Adrik Sergo

From Incantatem

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(Artwork done by Sydney!)


Little Facts

Adrik Sergo

'Adrik Sergo (Ay-Drick Sir-Go) is a 107 year old vampire who appears to be somewhere in his thirties in apperance. He has also been a long time fan and follower of Voldemort, making him a Death Eater. Actor Jared Leto is used for Adrik's appearance, and he is the second Incantatem character by Duff, and possibly her favorite. He's also one of her first really evil characters ever, whoohoo!

Wand Info

Adrik carries the wand he had before he became a vampire- an Ash wand, exactly 13 inches long and inflexible. It contains a dragon heartstring as it's core. A few decades ago, Adrik made the wand wood black by holding it over the smoke of a fire- he claims it makes it harder to see, bwahaha!


Quick Facts

Full Name: Adrik Sergo (Middle name unknown) <p>

Age: 107

Appears to be: In his 30's

Wand stats: Ash, 13 inches, dragon heartstring; inflexible.

Patronus: A tasmanian devil

Boggart: His own death.

Apparate?: Yes

Broomstick: None


Adrik is definitely not the fellow you would want to meet in a dark alley, even though he’s the most likely you would. There are several good reasons for this. One, because he’s a Death Eater, and doesn’t even bother to hide it. He may be useless in situations where Voldemort might want a spy, but other factors already rule out that as a way to help his Master. Adrik proudly claims his allegiance when asked and would never deny it even if his life was on the line- though because of another reason, that’s also rare. Why are these things true? Why, it’s because Adrik is not human and not in attitude alone; he is a Child of the Night- a Vampire. He enjoys what he is and is definitely not ashamed of it. After over seventy years of being such, shame tends to die out.

Along with the two holes in the side of his neck and two fangs glinting in his mouth, Adrik has gained much more from being a vampire. One, he has the bloodlust. While ‘noble’ vampires who have chosen to side with the Ministry of Magic or go ‘vegetarian’ by dining on only animal blood, Adrik embraces it willingly and eagerly. It seems as though he almost constantly has the bloodlust even though he might have just eaten. His vicious nature shows through with each encounter he has with people. Sergo never tries to ‘turn’ fellows to create new vampires. Instead, he bites to kill. He doesn’t want to have to drag around some goofy teenager as an apprentice and for that reason is determined not to be a sire and prefers to just completely destroy his meals.

When on the hunt, he enjoys using his vampiric powers to his advantage. The allure over women is one he particularly enjoys- he won’t deny having his way with a girl before killing her and his good-looks (though pale and cold) definitely helps with his charm. But never has he actually fallen in love- those stories of vampires falling in love with humans and having to ‘fight their bloodlust not to destroy their love’ are nothing more than myth in his opinion. He views anyone without fangs to be lesser than he, because it’s true; they are mortal while he will never die by bullets, spells or old age! Only decapitation and a stake through the heart will stop him and he’s not going to be stupid enough to die by something like that.

Because he was once a human and the Ministry rules allow it (he wouldn’t care if they didn’t) he still carries a wand. But he doesn’t like using it- he keeps it for things like sending messages and making like more convenient but when it comes to things like murder, he ultimately prefers using his fangs and bare hands to kill who he likes. Why use Avada Kederva to kill when the victim’s blood will no longer be fresh and pumping? Why use Imperius when vampire hypnosis works just as well? Why use Crucio when sinking your teeth into someone’s neck and sucking the very life out of them accomplishes the same purpose? He keeps it sheathed during battles and instead keeps his fangs bared.

But even though he’s an evil vampire and all that, he still manages to have a sense of humor. Adrik is very sarcastic and uses his biting wit to poke fun at friends and foes alike. Hardly a serious thing comes out of his mouth- he always says it in the same dry voice so that sometimes it’s hard for the more dense people to pick up that he’s even saying something sarcastic, which just makes Adrik even MORE sarcastic and if that goes on for too long, he gets fed up and just kills them. Well, if they’re enemies. If they’re on the same side then he’ll just stop trying and walk away with a new view on the person he was just talking to.


Adrik retains the good-looks he had when he was thirty even though he’s now over 100, as all vampires look the same as they do when they were bitten… because when your body no longer functions, it no longer ages. So he’s basically a young man with all the experience of an old one. On actual looks, he also has the usual symptoms of being a vampire. No heartbeat, pale skin, hollow-looking eyes and two long fangs in his mouth that are most of the time splattered with blood. He inherited his father’s looks, mostly, but with his mother’s dark hair. The result is something that looks amazingly Slytherin when coming from two nice and generous Hufflepuff parents.

Long jet-black hair falls from his head and about down to his shoulders, parted at the side and sometimes tied back in a ponytail if he feels like it’s going to get in the way. It’s very sleek, shiny and limp- no body whatsoever and looks as if it’s constantly wet… probably wet with grease. Dark eyebrows match his hair and are usually lowered to create the constant look of slyness or anger across his face. Below these are his eyes, which are a stunning blue and provide a nice contrast to his pale and dark features. They’re usually sparkling as if someone has just told him a terribly funny joke, even though the joke is usually on the unfortunate person he has just bitten into.

On overall appearance, he’s tall and gangly and looks as if he has really no muscle on him. But while he may not, the unnatural enhanced strength that one gets from becoming undead makes up tenfold for his lack of muscle. While his scrawny shoulders and stooped posture aren’t very intimidating, when an eerie smile flits across his face and reveals two frighteningly long fangs, one knows to be afraid of him. On clothing, he prefers robes of course. Usually dark colors and mostly blacks, though leather boots would never be denied. Sometimes he wears fingerless gloves while he works, simply because he says ‘you can get a better grip on someone’s neck with them’.


The Past

Adrik was born in a little English town that no one ever gave a care about- and neither did he. He hated living in a place where muggles were right around the corner and their houses were bigger than his. His family was poor; a small shack for the four of them (mother, father, and his brother, Sunny) was all they could afford. And yes, they were purebloods- not all families with perfect wizarding blood are rich. His mother and father tried to give their sons the most normal lives they could by devoting everything they had to their boys. They went without sometimes even necessities just to get them all the things they needed- brand new- for school. But Adrik didn’t have a compassionate heart like his parents and demanded these things rather than realize that his parents were starving so he could carry his new books in a shiny trunk.

Off to Hogwarts he went, and was promptly sorted into Slytherin (much to the horror of his Hufflepuff parents, who couldn’t realize where they went wrong, but supported him all the same). While he already had a less-than-grateful heart, being around so many people who were much more sinister than he could ever even dream of being made him even colder of a person until he was right along with the rest of them. When he came home he was a terror to his parents, who missed the somewhat bossy but lovable child they had once known. He hated his parents, just because they insisted on loving him and being supportive even though he knew that his attitude made them cringe.

Finally when he came of age, he fled from his parents and instead moved into a room at the Leaky Cauldron and never told them where he went. He went to Hogwarts and finished out his seventh year, ready to find a job somewhere and survive. These were simpler times- there was no Dark Lord hanging over the wizarding community. He found a job at the place where he stayed, the Leaky Cauldron as a busboy until finally he managed to wriggle his way into the Ministry to work at a meaningless desk job in some Department that didn’t really matter. He didn’t care about his work and only cared about the money he was bringing in- he had no heart in it.

But all that changed when he was thirty seven and out walking- it was still considered safe to walk alone after dark in those times. Voldemort hadn’t even been born yet. But something evil already found it’s way to him- a vampire leaped from the shadows and before he could even get his wand out, Adrik was bitten. He managed to somehow wrestle himself away from it and get away but it was too late- he already had started turning. Immense pain came and he fell unconscious and when he woke up, his heartbeat was gone and his skin was cold to the touch. He was a vampire. At first he was scared and ashamed, never coming back to his job and holing himself away in a run-down Knockturn tavern.

But then the hunger came. He tried to stop it but couldn’t- the bloodlust took him and he attacked someone. It was a young girl, maybe even Hogwarts age, and she didn’t survive the attack. When Adrik regained his senses he had blood on his hands… but he was full. And he had… enjoyed it. That was when Adrik embraced his new darkness. He avoided ministry vampire-slayers and killed when he wanted, traveling the world to avoid being caught. This sort of life took him back to Britain eventually and that’s where he first heard of Voldemort and what he was doing. The vampire watched Voldemort for a long time until finally he decided that this Dark Lord might actually make it- and he joined him.

The Present

Currently Adrik is serving the Dark Lord as a rather close Death Eater, and possibly the next leader since none of the others seem to have been able to handle the position... this is why you don't put women in power. >D Adrik is currently lurking around England, though he likes to flit from country to country just to keep the aurors guessing on his wareabouts. He doesn't have any current missions other than finishing off the people on his private hit list.

-Part I-

Adrik had recently started being pestered by his 'nephew' of sorts in the whole vampire linage thing by a young vampire named Vincent Leblanc, who was a young man stuck in a 10-year-old's body. Vincent's parents, being 'good' vampires of sorts, bit their son to save him from cancer and death at a young age and refused to teach him how to be a 'real vampire'. So, when Vincent heard of Adrik and realized that that was how a real vampire should act, he took to tailing the older man and constantly begging to be taught.

Adrik humored him to an extent, but not enough to actually take him as an apprentice since he didn't want some 'little kid' weighing him down. So, Vincent moved on to someone else and got himself adopted by Helvi Varaa, who was the Death Eater leader at that time, as long as she could get him out of Hogwarts. She did so... though, after a talk with 'Aunt Lamia', he agreed to at least finish out school. Adrik hasn't really seen much of the little bugger since.. he's probably trying to get Nyx Sergo or Lamia von Maur to be his mentor. Psh.

Another interesting incident that probably pushed Vincent over the edge of getting annoyed with his undifferent uncle was when Adrik stumbled onto Vincent's feeder, Liam, and tried to attack the boy. Vincent had shown up just in time and explained who Liam was, which just made Adrik mock Vincent's 'unvampire-like' way of feeding. Oops. Adrik still wants to get his fangs into Liam, though, to 'finish the job'.

-Part II-

Adrik had met with several aurors before, either through battle or accidentally meeting them and no knowing their occupation. A few he's met personally would be Graham Ryleigh, who's wife he killed in a battle once; Gavin Hart, who he harrassed in Knockturn Alley for being a 'good' werewolf (and then met in a bar again when they were both smashed); and Thomas Cummings, who has been a rather large pain in the ass.

He met all of these aurors and a few others in a rather eventful battle in Knockturn Alley, where a group of Death Eaters just happened to be in the same place as a group of Aurors... and of course, all hell had broken loose. That's where Adrik had learned that the word 'Messy'sent the werewolf Evra Kanon into a rather crazy frenzy, which became useful in later fights. Adrik and Graham had focused on one another during that fight mostly, but when it seemed that the battle was leaning towards the side of the aurors, Adrik had done the most sensible thing for a former Slytherin to do... apparated the hell out of there to save his own skin.

Another fight happened when a group of Death Eaters found a way into Hogwarts and ambushed some students and Professors there, wounding several and even killing one (or two?). Again, they retreated without any real substantial victory. Adrik's actions seemed to take up the interest of the Ministry again and they picked up his trail, with Lamia von Maur (a vampire and Ministry employee, acting as a go-between for the Vampire Retreat of Romania) and Thomas Cummings.

Lamia and Thomas decided to try and ambush Adrik on their own, and went to the Hog's Head when they were pretty sure he would be there. A battle started between the three and Adrik managed to wound both pretty badly before making another escape by the skin of his fangs. He now had a rather large grudge against the persistant duo, though, as they did him.

-Part III-

The battle at the Quidditch World Cup could be considered a grand moment for the Death Eaters, but maybe not Adrik's greatest moment. A crowd of DEs had raided the stadium during the game by blowing up a good portion of the stands and then rushing the field, killing anyone in their path. The Hush arrived to combat the Death Eaters, though, and made the fight even more interesting. There wasn't even any real goal in mind- just the Death Eater's way of telling the world they were still around.

But when Adrik got into a fight with Thomas and Lamia again, he found himself not as well-equipped as last time. A good spell had knocked his wand out of his hand (which was rescued by Vincent, but he doesn't know this) and then a stunning spell from Lamia made him immobile, making him virtualessly powerless except to bear his fangs angrily. He was then apparated to the Ministry where they spent little time locking him up in Azkaban and starting a lovely fued with the Retreat on how they were going to handle his case.

So far he's still in Azkaban, still waiting to see who's going to win the slap-fight on which government gets to do what to their little convict. Adrik's not too worried, though. He'll figure something out.

His Hitlist

(In order of who he wants to finish off the most- +++ High priority, ++ Medium priority, + Low priority)

+++ Thomas Cummings - Auror- Put him in Azkaban

+++ Cillian Rodrigo Left the Death Eaters

+++ Freja Mithra - Left the Death Eaters

++ Dante Mithra - Helped Freja leave the Death Eaters

++ Lamia von Maur - Vampire- helped Cummings put him in Azkaban

++ Nathaniel Jerico - Vampire- a disgrace to their kind

+ Carson Greer - Attacked but not killed- needs to be finished off

+ Elizabeth Ryder - Attacked but not killed- needs to be finished off

+ William Ryder - Auror- attacked his sister

+ Graham Ryleigh - Auror- killed his bride-to-be

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