Liturgical Coscivian

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Liturgical Coscivian

Liturgic Coscivlinga

Liturgical Language
Total Users
Native Users
Official in
Church of Kirav
Western Parish
Writing Systems
Iatic Glyphicate
  • Coscivo-Kharic
    • West Coscivic
      • Greater Coscivian
        • Iatic
          • Middle Iatic
            • Ecclesiastical Iatic
              • Liturgical Coscivian

Liturgical Coscivian is the Coscivian language used by the Church of Kirav, and other Coscivian Christian denominations.

It developed out of the Ecclesiastical variety Middle Iatic, and was used by Coscivian Christian missionaries amongst newly-converted peoples in place of more complex Church Coscivian. Use of Liturgical Coscivian migrated inwards from the Empire's fringes, and became the chief liturgical language used by Christians in Ieurlin, Vrytin, Nordica, and Gëreva.

It penetrated further into Coscivia, until Íta, Helska, and Eastern Coscivia were the only countries in the Empire's core where Church Coscivian continued to be used by the Iatic Rite.

Most Kiravic Christian churches retain Iatic for the purposes of official or communal scriptures.

Liturgical Coscivian is similar in structure to Kiravic, and makes use of extensive borrowing from Latin.

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