Seles Wilder

From Hinamizawa


[edit] Basics

Name: - Seles Wilder
Age: - 17
Gender: - Female
Date of Birth: -
Zodiac: -
Country: -
Grade: - N/A
Occupation: -
Home/Location: -
Language(s): -
Weapon(s) of Choice: - A purse and everything in it.
Current Status: - Alive
Current Virus Level: - L3
Character Song: -

[edit] Personality


[edit] Background


[edit] In Hinamizawa (Updated Per-Cycle)

Cycle 5:

[edit] Relationships

Not in Play character LATER

In Play Character LATER

[edit] Random Facts


[edit] Other

NAMEGOESHERE is played by mun and NAMEGOESHERE is from the anime/game/manga series SERIESGOESHERE, which is owned/produced by NAMEGOESHERE.

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