The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
From Grom358
Platform: Nintendo 64
Controls: Camera automatically positions itself around you as you move around. Link will automatically jump from ledges and climb walls if you press forward. A button is general purpose action button (talk, open doors or chests, etc.), R button holds shield up (which will reflect projectiles) and B button swings your sword. You assign use of items to the C buttons. Z trigger will look directly forward or activate lock-on targetting.
When locked on target you circle strafe your target and the camera will point towards the target. You can jump left, right or backwards and roll fowards. Jumping will perform a thrust attack that is double the power of normal strike.
Equipment: There is wide range of items that you can collect. Initial items include Slingshot for range attacks, Sticks for lighting torches and Seeds for stunning enemies.