Kari Shiro

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Kari Shiro-Epsilon
Aliases: Kari-chan, Agent Ambriel, Ki, Miss
Birth Date: June 20, AC 244
Birth Place: Syrus Colony, Sinope; Jupiter
Nationality: 1/2 Japanese, 1/4 Hispanic Ancestery
Death: N/A
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Black
Blood Type: O
Genetic Status: Level 7 Newtype
Relatives: Marcus and Kasumi Shiro (Parents, deceased), Musashi Shiro (Brother, deceased), Krystal and Rowan Girard (Guardians, deceased), Tom Epsilon (Husband), Sakura Epsilon (Daughter), Kyren Epsilon (Son)


Character Background

Creator Karyann Rentas actually had no real plan for Kari Shiro at the time of creation for the RPG. Her name was a combination of the first part of her creator’s name with one letter changed, and the word shiro (japanese for white); an homage to a favorite fictional character at the time by the name of “Carrie White”. Kari was essentially regarded by the creator herself as a “Mary Sue” pilot without too much of a background or personality. Of course, such a character bored Kary to tears and actually had plans to eliminate her. It wasn’t until a while after that she began to infuse the character with personality, or many as the game evolved. Her past and other details came in at their own pace thus a compilation of a perfect background in sync with the timeline for her character gives Kary constant headaches to this day.

Genetic Analysis

Thomas Epsilon

Weapons of the Trade

Desert Eagle

Mobile Suits Used

  • blank


Peaceful Beginnings

Kari was born into a high class family on the small moon of Jupiter, Sinope. There is very little information about her parents and even less that she could remember. Marcus Shiro was a diplomat with the Io Senate while Kasumi remained at home, her previous work unknown. Kari was raised in a secure and loving family. She rarely saw her father but always had been happy to see him wheever he returned home from his business trips. Her mother mostly raised her, teaching her be a compassionate lady and to gain an appreciation for the arts. Financially secure and all needs met, Kari never once felt unsafe, even if the political and religious climate on the moons were tumultuous. The birth of her younger brother Musashi would be a joyous although brief occasion.


Her brother Musashi was barely two years old when her infant brother was stolen right under the family's nose. It was unclear how it happened but it had devastated the family, especially her mother. Kasumi took her son's abduction the hardest, becoming almost catatonic for months until a significant amount of therapy restored most of her sanity. Little Kari could only watch helplessly watching her mother crumbling before her. Kari resolved to finding her brother when she grows up.


Love and Not


Trivia and Extras

External links


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