
From Gui

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(Properties for all wigdets)
(Properties on all Widgets)
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* [[Widget/Listbox]]
* [[Widget/Listbox]]
== Properties on all Widgets ==
[http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/ttk_label.htm][http://www.way2blogging.org/2010/06/flash-animated-label-cloud-widget-for.html][http://www.bin-co.com/perl/perl_tk_tutorial/widgets1.php][http://www.en8848.com.cn/Reilly%20Books/perl3/tk/ch05_01.htm'''Bold text''']
* id
* padx (horizontal padding, horizontal and grid layouts only)
* pady (vertical padding, vertical and grid layouts only)
* x (column widget starts in, starts at 0, grid layout only)
* y (row widget starts in, starts at 0, grid layout only)
* spanx (number of columns widget fills, grid layout only)
* spany (number of rows widget fills, grid layout only)

Current revision as of 17:03, 20 June 2011

All toolkits and formats have base UI elements, here called "widgets".

[edit] List of Common Widget Types

[1][2][3]Bold text

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