
From Incantatem

Revision as of 18:52, 26 June 2007 by Kazuu (Talk | contribs)

This article is about a player on the awesome ass, addictive website named Incantatem

Who is Kazuu?

Quick Stats

Birthdate: March 24,1990
IRL Name: Cassie (Ka-ASS-ee)
Gender: Female
Eyes: Blue, sometimes green.
Hair: What people usually call 'Emo-Boy' short; she snickers at that idea. Dark Brown.
Height: 5"3
Weight: 115 lbs
Skin: Pale as a friggin' chalkboard
Location: Virginia
Incantatem Characters: Bellamy Florentin, Nikolai Vosiliev, Anja Vosiliev, and Meng Sen Xian.

Cassie is relatively new to Incantatem, and her first character, Bellamy Florentin, was born on June 15. She was instantly intrigued by the liberty of the site, and the dark side to the plot that seemed to be unraveling during the time she applied. Her former role-playing experience extends to about five years ago, and she's dabbled in other genre pools, but usually finds herself coming back to good ol' Harry Potter RPGS. One of her favorite character to play, by far, and her favorite HP character altogether is Severus Snape. As for the controversies around the oily man..well, Cassie could care less whether he's good or evil. He's entertaining, and the Harry Potter Series wouldn't be as interesting without him.

That, and Alan Rickman is pretty hot, for an old guy.


Kazuu <3s:

Art, although she cannot draw worth anything.

Acting. She is a very avid actress, and has performed in many plays at her Highschool, including "Twelfth Night" (as Feste), "The Painful Predicament of Sherlock Holmes"(as the Psycho Lady), and "Hamlet"(as Hamlet), along with many others. She's not entirely sure about making a career out of it, but it's a thing she loves to do.

Music. Kazuu plays guitar and sings, and has been doing both for about 7 years. Over the years she's written many songs, most of which she has been able to record thanks to her Grandma's little nitch of a recording studio. Her musical inspirations and favorite musicians are Brand New, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Queens of the Stone Age, and many more.

Writing. No doubt hours of her muse squawking in her ear to write up replies to roleplays has given her quite the taste to writing all the time. She's started a few books herself, always coming up with relatively amusing ideas, but she mainly likes to describe things. Writing is definitely something Kazuu is thinking about utilizing in her college years, and perhaps even as a professional job afterward.

Star Wars. People may say it's past her time to be so obsessed with it, but the Star Wars saga has got a hold on her. Her favorite episodes are V:The Empire Strikes Back, and VI:Return of the Jedi. Her favorite characters from the series include, (in descending order) Han Solo, Aalya Secura, Lando Calrissian, and R2-D2.

Mythology and History. Kazuu has taken quite the interest in the past year with WWII military history and tactics, and sometimes unconsciously watched the History Channel because of it. She also knows much about ancient mythology, mostly Greek, Roman, Norse, Hindu, and Chinese.

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