Tenure-track Assistant Professor - Asian History - Otterbein College

From Indopedia

  • Asian History - Otterbein College

-- Otterbein College, a comprehensive liberal arts institution in the suburban Columbus area, invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position beginning Fall 2009. Teaching responsibilities include pre-modern and modern Asian surveys, upper-division courses in Asian history, and departmental methods and research seminars. The department’s liberal arts approach fosters critical thinking skills, promoting undergraduate research, and preparing students for careers in a diverse and global world. All department members participate in the college’s interdisciplinary programs including the Integrative Studies and the Senior Year Experience Programs. Ph.D. required. Areas of sub-specialty are open.

-- Send letter of interest, curriculum vitae, three (3) current letters of recommendation, writing sample, and statement of teaching philosophy to: Dr. Abiodun Goke-Pariola, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Otterbein College, One Otterbein College, Westerville, OH 43081.

-- Email submissions: <academicjobs@otterbein.edu>. Review of applications begins November 21, 2008 and continues until the position is filled. We will be interviewing candidates at the American Historical Association meeting to be held in New York City, January 2-5, 2009.

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