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20-40 million
Regions with Significant Populations
Far Northeast Kirav
Southern Kirav
Smaller Colonial populations
Kiravic Coscivian (Northeastern Dialect, Southern Dialect)
Coscivian Christianity
Related Groups
Kirev, Anglev

The Aŋrisev are an ethnic group in Great Kirav.

The Aŋrisev are descended from the Anglev immigrants that were dominant in the early Colonial Period of Kiravian history.

The Aŋrisev belong to two subgroups: The Northern Aŋrisev, living on the Far Northeastern Seaboard, and the Southern Aŋrisev, who live throughout the Kiravian South.


Northern Aŋrisev

The Northern Aŋrisev are descended from the early colonists of Novis Aŋla in Northeastern Kirav. Being well-established, they were œconomically and politically dominant through the Viceroyalty, and continue to be prominent in both regional and national politics even today.

The Northern Aŋrisev are generally wealthy. In fact, many of Kirav's multimillionaires and billionaires are Aŋrisev.

Although the Aŋrisev were the dominant ethnic group in Novis Aŋla for a long period of time, immigration has led to them becoming a small minority, making up only 8% of Marine Province, 12% of Canucroft Province, and 6% of Arcvera Province. However, the Aŋrisev remain an important œconomic and political force in the region, and Aŋrisev customs have become associated with the region as a whole.

Southern Aŋrisev

Unlike their Northern counterparts, the Southern Aŋrisev make up a large proportion of the population (up to 74% in Selcra Province), but are generally poorer and less educated. Although their large population gives them considerable political clout, many other Kiravians look down upon them.


Aŋrisev are, on the whole, politically conservative and highly patriotic. Both subgroups have strict codes of etiquette.

Aŋrisev tend to consume far less alcohol than other Kiravians.

Sporting events, such as Oldstyle Fieldball, Club-ball, and Trackball are important to both Aŋrisev groups. In addition, Southern Aŋrisev have invented their own sports and games, such as Creek Running and Charging. Courtball was invented by a Northern Aŋrisev, but is not widely played by that ethnic group.

Both peoples have influenced, and, in many cases, defined the culture and customs of their respective regions.

Place in the Coscivian Ethnic Continuüm

The Aŋrisev are descended from the Anglev, and are often considered an Anglev subgroup. Although Kiravic is the dominant language among Aŋrisev, English is usually understood, and used for formal occasions. In some of the Novis Aŋlan provinces, later immigration of Anglev reinforced use of the language among Aŋrisev. Although many Aŋrisev traditions have their root in Anglev culture, the Aŋrisev have developed many of their own traditions. This, and the fact that Aŋrisev strongly identify as a Kiravian people, leads most Aŋrisev to consider themselves a separate group. (Despite this, many Aŋrisev seperately identify as Anglev)

The Kirev share many cultural and historical traits with the Aŋrisev, and the Aŋrisev are often considered a Kirev subgroup, though most Aŋrisev reject this label.

The Corlev ethnic group is often considered a subgroup, both of the Kirev, and of the Southern Aŋrisev.

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