
From Iia Factbook

Ittoqmuriit Soorquiit Hyperboreus Usukuuk Indepencior Toquumec
Name Ittoqmuriit Soorquiit Hyperboreus Usukuuk Indepencior Toquumec
Occupation Governor(retired), Intellectual, FIsherman
Nationality Kiravian Empire- Atoveran
Place of Origin Sukuuk, Atovera
Ethnicity Ensku/Atoverev
Religion Universist, Ensku Shamanist

Ittoqmuriit is an Atoveran political figure.

He was born to Toquu and Murkaat, prominent citizens of the Utuk Ensku tribe in the village of Sukuuk. He was raised in the traditional Ensku fashion, and was granted the title of Soorquiit, or "Great Hunter". Ittoqmuriit was also raised in a very Anti-Colonial and Antikiravist household. A run of poor fishing and hunting seasons, as well as the death of his parents forced Ittoqmuriit to seek employment in the Kiravian town of Östisär at 25.

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