From Holwiki
Dennis James Martin Uren(Born July 27, 1987) at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Is a Experianced gamer, wrestling fan, Blockbuster video Employee, And Member of the Online RP site Heroes of Legend [1]
[edit] Hobbies
Dennis enjoys Playing Games, Sleeping, Reading, Rping, Sleeping, Watching Anime, Watching Wrestling(WWE,TNA) Sleeping, And Hanging out with his Friends
[edit] Gaming
Dennis Owns Multiple game Consoles and Firmly Believes that all consoles are good in there own way. He currently owns the X-Box, Ps1, PS2, PSp, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Game Cube, GameBoy, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, And an X-box 360.
He Also Intends to Buy a PS3, Nintendo Wii,
His favourite Games Are:
- The Metal Gear Solid Games.
- Shadow Hearts 2: covenent
- Lunar: Silver Star Story
- Lunar: Eternal Blue
- Suikoden 2
- Resident Evil 4
- And Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
- Dead Rising
[edit] HoL Character Sheet
Name: Raiden Loire
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Level: 5
HP: 35
MP: 30
Exp: 0
Renown: Familiar
Alignment: Neutral
Gold: 260
Job: Swordsman
Race: Human
Right Arm: Sun Sword
Left Arm:
Armor: Leather Armor
Feet: Leather Boots
Str: 14
Spd: 6
Def: 10
M. Str: 5
M. Def: 4
Total Allowed: 0
First Aid
Paralyze- 4MP
PowerBreak- 2MP
Blind- 6MP
Lightning Stone
Warrior's Guild Badge (Left With Fredrich)
Goblin Shield
Background Description:
A young Man From Haven who dreams of going on adventure's and becoming a hero When he turned 20 he Decided to leave home and Explore the world (Planing to Update in a little while)
He is 5.9, has Silver hair and Emerald Green eyes and Usualy Wears Black armor