
From Gwn

Background: After World War III (not a nuclear war), the world's population looks to space. To construct the massive colonies needed to displace humans, several corporations develop competing models of mobile suits. The colonies are developed by an aristocratic foundation similar to the Bilderberg Group, seeking to displace mass amounts of humans to space, freeing the Earth for environmental reconstruction as a wealthy paradise, leaving poor people to colonize space (think US Expansion of the West). The group is responsible for the formation of supra-national Governments involved in politics, and is heavily involved with the corporations that are designing mobile suits and colonies.

Despite this progress, and the general populace generally unaware of the true purpose of the colonies, many seek their new life in the colonies with promise. Global war threatens the colonial construction. A shadow group recruits 10 youths 10 years ago, ages ranging from 5-10. These children are trained in these 10 years to be both assassins, soldiers, and mobile suit pilots. Their mission is to re-stabilize Earth politcal affairs. This will allow the colonies to finish construction (perhaps 20 years for the three main colony-clusters constructed, which at the beginning of their operations there will be 2-3 years left).

Organizations: Governments: 2-3 actually playable

- North American Government: Main region being the US - South American/Central American Trade Union: Main region either brazillian coast or venezuela - European and African Union: Main region in either Italy or France - North and Eastern Asia: China controlling or Russia - Indian/Austrailian Alliance: HQ in India

Corporations - 1: NA based, roots to US Steel and Microsoft. Strength in Power Production - 2: European, roots to aristocratic foundations. Strength in Colony Design - 3: Asian, connections to Taiwan and Singapore, maybe Korea. Strength in Mobile Suit Construction.

Shadow Group: Using Gundams, mobile suit's built out of Gundamium. Pilots are also accomplished soldiers and and assassins with 10 years of rigorous training. Central base being a large, stealth submarine which launches the gundams via missile tubes. NPC submarine crew, possible commander being the master or ninja. More on this group in the Epsiode 0 discussion.

Terms/specialties: Gundamium: Perhaps Carbon Nano-tubes, playing into their overall toxicity and wonderful properties. Coltan and Titanium alloys entirely possible also.

Colonies: Large space stations being built to relocate 60% of the world population, mainly from NA, Europe and Asia.

Skyhooks/Mass Drivers: Devices used to propel materials into space.

Asteroid Mines: Main Source for Colony materials, mined Asteroids would be converted to zero-G mining factories/labs.

Internet: More accessible with virtual reality. Potential for RPGs within the RPG.

-First Season Plot- Episode 0: Background and pilot training. Of the 10 youths selected, only 5 survive once the children are paired up ala Azumi. Other commonalities include the old master (old, 20s-30s?) and the ninja (corporate/government spy communicating via online persona?). Also introduce the circumstances behind the colonies and the group plotting their construction, the CEOs and companies building the new technology, and the formation of other groups including Unnamed Shadow Threat.

Episode 1: Mission: Introduction- Assassination. Corporation 2's CEO is targetted by the Shadow Group using mobile suits. The E-AU is caught off guard, and a feable military resistance does nothing. The CEO and Board are assassinated, and the world takes notice.

Episode 2: Analysis- Reaction to the event, including reaction by the pilots. The governments see the mobile suits as legitimate weapons after being panned by critics before in favor of traditional tanks and jets.

Episode 3: Downtime- Shadow team relaxes, perhaps in a big capital city arcade, while master or ninja gathers intelligence. Perhaps more face time with civilians, perhaps neccessitating things centered around a city, or perhaps allow the internet to link people so temporal limitations do not hinder RPing.

Episode 4: War Councils- The governments capable use corporate designs to develop their own mobile suits. Knowing they aren't alone, they develop two different types: mass produced (different named) and hero (ditto) units. The Shadow Group prepare to attack their second target. The second target is aware, and plots a trap.

Episode 5: Rearmament- The CEO's trap includes the immediate activation of his personal security force. The second target already developed a unit of soldiers capable of using mobile suits. Perhaps a trio? While not as strong as the Gundams, they feature a unique weapon. (beam technology?)

Episode 6: The Snare- The CEO's trap is realized, and the five attack him at a massdriver/skyhook station. Government tanks and jets do nothing, though the special forces arrive. Massive battle ensues, culminating in a stalemate. The CEO escapes, and the Gundams withdraw.

Future plot points: Mobile Suit team splits along idealogical lines, 1-2 staying with the sub, others striking out on their own. Realignment, development of Gundams by others.

Other plot points: Development of Government Mobile Suits to counter Gundams Arcades becoming a major meeting place by characters, including communication over the internet.

added information

Beam Weapons = Non-Baryonic Matter Stream. Basically, free electrons, particle beam.


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