Tenth International Women in Asia Conference, September 2010 - ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Canberra

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Tenth International Women in Asia Conference

Crisis, Agency, and Change

29 September – 1 October 2010

ANU College of Asia and the Pacific

The Australian National University, Canberra

-- The College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP) at The Australia National University (ANU) is hosting the Tenth International Women in Asia (WIA) Conference, to be held from 29 September to 1 October 2010 at the ANU, Canberra.

-- The WIA conferences have been held regularly since 1981 and are supported by the Women's Forum of the Asian Studies Association of Australia. These are international conferences, with attendees from throughout Australia and the Asian regions, including those who are working on or in the region.

-- Participants include academics and students; representatives of NGOs and other organisations involved in aid and development; artists and performers; and interested members of the general public. The conference provides excellent opportunities for networking and getting to know others in the field.

-- The theme for the 2010 conference – the tenth anniversary WIA conference – is Crisis, Agency, and Change. We hope that this will stimulate discussion across disciplines and across regions on the impact of crises, whether personal or collective, on women; on the representation of women and crisis; and on women's agency, actions, and activism in response to crisis and in efforts to achieve change.

-- Call for Papers: Contributions are invited from a broad range of participants from various disciplines. Participants are encouraged to submit proposals for panels (with 3-4 papers per panel). Individual proposals for papers are also welcome, as are innovative suggestions for films, exhibitions and other presentations.

Tenth International Women in Asia Conference Organising Commitee:

Dr Tamara Jacka (Chief Organiser), Senior Fellow, Department of Political and Social Change, School of International, Political and Strategic Studies, College of Asia and the Pacific;

Dr Ruth Barraclough, Lecturer, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific;

Dr Bina D'Costa, Research Fellow, Centre for International Governance and Justice, Regulatory Institutions Network, College of Asia and the Pacific;

Dr Carol Hayes, Senior Lecturer, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific;

Kumiko Kawashima (Liaison Officer), PhD candidate, Department of Political and Social Change, School of International, Political and Strategic Studies, College of Asia and the Pacific.

-- Conference Enquiries: Immediate enquiries can be addressed to wia@anu.edu.au

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