Atheists for Jesus

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Original Article: English

Title: Atheists for Jesus by Richard Dawkins


The argument, like a good recipe, needs to be built up gradually, with the ingredients mustered in advance. First, the apparently oxymoronic title. In a society where the majority of theists are at least nominally Christian, the two words are treated as near synonyms. Bertrand Russell's famous advocacy of atheism was called Why I am not a Christian rather than, as it probably should have been, Why I am not a theist. All Christians are theists, it seems to go without saying.

Of course Jesus was a theist, but that is the least interesting thing about him. He was a theist because, in his time, everybody was. Atheism was not an option, even for so radical a thinker as Jesus. What was interesting and remarkable about Jesus was not the obvious fact that he believed in the God of his Jewish religion, but that he rebelled against many aspects of Yahweh's vengeful nastiness. At least in the teachings that are attributed to him, he publicly advocated niceness and was one of the first to do so. To those steeped in the Sharia-like cruelties of Leviticus and Deuteronomy; to those brought up to fear the vindictive, Ayatollah-like God of Abraham and Isaac, a charismatic young preacher who advocated generous forgiveness must have seemed radical to the point of subversion. No wonder they nailed him.

"Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."

My second ingredient is another paradox, which begins in my own field of Darwinism. Natural selection is a deeply nasty process. Darwin himself remarked,

"What a book a devil's chaplain might write on the clumsy, wasteful, blundering low and horridly cruel works of nature."

It was not just the facts of nature, among which he singled out the larvae of Ichneumon wasps and their habit of feeding within the bodies of live caterpillars. The theory of natural selection itself seems calculated to foster selfishness at the expense of public good, violence, callous indifference to suffering, short term greed at the expense of long term foresight. If scientific theories could vote, evolution would surely vote Republican. My paradox comes from the un-Darwinian fact, which any of us can observe in our own circle of acquaintances, that so many individual people are kind, generous, helpful, compassionate, nice: the sort of people of whom we say, "She's a real saint." Or, "He's a true Good Samaritan."

We all know people (is it significant that the ones I can think of are mostly women?) to whom we can sincerely say: "If only everybody were like you, the world's troubles would melt away." The milk of human kindness is only a metaphor but, naïve as it sounds, I contemplate some of my friends and I feel like trying to bottle whatever it is that makes them so kind, so selfless, so apparently un-Darwinian.

Darwinians can come up with explanations for human niceness: generalisations of the well-established models of kin selection and reciprocal altruism, the stocks-in-trade of the 'selfish gene' theory, which sets out to explain how altruism and cooperation among individual animals can stem from self-interest at the genetic level. But the sort of super niceness I am talking about in humans goes too far. It is a misfiring, even a perversion of the Darwinian take on niceness. Well, if that's a perversion, it's the kind of perversion we need to encourage and spread.

Human super niceness is a perversion of Darwinism because, in a wild population, it would be removed by natural selection. It is also, although I haven't the space to go into detail about this third ingredient of my recipe, an apparent perversion of the sort of rational choice theory by which economists explain human behaviour as calculated to maximize self-interest.

Let's put it even more bluntly. From a rational choice point of view, or from a Darwinian point of view, human super niceness is just plain dumb. And yes, it is the kind of dumb that should be encouraged - which is the purpose of my article. How can we do it? How shall we take the minority of super nice humans that we all know, and increase their number, perhaps until they even become a majority in the population? Could super niceness be induced to spread like an epidemic? Could super niceness be packaged in such a form that it passes down the generations in swelling traditions of longitudinal propagation?

Well, do we know of any comparable examples, where stupid ideas have been known to spread like an epidemic? Yes, by God! Religion. Religious beliefs are irrational. Religious beliefs are dumb and dumber: super dumb. Religion drives otherwise sensible people into celibate monasteries, or crashing into New York skyscrapers. Religion motivates people to whip their own backs, to set fire to themselves or their daughters, to denounce their own grandmothers as witches, or, in less extreme cases, simply to stand or kneel, week after week, through ceremonies of stupefying boredom. If people can be infected with such self-harming stupidity, infecting them with niceness should be childsplay.

Religious beliefs most certainly spread in epidemics and, even more obviously, they pass down the generations to form longitudinal traditions and promote enclaves of locally peculiar irrationality. We may not understand why humans behave in the weird ways we label religious, but it is a manifest fact that they do. The existence of religion is evidence that humans eagerly adopt irrational beliefs and spread them, both longitudinally in traditions and horizontally in epidemics of evangelism. Could this susceptibility, this palpable vulnerability to infections of irrationality be put to genuinely good use?

Humans undoubtedly have a strong tendency to learn from and copy admired role models. Under propitious circumstances, the epidemiological consequences can be dramatic. The hairstyle of a footballer, the dress sense of a singer, the speech mannerisms of a game show host, such trivial idiosyncrasies can spread through a susceptible age cohort like a virus. The advertising industry is professionally dedicated to the science - or it may be an art - of launching memetic epidemics and nurturing their spread. Christianity itself was spread by the equivalents of such techniques, originally by St Paul and later by priests and missionaries who systematically set out to increase the numbers of converts in what turned out to be exponential growth. Could we achieve exponential amplification of the numbers of super nice people?

This week I had a public conversation in Edinburgh with Richard Holloway, former Bishop of that beautiful city. Bishop Holloway has evidently outgrown the supernaturalism which most Christians still identify with their religion (he describes himself as post-Christian and as a 'recovering Christian'). He retains a reverence for the poetry of religious myth, which is enough to keep him going to church. And in the course of our Edinburgh discussion he made a suggestion which went straight to my core. Borrowing a poetic myth from the worlds of mathematics and cosmology, he described humanity as a 'singularity' in evolution. He meant exactly what I have been talking about in this essay, although he expressed it differently. The advent of human super niceness is something unprecedented in four billion years of evolutionary history. It seems likely that, after the Homo sapiens singularity, evolution may never be the same again.

Be under no illusions, for Bishop Holloway was not. The singularity is a product of blind evolution itself, not the creation of any unevolved intelligence. It resulted from the natural evolution of the human brain which, under the blind forces of natural selection, expanded to the point where, all unforeseen, it over-reached itself and started to behave insanely from the selfish gene's point of view. The most transparently un-Darwinian misfiring is contraception, which divorces sexual pleasure from its natural function of gene-propagation. More subtle over-reachings include intellectual and artistic pursuits which squander, by the selfish genes' lights, time and energy that should be devoted to surviving and reproducing. The big brain achieved the evolutionarily unprecedented feat of genuine foresight: became capable of calculating long-term consequences beyond short-term selfish gain. And, at least in some individuals, the brain over-reached itself to the extent of indulging in that super niceness whose singular existence is the central paradox of my thesis. Big brains can take the driving, goal-seeking mechanisms that were originally favoured for selfish gene reasons, and divert (subvert? pervert?) them away from their Darwinian goals and into other paths.

I am no memetic engineer, and I have very little idea how to increase the numbers of the super nice and spread their memes through the meme pool. The best I can offer is what I hope may be a catchy slogan. 'Atheists for Jesus' would grace a T-shirt. There is no strong reason to choose Jesus as icon, rather than some other role model from the ranks of the super nice such as Mahatma Gandhi (not the odiously self-righteous Mother Teresa, heavens no). I think we owe Jesus the honour of separating his genuinely original and radical ethics from the supernatural nonsense which he inevitably espoused as a man of his time. And perhaps the oxymoronic impact of 'Atheists for Jesus' might be just what is needed to kick start the meme of super niceness in a post-Christian society. If we play our cards right - could we lead society away from the nether regions of its Darwinian origins into kinder and more compassionate uplands of post-singularity enlightenment?

I think a reborn Jesus would wear the T-shirt. It has become a commonplace that, were he to return today, he would be appalled at what is being done in his name, by Christians ranging from the Catholic Church to the fundamentalist Religious Right. Less obviously but still plausibly, in the light of modern scientific knowledge I think he would see through supernaturalist obscurantism. But of course, modesty would compel him to turn his T-shirt around: Jesus for Atheists.

Terjemahan: Bahasa Indonesia

Judul: Ateis untuk Yesus, oleh Richard Dawkins

Diterjemahkan dari:,20,Atheists-for-Jesus,Richard-Dawkins

Argumen ini, seperti sebuah resep yang baik, perlu dibentuk secara perlahan-lahan, dengan bahan-bahan yang sudah dipelajari terlebih dahulu. Pertama-tama, judulnya yang jelas-jelas adalah sebuah oxymoron. Di dalam sebuah masyarakat dimana mayoritas umat beragamanya merupakan bagian dari kekristenan, kedua kata tersebut dianggap seperti sinonim. Argumen pendukung Bertrand Russel terhadap ateisme yang terkenal adalah "Why I am not a Christian" bukan, seperti yang mungkin seharusnya, "Why I am not a theist". Semua orang kristen adalah bagian dari orang theist, dan begitulah adanya.

Tentu saja Yesus adalah seorang theist, tapi itu adalah bagian yang paling tidak menarik darinya. Dia adalah seorang theist, karena pada waktunya, semua orang adalah seorang theist. Ateisme bukanlah sebuah pilihan pada waktu itu, bahkan untuk seorang pemikir yang seradikal Yesus. Yang sebenarnya menarik perhatian dan luar biasa terhadap Yesus bukanlah kenyataan yang sudah jelas bahwa dia percaya pada tuhan dari agama Yahudinya, tetapi bahwa dia memberontak terhadap banyak aspek dari Yahweh yang menjijikan dan menyimpan dendam. Setidaknya di dalam pengajaran yang didirikan untuknya, dia secara terbuka mendukung kebaikan dan merupakan salah satu dari yang pertama yang melakukannya. Untuk mereka yang masuk ke dalam kekejian a la Syaria seperti di dalam Keluaran dan Imamat, kepada mereka yang dibesarkan di dalam ketakukan terhadap tuhannya Abraham dan Ishak yang mirip Ayatollah dan penuh dendam, sesosok pengkotbah muda yang karismatik yang mengotbahkan pemaafan yang ikhlas pasti adalah sesuatu yang begitu radikal sampai pada titik subversi. Janganlah heran bahwa pada akhirnya mereka memaku dia.

"Kamu telah mendengar firman: Mata ganti mata dan gigi ganti gigi. Tetapi aku berkata kepadamuL Janganlah kamu melawan orang yang berbuat jahat kepadamu, melainkan siapapun yang menampar pipi kananmu, berilah juga kepadanya pipi kirimu. Dan kepada orang yang mengadukan engkau karena mengingini bajumu, serahkan juga jubahmu. Dan siapapun yang memaksa engkau berjalan sejauh satu mil, berjalanlah bersama dia sejauh dua mil. Berilah kepadaorang yang meminta kepadamu dan janganlah menolak orang yang mau meminjam dari padamu. Kamu telah mendengar firman: Kasihilah sesamamu manusia dan bencilah musuhmu. Tetapi aku berkata kepadamu: Kasihilah musuhmu dan berdoalah bagi mereka yang menganiaya kamu."

Bahan kedua saya adalah sebuah paradox yang lain, yang bermula dari bidang saya sendiri, Darwinisme. Seleksi alam adalah sebuah proses yang sangat berantakan, seperti yang dikatakan oleh Darwin sendiri.

"Buku apa yang dapat ditulis oleh seorang pendeta setan tentang karya alam yang teramat kejam, begitu rendah, boros, dan ceroboh"

Bukanlah hanya dari fakta-fakta alam, yang termasuk di dalamnya dia meneliti larva dari tawon Ichneumon dan kebiasaan makan nya di dalam ulat hidup. Teori seleksi alam itu sendiri tampaknya menghitung-hitung untuk menyuburkan keegoisan dengan membayar harga dari kebaikan publik, kejahatan, ketidakpekaan yang tak berperasaan terhadap penderitaan, keserakahan jangka pendek yang dibayar oleh kebutuhan masa depan. Jika teori ilmiah dapat memilih dalam pemilu, teori evolusi hampir dapat dipastikan akan memilih orang partai Republik. paradox saya datang dari fakta yang tidak Darwinian, yang dapat diamati oleh setiap kita di dalam lingkup kenalan kita sendiri, bahwa begitu banyak orang2 yang baik, murah hati, suka menolong, perhatian: jenis orang2 yang bagi siapa kita dapat mengatakan, "Dia adalah orang suci." atau, "Dia benar-benar soerang Samaria yang baik hati"

Catatan Tambahan (dari penerjemahan)

  • oxymoron (terjemahan bebas): sebuah ungkapan untuk menunjukkan jika sebuah kata atau istilah memiliki kata2 yang tidak berkaitan atau tidak memiliki struktur logika yang koheren.
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