Main Page

From Hl2land

Revision as of 05:13, 30 December 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to the Unofficial RP Server wiki!


  1. New Player Guide
    1. Citizen Rules & Guidelines
    2. Chat Commands
    3. Basic Info
  2. Combine
    1. Combine Code of Conduct
    2. Combine Ranks
    3. Combine Roster
  3. Server Info
    1. Server Rules
    2. Server Admins
    3. Player Groups
    4. Notorious Players
  4. Game Mechanics
    1. Player Menu
    2. Supply License
    3. Black Market
    4. Useful Items
  5. People/Things
  6. In-Game Groups (In alphabetical order)
    1. After Hours Gang
    2. The Armed Connection
    3. Black Arm
    4. The Brotherhood
    5. Ciprioni Mafia
    6. City 45 AntiFa
    7. Licentia Forus
    8. Add more here...
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