Acubierre Helms Holt

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Count Acubierre Helms Holt I is the Great Great Grandfather of Count Zeth Acubierre Holt, and is credited as the first Terran to travel outside the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.


Acubierre Helms Holt was born on July 19, 2010 in Szczecin *, West Pomeranian Province, Poland, a seaport city very near the German border.

* May need to refresh linked page.

During the Monosian Invasion

During the Monosian Invasion of 2048-2056, Major Acubierre Holt served with the 2nd Armoured Division (Pommern) of the European Federation Armed Forces. Despite the EFAF's spirited resistance and the talent of officers like Major Holt, the EFAF's forces were steadily pushed back by Monosian orbital firepower and technological superiority. Major Holt was sea-lifted out of the increasingly untenable European Theatre along with the bulk of the EFAF's remaining vehicles and men during the now-famous 2053 Evacuation of Madrid. The remnants of the 2nd Armoured were evacuated to the last defensible position under free Terran control; the PRA city of Hong Kong.

In the later stages of the invasion, Acubierre Holt came in contact with SAS Major Albrecht Tannenburg, and played a role in helping to organize the theft of a automated Monosian transport that Tannenburg and his company used to make contact with the Vykkians. Though Major Holt did not join this team and was not among the first to make contact with the Vykkians, he was one of the first Terrans to meet with the Vykkian representatives when their fleet arrived and decimated the Monosian forces. On August 10, 2056, the recently promoted Leftenant Colonel Acubierre Helms Holt was chosen to be a delegate of Terra's ambassadorial team to the Vykkians, with the goal of setting up a workable military and political alliance against the Monosian threat.

Departure from Terra Magna

After the Monosian Invasion, Colonel Holt retired from active military service to serve exclusive in the arena of politics and the rebuilding work (maintaining the rank as a formality). Ultimately viewed as a failure do to his embittered views towards the earnest acceptance of Vykkian culture into Terra, he gathered a group of some 6,604 Terrans who were supportive of Terran relocation in protest to Vykkian acceptance and departed with a small fleet of some 34 vessels to find a suitable colony to settle.

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