
From Innovationclass

Revision as of 07:34, 25 February 2008 by Le conard (Talk | contribs)

1. Principles, not rules.

2. Encourage wild ideas.

3. Defer judgement.

4. Build on the ideas of others.

5. Be visual.

6. Go for quantity.

7. Be adaptive.

8. Follow the idea, not the leader.

9. One conversation at a time.

10. Stay focused on the topic.

(Numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 & 10 are from Ideo::About Us::Methods::Brainstorming

11. Trust team members/classmates
12. Practice the Culture
13.Do not leave anyone behind (based on that cliche phrase: you are only as strong as your weakest link)
14. Identify opportunities for growth--embrace change and just let it be
15. establish a core/purpose to every idea

(I think that for our list of 10, we should take out #9 and #10. Personally, I like either #12, some variation of #13 or #15. thoughts?)

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