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Hyrule Adventures 2 character

Birth date  ???
Blood type  ???
Gender Male
Height  ???
Weight  ???
Race/Ethnicity Hylian, sort of...
Occupation Sole employee and owner of the Tantari Mercenary Service
Marital status Single
Relative(s)  ???
Status Alive
Image:Deku sword.gif Grunt
This user is a Grunt and is probably about to challenge you to a sword fight.
Image:TPaward.jpg Award
This user has won the "Monthly Best RPer Award", and has the right to brag about their TP in your face.

Sabertache, Tantari Mercenary Extraordinaire

Sabertache is a nomad 19 years of age, having traveled the last ten years for unknown reasons, although he has recently decided to stop and set up a mercenary booth by the Tantari Cafe. Not much is known about his motives, but he seems to have a weakness for children and a natural clumsiness. He isn't very well educated in the ways of reading and such, but he has worldly wisdom gathered from his travels, that serves him well in many situations. He fights with a myrmidon style, using quick, calculated strokes over powerful attacks, and he uses his saber and its sheath effectively in battle.

His saber is longer and thinner than normal, with a finely honed, curving edge, and a gold trim along the back of the blade. It has a slightly curved cup hilt, with a worn grip almost molded to the shape of his fingers after so many years of battle. It has a ruby set in the pommel, and the sheath is a worn crimson shade with golden trim.

Saber isn't very tanned for some reason, despite the fact that he is almost always traveling around the desert. His eyes are a very dark brown, sharply contrasting to his pale skin. His hair is a little lighter than his eyes, and is untamed and loose, hanging over his left eye. He wears a sleeveless red tunic with blue pants cut off at the knees, and a thin leather strap across his waist that holds a satchel filled with flammable powder that he 'borrowed' from Dogura and uses to cast his fire spell, at least until he learns to control magic better. He also has his sheathed saber attached to the side of his belt, and he has a habit of resting his left hand on the hilt.

He doesn't have many friends, most of the other adventurers being mere acquaintances, as he is constantly on jobs to try and earn enough to eat. He seems to be searching for something, although nobody knows what--Yet. The only real 'friend' he's made is Dogura, the samurai who usually hangs around with Darkin and Alex. He doesn't try to make any enemies, but he won't let people get wronged if he can help it, although he also doesn't enjoy being dragged into hazardous situations.

Jackal and Rabbit

Jackal and Rabbit is the storyline of Sabertache, preceded by An Innocent Query.

--An Innocent Query--

A merchant is murdered in the Castle Courtyard, and a small boy stumbles across the body. Hearing the child's scream, Saber runs to the body and is traumatized by what he sees. On the back of the man's neck is a rabbit foot stamped in the victim's blood--This mark seems to trouble him greatly. He goes into a sort of trance, unresponsive to nearly everything around him, his emotions in turmoil. Dogura tries to find out what is going on, but is unable to read the thoughts of the mercenary.

--JaR part one: The Hunt Begins--

Saber sits by a lake, preparing to go off after the bandits by himself--almost certainly a suicide mission. However, Rose from Tarm arrives and finds out what he plans to do. He tries to push her away, but she insists on going, and silences his resistance by telling him of how she lost her husband Baris and was put in much the same situation. Then Dogura comes, but before they get much of a chance to talk, Darkin and Alex appear, chasing Sakon, who had stolen some of their flammable powder. The thief gets away, but not before dropping the precious powder. They are filled in on the situation, and Saber tells them that he really has no idea where to look. They agree to help with the search, however, and they set off for the castle.

--JaR part two: Gathering the Pack--

Just before entering the castle, the trio is beset upon and joined by Orpheous, Kasei, Kesmi, Pyralin, Aureliano, Worru, Simon, and Matt, who all determine to follow him on his journey, regardless of his wishes to be left with his closer friends. They enter the town just before the bridge goes up to search the scene of the killing.

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