Main Page

From Hl2land

Revision as of 12:50, 30 December 2007 by StefanDior (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to the Unofficial RP Server Wiki! It is still very much a work in progress, and always will be. That's the glory of a Wiki. When we get enough info on the site, we'll organize it in an easy-to-use layout. NOTE: Do not edit this unless you know what you are doing, both with the information you are adding, and how you are adding it.

Welcome to the Wiki, a wiki guide for the 24/7 RP server.

Essential Information

People and Things
Game Mechanics

Player Menu – The Player Menu

Server Info – Information about the server.

We are currently maintaining 40 articles and we could use your help.
  • Register – If you want to keep track of your contributions, please register an account. All are welcome and encouraged to participate by adding or editing content.

The Official Forums can be found Here. .

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