Richarn Noval

From Hyrule

For many years, Richarn Noval was a general in the Hylian Knights, as well as the secret leader of the Royal Elite Remnant, a replacement organization for the now-disbanded Royal Elite Forces. His powerful telepathic abilities granted him an unrivaled ability to gather information and execute missions, due to his being able to influence, manipulate, and read minds with an almost subconscious ease.

However, Richarn carried with him a secret that was the source of his unparalleled telepathic power - he held the Hylian Goldforce, which boosted his already considerable psychic powers to a god-like level. Though it seems that King Harkinian II knew of this fact, when the information became public it became obvious to both Knight and King that he could no longer retain his post without attracting the dangerous attention of the Hakiems Tribe, and as a result Noval was dismissed from his duties...though he was actually ordered to keep his copy of the King's ring, which will undoubtedly be useful in the future.

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