List of Job

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A list of Jobs that PC's can eventually become



A warrior uses basic weaponary and skills. Recomended class for those who wish to focus on strength. A warrior can become many things and have a large choice of weaponary later on. A WARRIOR DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A SWORDSMAN!


A basic magician. Uses weak spells, but gets upgraded early on. Recomended if you want varied jobs. Healers are needed. Becomeing a mage is the best way to be a healer. Healing gives the most rewords.


A thief is quick and agile. They are best at hand-to-hand combat. Recomended for those who wish to focus on skills. Thieves have the most limited brancing jobs of the three starting jobs, but have a large variety of Techniques.


A swordsman is an expert in sword combat. They can use techniques involving swords as well. There strength is higher than some classes, but their magic power is low.

Martial Artist

One whose whole body is a weapon. They have good Spd and moderate Str. They use various gloves and knuckles for weapons.


A Knight uses heavy weapons and armor. They have a variety of weapons available; such as swords, axes, and flails. They get high STR boosts and medium DEF boosts. Their SPD and Mana attributes are quite low, however.


A warrior that uses light weapons, but heavy armor. They can equip special shields that provide a variety of effects. They lose stats in nearly every area except for DEF and M.DEF. Those two stats skyrocket.


A warrior that uses light armor and heavy weapons. They can gain the ability to use two-handed weapons in one hand. They gain tremendous STR boosts and have better than average SPD.


A Knight that practices a bit of dark magic. They can learn some basic magic, but it should mostly be used as a secondary skill. They can use a variety of blades, but many also prefer axes or scythes. They get a great STR boost, but low DEF


A Knight that practices a bit of Light magic. They use healing as back-up, just in case no one else can. They mostly prefer to use Broadswords, but have been known to sometimes wield maces or flails. They get a great DEF increase, but low STR.


A Fighter mainly uses their own body as a weapon. They were generally light armor, but can learn various stat increasing abilities. Most stats are raised generally well, although STR begins to get lower, compared to other jobs.


A Master is one who has mastered themselves. They fight needing nothing but their own body. A Master gets advantages in nearly every category, except for the defensive one.


A Berserker is one who can cause themself to lose control of reality and become a ruthless killing machine temporarily. Experienced ones can call this skill at will, novices must get angry. The weapon of choice for most Berserker's is the Axe. Whether it be one large axe or two small ones. Some have been known to uses claws, but that takes much more practice and doesn't have any real rewards. Their stat boosts only last for short bursts, but they are great.


An Archer is a user of long ranged weaponry. They can use various bows and arrows for varying effect. They normally don't have to worry about DEF, because they rarely get hit. An Archer can also learn to equip weapons mid-battle, if they are forced into close combat. Although they normally only carry knives. They get large SPD increases and average STR, their DEF is very low however


A Samurai uses Katanas and wears light armor. The are known for their agility in battle. Some say that it is only rivaled by the Assassin job class. Nearly all of their techniques revolve around defeating the opponent as quickly as possible. They get major SPD increases and pretty good STR boosts. They have low DEF however, but some say that they don't need it.


A Hunter is more than just a souped-up Archer. They can use more than projectiles and can even use swords! They gain skills that help trap an enemy or even convince a monster to work for him! They receive boosts in SPD and STR, but their DEF lacks.


A Dragoon is a warrior of the skies. They prefer long spears and lances for weapons. The have the ability to focus Mana on their feet, sending them high into the air. They can do many other things, such as manipulating Mana to make it appear that they breath fire or ice. They get good SPD and STR boosts, but somewhat lack in DEF. They have unusually high M.STR for a Warrior based job


A Monk could be generalized as a Martial Artist that uses Light magic. That may be true, but there is more to it than that. A Monk can control their emotions and search for inner peace. They use their power to heal or protect. They gain low STR boosts, but they gain them quickly. They have weak DEFs, but are extremely quick


A Monachus is a Martial artist that practices Dark Magic. They learn to manipulate their emotions and can cause major damage with just a flick of their wrists. Most of their abilities are used to harm the enemy internally. They gain a fairly large STR boost, but it comes rather slowly. They are slower than Monks, but have higher DEFs


A Ranger attacks from a distance, and that's it. They can not attempt to get close to an enemy because of their extremely low DEF. They do have much better accuracy than a Hunter and can even magically manipulate their arrows. Some can even temporarily influence nearby creatures.


A Pierrot is a mysterious job. There is no clear way to define one who becomes one. They attack with cards. Not your average playing cards. They use magical cards for various tasks. Exploding cards, metal cards, cards on fire, etc. This lets them moves very fast, due to lack of weapons to carry. Nearly every other stat is horrible though. The get a few boosts in M. STR however.


Templars are highly armored guards. They have extremely high M. DEF and have a perfect balance of STR and M. STR. They mostly use Light Magic in combination with spears. Some have been known to use Dark magic at times.

Black Mage

A Black Mage wields offensive magic. They mostly use elementals such as Fire, Lightning, etc. They can also use Light and Dark, as long as their used offensively. They have very weak STR and mildly weak DEF, but have high M. STR and M. DEF. They mostly use Staves, but could also use Knives.

White Mage

A White Mage uses defensive spells. They mostly stick to light magic, but other elements can be used to heal if you know what you're doing. They have quite a low DEF rating, but a strangely high STR. To fight they uses Staves or Maces. The former is most commonly preferred.

Red Mage

"Jack of all trades, master of none" is a phrase that describes the Red Mage perfectly. They use a combination of White and Black magic, along with a bit of swordsmenship. They usually stick to Rapiers and short swords. Everything about a RM is average. Their stats are average and their spells can only reach a certain level. Extremely well rounded.

Blue Mage

Blue Mages are an odd group of people. They spent a majority of their time studying monsters, even learning how to fight like them. They can use spells that mimic a monster's natural abilities, although to do this they must have the ability used on themself. Their weapon of choice is the Saber, and to a lesser extent short swords. They have slightly below average STR but tremendous DEF. Mostly because they have to get hit a lot.


An Elementalist only uses the basic elements for magic; excluding Light, Dark, and Energy. They see themselves as one with nature, using it's force for their enrichment. They have very high M. STR, but low SPD. They use either Staves or short swords, depending on the way they choose to fight.


A Caller can summon an animal sidekick to their sides to aid in battle. They must have complete trust in their pet, and vice-versa. Their animal is their greatest weapon, but they occasionally used Knives or Rods. They have very low DEF, but high M. STR. Their stats only slightly influence their pet's.

Spell Warrior

A Spell Warrior could be described by some as a more powerful Red Mage. There are a few key differences. A Spell Warrior is a Knight that uses magic to manipulate their bodies and weapons. They can magically light their swords on fire or reinforce their armor with ice. They use the same kinds of weapons are a Knight. They get boosts in STR and M. STR, but they have low SPD.


A Bard uses the power of music to fight. They play various instruments, manipulating the notes with their Mana to do various things. The can do anything from confusing enemies to shooting balls of fire at them. They are generally looked down upon by other jobs, due to it's carefree attitude. They have weak stats in all but SPD and the Mana attributes.


A Summoner literally tears a whole to a different universe, and summoning a spirit from it to there aid. It is a difficult ability to obtain, but is worth the dedication in the end. They get immensely high Mana stat increases, but everything else somewhat lacks.


A Cleric is a more powerful White Mage. They are also masters of Light magic. They can use heavy Maces as weapons and wear light armor. They still have lower than average STR and SPD, but make up for it with everything else doing well.


A Sorcerer is a more powerful Black Mage. They wield offensive magic without even thinking. They are also masters of Dark magic. They fight with Knives or Staves. They have higher STR than clerics, but have lower DEF. They get really high M.STR.


A Necromancer wields the dead. There is much controversy surrounding the job of Necromancer. Many do not accept it as a legitimate field, calling it immoral to tamper with the dead. They can create zombie slaves or skeleton warriors. They have high M.STR and above average M. DEF. Everything else is lackluster.


An Enchanter can add special magical effects to the weapons and armor of allies. They have little to no attack power, but are sometimes crucial for battle. Their abilities may turn the tide of a difficult fight.


A Rogue is a master of the art of thievery. They have a better chance than anyone of a successful steal. They also have the ability to detect traps. They normally stick to lightweight weapons and armor, giving them good maneuverability. They have a helluva lot of SPD and fairly good DEF.


A Ninja is a master of stealth. They hide in the shadows and quietly get their kill. They use a unique brand of magic called Jutsu. They "mold" their Mana with symbols made with their hands to do things that a mage could never dream of. They can also gain the ability to equip two weapons at once and throw items. They receive very good SPD and STR boosts. They also get a slight M.STR boost. Their defences, however, are a bit lacking.


An Assassin is one who lives in the shadows and hunts their prey relentlessly. They have the ability to switch from a projectile weapon to a melee weapon during battle and can catch objects thrown at them. Advanced Assassins can actually make themselves invisible, at least if they're not moving. They receive great SPD boosts, along with slight boosts to their DEFs. They also have a modest amount of attack power.


An Infernomancer is a master of Fire. There are generally two kinds of Infernomancers, Mages and Ninja. Both of those classes have the ability to become an Infernomancer. The Mage-type usually prefers to cast large fireballs or flame-throwers, while the Ninja-type usually sets their own body parts on fire (with no harm to the user) to aide in battle. They recieve high STR and M.STR boosts.


An Aquamancer is a master of Water magic. Like many of the other -mancer jobs, it comes in two flavors, Mage and Ninja. Mage-types summon things like tidal waves and geysers to ravage an enemy, while a Ninja-type can do things such as walk on water and bring it to life to aide them. The stat changes are more-or-less the same for each type. A big M.STR boost, along with some DEF bonuses.


A Gaiamancer is a master of Earth. Like other -mancers, they come in Mage and Ninja types. Mages can use their Mana to summon things like earthquakes or poisonous plants, while a Ninja manipulates the Earth to strengthen their bodies and abilities. They gain simliar bonuses to other element wielders.


A Tornadomancer is a master of Wind. Like other -mancers, they come in Ninja and Mage types. Ninjas use the wind to help them defy gravity or quickly strike an opponent, while a Mage can summon feroucious winds among other things to strike. They recieve similar bonuses as other Elemental masters.


A Plasmamancer is a master of Lightning. Like other -mancers they come in Mage and Ninja variety. Mage-types unleash ferocious bolts of electricity, while Ninja-types send currents through their bodies to do a multitude of things. They recive similar stat boosts as other -mancers.

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