Fortune Florescence

From Gwn

Fortune Florescence
Aliases: The Firebrand
Birth Date: Unknown
Birth Place: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Death: {{{death}}}
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 178lb
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Blood Type: Unknown
Genetic Status: Newtype(???)
Relatives: Mother: Mystery Woman


Character Background

Fortune "The Firebrand" Florescence is currently a player character on the message board RPG Gundam Wing Nataku: yuku (or GWNy). Fortune was created as a counter-point to the usual 'Tall, dark, and badass' characters that are popular in such an rpg. He is typically put forth in the role of a joker or comic relief within most plots; but his personality is in no fixed state, and tends to (and almost even designed to) fluxuate on a whim to remain unpredictable to the reader. He is currently the pilot of the Gambler Gundam, and is an avid enthusiast to games of chance, which is apparant in his Gundam's casino-like armament. He is also currently set as the main character of a still developing sub-plot: Discord of the Minds.

Genetic Analysis

Thomas Epsilon

Weapons of the Trade

Did he use a Gun?

Mobile Suits Used

  • blank


External links


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