Alyssa Epsilon

From Gwn

Alyssa Mary Epsilon
Birth Date:
Birth Place: Alpha Colony 24601, Europa; Jupiter
Nationality: North American Ancestry; Irish, Scotch, Iriquois, French
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Violet
Blood Type: A+
Genetic Status: Level 7 Newtype
Relatives: John and Mary Epsilon (Parents, Deceased), Thomas Epsilon (Brother), Kari Shiro (Sister-in-Law), Sakura Epsilon (Niece), Kyren Epsilon (Nephew)

Character Background

Alyssa Epsilon was originally designed by tomduo in January of 2001 before the official start of the Gemini Saga.

Genetic Analysis

Alyssa Epsilon possesses advanced psychic abilities. Identification would classify her as a high-level Mental (psychic) Newtype. Due to a genetic anomaly inherited from her bloodline, Alyssa’s genes give his nervous system more control and production of ATP than standard humans. When combined with an advanced neural network, Alyssa’s brain can produce ‘psychic’ waves. These waves allow a level of ESP, the ability to communicate with other psychics within a range of approximately 200,000 km. The advanced development of his central nervous system give Alyssa advanced reflexes and a higher tolerance of pain.



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