Patron Saints/Session 5
From Greenthings
<Greenling> When we last left our dashing troupe of mortals, they had just made camp for the night, about a half-day away from the place Inkah and Rudy live. Lived. There's a bit of a debate over which.
<Greenling> The sun slowly rises in the East and begins to pour its light over the scrubland sands, and Our Heroes awake.
* Namhwa stretches in his sleep!
* Zhubin rises, and starts the day with a ritual prayer.
* Rudeth pulls the cloak over his face to block out the light, rolls over, and tries not to wake up.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt awakens with a burp and scratches his butt. "...damn dreams...bein' all weird."
* WhiteCrow stands and brusshes her self off. She uses some cleaning mixtures as she gets ready, puts on her buff jacket and goggles and generally loads-up
* Namhwa wakes up and rubs the center of his chest, and generally lays around for a few minutes.
* Rei looks like she's been up for a couple of hours, glancing over the others with slightly tired eyes. She smiles some, bowing her head.
* Rudeth grumbles and rolls over, trying to pull himself up and untangle from the cloak.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt picked up his boot and threw it at his sleeping Claw Strider. "Oi! Get up ya lazy newt!"
<Greenling> The cloak is slightly uncomfortable to sleep on, not being made for such things. The feathers are soft, though..
* Namhwa rolls over and up at Peyt's noises, then reaches over to pet Sunny awake.
<Greenling> Little Tyrant blinks and raises its head at the boot.
<Greenling> Sunny is not there.
<Namhwa> "WHat?!" Namhwa exclaims.
<Peyt_Yenthu> The Bandit King pulls back his boot and slides it on.
* Namhwa jumps to his feet, then rushes around looking for tracks.
<Namhwa> "Have any of you seen Sunny this morning?" he asks urgently.
* Rudeth scrambles to his feet, glancing around. "Wha...?" He looks at Namwha. "What happened, Doc?"
<Greenling> You see dog tracks heading off into the brush.
<Namhwa> "Sunny's gone, maybe she went this way..."
* Namhwa follows the dog tracks hurriedly.
<Greenling> Far off in the distance, you see a goldish speck.
<Namhwa> "SUNNY!" Namhwa calls out, then goes off running.
* Rei blinks, rising to her feet and following after, even if the mean dog didn't like her...
<Greenling> The speck turns around, woof!s, and runs towards you.
<Greenling> She comes up with a wet muzzle and licks your hand.
<Namhwa> "Oh, thank the gods!" Namhwa exclaims.
<Greenling> Lick, lick. She seems to have gone off for a drink of water.
* Namhwa embraces her and cuddles for a minute.
<Greenling> Confused Sunny is confused but happy.
<Namhwa> "Sorry, Sunny, do you want to go back to the spring?" Namhwa wanders off from the others.
<Namhwa> "Or whatever it is.
<Zhubin> Zhubin finishes chanting and turns towards the others. "Shall we prepare for today's ride while Namhwa is off after his dog?"
<Greenling> Tailwag tailwag?
* Namhwa claps his hands happily and says, "Well, then let's get back to camp." Namhwa offers Rei salutations
* Rudeth nods and starts preparing the horses, starting with his own.
<Greenling> There is a strand not far from you, about twenty feet wide by... maybe half a mile long, of water.
<Greenling> There is no erosion on the banks, though there are a few plants. And some seaweed.
<Namhwa> "Well, now that's curious."
* Namhwa jogs back and asks Rudeth, "Could you take care of my horse, if you have the time. I just found something unusual." Namhwa turns to the rest of the group, and indicates White Crow and Zhu in particular. "You guys might want to check this out if you have a second."
* Zhubin nods, and grabs his walking stick.
<Zhubin> "Lead the way."
* WhiteCrow hmms, looking over to Namhwa curiously as she is getting ehr saddle on her horse, and shrugs. She grabs her holster and starts to follow the doctor, "What's wrong?"
* Namhwa leads Sunny back to the body of water, curious as to how familiar seaweed could manifest in such a fresh-looking body of water. The lack of erosion means that it's standing, so perhaps unsafe to drink... But the seaweed means that it's salty, also another indicator. Cho kneels at the waterside to check its clarity and smell.
* Rudeth nods. "Sure, not a problem." Rudeth begins preparing Namwha and the other's horses for when they return.
<Greenling> It seems to be fresh water with what you would recognize as saltwater fish and plants living in it rather happily.
* Namhwa taste-tests the water.
<Greenling> Spring water.
<Namhwa> "What on Creation...?"
<Zhubin> "That does seem...odd."
* Namhwa reaches for a familiar-looking bit of seaweed to taste it for salt.
<Greenling> About six inches below the surface, the sand turns to hard-packed dirt.
<Greenling> The seaweed is less salty than usual, but still salty.
* Namhwa turns to White Crow.
<Namhwa> "What do -you- make of this?" Namhwa gives a confused look to the others.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt poked it with his hammer.
<Peyt_Yenthu> He then poked it again.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...'tis cursed."
<Greenling> The water or seaweed or whatever gets cold, and otherwise acts like it normally would.
* WhiteCrow hmms, crouching down and looking things over
* Rei frowns softly, staying by Rudeth while the others investigate the water.
<Zhubin> "A curse would imply a negative to it. The fish and plants seem to live quite normally, even with the lack of salt."
* Rudeth smiles at Rei. "Did you sleep well?"
* Namhwa nods in agreement with Zhubin.
* WhiteCrow hmmms, and rangles in her pocket again for her compass. SHe dangles it over the stream, just so it touches the surface and skims to see what it does, focussing on any eddies, currents and streams that might form as she observes it.
<Greenling> It looks kind of like the earth split in two for a ways, filled itself in with spring water, and then decided that it needed life and so took a random aquatic biome and tossed it in.
<Greenling> Hey, is that a seashore squid?
* Namhwa looks for a straight and young branch to break off for a fishing spear.
<Greenling> Those are small, but tasty. :o
<Greenling> Namhwa: not many of those around. Most of the scrub isn't particularly big or straight.
<Greenling> The compass seems confused.
* Namhwa "hmms," then decides that eating fire-breathing rabbits is already strange enough without adding these new creatures.
<Namhwa> "You know, there's a lot of weird stuff going on lately. The rabbits, the impostor at the shrine, the Provider, now this..."
<Zhubin> "Not to mention strange dreams, a ghost, and so on."
<Namhwa> "Of course, of course..." he says, thinking Zhubin means the dreams -with- the ghost.
* WhiteCrow curses at the compass and stands up, "Well that's just great." SHe looks around though, getting an idea of things, "I think its just a little demense or old First Age thing though. I don't see anything dangerous. Boilt he water though."
* Rei pauses, bli nking some, before giving a little shrug and glancing down. As well as she had the last few days, at least
<Zhubin> "Then again, there could be a perfectly logical explanation for the fresh sea here. Sorcery."
<Namhwa> "But why would a sorcerer create a fresh water spring and populate it with sea creatures?"
* Rudeth adjusts the bridle on one of the horses, leaning around the horse to look at Rei. "Any interesting dreams?" Well, not like she could describe them, but there was only so much conversation he could make with someone who could only give yes or no answers.
<Zhubin> "As an experiment? I'm no sorcerer, how would I know."
* Namhwa shrugs.
<Namhwa> "I suppose we could postulate until the sun and the moon collide in the sky. Perhaps we should move on?"
* WhiteCrow shrugs, "He has a point. I don't pretend to udnerstand sorcerers and such. THis might also be a Scarred Land though and that means we should not be here long anyhow."
<Zhubin> "True!" Zhubin nods and makes his way back to the camels.
* Namhwa nods to White Crow and follows Zhubin, stroking Sunny as he walks.
* WhiteCrow runs back to camp, but makes sure to grab a vial and run back to the water to take a sample of the water. Just in case.
* Rei glances down, nodding some and looking to him inquiringly
<Greenling> Cute and Fluffy look at you expectantly.
<Zhubin> "Sorry my two, no apples right now." Zhubin lays a hand on each of their heads, and scratches them.
<Namhwa> "Fantastic job, Rudeth!" Cho exclaims. "Wow, I've never seen a saddlebag packed this tight."
* Rudeth smiles. "Well, thanks, I guess. It was no trouble." He glances around at the others. "So what was down there, anyway?"
<Namhwa> "Just some wacky waterway. You want to try reading in the saddle, or will that make you motion sick?" Cho is determined to make sure Rudy learns how to read if he wants to! But Rei is so pretty...
* Rudeth laughs nervously. "Oh, um, alright, I'll try anyway."
<Greenling> Hrmmph. They decide not to try to eat your clothing. Yet.
* Namhwa unrolls the reading scroll of Flametongue characters for Rudeth with a serious look on his face, then hands it over.
* Rudeth nods. "I'll keep reading it."
<Zhubin> "Thanks for your patience." Zhubin climbs up, to ride Cute. "Fluffy, be careful on the trail."
* WhiteCrow hops onto her own as yet unnamed hrose, and pats her saddle bags and other things one last itme, "We almsot ready to go?"
<Namhwa> "Pretty soon you'll be able to start on the words. They're a bit challenging, though, since Flametongue is script sometimes the vowels get 'dropped' with an assumption on their sound..." Cho continues droning on ever as he sets Sunny on his horse, then climbs up.
* Namhwa checks behind him for the super-lubed chest.
<Greenling> The chest is there.
* Rudeth continues listening, trying his best to keep up with Namwha.
<Namhwa> "Yep, ready," Namhwa replies as an aside. He nudges his horse around to the other side of Rudeth, away from Peyt and his clawstrider.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Little Tyrant simple ambled along, content to chew on...something.
* Rudeth hops up, offering Rei his hand. "Want some help onto the horse?" He smiles.
* WhiteCrow looks over to Cho at that, "You know, you could start him easy and show him how to read Low Realms cript for FLametongue,t hen how the flametong equivilant works."
* Rei smiles, taking Rudeth's hand and climbing aboard, blushing softly at the tug. She holds close, still feeling awkward on the horse, listening to Cho some as well
<Namhwa> "He doesn't know Low Realm, though, and I don't want to start him off on a confusing parallel."
* Rudeth looks over at Rei. "All right, I'm going to try reading while riding, so I'm going to let you hold the reins. If he gives you any trouble, I'll take over, ok?"
<Namhwa> "I'm sure he'll get it, given time."
* WhiteCrow shrugs, "I guess. Anyhow." She gives her hosrse a bit of a kick and starts it trotting along, "lets see hwo the town is."
* Rei nods some, doing her best to keep the horse moving steadily.
<Greenling> The horse plods along, giving Rei no trouble.
<Greenling> You all ride into the sunrise.
<Greenling> You keep riding... there's desert... eventually there's a road.
<Greenling> Doot n doo.
<Greenling> Wow, the scrub stretches out.
<Zhubin> Zhubin shades his eyes, peering around for a landmark.
<Greenling> Y'know, since Creation is flat, from here, you can actually see the towers of Chiaroscuro glittering in the sun.
* Namhwa stares at the towers.
<Greenling> They look like they usually do.
<Greenling> ...There really should be towns visible.
<Zhubin> "Did we somhow lose the road?"
<Greenling> There is a road right under your feet.
<Namhwa> "I don't see how we could have."
<Greenling> Is it the right road? Who knows.
* Namhwa points.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Funny. No one believes the Bandit King on what bandits do."
* Namhwa snickers at Peyt's funny.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I mean, I said when they wreck a place, they REALLY don't leave much behind. But did anyone believe me? Nooooo."
<Namhwa> "Surely this can't be the town. There would be remnants if it were. We're just... turned around, or something.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "We gots to go check it out! Maybe they left sumthin' behind! 'n maybe they all sat about fer tea and discussed their feelin's."
* Namhwa sweeps his vision south, wondering if they wandered north of the town.
<Greenling> Inkah tries to stand up and peer.
<Zhubin> "Peyt, my horribly uncivilized Barbarian." Zhubin stops. "Did you say they were bandits?!"
<Greenling> South...
<Greenling> That looks like the road to Gem.
* WhiteCrow hmms, looking over everything, and thinking to ehrself, "Should fo gottne the dragonfly's eye instead fo the watch.."
* Rudeth looks up. "There should still be something. There's a difference between flattening a place and just making it vanish into thin air."
* Namhwa squints.
<Greenling> All nice and fortified and with occasional dots that look like towns and toll roads.
<Namhwa> "How did we get over here?"
<Greenling> ...Yeah, it looks like you're much further east than you should be.
<Zhubin> "We went barely off a road to camp. And now we're heading to Gem?" Zhubin looks towards the sky. "Something is enjoying our travails."
<Greenling> About another day or so's travel.
<Greenling> Maybe two, if that's as far South and East as it might be. o_O
<Namhwa> "I wonder if this is the way to Mary Fang," Cho says with disappointment.
* WhiteCrow looks over to Cho, "Mary Fang?"
<Namhwa> "Mary Fang, the 'Exalted' one that our assaulter recommended to you."
<WhiteCrow> "Ah yeah, her. Well, we'll see I suppose."
* Rudeth continues to listen to the conversation, the last bit catching his attention. He puts a hand on the cloak of feathers. This really should be bothering him more, but he was just too damn curious.
<Greenling> The cloak of feathers is warm and feathery.
<Greenling> "...So where are we?" says Inkah.
* WhiteCrow looks over to Inkah from her horse, goggles down over the day to protect her eyes, "No where, rpetty much."
<Greenling> She slides back down on the horse and looks around worriedly.
<Namhwa> "Well, I think that's Gem," he points to the city to the Southeast, "And that over there," he points toward the glittering distance, "Is the metropolis of Chiaroscuro."
<Namhwa> "We've come a long way, haven't we, Sunny?" Cho asks rhetorically.
<Zhubin> "Absolutely. And that," Zhubin points at the road, "is one of Gem's main trade routes."
<Greenling> "'oof." Tailwag.
* Namhwa pulls up his horse. "Well, Inkah needs to see her father. Right?" he asks.
* WhiteCrow nods, "I guess so. So we are goign to the town still I a guessing and then where? Back to Gem? After the Loud One's Dragonling friend?"
<Greenling> "I would like to. If he's there." :<
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Not if you're very good at what ya do. And they seemed very good."
<Namhwa> "Well, you did seem to have bad feelings about it. Maybe Gem's where you da headed, Inkah. It's a huge city in the area, and maybe a safe place."
<Greenling> "...Maybe."
<Greenling> "If I knew where mom went to... I think he did. He might've gone there."
<Zhubin> "And something seems to not want to let us back into the village."
<Namhwa> "If Gem turns out to be a dry hole, then you at least know where he's -not-." Cho nods at Zhubin's sage observation.
* Namhwa quietly puzzles more over Rei's condition.
* WhiteCrow shrugs, "I honeslty have heard its a bit of the desptoic shithole, but I think they don't try to hide that."
<Namhwa> "Any port will do in a storm."
<Namhwa> "So, to Gem, then, after Peyt's Dragon-graced frie... err, fiend, and Inkah's papa?"
* Namhwa urges his horse a bit.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Time to smash me a scalehead."
<Zhubin> "Information first Peyt. I'm sure we can solve it like reasonable beings, after all."
<Namhwa> "Every problem's a nail to a man with a hammer."
* Rudeth continues to read over the scroll of letters. "You know," he muses, "I had the strangest dream last night. I was on some sort of ice cap, and these two guys were fighting and yelling about a prophecy. An icicle went through my arm and was burning it off, and this giant lion-thing smashed me, and then..." Rudy stops. "And then..." Rudeth groans. "I don't remember! Damn, that was the most...
* Rudeth ...important part, and I can't remember!"
* Rudeth grumbles to himself.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Really? I got ta be a giant lizard in mine."
* WhiteCrow looks over to Rudeth confusedly as she rides along, "I don't rmemeber my dreams often. I saw weird stuff a few days ago at the manset hough."
* Namhwa peers at Rudeth and Peyt in concern. "I had a pretty weird dream, too. I spoke to a giant spider. Perhaps eating those rabbits wasn't such a good idea..."
<Zhubin> "I was trapped in an endless desert."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Yer mother was an endless desert."
<Zhubin> "I'm not sure if it was a dream, or a memory."
<Zhubin> "If you mean that I was reborn through it, perhaps."
* Namhwa applauds Zhubin quietly.
* Rei hms softly
<Peyt_Yenthu> "It was an insult to yer mum. You robe people, always makin' things out to be more than they are."
<Zhubin> "Peyt, I assure you, I understand what you were intending. But most of us grew out of that level of verbal sparring when our balls dropped. Which may yet be another few years for you."
* Rudeth snorts.
* Namhwa eyes Peyt's muscles warily.
<Zhubin> "So. Onwards to Gem?" Zhubin clucks at Cute, making him move forward a bit.
* Namhwa knees his horse a bit to kick up a trot. "Sure."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "My balls be bigger than yers, mate." Peyt rides along on his lizard.
<Greenling> And on!
<Rudeth> "Y'know, there are ladies present, and I doubt they want to hear about your balls."
<Greenling> Desparation is not far from here. You can probably get there by a couple of hours before sunset.
<Namhwa> "Have you ever been out this way?" Cho asks Rudeth and Inkah.
* Rei blinks some, looking between the lot.
* WhiteCrow glares at the Loud One a bit and nods at Rude's comment a bit.
* Namhwa turns to Rei. "Have YOU been out this way?"
* Rudeth nods. "Once, a few years back."
* Rei shakes her head some
* Namhwa asks a bit more as they ride in. "What's the government around here? Are there places for travelers?"
<WhiteCrow> "I'm assuming the small towns will be pretty self-goverend, so its a "be careful" sort of state of affairs."
* Namhwa nods.
<Zhubin> "But, along this road, they make their money off travelers. So it shouldn't be horrid."
<Namhwa> "So long as the money is freely given..."
* WhiteCrow nods, "That's true too. I doubt we'll find cannibal Yozi cultists or some of the wrose ancestor cultists around I guess."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Awww. Kill all my fun why don't ya?"
<WhiteCrow> "Well if it helps, there is the possibilty of dune people, mutants and beastmen at any point still."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Then I'll be fine."
<Zhubin> "Not to mention gambling."
<Namhwa> "Perhaps comfort women."
<Rudeth> "We could also get captured by an army of savage scantily clad warrior women."
<Namhwa> "Or those."
<WhiteCrow> "Those are a myth I think."
<Zhubin> Zhubin shudders.
<Zhubin> "No. Unfortunately they aren't a myth."
<Zhubin> "Their beauty, willingness to not carve you into pieces for a meal, and other traits, however, are."
<Zhubin> "In fact, think of a tribe of people like our friend Peyt here. With more cannibalism. And higher pitched cries of war."
* Rudeth shudders.
<Namhwa> "And less breasts?"
* WhiteCrow shrugs
<WhiteCrow> "I would assume their diet might mean less breasts, yes."
* Namhwa chuckles to himself.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I could easily kill you all in your sleep. Remember this."
<Namhwa> "I like you, Peyt!" Cho exclaims honestly.
<Zhubin> "Now, now. I didn't say anything about your breasts Peyt."
<Namhwa> "And Sunny & I are very grateful that you haven't murdered us in our sleep, aren't we, Sunny?"
<Zhubin> "Now, let's get to a town. I'm still ravenous."
* Rei blinks in confusion at the strange talk about Peyt, studying him some.
* WhiteCrow makes a point not to mention the possible use of grenades back with the Dragon-BLooded when they first left town.
<Greenling> The town of Desperation looms before you.
<Greenling> Alternately, you could go forward to its sister towns of Lost Hope, the Grave of Doomed Travelers, or Happy Valley Camp.
<Namhwa> :/
<Zhubin> "Desperation has a nice lodge, called 'Abandon All Hope'. Best cakes for miles."
<Namhwa> "It looks like they have a lot of competition, too... Maybe they have sugar-cakes."
<Zhubin> "I believe so! And a cinnamon spice that's not to be missed." Zhubin smiles at good memories.
<Rudeth> "Are you joking or being serious, because if you're joking about cake I'm going to be mad."
* WhiteCrow getst his distinct feeling th elocals ahve a bit of a twisted sesne fo humor as she leads her horse into the stables
<Zhubin> "I never joke about cake!" Zhubin looks hurt.
<Rudeth> "Good! Cake is a very serious matter."
<Rudeth> "So, which way to the inn?"
* Namhwa shrugs.
<Namhwa> "Lead on."
<Greenling> The inn is a small number. The sign has a hole burnt in it. This seems to be its decoration.
<Namhwa> "Oh, maybe it's up-side-down cake..."
<Greenling> The stable boy looks at Peyt and Little Tyrant.
* Namhwa helps Sunny down, then hitches his horse to the post.
<Greenling> "Seriously? I mean... seriously?"
<Zhubin> "Yeah. And its even odds which is nastier. Oh, mind the camels." Zhubin slides down. "Cute, Fluffy, I'll bring you back some cake. Guard."
* WhiteCrow looks at the stableboy's reaction, "I say the same thing every day kid." SHe then goes into the building.
* Namhwa gives the kid a wry smile and leads Sunny in behind White Crow.
* Rudeth hops off his horse and helps Rei down, handing the reins to the stable boy. "He's a contrary little bastard. If he bites you, smack him."
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt got off his Tyrant Lizard. "...just get him some wine, y'ell be good."
<Greenling> "...Yeah." The boy ensures that little Tyrant is kept by the camels and not the expensive horses.
* WhiteCrow sits down at a table and requests tea.
<Zhubin> Zhubin shuffles into the inn. "Food, today's special, if you would." He sits at the table with Crow.
<Greenling> You all get food, tea, etc.
* Namhwa motions to Sunny to hop up on a bench next to him as he sits at the table.
<Greenling> Sunny hops up.
<Namhwa> "Excuse me, miss, but have you heard of Lady Fang?"
* Namhwa asks the server.
<Greenling> The server looks at Namhwa. "Lady Fang?"
<Greenling> She thinks a minute. "...No, that's Feng... th- oh! You mean Old Mary?"
<Namhwa> "Mary Fang is her name, and apparently... Yes, that's her, probably."
<Greenling> She makes a face, a little sad, a little disgusted. "Err, why would you want to know about her?"
* Namhwa motions to White Crow.
<Namhwa> "We'd just like to talk."
<Greenling> "Eh. Well, if you can find her... she's usually out by the graveyard. Sometimes in her house, I guess, she's got a hut over by the Vulture."
* WhiteCrow huhs, still waiting a bit after not having had a drinks ince mornging, "Yes, yes, talk. What sort of teas and coffees do you have here miss?"
<Greenling> She smiles. "We have a brand new shipment of top-quality Gem espresso, or a number of the softer alchemical teas. I'd recommend the mango one."
* Namhwa rolls his eyes at Sunny.
<Namhwa> "How delicious!"
* Peyt_Yenthu gobbles down his meats and boozes
<Greenling> Sunny makes an "uff" sound at the waitress. The waitress does not seem to notice her.
* Rudeth loads up on meat, carbs, and sugar.
* Namhwa pets Sunny and sits through the meal, eating [standard].
* WhiteCrow hmmms
<WhiteCrow> "I'll try some of the alchemical ones and the suggestion." SHe smiles at the thought, realzing that she'll have plenty of espresson in Gem
<Zhubin> Zhubin asks for a large amount of cake, as well. "With some in a small container for later, please."
<Greenling> "Ooh. Okay, I'll bring you a sampler."
<Greenling> You two get a double-sized tea-and-cakes sampler.
* Rudeth stares at Zhubin's plate. "...I want one of those cake samplers. And a mango tea."
* Rudeth flags down the server.
* Rei pauses, blushing and nodding, pointing to Zhubin's plate.
<Greenling> They're all rather nice, except for the one tea that tastes like sea slugs. It's supposed to change its taste and be very good with a certain kind of fish, for some reason.
* Rudeth glances at Rei. "Two cake samplers!"
<Greenling> More cakes!
<Namhwa> "So, Peyt, what's the deal with your Dragon-blooded foe?
* WhiteCrow gives a bit of an odd face at the sea slug tea, but when she finallyg ets over it,s he asks the server again what Cho had asked, "Miss Mary, as you say, does she do thaumaturgy miss?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "What's the deal?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Really?"
<Namhwa> "Yeah, you never really explained what happened."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I thought I made it pretty damn clear. He screwed me out of pay. I'm going to crunch his head until his eyeballs pop out."
<Zhubin> "He got shafted, is I beleive how he puts it." Zhubin nods, and takes another bite of spice cake.
<Namhwa> "Do you have your contract written down somewhere?"
<Greenling> "Thaumaturgy? Oh, that, yes. And other things."
<Greenling> "She usually keeps to herself, though."
* WhiteCrow nods, taking a sip, and slouching a bit in her chair at that, "That's good though, I actually do a lot of similar things, so want to meet her a bit."
<Greenling> She tries not to look at Crow too blatantly.
<Greenling> "Oh. Well. I'm sure she's not busy."
* Rei smiles to Rudeth, enjoying the cake.
<Greenling> This one tastes like a ripe red strawberry dipped in sugar.
<Greenling> This one is filled with sweet cream and drizzled with small slightly bitter crunchy things that explode into mint when you bite into them.
<Greenling> This one is made out of dark chocolate ice cream, in a frozen white chocolate shell, and filled with hot fudge and little colored candies. It's called a Gem Delight. :3
<Greenling> The challenge is to eat it all before the fudge melts the outside.
<Greenling> (15 XP to anyone who successfully makes that one, or convinces someone else to, and shows pics.)
<Peyt_Yenthu> "No I didn't have any contract. I'm a godsdamn bandit king! We don't make contracts!"
<Namhwa> "Oh."
<Greenling> So. Crow would like to go meet Mary Fang. Anyone else? Any other things to do?
* WhiteCrow enjoys her meal and drinks for a while, before getting up and asking the location of Mary Fang in the town from the waitress and paying her tab.
<Greenling> "Probably at the graveyard. That's where she usually is."
<Namhwa> "Perhaps we should wait until morning..."
* WhiteCrow gets up and shrugs, "I think we shouldn't be afraid of her just because she hangs out in graveyards." She pats her sidearm and starts to head out the door.
<Zhubin> "Should be fine!" Zhubin shuffles his way out the door after paying, carrying some cake for Cute and Fluffy.
<Namhwa> "Okay..."
<Greenling> "She's... never hurt anyone, as far as I know. She's just creepy."
* Namhwa motions for Sunny to come down, then follows the others out. "Well, thanks!" Cho says to the waitress.
<Rudeth> "I'm not afraid of a graveyard. Or ghosts. Or creepy old women." Rudeth stays near Rei, heading out behind Crow.
<Greenling> Sunny hops down and yawns slightly.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Graveyards are just where they put the spare parts."
<Namhwa> "For what?"
<Greenling> The graveyard is about a twenty minute walk outside of the town proper.
* WhiteCrow glares at Peyt at that, and stops before goign to the waitress again, and bringing out some money, "Just in case, can I have some salt?"
<Greenling> It's all done up in appropriate dressings to appease the dead and keep them from rising, and there's a little temple to the local gods.
<Greenling> Crow may grab salt.
* WhiteCrow nods and after obtainign a bit of a failsafe, makes her way to the graveyard.
<Greenling> It's starting to get dark out, but the Sun is still on the horizon.
* Namhwa watches Sunny as they walk to the graveyard, wondering if her keen senses pick up anything amiss.
* Rudeth stays close behind Crow, making sure Rei is nearby.
<Greenling> Sunny is sniffing around, but mostly seems normal.
<Greenling> By the temple, there's a small figure.
* Namhwa feels a bit more at ease.
<Greenling> Sunny stops when she sees the figure, wagging her tail slightly.
<Greenling> Sniff, sniff.
* Namhwa goes over to investigate, of course!
<Namhwa> "What'd you find, girl?"
<Greenling> There's a woman sitting there.
<Greenling> She seems to be crying. She looks up at Sunny when she sees her.
<Greenling> She looks startled.
* Rudeth smiles and cautiously approaches her. "Hello there, Miss."
<Namhwa> "Are you okay?"
* WhiteCrow walks calmly, letting Rudeth and the others go ahead for a moment, before approaching herself to look over the lady
<Greenling> She wipes her eyes and looks at you both. "What do you want?"
<Namhwa> "We're looking for Mary Feng," Cho replies.
<Rudeth> "We didn't mean to disturb you." Rudeth looks at her sympathetically.
<Greenling> She covers her face with her sleeve a moment before responding. "Well, you've found her. Is there something further?"
<Namhwa> "Indeed, are you alright?"
<Greenling> "It's nothing you should worry over."
<Greenling> She speaks with a High Realm accent.
<Namhwa> "Of course it is," Cho replies in High Realm. "We're your fellow humans. What's wrong, sweet heart?" he asks compassionately.
* Namhwa knows that Sunny will usually come up and be friendly if he kneels in front of a person, so he does that.
<Greenling> Sunny comes up and lays beside the woman.
* Rei stays quiet, wanting to avoid upsetting Sunny or the woman.
<Greenling> Mary, for her part, stands up and brushes her robes off. She's... much taller than you thought when she was sitting down.
* Namhwa calls Sunny back, then backs up a few steps.
<Zhubin> Zhubin waits a bit behind everyone else, looking up.
<Greenling> "I would rather not speak of it, for the moment, mind you please." She replies to Namhwa in High Realm. "Now, I th-" sniff- "I believe you have me at a disadvantage?"
* WhiteCrow looks back and forth between Cho and Mary in this case, not actually speaking High Realm herself and so a bit lost
<Namhwa> "I'm so sorry. My name is Cho Namhwa, the elderly gentleman is Zhubin, the young woman is Rei, and that one is White Crow, that young man is Rudeth, and the large gentleman is Peyt."
* Namhwa will obligingly translate.
* Rudeth smiles and bows slightly to her when his name is mentioned. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss."
<Namhwa> (It's always nice to speak your native language)
<Greenling> She looks to each of you in turn with a shrewd expression. She smiles a little when Rudy speaks, then raises her sleeve to her face again, sobbing.
<Greenling> "Such a polite boy..."
* WhiteCrow bows her head a bit, arms still crossed some as she looks over the older lady, remembering the comment of her being a Dragon-Blooded and seeing ehr speak High Realm...
<Namhwa> "Of course. I'm told that you're a sorcerer of some renown. Is that true?"
<Greenling> Sniff. "Thank you for your kindness. I don't know about renown, but I know a few more tricks than most are comfortable with."
<Namhwa> "Indeed!" Cho switches back to Flametongue for simplicity. "White Crow is a student of the occult arts, too. We've grown to appreciate them, and I hope that your knowledge hasn't brought you any sorrow."
<Greenling> She sighs. "No, they haven't."
* WhiteCrow clears her throat a bit, "I was wondering if there was a particuler spell you might know....I need ot to contact someone and it was teh fastest route I coudl think of."
<Greenling> "Infallible Messenger?"
<Greenling> "Mmh. Not complicated."
* WhiteCrow sighs a bit in relief, "GOod. I had received a couple before, and such, but i never had to find someone to actually send it."
<Greenling> "I will require three things from you, for one of those."
<Greenling> "Is that agreeable?"
* WhiteCrow nods, 'Yes, I believe so."
<Greenling> "Good." She adjusts her robe slightly. "When do you want it?"
<WhiteCrow> "Sooner before later. If youw ould like, I have a specific code and way to say it I need to send it in, so is it okay if I give youa written copy of my message sometime in the next couple of hours?"
<Greenling> "Hmm. I would prefer that, actually."
<Greenling> "Who is it to, hmm?"
* WhiteCrow looks about at the others, "I woudl actually prefer that private save for some who already know."
* WhiteCrow glances at thsoe who weren't in the roomw henshe showe dher gloove
* Namhwa looks a little amused.
<Greenling> "I don't mind what you want or don't want them to know."
<Greenling> "Though holding secrets from companions is often trickier than you might expect."
* WhiteCrow nods, "Understandable. Just...I have my priorities on that." SHe nods to the others, and bows a bit, "I'll go to write-up the message. I'll be back shortly miss."
<Greenling> "That would bring me to one of my requests."
<Namhwa> "Always a price.
* WhiteCrow ohs, looking over her shoulder, hands in pockets as she was about ot walk off "Yes?"
<Namhwa> "
<Greenling> "I'll do it at my own home. You can bring it there, and then leave."
<Greenling> "It's not far from here, but I like my privacy most of the time."
<Greenling> "Will you be in town tomorrow morning?"
* WhiteCrow looks over a bit, down to her left hand and ndos, "Okay. As long as we are agreed that the emssage is unchanged. And we will be."
* Namhwa looks at White Crow expectantly.
<Greenling> "I don't have any rhyme or reason to change it. All right. I'll bring you the last request in the morning, then."
* WhiteCrow nods and makes her way to the inn to write down her message at that.
* Namhwa stops for a moment.
<Greenling> As Crow leaves, Mary makes her way towards her house.
<Namhwa> "Thank you for doing a favor for my friend, Ms. Feng."
* Rudeth nods. "Thank you for your help, Ma'am."
<Zhubin> Zhubin bows his head, slightly.
<Greenling> "It's a business transaction, not a favor, Mr. Cho, but you're welcome."
* Namhwa turns on the charm and smiles pleasantly. Usually when he does this Sunny will wag her tail with a sympathetic grin, too, knowing that it's nothing more than friendly.
* Rudeth smiles. "Even so, Ma'am, you didn't have to help her. You could have said no. Thank you."
<Greenling> She glances at Rudy. "Boy, learn to read people better, will you? It's embarrassing."
<Greenling> She continues heading off.
* Rudeth looks confused.
* Namhwa whispers to Rudeth as they walk off, "Sometimes a thank you will suffice. Being too polite with some people earns their disdain. It's just a character trait."
* Namhwa shrugs.
<Namhwa> "I thought it was good of you, though. Shows a pure heart."
<Namhwa> (Once she's out of ear shot, or at least for a normal human being)
<Greenling> She does not seem to notice.
<Greenling> Where do you go now?
* Rudeth smiles and shrugs. "Thanks, I suppose." He glances back at her. What a strange woman...
<Namhwa> "Shall we, then?"
* Namhwa motions after White Crow.
* Namhwa gives sympathetic look to Zhubin for the youngsters.
* Zhubin looks at Namhwa and shrugs with a 'what're you gonna do with 'em' expression.
<Greenling> You go back to the inn. (I presume.) And eventually, Crow heads back to Mary's house with the message.
* Namhwa nods in agreement, then shepherds folks back.
<Namhwa> "Would you like some company on the walk out, White Crow?"
* WhiteCrow nods, "I don't see a problem with that. SHe didn't say come alone." SHe has put the message in a wax-seal for the sorceress and seems to be making sure to go armed atelast, just in case.
<Greenling> You make it to her house with nothing exciting happening.
* Namhwa nods.
<Greenling> There's a lantern hanging outside.
<Namhwa> "I suppose we knock."
* Namhwa shivers and looks around the graveyard.
* WhiteCrow nods to Cho and does just that, giving a light knock on teh door as she arrives.
<Greenling> "Come in," you hear from inside.
<Greenling> It's sparse inside. Bed. Table. Cooking pot. Sword.
<Greenling> Mary, sitting on the bed, reading.
* WhiteCrow nods and steps into the building, glancing about a bit curiously.
<Greenling> She puts the book aside when she sees you.
* Namhwa glances at the title of the book.
<Greenling> The cover doesn't have a title on it.
* WhiteCrow steps to Mary and presents the letter, "I usualy would work through lower channels, but I have put the name and a code at the top of the letter. Note that first before the message to make sure it doesn't get counterspelled."
* Namhwa looks around the hut with as much polite care as he can. He came along because he was concerned about White Crow's safety, and now he's glad that he did. Sorcerers are a wretchedly unknowable lot, especially the ones that don't stick to cities. Cho understands that a woman might need a sword to protect herself at home, but what sorceress wouldn't...
<Greenling> She nods and takes the letter.
<Namhwa> take the opportunity to enchant it. Namhwa just hopes it's not one of those bewitched blades that supposedly draws a person's soul out through their eyes... By making them focus on it too much! Cho moves his eyes past to check the scenery outside the window while the two speak.
<WhiteCrow> "If I remember right, that's one favor and you said one in the morning. WHat's the third before I leave?"
<WhiteCrow> "Or did I miss something along the way?"
<Greenling> "The second was going to be to write it down."
* WhiteCrow ahs and ndos, "Well, that helps then. WIth that, I will be taking my leave as you reqested. Thank you again." As seh leaves, she takes a look at the sword, curious to see if its magical before she leaves, but otherwise moslty doing a passive, crusory glance of the item.
<Greenling> Namhwa: that actually seems to be a much nicer version of the sort of chopping sword you'd see around Wavecrest. The fact that the handle is swathed in funereal violet is a little creepy, though.
* Namhwa pauses.
<Greenling> Crow: not magic.
* WhiteCrow nods and with that takes her leave, ushering a bit to Cho as she heads to the door.
<Greenling> Unless that's a ridiculously subtle enchantment. But as far as you know, not magic.
<Namhwa> "Miss, that is a remarkably beautiful sword, worked in the Western style I believe? What a beautiful possession." Cho works hard to keep any hint of envy from his voice.
<Greenling> She raises an eyebrow at Namhwa. "I suppose it is. Thank you."
<Namhwa> "I'm just a bit surprised to see it in your possession, though. Usually only roguish pirates and heroic captains have such a thing." Cho feels like he's pushed polite conversation as far as he can, and takes his leave if Crow's waiting and Mrs. Feng doesn't reply.
<Namhwa> "I just wanted to compliment you on it. It reminds me of home."
<Greenling> She hides her face behind her sleeve again, though this time you're pretty sure those aren't sobs.
* Namhwa turns his attention back toward Mrs. Feng, wondering if she has any Western heritage. She seems so odd, though...
<Greenling> She waves her other hand at you.
<Greenling> She looks local to you.
* Namhwa waves back a little bit.
<Greenling> ...She's trying to shoo you out without having to talk through her snickering.
* WhiteCrow looks a bit annoyed at Cho as the leave finally. She is quiet for a bit until they are a good bit away from the house, "What the hellw as that?"
* Namhwa leaves, a touch embarrassed and a touch amused.
<Greenling> So, you two leave?
<Greenling> Meanwhile, what does everyone else do?
<Namhwa> "Just a stab at conversation, I guess." Cho shrugs and blushes a touch.
* Zhubin feeds Cute and Fluffy their promised cake and apples.
<Zhubin> "Now, don't go misbehaving on me for a while, ok you two?"
* WhiteCrow looks a bit glaring at Cho, "You realize that part of the deal was to elave. And I was trying to contact home. And that sword was just pretty and she is a probably very-able-to-kill-us sorceress Exalt?":
<Greenling> Crow gets a message back before she gets to the inn.
<Greenling> A little cherub alights by her ear and whispers.
* Rudeth goes to bed fairly early so he can get up before the others and go speak to Mary Fang.
<Greenling> He may do this.
<Greenling> You sneak out to her house?
* WhiteCrow listens intently to the cherub, lets out a bit of a sigh of relief, and gives bit of a chew of the lip before the cherub disappears.
<Rudeth> (Not exactly sneak, just trying to go early enough that the others will be asleep when he leaves. Rudeth sneaks about as well as a dwarf in platemail. XD)
<Greenling> ( that a reference to something someone actually did?)
<Greenling> You head out to her house, then.
<Greenling> Slightly before the break of day.
* Rudeth brings the cloak along, not wearing it. He heads up to her house, knocking on the door.
<Greenling> You knock. There is no answer. (Per+Aware.)
<Greenling> Whuff. Whuff. ... ClickTHUMPrustlerustle. ... ... "Who is it?"
<Rudeth> "Um, I'm sorry if I woke you up. It's Rudeth, the young man from last night. If this is a bad time, I can come back later?" Rudeth feels a little bad that he didn't consider the woman might have needed sleep.
<Greenling> The woman opens the door somewhere between "night" and "is".
<Greenling> She just looks at you, sniffling a little.
<Greenling> "Here to escort me, young sir?"
* Rudeth smiles apologetically. "I'm sorry for coming so early, but I wanted to ask you about something. About the man who referred us to you, actually."
<Greenling> She just blinks. "Who referred you to me?"
* Rudeth gives a basic physical description. "He cursed like a sailor, and he was wearing this." Rudeth shows her the feathered cloak.
<Greenling> She looks at Rudeth. Looks at the cloak.
<Greenling> "And your question?"
<Rudeth> "I was mostly wondering who he was. He acted like he knew me, he knew my name without me telling him, and he kept staring at me." Rudeth adds under his breath, "...and he called me a dork. >_>"
<Greenling> "Well, I can understand that last bit, but I have no idea who you're talking about."
<Rudeth> "Are you sure? He mentioned both you and this town specifically by name."
<Greenling> The Sun is beginning to rise.
<Rudeth> "He seemed very intent on us coming here, as a matter of fact."
<Zhubin> Zhubin wakes up, going to somewhere the light shines on him to pray.
<Greenling> "Why would I remember everyone who's used my services, or might have been recommended to me?"
<Greenling> Zhubin can find a nice little courtyard outside. There's even an odd little statue of a man with four arms, though it's old and weathered.
* WhiteCrow is sleeping a bit soundly in her bed today, taking advantage of having a nice bed after having camped out and even took a goodb ath before sleepign.
* Rudeth looks down, disappointed. "Well, sorry for wasting your time then." He looks back up at her. "Would you like me to escort you to Crow and the others? If you like, I'll buy you breakfast, as an apology for making you wake up so early." Rudy smiles.
<Zhubin> "Gracious Sun!" Zhubin prays in front of the statue, and then carefully examines it.
<Greenling> It's an old weathered sandstone statue. Its features are entirely gone.
<Greenling> The woman grins at you. "I would very much-" cough... sniff... grin dies. "Yes. I would."
* Rudeth nods and offers her his arm.
<Zhubin> "I wonder if this wasn't once a representation of him." Zhubin ponders on this, deciding to ask someone in the inn if they know about the 'weird statue'.
<Greenling> She takes it and goes peacefully with you. Though you do think that's a sword sheath beneath her outer robe.
<Greenling> Who does Zhubin ask?
* Rudeth leads her back to the inn.
<Zhubin> Zhubin casually mentions the statue to one of the older folks working at the inn, stating he saw it on his walk. "Never seen one like that before. What spirit did it represent?"
<Greenling> "Eh? What'll yer talking about?" says the old man.
<Zhubin> "That 4-armed statue, in that courtyard, over there." Zhubin gestures towards where it was.
<Greenling> "What's in, now, never seen the likes here?"
<Zhubin> Zhubin looks for someone perhaps a bit younger. "Sorry to have troubled you."
<Greenling> "'At's in, oight."