
From Guiltypleasures

Character details
Full name: Fay D. Flourite
Nickname: Fai
Title: Istahiro, Warlock
Race: Half-Vampire/Half-Fae, Summer
Age: around 1500-2000
Gender: Male
Born: Unknown
Relatives: Rachel (human birth-mother, deceased),
Gisele (fae-foster mother, summer court)
CiarĂ¡n(daddy, winter court)
Played by: Miri

Character Outline

Works as freelance magician whenever he finds work that fits with his morals. occasionally visits the club~ not every day but I imagine depending if he actually finds work or not it would be weekly or monthly (depending on complexity of the work)

  • Was turned Vamp by Aizen
  • Was bound to Kurogane via Council after becoming half-vamp

Character History

Human mother was raped by unseelie/winter court lord, after it happened the ppl accused her of consorting with devils and were stoning her out of the town, Ashura saved her and took her in..

Anyway, girl goes full nine months..and there's a bit of trouble with the babe being born but with a little help from Ashura, it's born...however, mommy ends up trying to kill it (calls/considers it a devil's spawn and all that) the guy saves the kid, and mother dies due to complications of birth..

Warlock makes deal with a summer court fae to raise the kid for his younger years or until he can be raised by a man with no idea of how to deal with infant/toddler.

After five years of age, Ashura came back for the kid....but when he went to get the kid, the original daddy had apparently found out about the kid and wanted him for himself, however after much debate/argument it was decided via the summer court (who had custody of the kid) to give him to Ashura.. obviously this made daddy mad and he cursed the kid--though that didn't show up right away.

Ashura raised the kid in magic and to live with/respect nature ~ everything went smoothly ...at least until the 16th b-day, then the curse made itself known, the kid's power went wild and before ashura could get it under control the flare from a spell gone wrong ended up blinding the kid in one eye~ so the next two years were spent dealing with how to live/work with only one eye~ which included how to defend/fight with the lack of depth perception.

Around 4 years after that, some people from the village finally decided to do something about the devils' living nearby. After some debate the people decided to take care of the inhuman devil first. The man chosen for the task attacked Fai --intending to "send him back to hell where he belonged". Understandably the young half-fae protected himself and the guy's attack was absorbed by the shield, but the motion/inertia was still there and it knocked the guy back. The guy landed on his feet fine but in backing away from the boy he fell (muses haven't decided if he tripped over his own feet or if there was a tree root or something) but he fell and ended up busting his head (or breaking his neck, muses are indecisive there too)

Either way it killed him, and at first Fai didn't even realize the guy was dead until he moved closer-- he was rather horrified when he realized that the guy /was/ dead and he started freaking a bit -- fortunately Ashura showed up and spoke with him a bit, calmed him down, and eventually for his own good sent him out into the world--told him to wander for a while (five to ten decades) and once the current generation of humans in the village had passed on, he could come back then if he wanted and there would be no trouble over what had happened.

See also

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