Madighan O'Donnell

From Incantatem

Madighan O’Donnell (mad-eh-gan oh don-el) is keeper for the Falmouth Falcons. She is a character in the RPG Incantatem.



The Short of it

Age: 20
Birthday: February 8th
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 111 lbs
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Nationality: Irish
Blood: Muggle Born
Occupation: Keeper for the Falmouth Falcons


Madighan is a bit small for an adult, both height wise, standing at only 5’ 2”, and width wise, being rather gangly and bony. This probably gives her a Napoleon complex, as she tries to over compensate for her size through grandiose gesturing and facial expressions, not to mention her outgoing personality. However, her small stature makes her ideal for darting back and forth as a keeper.

She has bright red hair that she keeps short, very short, to keep it out of her way. She cares little for it, and wears it the same boring way most days, unless she’s feeling especially good about the day, and finds she has time to mess around with it. Other than those rare exceptions her hair is merely parted down the left of her head, and combed right across her forehead. She has no idea what that makes the back look like, and doesn’t care.

Her eyes are large and pale green, often wide open or squinted in laughter. Whoever said the eyes are windows to the soul was right in Madighan’s case. Her eyes are extraordinarily expressive, bested perhaps only by her mouth, which is also large- too much so for her face. She almost always has a smile spread across her entire countenance, massive and toothy, and just how she likes it.

Mads is represented by Alyson Hannigan.


The first impression that Mads tends to leave with people is that of a loud, very silly, and inappropriately outgoing girl. Those who make it past that first meeting will find that their opinion hardly changes, but she does become endearing after awhile. Even as a twenty year old woman, Madighan finds it hard to accept the gravity (or seriousity, as she dubs it) of adults and adulthood. Growing up is the only thing that has ever scared her, or will ever scare her.

She went into professional Quidditch because it was just a game, after all. Get paid for doing what you love? Sign her up. When it comes to this game, she is unrelenting, uncompromising, and unbelievably competitive. It is perhaps the only aspect of her life that she truly takes seriously.

Being a former Gryffindor, Madighan is as brave and confident with herself as they come. As a child in a muggle world, she never had anything to be afraid of, because she always felt she was more powerful then anything or anyone who threatened her. She never let what other thought of her get in her way, she still doesn’t, and probably never will. Hatred is not something that she easily understands and so she naturally assumes that everyone likes her. Once she is convinced otherwise, however, she could hardly care less. She won’t leave someone who hates her alone, but would rather tease them, all in good fun (at least for her).

Ever the optimist, Madighan never really gets down. She ignores trivial problems altogether, which results in a dangerously carefree and reckless attitude toward life. When it comes to the larger problems in life, she simply never doubts that she can overcome them, and she usually turns out right.

Pre-Incantatem History

Madighan was raised by a muggle in the small town of Granard, Ireland. She was brought up as any other normal muggle child would be, but from a very early age she felt that she was special, and destined for something greater.

Her suspicions were confirmed when, on her ninth birthday, she received her acceptance letter from her long lost mother- a letter that informed her that she was a witch, could perform magic, and would soon be going to go off to a school where she would be able to learn spells and could keep an owl as a pet. Her reaction was a simple, “I SO WAY KNEW IT!”

Soon after, the letter was followed by an actual appearance. Madighan’s mother, a half-blood witch by the name of Lola, arrived to introduce her daughter to the wizarding world, weaning her into it slowly so that school didn’t shell-shock her. The first thing Lola showed Madighan was Quidditch. She took her to see a Balleycastle Bats game, and Madighan feel in love.

Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Madighan immediately took to the sport of flying, loving the release and freedom she felt while in the air. Making the Quidditch team at the school became her biggest goal. She found that she was a natural, and easily defeated her peers at try-outs. However, as she practiced her skills relentlessly, her grades slipped. She graduated Hogwarts with an ‘Acceptable’ overall. The only career she could see before herself was one in professional Quidditch.

Mads has found her new life amazing, and still gets the feeling every once in a while that she’ll wake up, and it will all have been a dream- so she lives it to the fullest.


Everyone loves it.

Role in Incantatem Plot

None, really.

Minor/Personal Plot

None, really.

Other Misc./Interesting Facts


Size: 10 inches
Wood: Holly
Core: Leprechaun Hair

O.W.L. Results

Astronomy: A
Divination: A
Charms: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: P
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E


  • Her broomstick is a Nike Wing
  • Her patronus is a robin.

Played By

Madighan O’Donnell is played by Rachel, aka iheartar

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