The Hey City Grohlers

From Intelligent Shit Music

[EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - Growlers & Prowlers EP

sort of an odds & sods type of release with out-takes (but i use that term losely... they either didn't fit or were just done the same time as other things they are of no less quality!) from the upcoming outlaws, cage, and radio releases as well as one from NES even (the EP is in another folder!) and then it's one of 2 halves the first has some really fun but also some really kinda weird stuff... and the b-side is more pink acoustic with ash adding not much but there are some shiny moments there too! the band name is based on the BAY CITY ROLLERS... and dark shitty bowlers! ... but also dave GROHL er suh... and then of course pavement PRANKSTERS and GANGSTERS and tyger growlers and street prowlers! and just the idear of finding a kangaroo on the beach and he kinda freaks out and just swims into the ocean... does he come back? does he drown & die? does he just keep going and find some little island where he lives>? that's the thing! we just don't KNOW... anywho...


1. [EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - 01 blurp! (1:30)

2. [EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - 02 grEMOTE (2:10)

3. [EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - 03 SCREAMLAW (1:21)

4. [EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - 04 GRUMMKO! (1:32)

5. [EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - 05 [the minus level song] (1:37)

6. [EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - 06 like some (1:31)

7. [EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - 07 bitter children (3:20)

8. [EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - 08 the spider (3:42)

9. [EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - 09 THE CREW (3:10)

10. [EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - 10 waster the day away (5:37)

11. [EP67] The Hey City Grohlers - 11 winter gloves (4:18)

29 minutes 48 seconds


why don't you drink yr GROHLSCH beer? uh!

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