GWN History
From Gwn
Time Lines
- AC 1 - 174 - Early Colonial Era
- AC 176 - 199 - Eve Wars Era
- AC 200 - 255 - Sengoku Jidai (Warring States) Period
- AC 256 - 261 - Gemini Wars
- AC 261 - 262 - USF Period
- AC 262 - 263 - Sakura Virus War
- AC 263 - 273 - Pax Terra
- AC 273 - 275 - The Holy War
- AC 275 - The Sundering of Humanity
- AC 276 - 278 - Eudoran Wars
- AC 278 - 279 - The Trinity War
- AC 279 - AC300 - AWARE Era
- AC 300 - Rule of the Republic
Current History (ON HOLD)
AC 279
August 7 - On the day that the AWARE Treaty is signed by the colonies of humanity, a terrorist executes a virus against all mobile weaponry in use. The result is a catastrophic incident that causes all mobile weapons using the shared operating system to overload. Many suits exploded harmlessly, although some models suffered core meltdowns, resulting in nuclear explosions. As a result, the armies of the colonies become defunct, and the AWARE treaty is seen as a new hope. Some connect the two events, although AWARE suffered the biggest losses by the action.
August 12 - The AWARE Naval Academy opens on the Asteroid Alcázar in orbit around Midgard. The academy initiates a new class of mobile suit pilots into AWARE's ranks.
September 3 - The museum to Mecha History was originally an installment of the Jukar A-6 Colony, a massive collection of old mecha both taken from battlefields and reconstructed from battlefield specifications. Only tourists came to see the suits, which were immune to events of August 7th. AWARE command was alerted of an incident occuring at a tourist spot along Purgatory Chasm, where the Museum was located. A terrorist cell implanted Lightning Mobile Doll programming into the suits, which caused them to attack. AWARE forces entered the arena and subdued the rouge suits.
September 25 - AWARE forces are dispatched to the Apolloyon Manufactories, which are under the affect of the Blue Stone of Chandra. While the AWARE forces secure the factories, Leon Vincent gains control of the Stone.
October 3 - Asuka Mao of Mao Industries met with the CEO of GOTT Industries to finalize the merger of the two companies, a joint venture that resulted in the formation of Cronos industries. The new corporation becomes the new supplier of the Brahman Sixth Army.
October 9 - At the christening of the restored Niflheim city Ascalon, the Sixth Army attacks the celebration, with the target being Kjinnis Mono. The assassination attempt fails, and causes AWARE to actively send troops to the Brahman system to keep the peace.
Commander Brown gains the assignment of Grand Marshall of AWARE, and begins investing into new mobile suit technology.
November 8 - Kjinnis Mono is kidnapped on Ananta while investigating the Sixth Army.
November 11 - The battle of Shesha City, AWARE soldier Kjinnis Mono is revealed as Missing In Action. While AWARE forces secure the area, the overwhelming numbers of Brahman forces supplied by Cronos Industries secure the planet.
November 25 - An attack on the moon Tata in the Brahman System by AWARE forces results in the destruction of the Moon. The battle causes Commander Brown of AWARE to redesign his strategy, and hires Davis Stalin to head up a specialized mobile suit attack force.