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The SSBB is an Internet Message Board on IGN. Niggers love it.


The Golden Age

The Golden Age of the SSBB.

The SSBB had humble beginnings, like any other great place. But, like any other great place, it quickly turned fail after it's humble beginnings and therefore its humble beginnings were actually the best time to post on the SSBB. LOL. Actually I'm just joking it was filled with elitist faggots.

The Golden Age lasted from 2000-2001, when many IGN Nigras posted and joined. However, just like how the SSBB is filled with dumbs today, it was invaded back in 2001, probably brought on by that archaic time's version of The Traitor. In any case, noobs crashed into the boards, swamping it. The elitist faggots of the SSBB pled to Tal_Ign for /b/lackup. He could've done so, but he instead copped out and made a NOT SSBB for insiders. This NOT SSBB was founded primarily by a wetback named mariooooooooooo. It still continues to this day, and is filled with the same grand forefathers who filled the SSBB in that time long passed - elitist douchebags. Thank the lawd.

The Silver Age

The Silver Age of the SSBB.

However, the Silver Age of the SSBB did not start into 2006, when the regs ruled the board, the noobs didn't know their place but we were quick to teach it to them, and no mods ever, EVER graced the board. As one would expect, this opened up many possibilities. As long as thread wasn't reported, it could stay up on the first page for days and be mindboggling spam. It was seriously awesome. Users flamed one another, posted topics about AIDS, and started clan wars without the threat of b&hammer. Many lulz were to be had. Peace was made. STDs spread through the users like wildfire.

It seemed as if the Silver Age would never end. But it would. Oh, yes, it would.

The Bronze Age and the Traitor

The Bronze Age of the SSBB.

In the middle of 2006, Brawl news had reached an all time high. The videos were released. Noobs exploded onto the boards like jizz from a horse's dick. The CT was swamped with noobs asking for PS1 memory cards. For a moment, it looked like all was lost. But the regs fought back. They reclaimed the CT and pushed the noobs away, but never again could they have the freedom they had during the Silver Age. The damage was done. Moderators now breathed down every reg's neck, allowing no moar fun. No moar games. No moar ANYTHING.

But the CT was still held strong. Like the walled city of Minas Tirith, the CT stood alone against the forces of darkness. And, for a time, the CT, the last bastion of lulz, was safe. But then came The Traitor.

The Traitor's username is feelafear12. He was a decent enough user, until he received Insider. He then became the first, and greatest, colorfag.

feelafear's horrible, royal blue posts inspired the other Insider noobs to follow suit. The CT became a horrible rainbow gay-love fest. The regs tried to push them out - and, for a time, they succeeded - but feelafear did the exact opposite. He insisted on establishing internet love connections with every awful user that reared his ugly head in the CT. The regs tried to stop this ... but it was already too late. The dumbs were emboldened. They posted in the CT freely, now filling it up with such gems as "What's your favorite vid game???," "Goodnight ct," and "I like paper mario." The regs fought valiantly, but it was too late. In an event that can only be considered The Second Exodus, almost 3/4 of the reg community left the SSBB forever. The last margin was unable to cope. They were swallowed up by the mass of dumbs, or, worse, assimilated into their ranks. Such once brave nigras as LightYoshi suffered this fate (btw he's a fag now).

By then, the Bronze Age had ended. It brought about the new one. The Age of Shit.

The Age of Shit

The Age of Shit.

With the Second Exodus came the Age of Shit. No longer did the regs guard the CT. The new, horrible users quickly jumped for dominance positions on it. Puffteam, Toad_allstar2, spigelwii, and several other users quickly established themselves as the kings of the CT. At that precise moment, the shit hit the fan.

The Age of Shit is marked also by The Great War, that is just now starting among the board. It is bringing about a new age of shittiness.

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