mercantil

merciful, compassionate, sympathizing adj • misericorde

merciful, full of pity adj • misericordiose

merciless adj • impietose

merclful adj • misericorde, clemente

merclful adj • clemente, misericorde

mercurial (1. as in mercurial temperament; 2. as in mercurial barometer) adj • mercurial

Mercurial adj • mercurial

mercuric [Chem] adj • mercuric

mercurous [Chem] adj • mercuriose

Mercury (1.</b> Mythol]; 2.</b> Astron]) n • Mercurio

mercury (astron) n • mercurio

mercury (metal) n • mercurio

mercury, quicksilver n • mercurio

mercy (at the - of) prep. phr • al mercede de

mercy, clemency, grace n • mercede

mercy, compassion, pity n • misericordia

mercy, indulgence n • venia

mercy n • mercede, misericordia, clementia

mercy n • clementia, mercede, misericordia

mercy n • misericordia, clementia, mercede

mercy (show -) v • sparniar

mere adj • mer, simple, sol

mere adj • sol, mer, simple

mere adj • simple, sol, mer

mere (parve) n • laco, stagno

mere (parve) n • stagno, laco

merely, only adv • solmente

meretricious (of a prostitute) adj • meretricie

merge, amalgamate [Com/Pol] v • fusionar

merge, intermingle (cause to) v • confunder</b> -fund-/-fus-]

merge, intermingle (cause to) v • confunder

merge v • confunder, fusionar

merge v • confunder (se), fusionar (se)

merge v • fusionar (se), confunder (se)

merge v • fusionar, confunder

merger, amalgamation [Com/Pol] n • fusionamento

merger n • fusionamento

meridian adj • meridian

meridian n • meridiano

meridional meridional, southern adj • meridional

meringue (1. mixture of beaten egg whites and sugar; 2 . thin case of meringue filled with whipped cream) n • meringue</b> F]

meringue (1. mixture of beaten egg whites and sugar; 2 . thin case of meringue filled with whipped cream) n • meringue

meringue n • meringue

merino n • merino

merit, deserve v • meritar

merit, deserve v • merer

merit n • merito

merit n • merito (mé-)

merit v • meritar, merer

merit v • merer, meritar

merit blame v • demeritar

meritorious adj • meritori

merl, blackbird n • merla

mermaid n • sirena

mero-, mer- (part)</b> occurring in compounds] n • mero-

meropia, partial blindness [Med] n • meropia (-ìa)

meropia, partial blindness [Med] n • meropia

merriment n • allegressa

merry adj • festive, allegre

merry adj • allegre, festive

merry-christmas! phr • felice natal!

merry-go-round n • carosello

merry-making n • allegressa

mes-, meso- (middle)</b> occurring in compounds] adj • -mes- see mense mes-

mésalliance, misalliance n • mésalliance

mésalliance, misalliance n • mésalliance</b> F]

mesenteric adj • mesenteric

mesenteritis [Pathol] n • mesenteritis (-ìtis)

mesenteritis [Pathol] n • mesenteritis

mesentery [Anat] n • mesenterio

mesh n • malia

mesh (of a net) n • malia

mesh v • ingranar

mesmerian, mesmeric adj • mesmerian

mesmeric, mesmerian adj • mesmerian

mesmerism n • mesmerismo

mesmerist n • mesmerista

mesmerize v • mesmerisar

mesocarp [Bot] n • mesocarpio

mesocephal n • mesocephalo

mesocephalic adj • mesocephale

mesolabe n • mesolabio

Mesopotamia n • Mesopotamia

Mesopotamian adj • mesopotamian

Mesozoic [Geol] adj • mesozoic

mess, dirty business n • porcheria (-ìa)

mess, dirty business n • porcheria

mess (disorder) n • confusion, disordine

mess (disorder) n • disordine, confusion

mess [Mil] • refectorio militari

mess-about vi • perder tempore

mess-about vt • irritar, vexar

mess-about vt • vexar, irritar

message, dispatch [F] n • depeche

message (errand) n • commission

message n • message

message n • message (-aje)

message (note) n • message

messenger n • messagero

messenger n • nuncio

messenger n • messagero (-ajéro)

messiah n • meshiach, messia

messiah n • messia, meshiach

Messiah n • Messia

Messiah n • Messia (-ìa)

Messianic adj • messianic

Messianism n • messianismo

Messidor [French Revolutionary Calendar] n • messidor

mess-up v • disordinar, confunder

mess-up v • confunder, disordinar

messy (dirty) adj • immunde

messy (untidy) adj • disordinate

mestizo, half-breed n • mesticio

metabolism [Biol] n • metabolismo

metabolism n • metabolismo

metacarpal [Anat] adj • metacarpal

metacarpus [Anat] n • metacarpo

metal adj • de metallo metallo

metal (as in gold is a metal) n • metallo

metallic adj • metallic

metalliferous adj • metallifere

metalline adj • metallin

metallization n • metallisation

metallize v • metallisar

metallographic adj • metallographic

metallography (1. study of metals; 2.</b> Print]) n • metallographia

metallography (1. study of metals; 2.</b> Print]) n • metallographia (-ìa)

metalloid n • metalloide

metalloidal adj • metalloidic

metallotherapy n • metallotherapia

metallotherapy n • metallotherapia (-ìa)

metallurgic, metallurgical adj • metallurgic

metallurgical, metallurgic adj • metallurgic

metallurgist n • metallurgo

metallurgist n • metallurgista

metallurgy n • metallurgia (-ìa)

metallurgy n • metallurgia

metallurgy or working of iron, siderurgy n • siderurgia (-ìa)

metallurgy or working of iron, siderurgy n • siderurgia

metamere [Zool] n • metamero (-tà-)

metamere [Zool] n • metamero

metameric, metamerous (1.</b> Zool]; 2.</b> Chem]) adj • metamere

metamerism, metamery (1.</b> Zool]; 2.</b> Chem]) n • metameria (-ìa)

metamerism, metamery (1.</b> Zool]; 2.</b> Chem]) n • metameria

metamerous, metameric (1.</b> Zool]; 2.</b> Chem]) adj • metamere

metamery, metamerism (1.</b> Zool]; 2.</b> Chem]) n • metameria (-ìa)

metamery, metamerism (1.</b> Zool]; 2.</b> Chem]) n • metameria

metamorphic adj • metamorphic

metamorphic, metamorphous adj • metamorphe

metamorphism (1. metamorphosis; 2.</b> Geol]) n • metamorphismo

metamorphose, transform (cause to change form) v • metamorphosar

metamorphosis n • metamorphose

metamorphous, metamorphic adj • metamorphe

metaphor n • metaphora (-tà-)

metaphor n • metaphora

metaphoric, metaphorical adj • metaphoric

metaphorical adj • metaphoric

metaphorical, metaphoric adj • metaphoric

metaphorically adv • metaphoricamente

metaphorize v • metaphorisar

metaphrase n • metaphrase (-tà-)

metaphrase n • metaphrase

metaphrase v • metaphrasar

metaphrast n • metaphraste

metaphrastic adj • metaphrastic

metaphydically adv • metaphysicamente

metaphysical adj • metaphysic

metaphysician n • metaphysico

metaphysics n • metaphysica

metastasis [Pathol] n • metastase

metastasis [Pathol] n • metastase (-tàstase)

metathesis [Gram] n • metathese (-àtese)

metathesis [Gram] n • metathese

metempsychosis n • metempsychose

meteor (1. atmospheric phenomenon; 2. shooting star) n • meteoro

meteor n • meteoro

meteoric adj • meteoric

meteorite n • meteorite

meteoroldgist n • meteorologista, meteorologo

meteoroldgist n • meteorologo, meteorologista

meteorologic, meteorological adj • meteorologic

meteorological, meteorologic adj • meteorologic

meteorologist n • meteorologista

meteorology n • meteorologia (-ìa)

meteorology n • meteorologia

meter (1. one forty millionth part of the terrestrial meridian; 2.</b> Poet]) n • metro

meter (for gas, electricity) n • contator

meter (measure by the meter) v • metrar

-meter (one occupied in -metry)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -metra

meter, -tre (distance) n • metro

meter, -tre n • contator

meter, -tre v • metrar

meterorologist n • meteorologo (-rò-)

meterorologist n • meteorologo

methane n • methano

methane, swamp gas [Chem] n • methano

method n • methodo

method n • methodo (mé-)

methodical adj • methodic

methodically adv • methodicamente

Methodism n • methodismo

methodist adj/n • methodista

Methodist n • methodista

methodize v • methodisar

methodology n • methodologia

methodology n • methodologia (-ìa)

Methuselah n • Mathusala

Methuselah n • Mathusala (-tù-)

methy- (wine)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • methy-

methyl, methylene [Chem] n • methylo

methylamine [Chem] n • methylamino

methylated (- spirit) n • alcohol denaturate

methylene (1. wood alcohol, methyl alcohol; 2.</b> Chem] (methyl) n • methyleno

methylene, methyl [Chem] n • methylo

methylic [Chem] adj • methylic

meticulosity, meticulousness n • meticulositate

meticulous adj • meticulose, minutiose

meticulous adj • meticulose

meticulous adj • minutiose, meticulose

meticulous, particular adj • minutiose

meticulousness, meticulosity n • meticulositate

metonymical adj • metonymic

metonymy [Rhet] n • metonymia (-ìa)

metonymy [Rhet] n • metonymia

metrage, measurement (in meters) n • metrage

metrage, measurement (in meters) n • metrage (-aje)

metre, -ter (measure) n • metro

metric adj • metric

metric, metrical [Poet] adj • metric

metric (pertaining to that system of measures of which the meter is the unit) adj • metric

metrical (relating to measurement) adj • metric

metrics n • metrica

metro- (mother)</b> occurring in compounds] n • metr-

metro n • metropolitano, metro

metro n • metro, metropolitano

metrology n • metrologia (-ìa)

metrology n • metrologia

metronome n • metronomo (-trò-)

metronome n • metronomo

metropolis (1. parent state of a colony; 2.</b> Eccl]; 3. chief town or city of a country or state) n • metropole

metropolis n • metropole

metropolitan (1. belonging to the parent state of acolony; 2.</b> Eccl]; 3. belonging to the chief town or city of a country or state) adj • metropolitan

metropolitan adj • metropolitan

metropolitan [Eccl] n • metropolitano

metropolitan [Eccles] • metropolitano

metropolitan (underground railway, subway) n • le metro

metropolite [Gr Church] n • metropolita

mettle n • ardor, corage

mettle n • corage, ardor

mew, miaow, meow v • miaular

mew, seagull, gull [Ornith] n • laro

Mexican adj • mexican

mexican adj • mexican

mexican n • mexicano

Mexican (native of Mexico) n • mexicano

Mexico [Geog] n • Mexico

Mexico n • Mexico

Mexico n • Mexico (méx-)

mezzanine, entresol n • entresol</b> F]

mezzanine, entresol n • entresol

mezzanine (floor or story) n • mezzanin

mezzanine window n • mezzanin

mezzo-soprano [Mus] n • mezzosoprano

mezzo-soprano [Mus] n • mezzosoprano</b> I]

mi-, mio- (less)</b> occurring in compounds] adj • mi-

mi [Mus] n • mi

miaow, meow, mew v • miaular

miaow, meow n • miau

miaow, meow v • miaular

miasma n • miasma</b> -ma/-mat-]

miasma n • miasma

miasmatic adj • miasmatic

mica [Mineral] n • mica

mica schist [Mineral] n • micaschisto

micaceous [Mineral] adj • micacee

micro-, micr- (1. small; 2.</b> Metric System, etc])</b> occurring in compounds] adj • micr-

microbe n • microbio, microbo

microbe n • microbio

microbe n • microbo, microbio

microbicide n • microbicida

microbiologist n • microbiologo

microbiologist n • microbiologo (-òlogo)

microbiology n • microbiologia

microbiology n • microbiologia (-ìa)

microcephalic adj • microcephale

microcephaly n • microcephalia

microcephaly n • microcephalia (-ìa)

micro-channel n •</b> Comp]

micro-chip n • microchip

micro-computer n • microcomputator

micro-cosm n • microcosmo

microcosm n • microcosmo

microcosmic adj • microcosmic

microcyst [Bot] n • microcyste

microfarad [Elec] n • microfarad

micro-fiche n • microfiche

micro-film n • microfilm

microfilm n • microfilm

micrometer n • micrometro (-crò-)

micrometer n • micrometro

micron (one thousandth millimeter) n • micron

micron (one thousandth millimeter) n • micron (mìc-)

Micronesia n • Micronesia

Micronesian adj • micronesian

Micronesian n • micronesiano

micro-phone n • microphono

microphone n • microphono

microphone n • microphono (-rò-)

microphotograph n • microphotographia (-ìa)

microphotograph n • microphotographia

microphotography n • microphotographia

microphotography n • microphotographia (-ìa)

micro-scope n • microscopio

microscope n • microscopio

microscopic adj • microscopic

microscopist n • microscopista

micro-scoplc adj • microscopic

microscopy n • microscopia

microscopy n • microscopia (-ìa)

microseism (feeble earth tremor) n • microseismo (-séi-)

microseism (feeble earth tremor) n • microseismo

microseismograph n • microseismographo (-mò-)

microseismograph n • microseismographo

microtome n • microtomo

microtome n • microtomo (-rò-)

mid-day adj • de mediedie/meridie

mid-day n • mediedie, meridie

mid-day n • meridie, mediedie

middle adj • medie

middle n • medio

Middle Ages n • medievo

middle class, bourgeoisie n • burgesia

middle class, bourgeoisie n • burgesia (-ìa)

middle point, center n • centro

middle-aged adj • de etate median

middle-ages n • le medie etate, medievo

middle-ages n • medievo, le medie etate

middle-ages (of the -) adj • medieval

middle-class adj • burgese

middle-class n • burgesia

middle-east [Geog] n • Oriente medie

middle-finger (give the -) phr • facer insulto con le digito medie

middle-finger n • digito medie

middling adj • mediocre

midge n • culice, mosquito

midge n • mosquito, culice

midget adj • minuscule

midget n • nano

mid-land adv • del centro

mid-morning (de) adv • medie matino

mid-night adj • de medienocte

mid-night n • medienocte

midnight n • medienocte

midshipman, cadet [Mil/Nav] n • aspirante

midst n • medio

mid-stream n • centro del currente

mid-summer adj • de medie estate

mid-summer n • medie estate

mid-summer-night's-dream (Shakespearean play) n • Sonio de nocte de medie estate

Mid-way (- Island) • Insula Midway

mid-way adv • a medie cammino

mid-way [Geog] n • Midway

mid-week adv • a medie septimana

mid-wife n • obstetrice

midwife n • obstetrice

mid-wifery n • obstetricia

midwifery, obstetrics n • obstetricia

might n • poter, potestate, fortia

might n • potestate, fortia, poter

might n • fortia, poter, potestate

might, power n • potestate

might v • poterea

mighty adj • forte, potente

mighty adj • potente, forte

mighty, powerful, potent adj • potente (ppr of poter)

mighty, powerful, potent adj • potente

mignonette, reseda [Bot] n • reseda

migraine adj/n • migraine

migraine (headache) n • migraine</b> F]

migraine (headache) n • migraine

migrainous adj • migrainose (-grenòse)

migrainous adj • migrainose

migrant, migratory adj • migrante

migrant n • migrator

migrate [Nat. Hist] v • emigrar

migrate v • migrar

migration n • migration

migration [Nat. Hist] n • emigration

migratory, migrant adj • migrante

migratory (pertaining to migrations) adj • migratori

mikado n • mikado</b> J]

mikado n • mikado

Milan [Geog] n • Milan

mild, bland, soft adj • blande

mild (gentle) adj • clemente, dulce, blande

mild (gentle) adj • dulce, blande, clemente

mild (gentle) adj • blande, clemente, dulce

mild [Med] adj • benigne

mildew, grape mildew (vine) n • mildew

mildew, grape mildew (vine) n • mildew</b> A]

mildew (mould) n • mucor

mildew (on vines) n • mildew

mildly adv • dulcemente, blandemente

mildly adv • blandemente, dulcemente

mildness n • benignitate, clementia, dulcor

mildness n • dulcor, benignitate, clementia

mildness n • clementia, dulcor, benignitate

mildness, sweetness n • suavitate

mild-spoken adj • suaviloquente

mile, milliary adj • milliari

mile n • millia

mileage n • distantia percurrite

mileage n • distantia percurrite (in millias)

mileometer n • contamillias, hodometro

mileometer n • hodometro, contamillias

milestone n • petra milliari

milieu, environment n • milieu</b> F]

milieu, environment n • milieu

milieu n • ambiente, milieu

milieu n • milieu, ambiente

militancy n • militantia

militant adj • militante

militarism n • militarismo

militarist (supporter of militarism) n • militarista

militarization n • militarisation

militarize v • militarisar

military adj • militar

military n • militares

military man, soldier n • militar

military supplies, munitions n • munition

militate v • militar

militia n • militia

militiaman n • militiano

milk (a cow) v • mulger

milk adj • lactee

milk (cows, goats) v • mulger</b> mulg-/muls-]

milk (cows, goats) v • mulger

milk (exploit) v • exploitar

milk n • lacte

milk dry v • emulger

milk dry v • emulger</b> -mulg-/-muls-]

milker, one who milks n • mulgitor

milking (action of) n • mulgitura

milking (action of) n • mulsion

milking n • mulgitura

milkmaid n • lactera

milk-man n • lactero

milkman n • lactero

milky adj • lactee

milky-way n • via lactee

mill (coffee -) n • molino de caffe

mill (factory) n • fabrica, manufactura

mill (factory) n • manufactura, fabrica

mill (for grinding) n • molino

mill, full v • fullar

mill (machine for grinding grain) n • molino

mill (subject to the operation of a mill) v • molinar

mill v • molinar

mille-fleurs (perfume) n • milleflores

millennium n • millennio

millepede, centipede n • mille-pedes

millepede, centipede n • mille-pedes (-pé-)

miller n • molinero

miller (one who works a mill) n • molinero

milliard, billion n • milliardo

milliard n • milliardo

milliary, mile adj • milliari

milligram n • milligramma

milliliter n • millilitro (-ìlitro)

milliliter n • millilitro

millilitre n • millilitro

millimeter n • millimetro (-ìmetro)

millimeter n • millimetro

millimetre n • millimetro

milliner n • modista

million n • million

millionaire adj • millionari

millionaire n • millionario

millionth adj • millionesime, millionesimo

millionth adj • millionesime (-ésime)

millionth adj • millionesimo, millionesime

millionth adj • millionesime

mill-stone n • petra de molino

millstone n • mola

milt (of fish) n • lacte

milt, spleen [Anat] n • splen

mime (1.</b> Antiq] (farce; 2. actor in a mime; 3. mimic, person skilled in mimicry) n • mimo

mime (imitate)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] v • mime-

mime n • representar in pantomima

mimeograph n • mimeographo (-ògrapho)

mimeograph n • mimeographo

mimeograph v • mimeographar

mimesis, mimicry [Rhet] n • mimologia (-ìa)

mimesis, mimicry [Rhet] n • mimese

mimesis, mimicry [Rhet] n • mimologia

mimetic, mimic, imitative adj • mimetic

mimic (1. of a mime; 2. imitative) adj • mimic

mimic adj • mimetic, mimic

mimic adj • mimic, mimetic

mimic, imitative, mimetic adj • mimetic

mimic, imitator n • mimologo (-mò-)

mimic, imitator n • mimologo

mimic n • imitator, mimo

mimic n • mimo, imitator

mimic v • mimar

mimicry [Biol] n • mimetismo

mimicry, mimesis [Rhet] n • mimologia

mimicry, mimesis [Rhet] n • mimese

mimicry, mimesis [Rhet] n • mimologia (-ìa)

mimicry n • mimica, imitation

mimicry n • imitation, mimica

mimodrama, pantomime n • mimodrama

mimographer, writer of mimes n • mimographo

mimographer, writer of mimes n • mimographo (-ò-)

mimologist (reciter of mimes) n • mimologo (-mò-)

mimologist (reciter of mimes) n • mimologo

mimosa n • mimosa

mimosa, sensitive plant [Bot] n • mimosa

mimosaceous [Bot] adj • mimosacee

minaret [Arch] n • minaret

minaret n • minaret

mince (cut or chop into small pieces) v • minutiar

mince n • carne hachate

mince v •</b> Cul]

mincer n • hachatoria

mincing adj • affectate

mind (- out?) interj • attention!

mind (be out of one's -) v • furer

mind (bear in -) v • memorar

mind (care for) v • curar

mind (do you - ?) interj • es il equal a vos?

mind (have something in -) v • preoccupar se de alique

mind (intellectual powers, mental force) n • mente

mind (keep in -) v • mantener in mente

mind (make up one's -) v • decider de

mind n • mente

mind (never -!) interj • non importa!

mind (put one's - to) v • applicar se a

mind (take to heart) v • mantener in mente

mind (trouble) v • occupar se

mind v • prestar attention a

mind (watch) v • guardar

mindful adj • memore, attentive

mindful adj • attentive, memore

mindful (of a person or a thing) adj • memore

mindset n • mentalitate, aptitude mental, perspectiva, conception del mundo.

mine (1. as in coal mine) 2.</b> Mil]) n • mina

mine (1. as in to mine a bridge; 2. to dig for ore or metal) v • minar

mine (a frlend of -) phr • un de mi amicos

mine (mil/mineral) n • mina

mine pron • le mie, le mies

mine pron • le mies, le mie

mine v • minar

mine layer n • poneminas

mine layer n • poneminas (-mì-)

mine sweeper n • dragaminas (-mì-)

mine sweeper n • dragaminas

minefield n • campo de minas

miner (1. as in coal miner; 2.</b> Mil]) n • minator

miner n • minator

mineral adj • mineral

mineral adj/n • mineral

mineral n • mineral

mineralization n • mineralisation

mineralize (transform into a mineral) v • mineralisar

mineralizer (as in sulphur is a mineralizer) n • mineralisator

mineralogical adj • mineralogic

mineralogist n • mineralogo (-òlogo)

mineralogist n • mineralogo

mineralogist n • mineralogista

mineralogy n • mineralogia

mineralogy n • mineralogia (-ìa)

mineral-water n • aqua mineral

Minerva [Rom Relig] n • Minerva

Minervic, Minervan adj • minerval

mingle v • confunder (se), miscer (se)

mingle v • miscer (se), confunder (se)

mingle v • confunder, miscer

mingle v • miscer, confunder

mingled together adj • promiscue

miniate (1. to paint with red lead; 2. to illuminate pages, manuscripts) v • miniar

miniature (1. an illumination; 2. miniature portrait; 3 . miniature representation, model) n • miniatura

miniature adj • in miniatura

miniature n • miniatura

miniature, paint miniatures v • miniar

miniature v • miniaturar

miniaturist n • miniaturista

minibus n • minibus

minim [Mus] n • minima

minim [Mus] n • minima (mì-)

minim n • minima

minimal, least, smallest adj • minime

minimal, least, smallest adj • minime (mì-)

minimize v • reducer al minimo, minimisar

minimize v • minimisar, reducer al minimo

minimize v • minimisar

minimize v • diminuer

minimum n • minimo

minimum n • minimo (mì-)

mining adj • minerari, de minas

mining adj • de minas, minerari

mining (minelaying) n • posa de minas

mining (minerals) n • extraction minerari

minister (1.</b> Gov]; 2.</b> Dipl]; 3.</b> Prot Churches]) n • ministro

minister (1. to attend, be in attendance, serve; 2. to perform the function of a minister of the church) v • ministrar

minister (pol) n • ministro

minister (relig) n • ministro

minister v • ministrar

ministerial [Gov] adj • ministerial

ministry, department [Gov] n • ministerio

minium, red lead n • minio

mink n • vison

minnow n • varion

Minoan adj • minoan

Minoan n • minoano

minor (1. lesser, smaller; 2.</b> Law] (under age; 3.</b> Mus]) adj • minor

minor adj/n • minor

Minorite [RCCh] n • Minorita

minority (1. smaller number or part; 2.</b> Law]) n • minoritate

minority n • minoritate

Minos [Mythol] n • Minos

Minos [Mythol] n • Minos (mì-)

Minotaur [Mythol] n • minotauro

minstrel n • menestrel

mint [Bot] n • mentha

mint, coin v • cunear

mint (for money) n • moneta

mint (stamp and make into money) v • monetar

mint v • cunear, batter

mint v • batter, cunear

minter n • monetero

minting, coining n • monetage

minting, coining n • monetage (-aje)

minuend [Arith] n • minuendo

minuet n • menuet

minus adv • minus

minuscule n • minuscula

minute (1. diminutive; 2. as in a minute investigation) adj • minute

minute adj • minute

minute n • minuta

minute (the sixtieth part of an hour or of a geometric degree) n • minuta

minute, tiny adj • minuscule

minutes n • protocollo

minutia (trifling detail) n • minutia

Miocene [Geol] adj • miocen

Miocene [Geol] n • mioceno

miracle n • miraculo

miraculous adj • miraculose

mirage n • mirage

mirage n • mirage (-aje)

mire, mud n • fango

mirror n • speculo

mirror n • speculo (spé-)

mirror v • reflecte

mirth n • hilaritate, allegressa

mirth n • allegressa, hilaritate

miry, muddy adj • fangose

misadventure n • accidente

misalliance, mésalliance n • mésalliance

misalliance, mésalliance n • mésalliance</b> F]

misanthrope, misanthropist n • misanthropo

misanthropic adj • misanthrope

misanthropic adj • misanthropic

misanthropist, misanthrope n • misanthropo

misanthropist n • misanthropo

misanthropy n • misanthropia (-ìa)

misanthropy n • misanthropia

misapplication n • abuso, mal application

misapplication n • mal application, abuso

misapply v • mal applicar, abusar

misapply v • abusar, mal applicar

misapprehension n • concepto error

misappropriate v • malversar

misbehave v • comportar se mal, conducer se mal

misbehave v • conducer se mal, comportar se mal

misbehavior, misbehaviour n • mal conducta

miscalculate v • mal calcular

miscalculation n • calculation false

miscalculation n • interpretation false

miscarriage (- of justice) n • error de justitia

miscarriage, abortion n • abortamento

miscarriage (error) n • error

miscarriage (failure) n • insuccesso

miscarriage [Med] n • aborto

miscarry (1. to have a miscarriage; 2. to come to nought) v • abortar

miscarry v • faltar, fracassar

miscarry v • fracassar, faltar

miscellaneous adj • miscellanee

miscellany n • miscellanea

mischief, evil deed n • maleficio

mischief (harm) n • maleficio

mischief (playfulness) n • malitia

mischievous (harmful) adj • maleficente

mischievous (playful) adj • malitiose

mischievousness, maleficence n • maleficentia

miscibility, mixability n • miscibilitate

miscible, mixable adj • miscibile

misconceive v • facer se un interpretation false

misconception, misinterpretation n • contrasenso

misconception n • contrasenso, interpretation false

misconception n • interpretation false, contrasenso

misconduct n • mal conducta

misconduct v • mal diriger, mal gerer

misconduct v • mal gerer, mal diriger

misconstrue v • mal interpretar

miscount n • error de addition

miscount v • mal contar

miscreance n • miscredentia

miscreant n • scelerato, heretico, infidel

miscreant n • infidel, scelerato, heretico

miscreant n • heretico, infidel, scelerato

miscreant, unbelieving miscredente adj • miscredente

misdemeanor, misdemeanour n • delicto de minor grado

misdemeanor, offense (criminal) n • delicto

misdirect v • mal diriger, mal adressar

misdirect v • mal adressar, mal diriger

mise en scène, staging n • mise en scène

mise en scène, staging n • mise en scène</b> F]

miser n • avaro

miserable (1. wretc.hed; 2. vile, base) adj • miserabile

miserable adj • miserabile

miserable, wretched adj • misere

Miserere (1. the 50th Psalm in the Vulgate; 2. musical setting of this Psalm)</b> Eccl] n • miserere

Miserere (1. the 50th Psalm in the Vulgate; 2. musical setting of this Psalm)</b> Eccl] n • miserere (-rére)

misericord (1.</b> RCCh] (dispensation from fasting; 2 .</b> Eccl Arch] (miserere; 3. dagger for giving the coup de gr ce) n • misericordia

miserly adj • avar

misery n • miseria

misery, wretchedness n • miseria

misfire n • tiro false

misfire (not fire) v • non dar foco

misfire v •</b> Fig]

misfit (of people) n • persona mal adapte

misfit (of things) n • cosa que non va ben

misfortune, bad fortune n • infelicitate

misfortune n • disgratia

misfortune n • infortuna

misgiving n • dubita, apprehension

misgiving n • apprehension, dubita

misguided adj • poco judiciose, mal dirigite

misguided adj • mal dirigite, poco judiciose

mishap, contrariety, adversity n • contrarietate

mishap n • contratempore

misinform v • mal informar

misinterpret v • misinterpretar

misinterpret v • mal interpretar

misinterpretation, misconception n • contrasenso

misinterpretation n • misinterpretation

misinterpretation n • interpretation false

misjudge v • mal judicar

misjudged adj • mal judicate, erronee

misjudged adj • erronee, mal judicate

mislay, misplace v • misplaciar

mislay v • misplaciar

mislead v • inducer in error

misleading adj • fallace

misleading, fallacious, delusive adj • fallace

mismanage v • mal administrar

mismanagement n • mal administration

misnomer n • nomine false

misogamic adj • misogame (-ò-)

misogamic adj • misogame

misogamist n • misogamo

misogamist n • misogamo (-ò-)

misogamy n • misogamia (-ìa)

misogamy n • misogamia

misogynic adj • misogyne

misogynist, misogyne n • misogyno (-ò-)

misogynist, misogyne n • misogyno

misogyny, misogynism n • misogynia (-ìa)

misogyny, misogynism n • misogynia

misoneism (hatred of the new) n • misoneismo

misoneism (hatred of the new) n • misoneismo (-ìzmo)

misoneist n • misoneista

misoneist n • misoneista (-ìsta)

misplace, mislay v • misplaciar

misplace v • misplaciar

misprint n • error typographic

misprint v • mal imprimer

mispronunce v • mal pronunciar

misquote v • citar erroneemente

misread v • mal leger, mal interpretar

misread v • mal interpretar, mal leger

misrepresent v • mal representar

misrepresentation n • reporto false, falsification

misrepresentation n • falsification, reporto false

miss (aim) n • colpo mancate

miss (as in I miss her) v • regrettar

miss (feel the absence) v • regrettar le absentia de

miss n • senioretta

miss (of aim) v • non colpar

miss (of transport) v • perder

miss (omit) v • omitter

miss (single woman) n • senioretta

missal n • missal

misshapen, deformed adj • contrafacte

misshapen v • deforme, contrafacte

misshapen v • contrafacte, deforme

missing adj • absente, disparite, perdite

missing adj • disparite, perdite, absente

missing adj • perdite, absente, disparite

mission (1. duty on which a person is sent; 2. body of persons sent out) n • mission

mission n • mission

missionary adj • missionari

missionary n • missionario

Mississippi (1. Mississippi River; 2. State of Mississippi) n • Mississippi

missive n • missiva

misslle n • projectil

misspelling n • error orthographic

mist, brume, fog n • bruma

mist, haze, fog n • nebula

mist, haze, fog n • nebula (né-)

mist n • bruma, nebula

mist n • nebula, bruma

mistake (make a -) v • committer un error

mistake n • error

mistake (oversight) n • error, peccato

mistake (oversight) n • peccato, error

mistake (oversight) v • committer un error

mistake v • mal comprender, confunder

mistake v • confunder, mal comprender

mistaken adj • erronee

mistaken (be -) v • esser in error

mister n • senior

mistigation n • mitigation

mistletoe n • visco

mistreat v • maltractar, tractar vergoniosemente, insultar

mistress (female teacher) n • maestra

mistress (lover) n • amante

mistress (mistress of a household) n • domina

mistress (mrs) n • seniora

mistress (of house) n • domina

mistress (teacher) n • maestra

mistrust n • diffidentia

mistrust v • diffider

mistrustful adj • diffidente

misty adj • brumose, nebulose

misty adj • nebulose, brumose

misty, brumous, foggy adj • brumose

misunderstand v • mal comprender

misunderstanding n • concepto erronee, mal interpretation

misunderstanding n • mal interpretation, concepto erronee

misusage n • misusage

misusage n • misusage (-aje)

misuse, abuse v • misusar

misuse n • abuso, misuso

misuse n • misuso

misuse n • misuso, abuso

misuse v • abusar, misusar

misuse v • misusar, abusar

miter (invest with a miter) v • mitrar

miter n • mitre

miter n • mitra

mitigate (make milder or gentler) v • mitigar

mitigate v • mitigar

mitigation n • mitigation

mitraille n • mitralia

mitre n • eccles

mitre-joint n • carp

mitt n • miton

mitten n • miton

mix, blend v • miscer</b> misc-/mixt-]

mix, blend v • miscer

mix n • mixtura, mixtion

mix n • mixtion, mixtura

mix v • miscer

mix together, intermingle v • commiscer</b> -misc-/-mixt-]

mix together, intermingle v • commiscer

mix up, immix, commingle v • immiscer

mix up, immix, commingle v • immiscer</b> -mise-/-mixt-]

mixability, miscibility n • miscibilitate

mixable, miscible adj • miscibile

mixed adj • mixte

mixed-up (confused) adj • confuse

mixed-up (mingled) adj • mixte

mixed-with adj • associate con, implicate in

mixed-with adj • implicate in, associate con

mixer n • miscitor, mixer

mixer n • mixer, miscitor

mixtilineal, mixtilinear [Geom] adj • mixtilinee

mixtilinear, mixtilineal [Geom] adj • mixtilinee

mixture (1. act of mixing; 2. something mixed) n • mixtion

mixture n • mixtura, mixtion

mixture n • mixtion, mixtura

mixture (something mixed) n • mixtura

mix-up (confuse) v • confunder

mix-up (mingle) v • immiscer

mix-up n • confusion

mnemo- (memory)</b> occurring in compounds] n • mnemo-

mnemogenesis n • mnemogenesis

mnemogenesis n • mnemogenesis (-gé-)

mnemogenesis n • mnemogenese

mnemogenesis n • mnemogenese (-gé-)

mnemonic adj • mnemonic

mnemonic adj • mnemotechnic

mnemonics, mnemotechny n • mnemonica

mnemonics, mnemotechny n • mnemotechnica

mnemonics, mnemotechny n • mnemotechnia

mnemonics, mnemotechny n • mnemotechnia (-ìa)

mnemotechny, mnemonics n • mnemotechnia

mnemotechny, mnemonics n • mnemotechnia (-ìa)

mnemotechny, mnemonics n • mnemotechnica

mnemotechny, mnemonics n • mnemonica

mnes- (memory)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • mnes-

mnesic (pertaining to memory) adj • mnesic

moan (complain) v • planger se

moan (complaint) n • plancto

moan (groan) n • gemito

moan (groan) v • gemer

moat, fosse, ditch, trench n • fossato

moat n • fossato

mob, canaille, rabble n • canalia

mob n • turba, canalia

mob n • canalia, turba

mob, rabble n • turba

mob v • assaltar

mob rule, ochlocracy n • ochlocratia (-ìa)

mob rule, ochlocracy n • ochlocratia

mobile adj • mobile

mobile adj/n • mobile

mobility n • mobilitate

mobilizable adj • mobilisabile

mobilization [Mil] n • mobilisation

mobilize (1. as in to mobilize resources, wealth; 2. to put troops on a war footing) v • mobilisar

mobilize v • mobilisar

mob-rule n • ochlocratia

moccasin (as in buckskin moccasins) n • mocassin (mòc-)

moccasin (as in buckskin moccasins) n • mocassin

mock adj • simulate, false, imitate

mock adj • imitate, simulate, false

mock adj • false, imitate, simulate

mock (deride) v • derider, irrider

mock (deride) v • irrider, derider

mock (mimic) v • imitar

mocker (derider) n • irrisor

mocker (imitator) n • imitator

mockery (imitation) n • imitation

mockery n • irrision, derision

mockery n • derision, irrision

mocking adj • derisori, irrisori

mocking adj • irrisori, derisori

mocking (derision) n • irrision, derision

mocking (derision) n • derision, irrision

mocking (imitation) n • imitation

modal (1.</b> Philos]; 2.</b> Gram]; 3.</b> Mus]) adj • modal

modality [Philos] n • modalitate

mode (1.</b> Mus]; 2. way, manner) n • modo

mode (fashion) n • moda

mode (prevailing fashion) n • moda

mode (way) n • modo, maniera

mode (way) n • maniera, modo

model (1. thing, person to be copied; 2. mannequin) n • modello

model adj • exemplar modello

model (as in a model of virtue) n • prototypo

model (as in a model of virtue) n • prototypo (-òtipo)

model (model in clay) v • modellar

model v • modellar

modeler n • modellator

moderantism [Pol] n • moderantismo

moderantist [Pol] n • moderantista

moderate adj • modic

moderate adj • moderate (pp of moderar)

moderate adj • moderate

moderate, temperate adj • mesurate (pp of mesurar)

moderate, temperate adj • mensurate (pp of mensurar)

moderate, temperate adj • mensurate

moderate, temperate adj • mesurate

moderate v • temperar, moderar

moderate v • moderar

moderate v • moderar, temperar

moderateness n • modicitate

moderateness n • moderatessa

moderation n • sobri, moderation

moderation n • moderation

moderation n • moderation, sobri

moderation (quality of being moderate) n • temperamento

moderator (1. one who or that which renders moderate; 2 .</b> Mech]) n • moderator

modern adj • moderne

modernism n • modernismo

modernist n • modernista

modernity, modernness n • modernitate

modernization n • modernisation

modernize v • modernisar

modernness, modernity n • modernitate

modest adj • modeste

modest, bashful adj • pudibunde

modest, bashful adj • vergoniose

modest, bashful adj • pudente

modest (decorous in manner and conduct) adj • pudic

modest (humble) adj • modeste

modest (of woman) adj • pudic

modest, proper, decent adj • honeste

modesty (humility) n • modestia

modesty n • modestia

modesty (of woman) n • pudor

modesty, propriety, decency n • honestitate

modesty, propriety, decency n • honestate

modesty (womanly propriety of behavior) n • pudor

modifiable adj • modificabile

modification n • modification

modificatory, modifying adj • modificative

modifier n • modificator

modify v • modificar

modifying, modificatory adj • modificative

modius (Roman corn measure) n • modio

modulate (1. as in to modulate one's voice; 2.</b> Mus] (pass from one key into another) v • modular

modulate v • modular

modulation (1. act of modulating tone, inflection, or pitch; 2.</b> Mus]) n • modulation

modulator n • modulator

module [Arch] n • modulo

module n • modulo

mohair n • mohair</b> A]

mohair n • mohair

Mohammed n • Mohammed (-hàm-)

Mohammed n • Mahomet

Mohammed n • Mohammed

Mohammedan adj • mohammedan

Mohammedan, Mahometan adj • mahometan

Mohammedan, Mahometan n • mahometano

Mohammedan n • mohammedano

Mohammedan n • mahometista

mohammedan n • moslem

Mohammedanism, Mahometanism n • mahometismo

Mohammedanism n • mohammedanismo

moist adj • humide

moist (be -) v • humer

moisten, dampen v • humectar

moisten v • molliar, humectar

moisten v • humectar, molliar

moisten, wet v • molliar

moistening, wetting n • molliamento

moistening, wetting n • molliatura

moistening or wetting (act of) n • humectation

moistness n • humectation

moistness n • molliatura, humiditate

moistness n • humiditate, molliatura

moisture n • molliatura, humiditate

moisture n • humiditate, molliatura

moisturlze v • humidificar

molar adj • molar

molar adj/n • molar

molasses n • melassa

mold, moldiness n • mucor

mold, mould (1. as in to cast in a mold; 2. model) n • modulo

mold, mould (a statue) v • modular

mold, mould [Bot] n • mucor

mold, mould (hollow form) n • forma, modulo

mold, mould (hollow form) n • modulo, forma

mold, mould n • forma

mold, mould v • modular, formar

mold, mould v • formar, modular

Moldavia [Geog] n • Moldavia

molder, moulder n • modulator

moldiness, mold n • mucor

molding (mou-) n • moldatura

molding, moulding [Arch] n • modulatura

moldy, mouldy (be -) v • mucer

moldy, mouldy [Bot] adj • mucide, mucorose

moldy, mouldy [Bot] adj • mucorose, mucide

moldy, musty adj • mucide

mole, jetty, pier n • jectata

mole (jetty) n • jectata, mole

mole (jetty) n • mole, jectata

mole [Naut] n • mole

mole (pathol) n • nevo

mole [Zool] n • talpa

molecular adj • molecular

molecule n • molecula

molest v • molestar

molestation n • molestation

Molinism (the doctrine of Luis Molina) n • molinismo

Molinism (the Quietistic doctrine of Miguel de Molinos) n • molinosismo

Molinist (a follower of Luis Molina) n • molinista

Molinist (a follower of Miguel de Molinos) n • molinosista

mollification n • mollification

mollify, soften [Med] v • emollir

mollify v • mollificar

mollusk n • mollusco

mollusk (-usc) n • molusco

mollycoddle adj • tractar delicatemente, vitiar per teneressa

mollycoddle adj • vitiar per teneressa, tractar delicatemente

molt (moult) n • muta

molt (process of molting) n • muta

molt v • mutar

molten adj • fundite, liquide

molten adj • liquide, fundite

mom n • matre, mamma

mom n • mamma, matre

moment (1. instant; 2.</b> Mech]) n • momento

moment (importance) n • importantia

moment (instant) n • momento

momentary adj • momentanee

momentous adj • momentose, importante

momentous adj • importante, momentose

momentous adj • momentose

momentum (impetus) n • impeto

momentum n •</b> Mech]

mommy n • matre, mamma

mommy n • mamma, matre

mon-, mono- (only, single, alone)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj • mon-

monachal, monkish adj • monachal

monachism n • monachismo

monad n • monade (mò-)

monad n • monade

monadelphous [Bot] adj • monadelphe

monadelphy [Bot] n • monadelphia

monadelphy [Bot] n • monadelphia (-ìa)

monadic adj • monadic

monadism n • monadismo

monadology n • monadologia (-ìa)

monadology n • monadologia

monandrous adj • monandre

monandry (1.</b> Anthropol]; 2.</b> Bot]) n • monandria (-ìa)

monandry (1.</b> Anthropol]; 2.</b> Bot]) n • monandria

monarch (head of a monarchy) n • monarcha

monarch n • monarcha

monarchic, monarchical adj • monarchic

monarchism n • monarchismo

monarchist n • monarchista

monarchy n • monarchia (-ìa)

monarchy n • monarchia

monas- (live alone)</b> occurring in derivatives] v • monas-

monasterial adj • monasterial

monastery n • morlasterio

monastery n • monasterio

monastic adj • monastic

monastic, monasterial adj • monastic

monasticism n • monasticismo

monatomic [Chem] adj • monatomic

Monday n • lunedi

Monday n • lunedi (-dì)

Moneta (as in Juno Moneta)</b> Rom Relig] n • Moneta

monetary adj • monetari

monetize v • monetisar

money, coin n • numisma

money, coin n • numisma</b> -ma/-mat-]

money n • pecunia, moneta

money n • pecunia

money n • moneta, pecunia

moneyage (fee paid for minting privilege)</b> Hist] n • monetage (-aje)

moneyage (fee paid for minting privilege)</b> Hist] n • monetage

moneybox n • cassetta a moneta

money-changer n • cambiator de moneta, cambiator

money-changer n • cambiator, cambiator de moneta

money-changer n • cambiator

money-lender n • prestator de moneta, usurero

money-lender n • usurero, prestator de moneta

money-order n • mandato postal

Mongolia n • Mongolia

Mongolian (1. Mongol; 2. Mongolian language, Mongolic; 3 . member of the Mongolian race) n • mongolico

Mongolian, Mongolic adj • mongolic

Mongolism [Pathol] n • mongolismo

Mongoloid adj • mongoloide

mongrel adj • mesticiate, bastarde

mongrel adj • bastarde, mesticiate

mongrel n • can bastarde

monism [Philos] n • monismo

monist n • monista

monistic adj • monistic

monitor, admonisher n • monitor

monitor, censor, proctor [School] n • censor

monitor (gen/tech) n • monitor

monitor (in school) n • censor

monitor v • controlar ascoltar

monitory, admonitory adj • monitori

monitory (letter) n • monitorio

monk n • monacho

monk n • monacho (-mò-)

monkdom n • monachato

monkey, ape n • simia

monkey n • simia

monkey business, monkeyshine n • simieria

monkey business, monkeyshine n • simieria (-ìa)

monkey-nut n • arachide

monkeyshine, monkey business n • simieria

monkeyshine, monkey business n • simieria (-ìa)

monkey-wrench n • clave anglese

monkish, monachal adj • monachal

monochord n • monochordo

monochromatic adj • monochromatic

monochrome adj • monochrome

monocle n • monoculo (-nò-)

monocle n • monoculo

monogamic adj • monogamic

monogamist n • monogamo

monogamist n • monogamo (-nò-)

monogamous adj • monogame

monogamous adj • monogame (-nò-)

monogamy n • monogamia

monogamy n • monogamia (-ìa)

monogram n • monogramma

monogram n • cifra

monograph n • monographia (-ìa)

monograph n • monographia

monographer n • monographo

monographer n • monographo (-ògrapho)

monographic adj • monographic

monolith n • monolitho

monolith n • monolitho (-òlito)

monolithic adj • monolithic

monolog, -gue n • monologo

monolog, monologue n • monologo (-òlogo)

monolog, monologue n • monologo

monologize, deliver a monologue v • monologar

monometallism n • monometallismo

monometallist n • monometallista

monometer n • monometro (-òmetro)

monometer n • monometro

monometric adj • monometric

monomial [Alg] adj • monomie

monomial [Alg] n • monomio

Monophysite [Theol] n • monophysita

monoplane n • monoplano

monopolism n • monopolismo

monopolist n • monopolista

monopolization n • monopolisation

monopolize v • monopolisar

monopoly n • monopolio

monostich [Pros] n • monosticho

monostich [Pros] n • monosticho (-nò-)

monosyllabic adj • monosyllabe (-sì-)

monosyllabic adj • monosyllabe

monosyllable n • monosyllabo

monosyllable n • monosyllabo (-sì-)

monotheism n • monotheismo

monotheism n • monotheismo (-ìzmo)

monotheist n • monotheista (-ìsta)

monotheist n • monotheista

monotheistic adj • monotheistic

monotheistic adj • monotheista

monotheistic adj • monotheista (-ìsta)

monotheistic adj • monotheistic (-ìstic)

monotonous adj • monotone

monotony n • monotonia

monotony n • monotonia (-ìa)

monotype [Print] n • monotypo

monson n • monson

monster adj • enorme, colossal

monster adj • colossal, enorme

monster n • monstro

monstrosity n • monstruositate

monstrous adj • monstruose

monstrous, prodigious, portentous adj • portentose

montane (1. mountainous; 2. mountain) adj • montan

Montenegro [Geog] n • Montenegro

month n • mense

monthly adj • mensual

monthly adv • mensualmente

monthly n • revista mensual

monthly payment n • mensualitate

monthly salary n • mense

monthly-payment n • pagamento mensual

monticule, hill (small mountain) n • monticulo

Montserrat [Geog] n • Montserrat

monument n • monumento

monumental adj • monumental

monumentally adv • monumentalmente

moo, low v • mugir

moo v • mugir

mood (bad tempered) n • mal-humor, morositate

mood (bad tempered) n • morositate, mal-humor

mood (good -) n • bon humor

mood [Gram] n • modo

mood (humour) n • disposition, humor

mood (humour) n • humor, disposition

moodiness n • morositate, mal-humor

moodiness n • mal-humor, morositate

moody (bad tempered) adj • de mal humor

moon adj • lunar

moon [Astron] n • luna

moon (full -) n • luna plen

moon, lunar adj • lunar

moon n • luna

moon-light (by - light) phr • per luna

moon-light n • lumine del luna

moon-struck adj • lunatic

moor adj • maure, more

moor adj • more, maure

moor (drop anchor) vt • religar, retiner anchore

moor (drop anchor) vt • retiner anchore, religar

moor (moorland) n • landa

moor n • mauro, moro

moor n • moro, mauro

moor n • tesca

Moor n • mauro

mooring-berth n • posto

Moorish adj • maure

Moorish, Moresque adj • mauresc

mop n • spongia de baston

mop v • spongiar de baston

mop up, dry, wipe v • essugar

mope v • attristar se

mope v • infurer

mora [Pros] n • mora

moraine [Geol] n • morena

moral (1. as in moral conduct; 2. as in moral victory) adj • moral

moral adj • moral

moral n • moral

morale (as in the morale of an army) n • moral

morale n • moral stato de animo

moralism (moral practice, attitude) n • moralismo

moralist, ethicist n • ethico

moralist n • moralista

morality n • moralitate

moralization (1. action of improving the morals; 2. moral reflection) n • moralisation

moralization n • moralisation

moralize (1. to improve the morals of; 2. to study moral problems) v • moralisar

moralize v • moralisar

moralizer n • moralisator

morals n • moralitate

morals n • moral

morass n • palude

moratorium n • moratorio

moratory adj • moratori

morbid adj • morbide

morbidity n • morbiditate

morbiferous adj • morbifere

morbific adj • morbific

mordacity n • mordacitate

mordant, biting, caustic adj • mordente ppr of morder

mordent [Mus] adj • mordente ppr of morder

more adj • plus de

more adv • plus

more adv • magis (mà-)

more adv • magis

more (the) more ... (the more) phr • le plus . le plus

more or less phr • plus o minus

more-and-more phr • plus e plus

more-over adv • plus ultra

moreover, besides adv • preterea

moreover, besides adv • preterea (-tér-)

moreover, furthermore, likewise adv • alsi (-ì)

moreover, furthermore, likewise adv • alsi

Moresque, Moorish adj • mauresc

more-than (enough) adj/adv • plus satis de

more-than (no -) phr • non plus (que)

more-than (no -) phr • non plus

more-than (what's -) phr • etiam plus

morgue (place where bodies are kept for identification) n • morgue

morgue (place where bodies are kept for identification) n • morgue</b> F]

moribund, dying adj • moribunde

Mormon adj • mormonic

Mormon (as in the Book of Mormon) n • Mormon

Mormonism n • mormonismo

morning adj • matinal

morning adj • matutin

morning (good -) interj • bon jorno

morning (morning's duration) n • matinata

morning n • mane

morning n • matino

morning n • matutino

morning-sickness n • nausea de matino

morning-star n • luciferente

Moroccan adj • marocchin

Moroccan n • maroccan

Moroccan n • marocchino

Morocco [Geog] n • Marocco

Morocco n • Marocco

morocco dealer n • marocchinero

morocco dresser n • marocchinero

morocco marocchin adj • marocchin

morose adj • morose

morosely adv • morosemente

moroseness n • morositate

morph-, morpho- (form)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • morph-

Morpheus [Gr Mythol] n • Morpheo (-éo)

Morpheus [Gr Mythol] n • Morpheo

morphine (drug) n • morphina

morphine n • morphina

morphinism [Med] n • morphinismo

morphinomania n • morphinomania (-ìa)

morphinomania n • morphinomania

morphinomaniac n • morphinomano

morphinomaniac n • morphinomano (-òmano)

morphological adj • morphologic

morphologist n • morphologista

morphologist n • morphologo

morphologist n • morphologo (-òlogo)

morphology n • morphologia (-ìa)

morphology n • morphologia

morris (dance) n • mauresca

morrow (morning) n • matino

morsel (1. small bite; 2. piece, fragment) n • morsello

morsel (bite) n • morsura

morsel v • morsellar

mortadella (food) n • mortadella

mortal (1. destined to die; 2. fatal) adj • mortal

mortal adj • mortal

mortality (1. mortal nature; 2. death rate) n • mortalitate

mortality n • mortalitate

mortally adv • mortalmente

mortar (1. as in mortar and pestle; 2.</b> Mil]; 3. as in to plaster with mortar) n • mortero

mortar (all senses) n • mortero

mortgage n • hypotheca

mortgage v • hypothecar

mortician n • director de pompas funebre

mortification (1.</b> Eccl]; 2. humiliation, shame; 3.</b> Pathol]) n • mortification

mortification n • mortification

mortified adj • mortificate (pp of mortificar)

mortified adj • mortificate

mortifier n • mortificator

mortify (1.</b> Eccl]; 2. to cause to feel humiliated) v • mortificar

mortify, treat with spite, spite v • despectar

mortify v • mortificar

mortmain [Law] n • manomorte

mortuary adj • mortuari

Mosaic adj • mosaic (-àic)

mosaic adj • mosaic

Mosaic adj • mosaic

mosaic n • mosaico

mosaic n • mosaico (-àico)

Mosaism n • mosaismo

Mosaism n • mosaismo (-ìzmo)

Moscow n • Moscova

Moscow River, Moskva n • Moscova

Moses n • Moses

Moses n • Moyse (-sé)

Moses n • Moyse

Moses n • Moses (mò-)

Moskva, Moscow River n • Moscova

moslem n • musulman

mosque n • moschea (-éa)

mosque n • moschea

mosquito n • mosquito

mosquito n • mosquito</b> H]

mosquito net n • mosquitiera

mosquito-like, gnatlike, gnat-shaped adj • culiciforme

moss n • musco

mossy adj • muscose

most adj • le major parte de

most adv • maxime

most adv • le plus

most adv • maxime (màx-)

most-high n • altissimo

mostly adv • principalmente, in general

mostly adv • in general, principalmente

mote n • mota

motel (hotel) n • motel

motet [Mus] n • mottetto

moth [Bot] n • lepidoptero

moth (small) n • tinea

mother n • matre

mother n • matre, mamma

mother n • mamma, matre

mother-earth n • gaia, matre terra, gea

mother-earth n • matre terra, gea, gaia

mother-earth n • gea, gaia, matre terra

motherhood, maternity n • maternitate

motherhood n • maternitate

mother-in-law n • matre affin

motherless adj • sin-matre, orphano de matre

motherless adj • orphano de matre, sin-matre

motherly adj • maternal

motherly adv • maternal

mother-of-pearl n • matreperla

mother-of-pearl, nacre n • nacre

motif n • motivo

motion (1. movement; 2.</b> Parl]) n • motion

motion n • movimento, motion

motion n • motion, movimento

motionless adj • immobile

motion-picture theater, cinema n • cinematographo

motion-picture theater, cinema n • cine

motion-picture theater, cinema n • cinematographo (-ò-)

motion-sickness n • nausea de movimento

motivate v • motivar

motivation n • motivation

motive adj • motive

motive n • motivo

motor adj • motor

motor (as in an electric motor) n • motor

motor n • motor

motor coach n • autocar

motor vehicle, automobile n • automobile

motorboat n • motobarca

motorbus n • autobus

motorcar, car, auto n • auto

motorcar n • automobile

motorcoach n • autocar

motorcycle n • motocyclo

motorcycle n • motorcyclo

motorcycle n • motocycletta

motorcyclist n • motocyclista

motorcyclist n • motorcyclista

motoring n • automobilismo

motorist, automobilist n • automobilista

motorist n • automobilista

motorization n • motorisation

motorize v • motorisar

motor-launch n • motolancha

motor-oil n • oleo pro motores

motor-show n • salon del automobile

motorway n • autostrata

mottled adj • marmorisate, variegate

mottled adj • variegate, marmorisate

motto n • motto, devisa

motto n • motto

motto n • devisa, motto

moul, moldd v • formar, modular

mould, mold (1. as in to cast in a mold; 2. model) n • modulo

mould, mold (a statue) v • modular

mould, mold [Bot] n • mucor

mould, mold (hollow form) n • modulo, forma

mould, mold (hollow form) n • forma, modulo

mould, mold n • forma

mould, mold v • modular, formar

moulder, molder n • modulator

moulding, molding [Arch] n • modulatura

mouldy, moldy (be -) v • mucer

mouldy, moldy [Bot] adj • mucide, mucorose

mouldy, moldy [Bot] adj • mucorose, mucide

mound (for burial) n • tumulo

mound (knoll) n • monticulo

mount (1. to ascend; 2. to fix in a setting, backing, support) v • montar

mount (a horse) v • montar a cavallo

mount (climb, fix) v • montar

mount (horse) n • cavallo

mount, mountain n • monte

mount (mountain) n • monte, montania

mount (mountain) n • montania, monte

mount (support, fixing) n • montatura

mount (theat) v • montar

mountain, mount n • monte

mountain n • monte, montania

mountain n • montania, monte

mountain n • montania

mountain climber, ascensionist n • ascensionista

mountaineer (dweller) n • montaniero

mountaineer n • montaniero

mountaineer (sport) n • alpinista, ascensionista

mountaineer (sport) n • ascensionista, alpinista

mountaineering n • alpinismo

mountainous adj • montaniose, montan

mountainous adj • montan, montaniose

mountainous adj • montaniose

mountainous adj • montuose

mountain-range n • catena de montanias

mounting (a jewel, picture, gun) (action of) n • montatura

mounting (a jewel, picture, gun) (action of) n • montage

mounting (a jewel, picture, gun) (action of) n • montage (-aje)

mounting n • montage, montatura

mounting n • montatura, montage

mourn v • affliger se, luger

mourn v • luger

mourn v • luger, affliger se

mourn v • luger</b> lug-/-luct-]

mourner n • affligito

mourners (group) n • convoyo funebre

mourners (group) n • convoyo funebre (o les qui seque le - )

mournful adj • luctuose, lugubre

mournful adj • lugubre, luctuose

mournful adj • luctuose

mournful, doleful adj • lamentabile

mournful, lugubrious adj • lugubre

mournful, lugubrious adj • lugubre (lù-)

mourning (be in -) v • esser in lucto (pro), portar lucto

mourning (be in -) v • portar lucto, esser in lucto (pro)

mourning (be in -) v • esser in lucto, portar lucto

mourning (be in -) v • portar lucto, esser in lucto

mourning n • lucto

mourning widow, sweet scabious [Bot] n • vidua

mouse [Comp] n • mouse

mouse [Gen] n • ratto

mouse n • mure

mouse n • mus

mouse n • mures

mouse-hole n • foramine de mures

mousetrap n • trappa pro mures

moustache n • mustachio

mouth [Anat] n • bucca

mouth n • ore

mouth n • bucca

mouth (of a river) n • imbuccatura

mouth (of river) n • imbuccatura

mouth (opening) n • apertura

mouth v • declamar

mouthful n • buccata

mouthorgan (harmonica) n • harmonica

mouthpiece [Mus] n • buccella

mouthpiece (of a horse's bit) n • imbuccatura

mouthpiece (person) n • interprete

movable adj • movibile, mobile

movable adj • movibile

movable adj • mobile, movibile

movable-assets n • benes mobiliari

move (1. to cause to move; 2. to affect with emotion, stir up) v • mover

move (1. to cause to move; 2. to affect with emotion, stir up) v • mover</b> mov-/mot-]

move (a resolution) v • proponer

move (affect emotionally) v • emover

move (affect emotionally) v • emover</b> -mov-/-mot-]

move (affect with emotion) v • commover</b> -mov-/-mot-]

move (affect with emotion) v • commover

move (by emotion) v • commover, emover

move (by emotion) v • emover, commover

move (cause to change position) vt • mover

move, float, drift, sail v • vogar

move (go) vi • mover se

move (house) v • cambiar de domicilio

move n • movimento

move, touch v • emotionar

move by entreaty v • exorar

move in, be moved by, waves v • fluctuar

move obliquely, oblique v • obliquar

move or be moving leverwise (over a fixed point) v • bascular

move to remorse v • compunger</b> -pung-/-punct-]

move to remorse v • compunger

move-about v • ir e venir, circular

move-about v • circular, ir e venir

move-back v • regreder, regressar, retirar (se)

move-back v • regressar, retirar (se), regreder

move-back v • retirar (se), regreder, regressar

move-back v • retirar, regreder, regressar

move-back v • regressar, retirar, regreder

move-back v • regreder, regressar, retirar

move-forward v • avantiar (se)

move-forward v • avantiar

move-in v • installar se a domo

movement (1. action or process of moving; 2. as in popular movement, youth movement) n • movimento

movement (as in the second movement of a symphony)</b> Mus] n • parte

movement n • movimento

movements n • manovras

move-off v • poner se in marcha, quitar

move-off v • quitar, poner se in marcha

move-on v • avantiar

move-out v • cambiar de domicilio

movie n • film

movie (-s) n • cinema, le cine

movie (-s) n • le cine, cinema

moving, floating, drifting, sailing (act of) n • voga

moving (of emotions) adj • commoviente, emotionante

moving (of emotions) adj • emotionante, commoviente

moving, touching adj • emotionante

moving (which moves) adj • mobile

mow (cut down with a scythe, sickle) v • falcar

mow (cut) v • tonder

mow (reap) v • falcar

mow-down v • falcar, destruer in massa

mow-down v • destruer in massa, falcar

mower (machine) n • machina a tonder

mower n • falcator

mower (person) n • falcator

mowing (act of) n • falcatura

Mozambique [Geog] n • Mozambique

Mozarab (member of the Christian population of Spain under the Arabs) n • mozarabe

Mozarab (member of the Christian population of Spain under the Arabs) n • mozarabe</b> H]

Mozarabic adj • mozarabic

Mr (Mister) n • sr. (senior)

Mr (Mister) n • sr.

Mrs (Mistress) n • sra. (seniora)

Mrs (Mistress) n • sra.

Ms (Misses) n • sra. (seniora)

Ms (Misses) n • sra.

much adj • multe

much adj • plurimel (plù-)

much adj • plurimel

much adv • tanto

much adv • multo

much (as -) adj • tante

much (as - as) adv • quanto

much, exceedingly adv • plurimo

much, exceedingly adv • plurimo (plù-)

much (excessively, too -) adv • troppo

much (how - is it?) adv • quanto costa?

much (how - sugar?) adv • quante sucro?

much (I thought as -) phr • io lo ha expectate

much (in excess) adv • de troppo

much (make too - of) v • attaccar troppo de importantia a

much (so - per hundred) adj. phr • tanto pro cento

much (so - the better) phr • tanto melio

much (with noun) adj • troppo de

much talked of, rumored adj • rumorose

much-to-my-astonishment phr • a mi grande stupefaction

muchwandering, multivagant adj • multivage (-tì-)

muchwandering, multivagant adj • multivage

mucilage (mucilaginous sap)</b> Bot] n • mucilagine

mucilaginous (as in mucilaginous glands) adj • mucilaginose

mucin [Biochem] n • mucina

muciparous adj • mucipare

muck (dirt) n • immunditias, fango

muck (dirt) n • fango, immunditias

muck (manure) n • stercore

mucky adj • fangose, immunde

mucky adj • immunde, fangose

Mucor [Bot] n • mucor

mucosa [Anat] n • mucosa

mucosity, mucousness n • mucositate

mucous adj • mucose

mucousness, mucosity n • mucositate

mucus n • muco

mud, mire n • fango

mud n • fango

muddiness n • fangositate

muddle n • disordine, confusion

muddle n • confusion, disordine

muddle v • confunder, imbroliar

muddle v • imbroliar, confunder

muddle v • confunder (se), imbroliar

muddle v • imbroliar, confunder (se)

muddle-through v • arrangiar se

muddy, miry adj • fangose

muddy (of liquid) adj • turbide

muddy (with mud) adj • fangose

mudguard, fender n • guardafango

mudguard n • guardafango

muezzin n • muezzin

muff n • manichetto

muffle (deadern) v • assurdar

muffle, mute v • assurdar

muffle (wrap) v • inveloppar

muffled, surd, dull adj • surde

muffler (of car) n • silentiator

muffler (scarf) n • pannello de collo

mufti (official expounder of Mohammedan law) n • mufti

mug (face) n • visage, muso

mug (face) n • muso, visage

mug (fool) adj • dupe

mug (for drinking) n • tassa (sin subcuppa)

mug (for drinking) n • tassa

mug v • robar, assalir

mug v • assalir, robar

muggy adj • calide e humide

mulatto n • mulatto

mulberry (fruit of the mulberry) n • mora

mulberry (mulberry tree) n • moro

mulct, fine v • mulctar

mule n • mulo

mule [Zool] n • mulo

mule driver, muleteer n • mulero

muleteer, mule driver n • mulero

mullah [Moham] n • mullah

mullah [Moham] n • mullah (-là)

multarticulate, multiarticulate [Zool] adj • multarticulate

multarticulate, multiarticulate [Zool] adj • multiarticulate

multiarticulate, multarticulate [Zool] adj • multarticulate

multiarticulate, multarticulate [Zool] adj • multiarticulate

multicapsular adj • multicapsular

multicauline, having several stems [Bot] adj • multicaule

multicauline, having several stems [Bot] adj • multicaule (-càu-)

multicellular adj • multicellular

multicolored adj • multicolor

multicolored n • multicolor

multicuspid, multicuspidate [Bot] adj • multicuspide

multicuspid, multicuspidate [Bot] adj • multicuspide (-cùs-)

multicuspidate, multicuspid [Bot] adj • multicuspide (-cùs-)

multicuspidate, multicuspid [Bot] adj • multicuspide

multifid (cleft severally) adj • multifide

multifid (cleft severally) adj • multifide (-tì-)

multiflowered adj • multi-flor

multiform adj • multiforme

multiformity n • multiformitate

multilateral adj • multilatere

multilateral, many-sided adj • multilatere

multilaterally adv • multilateralmente

multilobar, multilobed, multilobate [Bot, Zool] adj • multilobe (-tì-)

multilobar, multilobed, multilobate [Bot, Zool] adj • multilobe

multilobate, multilobed, multilobar [Bot, Zool] adj • multilobate

multiloquence, talkativeness n • multiloquentia

multiloquent, talkative adj • multiloquente

multiloquous, talkative adj • multiloque (-tì-)

multiloquous, talkative adj • multiloque

multilosular [Bot, Zool] adj • multilocular

multimillionaire n • multimillionario

multinominal, polynomial [Math] adj • multinomie

multinominal, polynominal [Math] n • multinomio

multipara n • multipara (-tì-)

multipara n • multipara

multiparity n • multiparitate

multiparous adj • multipare

multipartite adj • multipartite

multiped, multipede adj • multipede

multiped, multipede adj • multipede (-tì-)

multipede, multiped adj • multipede (-tì-)

multipede, multiped adj • multipede

multiple (1. manifold, multiplex; 2.</b> Math]) adj • multiplice

multiple (1. manifold, multiplex; 2.</b> Math]) adj • multiplice (-tì-)

multiple (1. menifold, multiplex; 2.</b> Math]) adj • multiple (mùl-)

multiple (1. menifold, multiplex; 2.</b> Math]) adj • multiple

multiple adj • multiple, multiplice

multiple adj • multiplice, multiple

multiple [Math] n • multiplo (mùl-)

multiple [Math] n • multiplo

multiple n • multiplo

multipliable, multiplicable adj • multiplicabile

multiplicable, multipliable adj • multiplicabile

multiplicand n • multiplicando

multiplication n • multiplication

multiplicative adj • multiplicative

multiplicity n • multiplicitate

multiplier [Math] n • multiplicator

multiplier n • multiplicator

multiply (1. to make more numerous; 2.</b> Math]) v • multiplicar

multiply v • multiplicar (se)

multiply v • multiplicar

multiply by nine v • nonuplar

multipolar [Anat, Elec] adj • multipolar

multisensual, multivocal (having many meanings) adj • multisense

multisonant, multisonous adj • multisone

multisonous, multisonant adj • multisone

multitubular adj • multitubular

multitude (1. large number; 2. crowd, throng) n • multitude

multitude n • multitude

multivagant, muchwandering adj • multivage

multivagant, muchwandering adj • multivage (-tì-)

multivalve, multivalved [Bot, Zool] adj • multivalve

multivalved, multivalve [Bot, Zool] adj • multivalve

multivious (having many roads) adj • multivie (-tì-)

multivious (having many roads) adj • multivie

multivocal, multisensual (having many meanings) adj • multisense

multungulate [Zool] adj • multungulate

multungulate [Zool] adj • multungule

mum (keep -) v • non dicer un parola

mum n • mamma

mumbiling n • murmuration

mumble, grumble, whisper, mutter v • susurrar

mumble v • murmurear, murmurar, parlar inter le dentes, mangiar le parolas

mumble v • parlar inter le dentes, mangiar le parolas, murmurear, murmurar

mumble v • mangiar le parolas, murmurear, murmurar, parlar inter le dentes

mumble v • murmurar, parlar inter le dentes, mangiar le parolas, murmurear

mummification n • mumification

mummify (embalm as a mummy) v • mumificar

mummy (mum) n • mamma

mummy n • mumia

mummy n •</b> Archeol]

mumps n • parotiditis

munch v • masticar

mundane adj • mundan

mundane, worldly adj • mundan

Munich n • Munich (mù-)

Munich n • Munich

municipal adj • municipal

municipality n • municipalitate

municipality (town, city, having local self-government) n • municipalilate

municipality, town or city council n • municipalilate

municipalize v • municipalisar

municipium [Rom Hist] n • municipio

munificence n • magnificentia

munificence n • munificentia

munificent adj • munificente

munificent adj • magnificente

munificent adj • magnific

munition, supply with munitions v • munitionar

munitioneer, munitioner n • munitionero

munitioner, munitioneer n • munitionero

munitions, military supplies n • munition

mural adj • mural

mural n • pictura mural

murder, assassinate v • assassinar

murder (kill) v • assassinar

murder, murdering, assassinating n • assassinamento

murder n • assassinato

murder n • assassinato, homicidio

murder n • homicidio, assassinato

murderer, assassin n • assassino

murderer, assassin n • assassinator

murderer n • homicida, assassino

murderer n • assassino, homicida

murderess n • assassina, homicida

murderess n • homicida, assassina

murdering, assassinating, murder n • assassinamento

murderous adj • homicidal

murderous adj •</b> Fig]

muriate, chloride n • muriato

muriated (impregnated with chloride) adj • muriate

muriatic adj • muriatic

Muridae [Zool] n • murides

Muridae [Zool] n • murides (mùr-)

murmur, buzz, hum, rustle n • susurro

murmur, hum n • rumor

murmur n • murmure

murmur, roar, roaring n • fremito (fré-)

murmur, roar, roaring n • fremito

murmur, roar v • fremer

murmur v • murmurar

murmur v • murmurear

murmurer n • murmurator

murmurer, whisperer, hummer n • susurrator

murmuring (action of) n • murmuration

murmuring, rustling, susurrant, whispering adj • susurrante

murmurous (filled with, or making, murmurs) adj • murmurose

muscat (1. muscat grape; 2. muscatel wine) n • muscato

muscatel (1. muscat grape; 2. muscatel wine) n • muscatello

muscle n • musculo (mùs-)

muscle n • musculo

muscled, muscular adj • musculate

muscology, bryology (science af mosses) n • muscologia

muscology, bryology (science af mosses) n • muscologia (-ìa)

muscovite n • moscovita

Muscovite n • moscovita

Muscovy n • Moscovia

muscular adj • muscular

muscular (as in muscular energy) adj • muscular

muscular (as in muscular man) adj • muculose

muscular, muscled adj • musculate

muscular system, musculature n • musculatura

muscularity n • musculositate

musculature, muscular system n • musculatura

musculin [Biochem] n • musculina

muse, Muse n • musa

Muse, muse n • musa

muse n • musa

muse v • reflecter, meditar

muse v • meditar, reflecter

museum n • museo (-éo)

museum n • museo

mushroom n • champignon

mushroom v • propagar se como fungos

music n • musica

musical adj • music, musical

musical adj • musical, music

musical (as in musical arrangement) adj • musical

musical n • operetta

musical (of or pertaining to music) adj • music

musically adv • musicalmente

musician n • musico, musicante

musician n • musicante

musician n • musicante, musico

musician n • musico

musicologist n • musicologo

musicologist n • musicologo (-cò-)

musicology n • musicologia (-ìa)

musicology n • musicologia

musicomania n • musicomania

musicomania n • musicomania (-ìa)

musicomaniac n • musicomano

musicomaniac n • musicomano (-cò-)

musk (1. musk deer; 2. musk substance or perfume) n • musco

musk ox, ovibos [Zool] n • ovibos (ò-)

musk ox, ovibos [Zool] n • ovibos

musket, rifle n • muschetto

musketeer n • muschettero

muslim adj • moslem, islamic

muslim adj • islamic, moslem

muslim n • moslem, musulman, islamita

muslim n • musulman, islamita, moslem

muslim n • islamita, moslem, musulman

muslin n • musselina

mussel n • musculo

must (have to) v • deber

must n • musto

must (new wine, sweet cider) n • musto

must v • debe

must v • debe (+ inf. v.)

mustang n • mustang

mustang n • mustang</b> A]

mustard (- seed) n • semine de mustarda

mustard n • mustarda

mustard jar, mustard pot n • mustardiera

mustard maker, mustard seller n • mustardero

mustard pot, mustard jar n • mustardiera

mustard seller, mustard maker n • mustardero

muster (gather) v • congregar (se)

muster (gather) v • congregar

muster n • appello, revista

muster n • revista, appello

muster (review) v • passar in revista, facer le appello de

muster (review) v • facer le appello de, passar in revista

mustiness n • mucor

musty adj • mucide

musty, moldy adj • mucide

mutability n • mutabilitate

mutable, changeable adj • mutabile

mutation (1. change; 2.</b> Biol]) n • mutation

mutation n • mutation

mute adj • mute

mute, dumb, silent adj • mute

mute, muffle v • assurdar

mute n • mus

mute (person) n • muto

mute, sordine [Mus] n • surdina

muteness, dumbness, mutism n • mutismo

mutilate v • mutilar

mutilated, maimed adj • mutile

mutilation n • mutilation

mutilator n • mutilator

mutineer n • motinero

mutinous adj • motinose

mutiny (cause to -) v • motinar

mutiny n • motin

mutiny v • motinar se

mutism, muteness, dumbness n • mutismo

mutter, mumble, grumble, whisper v • susurrar

mutter n • murmur(e)ar

muttering n • murmure, murmuration

muttering n • murmuration, murmure

mutton n • ove

mutual adj • mutue, mutual

mutual adj • mutual, mutue

mutual, reciprocal adj • mutual

mutual, reciprocal adj • mutue

mutual promise to abide by the decision of an arbiter n • compromisso

mutuality, reciprocity n • mutualitate

mutually adv • mutualmente

muzhik n • muzhik</b> R]

muzhik n • muzhik

muzzle (as in a dog wearing a muzzle) n • musello

muzzle (for dog) n • musello

muzzle, halter (for animals) n • capistro

muzzle (halter) n • capistro

muzzle (of gun) n • bucca

muzzle, snout n • muso

muzzle (snout) n • muso

muzzle v • musellar

my poss pron • mi

my- (shut the eyes, blink)</b> occurring in compounds] v • my-

Myanmar (Burma) n • Burma, Myanmar

Myanmar (Burma) n • Myanmar, Burma

Myanmar [Geog] n • Myanmar

myopia n • myopia

myopia, short-sightedness, near-sightedness n • myopia

myopia, short-sightedness, near-sightedness n • myopia (-ìa)

myopic adj • myope

myopic, short-sighted, near-sighted adj • myope

myosotis, forget-me-not [Bot] n • myosotis

myosotis, forget-me-not [Bot] n • myosotis (-sò-)

myria-, myri- (1. countless; 2. ten thousand)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj • myri-

myriad (1. ten thousand; 2. indefinitely large number) n • myriade

myriad (1. ten thousand; 2. indefinitely large number) n • myriade (-ìade)

myriad n • myriade

myriagram n • myriagramma

myriameter n • myriametro

myriameter n • myriametro (-à-)

myriapod adj • myriapode (-à-)

myriapod adj • myriapode

myriapod n • myriapodo

myriapod n • myriapodo (-à-)

myrrh (gum resin produced by the myrrh tree) n • myrrha

myrrh n • myrrha

myrrhic adj • myrrhic

myrtaceous adj • myrtacee

myrtiform adj • myrtiforme

myrtle n • myrto

myself (emphatic) pron • me ipse

myself (object) pron • me

mystagogue n • initiator

mystagogue n • mystagogo

mystagogy n • mystagogia

mystagogy n • mystagogia (-ìa)

mysterious adj • mysteriose

mysterious, secret adj • arcan

mystery (1. as in the Eleusinian mysteries; 2.</b> Eccl]; 3. secret, obscure fact or force, motive; 4 mystery play) n • mysterio

mystery n • mysterio

mystery, secret n • arcano

mystes (an initiate in the mysteries)</b> Gr Relig] n • mysta

mystic adj • mystic

mystic, mystical adj • mystic

mystic n • mystico

mystical, mystic adj • mystic

mystical theology, mysticism n • mystica

mysticalness n • mysticitate

mysticism, mystical theology n • mystica

mysticism n • mysticismo

mystification, hoax n • mystification

mystifier, hoaxer n • mystificator

mystify, hoax v • mystificar

mystify v • mystificar

myth n • mytho

mythical adj • mythic

mythically adv • mythicamente

mythography n • mythographia (-ìa)

mythography n • mythographia

mythological adj • mythologic

mythologically adv • mythologicamente

mythologist n • mythologo

mythologist n • mythologista

mythologist n • mythologo (-tò-)

mythology n • mythologia

mythology n • mythologia (-ìa)

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