Inuit Goddess
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Inuit Goddess is a Colonel-General with the Freikorps, as well as a member of the General Staff.
Click here for Inuit's signature (created by Zeth Holt)
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Personnel File
Inuit joined the Freikorps just after the Freiheit Exercise. She doesn't have a well defined role in the Freikorps, though lately she's been seen quite often in the R&D Department. When she joined, Inuit was just looking for something to do, but she quickly became devoted to the Freikorps and put her all into everything she did. As a result, she began rising quickly through the ranks.
Even though she is devoted to the Freikrops as a whole, she does have other, stronger loyalties. As she likes to say, her loyalties lie "With Zeth first, and the Freikorps second." That's not to say she isn't loyal to Cataphrak. She is, it's just she feels that Zeth is her true leader. No matter what his order is, Inuit will follow it to the end. This deep loyalty was proved during the Stahlhelm Exercise, when Inuit defected from the Freikorps to join the Stahlhelm of her own free will. She also bears a small grudge against Cata for beating her in their duel during the Stahlhelm Exercise. Though she was under orders at the time, she still feels that she should have won. And she feels that Cata isn't as good a leader as Zeth, though she admits that Cata is very talented.
At 5' 4", Inuit is about average height for an 18 year old. She has a slim and graceful frame that's often underestimated, much to her amusement. As an acrobat and gymnast, Inuit is actually very muscular, and can jump in the air and then do a split mid-air, like in the Matrix. Though she likes to play it down, Inuit is quite pretty. Not stunningly gorgeous, but definitely very pretty. Her hair is brown, with natural gold and auburn highlights. It is long, reaching past her back when worn down, though when in battle Inuit braids it, with needle studded straps braided through it to hurt anyone who tries to grab her braid. Sometime she coils the braid around her head under her helmet. Her eyes are a golden-brown, and turn green when she gets upset or angry. Inuit's armor is fairly lightweight to give her plenty of freedom of movement, but is still protective.
Inuit is one of those people that you either love, don't like, or aren't at all sure about. She doesn't have any weird habits, and she's not mean or stingy, she's just... different. In a subtle way. Sometimes she'll trail off in the middle of a sentence to stare off into space or into the trees. When she's traveling across a planet, if you look closely you can see her eyes moving, almost like they're watching something, though nothing's there. And Inuit, unlike many of her cohorts, still believes in magic with the pure decidedness and innocent belief of a child. Though she's certainly no child. When faced with a crisis, Inuit can keep her head. She prefers stealth over brute force, and enjoys a good challenge. If her men or one of her friends is in danger, she'll do all she can to protect them. Needless to say, she's fiercly loyal, and would never betray someone she has respect for. Though she's all fierceness and cold intelligence in battle, off of the battlefield Inuit's actually very kind, and has a very sensitive guilty conscience. If she believes she's hurt someone, she can't rest until she's apologized. But that's not to say she doesn't believe in revenge. If Inuit thinks that someone deserves something, then she can do it with no regrets whatsoever. She enjoys helping people, and is a very good listener as well as secret-keeper.
Personal History
Joining and Rank History
Inuit was the tenth member to join the Freikorps, accepting her assignment from Cataphrak as a Freikorps Marine with the rank of Colonel after the Freiheit Exercise on Feb 9, 2008, 4:52 AM. Due to her initial involvement in the Stahlhelm Exercise, she became an Acting Vice Star Marshal from Apr 5 2008, 09:07 PM-- April 9, 2008, 10:26 PM; but it was never confirmed. Officially, she was promoted to Major-General on April 9, 2008, 10:26 PM, still during the Stahlelm Exercise. After the Stahlhelm Exercise was over, Inuit was promoted to Colonel-General on June 3, 2008, 12:59 AM and appointed to the General Staff on June 3, 2008, 10:11 AM.
The Freiheit Exercise
The Stahlhelm Exercise
Inuit Goddess's acheivements have been mostly in combat. Her most notable being her clever thinking at the beginning of the Stahlhelm Exercise. She single handedly defeated Cataphrak in at least one confrontation by exploiting something as small as a typing error to her advantage, resulting in the Fleet Admiral glassing the wrong planet. She also performed amazingly well in the Stahlhelm Final Campaign, where she once again kept Cataphrak on his toes in a one-on-one duel.