The Hylian War

From Hyrule

Revision as of 03:50, 9 April 2008 by (Talk)

The Hylian War is one of the main events occurring in HA2. An event that had been planned since early 2007 and is just starting, the War was created with the intention of being able to incorporate most other stories in HA2 into its events. The basic overview of the events thus far can be seen below.


Tower Of Illusions.

A topic currently on hold, and the actual start of the war. When Kasei and others are summoned to a large, floating tower, they venture in, in two teams, to examine the secrets of the tower. What they find is a secret beyond any possible imagination. . .

The first meetings

Not long later, King Harkinian II is alerted, via scouts, that the armies of darkness are forming once again; Moblin troops were spotted all over the fields, marching towards destinations in the north. The King then begins to assemble Hyrule's army by ordering together the grand Generals, one of whom is presumably Kasei.

At the same time, the forces of Darkness are called upon. Sovelis, who had just recently turned to the side of evil, is offered a seat in the Hall Of Callings, as one of the dark generals. The armies of the damned assemble. It is time for war.


The first battle is not seen for many months, but when Hylian scouts discover a cave to the north holding an abandoned enemy base, all knew that the first battle would be swift in coming. While Orpheous and an mysterious companion by the name of Stim traveled to the cave and discovered quite a few secrets, the Hyrulian forces began preparing for the first fight. This battle would soon realized shortly thereafter, in the form of the Battle Of Rauru.

The armies of darkness assaulted Rauru, which had recently had a wall put up around it. The battle ended with the deaths of many:

  • Taimat, commanding Hylian General
  • Xanatos, one of the seven stars
  • Cormoros, commanding Dark General

Thealter, a ex-traitor against Orpheous, was wounded in an attempt to save Simon Grendel; he will probably not be going back onto the battle field anytime soon. However, in the end, it was a Hylian Victory.

The Crossroads

Days later, a regiment of Hylian soldiers is ruthlessly butchered by Jormund Gobi, one of the dark generals. The topic is still open.


Afterwords, many investigations start; in New Peaktop, a family is slaughtered, and the scene reveals even more compelling secrets. A body found in the abandoned cave is studied, and it will reveal a shocking truth!

-Stay Tuned-

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