Aerys Sangranis
From Incantatem
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Aerys Sangranis
Aerys Ilena Sangranis is a 7th year Ravenclaw played by Meian.
The Basics
Current Age: 17
Birthday: October 31, 1976
Height: 5’4’’
Weight: 122 lbs
Wand: Ebony and Rosewood, 15.5 inches, Unicorn Hair + 1 Phoenix Tail Feather
School Education: Completed 6 years of schooling at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Honors: Considered to be one of the most powerful seers of her generation.
Blood: Pureblood
Name Meaning: Her name is a play on Eris, Greek Goddess of Chaos
First Language: English
Played By: Jenny/Meian
Early Years
Beginning in Britain
Aerys was born to her two irresponsible and young parents, who were both eighteen when they had her. The two loved to travel, and when they had Aerys felt seriously tied down to their small apartment in Great Britain. They were also frustrated that their child turned out so shy, and didn’t enjoy the amount of travel they did, nor the exposure to complete strangers. One day when she was quite young, so young that she doesn’t remember the experience, Aerys ran screaming from her room claiming that some one had died in her closet. Her mother, who was already somewhat impatient with Aerys, went to go investigate and found absolutely nothing there. That’s why, when she was five years old, she was sent to her grandparent’s house in Romania for a vacation that never ended.
Extended Vacation
Her grandparents weren’t exactly thrilled by her presence either, but didn’t complain. They told her immediately that it was better for her to live with them anyways, because they knew how to raise young ladies, and they sincerely doubted that Aerys’s mum and dad were capable of doing such. It became apparent to Aerys very quickly that her grandparents were also not happy with her mother’s choice in a husband, and incredibly less happy with her general existence. However, they were going to ‘try and make the best of it.’ They trained her in the ways that they thought made a lady, which were incredibly old fashioned, probably something out of the Victorian Era which was when they were in their primes. They forced her to take piano, violin, voice, painting, latin, and speech lessons. Aerys did well at most of these, save piano, but this wasn’t enough for her grandparent’s praise. However, this was the least of her problems.
Aerys’s grandparents lived in a very old manor that had several rooms and many antique things. It was very easy to get lost, even if you had lived there for two years. This is why one night when Aerys went to get a glass of water, she took the wrong staircase and landed herself in a room with a rather large portrait of a lady who resembled Aerys somewhat. The woman started to scream at her, calling her horrible unmentionable names and sometimes just howling nonsensically. However, Aerys did get some important information out of her. The woman was her great great grandmother’s sister, and she had been a rather powerful seeress. However, the Sight and its predictions had eventually driven her mad, and she killed herself. Only a few days later, she learned that the little girl named Alice she had been playing with since before she could remember was not an imaginary friend as her parents had insisted, but a spirit guide, and that she too was a Seer.
Aerys had no idea of the extent of her abilities, however. She soon learned that she was equally sensitive to seeing events that had occurred in the past as well as events that could possibly occur in the future. At first, Aerys was excited about her abilities. She thought she could use them to help people. Her first try at this was when she saw a vision of one of the boys in her village drowning. She quickly and dutifully ran to the mother and told him of what she saw. The mother was skeptical, but called to her son to humor Aerys. When the boy did not come, the mother began to get frantic. Even Aerys was worried, because Aerys thought that this vision would take place days in the future. What Aerys didn’t know, was that her vision had only come to her seconds before actually taking place, and that the boy was already dead. The mother was horrified, and thus the village began to shun her.
Of course, the rest of the children found her abilities to be fascinating, but more importantly a source of entertainment. When she was nine, she was conned into helping some of the older boys of the village to dig up a woman’s grave to solve an old village legend that Aerys was interested in. They had no real intentions of solving any legends though, they simply wanted to mess with Aerys by pushing her into the open grave. Aerys, unfortunately for her, received predictions by mentally experiencing them, and so soon she experienced what it was like to burn alive at the stake. As she began to scream, the boys ran away and left her there. She wasn’t found until the next day, when the boys returned to see what had become with her. They found her at the bottom of the grave right where they left her, staring off into space silently. They helped her out of the grave, trying to ask her what had happened. She didn’t speak for a week.
Life at Hogwarts
Years 1-3
When she received her acceptance letter from Hogwarts, she saw it as a window of opportunity. Perhaps she could start again, without anyone knowing she was such a freak? However, this wasn’t to be. Aerys was already damaged from suffering so long in Romania at the hands of those who used her, and felt skeptical of anyone claiming to seek a friendship with her. She ended up pushing away the majority of potential friends, and giving the ones that called her a freak more of a reason to do so.
The only few that managed to convince Aerys to trust them were Cillian Rodrigo, Amaryllis Noircroix, and Professor Nesrin Berkant. Cillian she met on the Hogwarts Express in their first year, and although she was rather distant, he never left her alone after that point. She soon developed a rather deep crush on him, but was convinced that she would never marry due to her not being “marriage material” so she never pursued anything. She found friendship with Amaryllis in her second year, because they were both considered to be a little off or freaky. Professor Nesrin Berkant, however, was the only teacher that Aerys came to trust in her earlier years. Berkant taught her that it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing to be a seer, as she was one herself, and helped to strengthen her abilities in Divination.
It wasn’t very long before the school found out her abilities as a seer. Some admired her from it, some were scared of her for it, and some were a strange mix of the two. Hannah E. Dewitt was rather scared by it, and helped to make Aerys’s life more difficult at Hogwarts by openly expressing her dislike. Despite this, Aerys found Hogwarts to be more enjoyable than her home in Romania, and enjoyed her time there.
Years 4-5
Her friendships only brought her more grief though, in particular her friendship with Cillian. Once Cillian broke off his engagement with Freja Mithra, then Freja Verillion, he started to pursue Aerys. She responded slowly, but by the end of her fourth year had the beginnings of a relationship. Unfortunately, at the beginning of her fifth year, a Gryffindor student who extremely disliked Cillian, noticed his affection for Aerys, and also noticed that Aerys wasn’t half bad looking herself. He started to make minor love potions, and put them in Aerys’s drinks or food when she wasn’t looking, while slowly befriending her. The potions confused Aerys and made her depressed, but didn’t make her break off her relationship with Cillian until the Gryffindor switched his minor love potions for Amorentia he had conjured in Potions Class. Aerys immediately fell victim to the strong love potion, and left Cillian in the dust with little explanation as to why. Cillian then moved on to date Hannah E. Dewitt, leaving Aerys utterly devastated and confused during the points when her Amorentia wore off. Fortunately for her, Cillian discovered her roaming about after hours, apparently about to make a very big mistake under the influence of the Amorentia. Concerned for her well being, as well as lividly jealous, Cillian followed her to the Gryffindor Common. It was here, by her actions, that he discovered she had been under the influence of Amorentia, and brought her to Professor Beckett Rhys, the potions master, for an antidote. Despite the fact that Cillian had already broken off with Hannah, Aerys and Cillian had a very strained relationship until their sixth year.
6th Year and Prelude to 7th
During her sixth year, Aerys and Cillian patched up their relationship significantly, and Aerys made more friends. Things were starting to look up for the lonely Ravenclaw girl. However, her visions of death also increased, particularly visions concerning attacks by Death Eaters. To protect Cillian, she did not mention any of the attacks concerning Cillian to anyone. However, she did forewarn a few people that were not Cillian’s targets, and ended up saving a few lives. That summer, Aerys stayed with Cillian’s family so that she could attend Freja’s wedding, which was to be held later in the summer. She made good friends with both Beatrix and Armand Rodrigo, and so when Aerys and Cillian expressed interest in getting their licenses for magic use, he happily agreed to take them to work so that they could register. What he didn’t know was that the Death Eaters had scheduled an attack on the Ministry for that day and had neglected to tell them. Both Aerys and Cillian found themselves at the center of a large battle between the Ministry and the Death Eaters. Cillian betrayed the Death Eaters in order to save Aerys who as being threatened for interfering with the plans of the Death Eaters, but instead put her in more danger when Aerys became the preferred target of Pepper Kennington in order to emotionally harm Cillian. Aerys and Cillian both narrowly escaped with their lives. Alongside her at this time were also Rose Tippet, Leon Durand, and Professor Rhys. Her friendship with them increased significantly from having to share in the ordeal.
Now Aerys is in her last year of Hogwarts, and seriously unsure of what to do with her life after her school career ends. She knows what is expected of her, but doesn’t know if she wants to be bound to the life set out before her, and possibly the fate predetermined by her seer relative.
Abilities as a Seer
Side Effects
Aerys’s Seer abilities can sometimes be invoked on demand with her current knowledge and skill, but it is very taxing on her body and mind, more so than a random vision would be. Any use of her skill for over an hour often leaves her both physically and mentally exhausted, so much so that Cillian often worries for her health.
The Past
Aerys has the ability to see into the past when in a place or given an item that would connect her to a certain time in the past. She cannot pick what she sees of that past, the vision is simply handed to her and she must experience it. She can invoke this ability by seeking out items that would give her that sort of a reaction, but whether or not she finds out what she needs to depends mostly on luck.
The Future
Aerys’s ability to see into the future is even more random. Her visions occur often suddenly and at the most inconvenient of times. She can try to invoke visions of the future by focusing on certain people or destinations, but there is no guarantee that a vision will come to her.
Sometimes Aerys also has the ability to see visions through dreams, but she cannot control these visions at all. They can concern either the past or the future, and it is Aerys’s job to sort out which.
Having a close relationship to some one, whether the person be a friend, family member, or lover, gives Aerys more insight into their past and future. People who are brave enough to befriend Aerys have to have a certain level of trust with her, knowing that she will see certain parts of their life that she wouldn't otherwise be able to. This is especially true of people who have something to hide.
Alice Cummings
The girl Alice Cummings was a young girl who was born in the year 1899 and died in the year 1907. She is Aerys's spirit guide and the one who makes her predictions. When Aerys is in a trance, Alice speaks through her in a child like voice. Alice passed away from polio, which was very common in her time. She decided to give Aerys The Sight because she saw that Aerys needed a friend.
Aerys is very connected with Alice, because of Aerys's lack of friends throughout her life. When Aerys is effected by anything, Alice usually is as well. Aerys makes her predictions in Alice's voice, because it is really speaking and not Alice. Aerys rarely remembers her own predictions.
Current Plot Involvement
Aerys was involved in the attack on the Ministry by Death Eaters, and regarded as a sort of silent hero by those who oppose the Death Eaters. She was also given a lot of space at the beginning of her seventh year due to her ordeal. Now she is involved in the most recent plot thread, where once again she has found herself in the middle of another Death Eater conflict, except this time the Death Eaters are more dangerous and there is no Cillian around to save her. Amaryllis is being controlled under the Imperius Curse, and Aerys is desperately trying to bring her out of it any way she can in hopes that she will come to and help Aerys escape. There are many students along with her, but they have yet to make an appearance. Aerys has also suffered a vision in which she sees that the Death Eaters are planning to force the students there to kill each other, and becomes even more frantic because of it.
OWL Results
Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Charms: A
Defense Against the Dark Arts: A
Divination: O
History of Magic: E
Potions: T
Transfiguration: A
Arithmacy: O
Other Interesting Facts
+ Aerys finds both Potions and Cooking to be incredibly difficult, due to the level of concentration she has to commit to both.
+ Aerys’s patronus appears as a Nundu, which only adds to her reputation as a freak.
+ Aerys has a horrible relationship with her cousin Desdemona Portacullis, who her grandparents view to be the perfect example of a lady.
+ Aerys is quite close to her other cousin Isadora Nikolov, who is a professional Quidditch player for the Falmouth Falcons.
+ Aerys does not really care about blood purity, but takes whatever side Cillian is on to please him.
+ Aerys is rather good at singing, and sings in the Alto range.
+ Aerys loves to play Irish Fiddle, which greatly pleases Beatrix Rodrigo
+ Aerys knows Cillian’s deepest, darkest secret.