Rise and rule of single-party states

From Ibstudy

Revision as of 10:03, 7 January 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
Stalin's Russia Hitler's Germany Mussolini's Italy Mao's China
time of rule 1924-1953 1933-1945 1922-1945 civil war 1931-1949, rule 1949-1976
rise to power tactical, political manipulation (stuff like making trotsky miss lenin's funeral, and creating a cult of lenin) public appeal, weak Weimar constitution, support from anti-communists, fought in WWI, Reichstag Fire, Strong image public appeal, military 'threat' (march on rome), fought in WWI (see slideshow) public appeal (not stealing during war with kuomintang), 'long march'
fall from power Death only (USSR falls later) WWII (+suicide) WWII (attempted escape + execution) death only
Foreign policy: Stalin's Russia Hitler's Germany Mussolini's Italy Mao's China
invaded anything? only buffer states, specifically Poland 'lebensraum,' re-uniting Germany w/ Austria, reclaim Ruhr and Germans from Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia) - , then taking over the whole freakin' world unite Italy, colonize Abyssinia (Ethiopia) (recreate Roman empire) unite the Chinese
treaties Nazi-Soviet pact (agreement to not attack each other, and to divide Poland) Nazi-Soviet pact (agreement to not attack each other, and to divide Poland), Rome-Berlin Axis Rome-Berlin Axis Isolation
Domestic goals creation of strong self-sufficient soviet state through industrialization and collectivization, "Socialism in one country" rearmament, purify German Blood establishment of corporate state, reclaim glory of Rome, battle for babies/land/grain etc, increase nationalism + militarism establish communist state
Economy: Stalin's Russia Hitler's Germany Mussolini's Italy Mao's China
industrialized already? no yes partly no
industrialization 5 year plans prioritized industry (for war) corporate state 5 year plans, Great leap forward (bad because they melted down scrap metal and made it into tractors, which then broke)
centralization yes yes yes yes
collectivization yes, forced in many cases no no yes, but not forced!
Political control: Stalin's Russia Hitler's Germany Mussolini's Italy Mao's China
political position Socialist: "Socialism in one country" Nazi/Fascist Fascist, Corporate State Communist
re: political opposition political parties banned, show trials political parties banned political parties banned political parties banned, show trials
resistance anyway? Gulag'd yes yes Kuomintang still in Taiwan
purges Political purges Political purges Political purges (rectification campaign)
democratic discussion no no no no
secret police KGB Gestapo, S.S. LOTS of informants Informants
Social control: Stalin's Russia Hitler's Germany Mussolini's Italy Mao's China
control of the media/propaganda Censorship - newspapers, limiting works of artists, school books adapted Censorship - newspapers, limiting works of artists, school books adapted. Goebbel important Censorship - newspapers, limiting works of artists, school books adapted, propaganda in modern arts+media Censorship - newspapers, limiting works of artists, school books adapted
cult of personality yes yes yes yes
instill nationalism? yes yes yes yes
use of military purges, reign of terror, secret police: rather than military military state military state Red Guards
common enemy capitalism communists, non-aryans, Jews, signatories of Versailles communists, (signatories of Versailles) capitalism
church and state anti-religious (allowed pogroms) Went along with the church initially, as it promoted family values, but hoped that eventually Christian ideas would be forgotten by society concordat of Rome, Lateran pact: recognized the church, gave them their own state, allowed them to have youth organizations -> led to divided loyalties anti-religious
antisemitism existed already (with Tsars, etc) yes, to the extent of genocide attempted but unpopular none
ethnic cleansing russification, stalinisation ? yes no no
classless society? yes class shd be meaningless: opportunity for all Germans, but dictatorship is fine ultimate aim yes
cultural changes none(?) yes - nature, family, 'germanic ideal' yes - natural inheritor of ancient Rome, return to traditional family values creation of new china (abolish four olds - culture, habits, customs, ideas), cultural revolution
role of women Expected to be active in the drive to develop Russian Industry, as well as fuffiling the more menial and domestic tasks at home (for HL detail, see here ) assigned roles - breed aryans originally supposed to be equal, later became housewives only
Difficulties 'de-kulakization' leads to ppl burning crops and killing animals rather than give them up he shouldnt've invaded Russia. general strength of Italy wasn't really that great. had to fight a civil war, and Great Leap forward produced faulty machinery
Writings 'foundations of leninism' Mein Kampf newspapers lol lil' red book
Conclusion: Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Mussolini were actually the SAME PERSON!!! OMFG CHINA IS IN ASIA
Stalin's Russia Hitler's Germany Mussolini's Italy Mao's China

Outside Resources:

  • An immensely helpful Google Spreadsheet being used to study History. A Single party leader comparison sheet is on the second sheet.
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