From Intelligent Shit Music

'ello! we're neutered...

1 2 3 4!

engrish b'oi rokkk!



)here's a dog's HEART(*



01 COOKO (initial frequencies) (2:01)

02 MIND TRIP (gotta get out) (3:02)

03 BURNT (ink pash kip path) (4:14)

04 GLOTCH (breakin point) (2:24)

05 terminate the terminator (2:20)

06 unborn with scorn (3:07)

07 xtrnl fng (1:45)

08 bring it to the next level (hack the earth / techno devils) (4:45)

09 siko kotik (0:21)

10 SHITTY FLOOPY (small-minded) (4:44)

11 beyond recog (rethink yr ink) (4:46)

12 FIXED / COG (3:42)

13 GOLF BALL SOX ("hidden" bonush) (4:53)


Neutered - Use Yr Head


A] Use Yr Head (3:29)

B] Plucked Organ (3:18)

C] Scoop Me Out (3:22)

D] Worship the Dying Frog (4:58)

TRT - 15:09

A British punky band that formed in the year 2000 known for their wild stage antics and thrashy demeanor. They began each show by stating "ello... we're neutered!" then counted to Four and jumped into a wall of racket / chaos. Their demo album was incredibly poorly recorded and the band had many problems / broke up many times and by the time their debut re-recorded album came about in 2006 (or possibly 7 depending on who you ask) the sound had changed to a much more Electronic / Industrial / Post Nu_Meta Metal style of sound...

Another long wait became obvious and finally a follow-up EP has come about! With even more time gone by their style has evolved / changed into a much noisier chaotic beast that goes more towards the avant side of things. Radio single and the title track "Use Yr Head" is a false promise with its catchy chorus and more song-like attributes. Plucked Organ shows that even by the second song things are already... breaking DOWN! ... things get even more cerebral for Scoop Me Out where all structure is thrown away and the digital destruction and digi-deconstruction is pushed to the very limits... not wanting to be holed up with pigeons the final track Worship the Dying Frog fusions many different things together and even goes into a sort of abstract demon danse party... of sorts!

enjoy the ride... be the snake...

GET NEUTERED... (again)

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