
From Intelligent Shit Music

sleepy beard sex?

what the!



shit on wheat2

and d7&beyond ODDs & SODs (+gods!)


1. 01 Arkanoid Intro (0:15)

2. 02 PAT (POSTMANG) (2:05)

3. 03 The Nihlist trio mega mix!!!!! (light bulb shine on!) (7:41)

4. 04 we duckies! (woop woop!) (3:56)

5. 05 THE TEST CARD MUPPETS - 31 = 1000hz (0:17)

6. 06 KiddA Kuvr[z(HIDDEN)z AESA2 mix] +extra berth (5:46)

7. 07 Minorah Minority (original demo version - subtle fuckery) (4:01)

8. 08 dr wromio (3:01)

9. 09 AG ICE AGE SAPMULER (5:39)


11. 11 Naked Negro Theme (0:24)

12. 12 BLOBGOB (1:00)

13. 13 bob log iii MOE ASH BOBglob (1:10)

14. 14 ditm3.0 (0:52)

15. 15 DITM4 (1:12)

16. 16 DITM5 (1:18)

17. 17 WILL CN white christmas (1:51)

18. 18 UNI (0:04)

19. 19 berkashmith (0:08)

20. 20 d (0:17)

21. x huh (0:01)

22. xxx satin~sample (0:19)

23. yAlicia - The itsy bitsy spider... 8 11 2006@17 43 03 (0:06)

24. yGary Trout 7 29 2006@14 42 58 (0:05)

25. yone plus one is one, forever 8 14 2006@4 56 59 (0:11)

26. zPanic! on the streets of London 12 29 2006@15 13 28 (0:15)

27. elmo (0:27)

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