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Common Name: Gracilimae (GRUH-sil-i-MAY)
Scientific Name: Amplimentis Gracilimae
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Pennequatros
Family: Prolixgutter
Genus: Amplimentis
Species: Gracilimae

System: Amazus
Planet: Amanye Prime
Biome: Tropical Rainforest
Habitat: Anywhere from the emergent layer to the canopy, down to the understory and forest floor. Though the canopy tends to be the most stuck to area, with only short ventures into the other layers.

Physical Characteristics

Gracilimae are very large. Standing on its hind legs it tops most humanoids at an average height of 2.18 meters. It has an iridescent blue feathering as well as a blue, or the occasional black or white, beak and scales, with not only a large pair of front wings, but hind legs that resemble a kind of “proto-wing” that gives the Gracilimae much increased flying speed and movement control while in the air. It is known as a very graceful and beautiful animal with a beautiful sing-song call.

Behavioral Characteristics

The complexity and use of the calls lead scientists and researchers to believe that the Gracilimae are very intelligent and have a primitive form of language with the very beginnings of grammatical structure (certain tones of the same call seem to denote different meanings, and ordering of different calls also seems to make a difference).

Gracilimae have very complex and sophisticated social networks. They are shown to recognize family, friends, and enemies. They mate for life, and provide excellent child care and rearing, allowing but never forcing offspring to leave. Some theorize that Gracilimae hold to “tribes,” and while it is true that several small groups (perhaps two or three groups with three or four members each) will generally coexist in a defined area, the flexible and constantly changing group of individuals leads to debate.

Nutrition and Diet

Gracilimae are omnivorous, meaning they will eat plants, small animals, and insects. Berries, fruits, and seeds along with a supplemented supply of insects seem to make up the bulk of the Gracilimae’s diet. Some kinds of young plant shoots are also eaten on a regular basis. Meat from small animals such as reptiles, mammals, and other birds could be viewed as the Gracilimae’s equivalent of a “delicacy.” It has been noted that Gracilimae will accept already dead meat after inspecting it, but will not eat carrion or scavenge.

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