Patron Saints/Session 1
From Greenthings
<Greenling> Bandit King man!
<Peyt_Yenthu> ORA
<Greenling> You have been on the trail of That Scaly Bastard- who probably has a name, that would probably help with your investigations- but you've been on his trail for a while, and you have a lead.
<Greenling> You've heard from a guy who knew a guy that he's gotten monetary connections to places outside of Realm areas, and some of them are kinda close to where you are.
<Greenling> You're not terribly certain on the details, but that's what continuing to investigate is for. Or, alternately, threatening villagers until they help. Whatever it is you do.
<Greenling> Guess what village it is you've wandered into.
<Greenling> Rudeth!
<Greenling> Life continues and the horses are restless. So is your boss.
<Greenling> He's been kind of a dick recently. This is probably partly because his daughter is ill. Thankfully wandering doctor-man happened to be passing through at that time.
<Greenling> On the other hand, Int or Wits, Socialize or Investigation, pick your highest.
<Greenling> Okay. Anyhow.
<Greenling> (on 4 sux) Your boss is muttery and flustery and worse when he's dealing with the money.
<Greenling> The farm is doing great last you checked, but... money problems? Huh.
<Greenling> So, uh, you're currently... doing stuff with the horses. It's a couple hours until sunset.
<Greenling> Zhubin!
<Greenling> Also Crow!
<Greenling> You two are on a caravan travelling south towards Gem.
<Greenling> Gem is a great place to find tips on artifacts when you're on a dry spell. It's also... well it's not like Zhubin has much to do with his life other than preach.
<Greenling> It's stopped a ways away from here. This is the only actual village-type thing in the area that can accomodate guests.
<Greenling> (*accommodate)
<Greenling> Congratulations, you're all in the same general area. Proceed ye to converse or whatever else for a bit, unless you need something from me.
* WhiteCrow sighs tiredly as she finally comes into the town's boundaries. She left from the caravan a bit early to try and get a good place before any inns showed up, and is now looking about for the largest place possible.
* Namhwa whistles to his golden retriever after she finishes taking care of business outside of town, then heads back toward the hospice that he checked into.
<Greenling> "Woof!" Tailwag, tailwag.
* Namhwa scratches Sunny behind the ears, then plays a few games like holding her paws while she walks with him up the street.
* Zhubin leads Cute and Fluffy into town, moving slowly, once again wrapped fully to protect himself from the sun.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt frowned. The merchant on the way OUT of the village didn't seem to know anything, even after Little Tyrant ate and then threw up most of his cabbages. That didn't bode well for getting information in this town either. Granted, most people tend to go silent around a man wearing leather, bones, and iron while riding on the back of a dinosaur.
<Greenling> (oh, I was given a suggestion. oops.) Crow: that place has a whole *two floors*.
<Zhubin> "Sadly, it looks as though this place is neither large enough to speak in, nor to draw upon my accounts with the Guild."
* Namhwa races Sunny back to the inn, then stops right outside to let her lap at the horse trough. He wipes the sweat from his brow with a spare cloth as he observes the... newcoming Claw Strider?
<Namhwa> "Crikey."
<Greenling> Insert "Ahh! My cabbages!" line here.
* Zhubin leads the camels along the street, Fluffy taking the chance to nip at anyone in the way, to the inn, stopping a distance from the trough with a dog drinking in it and the...Claw Strider.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt muttered under his breath as he wrenched Little Tyrant to the side and slid off. The large lizard moved its way to the horse drinking trough, making loud growling noises to get the horses out of his personal space.
* WhiteCrow looks over the offered place, and sighs a bit. She misses home somewhat. Especially the running water, but deals with this. She looks over her shoulder as she hops off the horse by the stable and stares at the large...reptile there, "What the....?"
<Greenling> Cute looks at the Claw Strider with obvious malice in her eyes.
<Zhubin> "Cute, no!" Zhubin winds the reins tightly around his arm. "This one isn't wild!"
<Peyt_Yenthu> The sketchy-looking motherfucker scratched at the tuft of black hair on his chin. "Now...if I were some one-nutted scalehead, where would I be stashin' my money..." His one good eye turned to other people staring at his mount. "...what're ya all starin' at? Never seen a giant lizard before!?"
* Namhwa calls Sunny away, then heads inside. He glares at the bartender, who glares right back. They had an argument a few days ago about animals in the inn, but Cho pointed out that Sunny never peed inside, while one of his two-legged patrons had on the first night he was here.
* Zhubin leans on the reins, and grabs on to Fluffy a bit tighter, in case Cute decides to do something stupid.
<Greenling> Cute: Grump. Snort. Spit. ...Does not charge. For now.
* WhiteCrow just looks over the rather....different looking man for a moment, but decides to not push the issue and just decides its general barbarian nonsense and ties her horse to the proper places, making a point to keep the expensive animal the hell away from the lizerd.
<Zhubin> "That's a lovely camel. Aren't you my Cute little friend? Come, have some water, don't kick the scaled beast, and I'll make sure you're both well fed."
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt snorted. "Damn right." He brushed sand off his cow skull shoulderguard, back to looking around the town.
<Zhubin> "And you, my oddly dressed friend, would you mind restraining your beast?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "My lizard is restrained just fine. Not eatin' anything."
* Zhubin lifts his head to stare at Peyt.
* Namhwa cautiously asks for a beer and if everyone is alright in town.
<Zhubin> "I said, restrain your beast. You may not appreciate civilization, but I, for one, do."
* Rudeth finishes checking up on the horses, making sure they have food and are fairly clean and healthy. Afterward, Rudeth gathers up a bit of his disposable income and decides to do what he does best - wanders into town and looks for someone interesting and pretty to talk to.
<Greenling> The bartender grumps and gives him a beer.
* Namhwa lets Sunny lap some, then drinks some himself.
<Greenling> "Other'n that one you're already taking care of... haven't heard of any problems."
* Namhwa gets an alarmed look on his face.
<Namhwa> "How could I forget!"
* WhiteCrow walks into the front portion of the inn and takes a seat. Looking around at the scene for a moment, she then orders a serving of tea.
<Greenling> The other patrons in the bar seem to be presuming unfortunate things about your relationship with Sunny.
* Namhwa leaves the beer on the floor for sunny, then runs down the hall to grab his medical bag.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt stares back at Zhubin, his one good eye glaring. "And I said, if'n YOU want to start tellin' the bloody thing what to do, be my guest."
<Greenling> Sunny earperks as you leave, then goes back to lapping.
<Zhubin> "Very well." Zhubin leads Cute and Fluffy to the water, and drops their reins. "Guard."
<Zhubin> Turning back to Peyt, "When your lizard is missing all of its teeth, do not complain to me."
<Greenling> Rudy finds Crow.
* Namhwa checks his kit. Acupuncture needles, check. Drainage needles, check. Scraper, check. Scalpel, check. Bandages, check. Hacksaw, check. Medicine, check. Okay, he heads back out to the lobby.
<Greenling> (female, App 3. good luck.)
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I'll be bettin' my money on the beast that eats living things fer a livin'." Peyt reached into his buff jacket and pulled out a wineskin sewed completely shut. He tossed it in the air and Little Tyrant caught it, bursting the wine into its mouth and swallowing down the leather in one go.
* Rudeth smiles his most charming smile and wanders up to Crow. "Hello, miss. Are you passing trough?"
<Rudeth> *through
<Zhubin> "You look like a dirty, wretched bit of scum. Have you thought about worshiping the Sun?"
* WhiteCrow waits patently with an elbow on the bartop and chin in her palm as she looks over to the local boy, "Huh? Yeah, pretty much. Hey, how do you get the guy to take your order?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Nah. Pretty sure the day I start worshippin' a ball o light is the day I drink m'self into a coma and never wake up." He scratched at his armpit, shuffling the large hammer on his back.
<Greenling> Namhwa finds the girl easily enough.
<Greenling> She is currently asleep.
* Rudeth looks over at her. "Oh, him?" Rudeth calls over to the bartender, "Excuse me, sir, could we get a round of drinks and the house special?"
<Zhubin> "For some I reason, I would think that has occured with you." Zhubin walks up to him. "Come, we shall discuss the glories of the Sun!"
<Greenling> The man grins to Rudeth. "Sure!"
* Rudeth smiles and looks back at her. "My name's Rudeth. You?"
<Greenling> You soon have drinks.
<Greenling> The house special takes a little longer.
<Zhubin> As Zhubin reaches the shade of the building, he will pull off his hood, showing the pale white skin, and the tracings of the scars that run along his cheekbones and scalp.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I'm actually lookin' fer a scalehead." Peyt's one eye looked down at Zhubin. "Ya happen to know any around here?
<Peyt_Yenthu> "
<Zhubin> "A scalehead? Your lizard?"
* WhiteCrow listens to Rudeth's orders and looks over as the bartender leaves, "Ummm....White Crow. What's the 'house special'?"
<Greenling> Her father is not here.
<Greenling> Namhwa.
<Greenling> Not that he cares much, you're the doctor.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt's eyebrow went up. "That's a claw strider. Scaleheads are the guys 'n gals with the bright shiny effects and scales on their faces. They like to yell a lot." He scratches at his chin tuft again as he starts to mutter. "Probably gets off on jerkin' to his sister's undergarments."
<Greenling> She seems to be zzz.
* Rudeth smiles. "Dinner. Red meat, potatoes, that sort of thing. It comes with dessert, too. So, where are you from?"
* Namhwa begins his preliminary diagnosis of the patient, and his mindset changes immediately and he tries to wake her gently.
<Greenling> "...Mmmh." Her voice sounds a bit hoarse.
<Zhubin> "You mean, perhaps, and I'm guessing loosely based on your atrocious dialogue, one of those Chosen by the Dragon of Water?"
<Greenling> One eyelid cracks open.
* Namhwa kneels by the bed.
<WhiteCrow> "I'm from up North. So is tea not part of that order? Some coffee at least?"
<Namhwa> "Hey, kiddo. I need to ask you a few questions. I'm Dr. Cho, by the way. What's your name?
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Think mine had a thing fer trees. It was....Ragatha. Ranaga. One o' them places."
<Greenling> "Nn. Inkah."
<Greenling> "What is it?"
<Zhubin> "Ragara, of the Great House?"
* Rudeth responds enthusiastically, "Oh, did you want tea?" He calls over to the bartender, "Can you bring us a pot of your finest tea?"
<Namhwa> "Hi, Inkah. Where's your father? I'd like him to be here while I diagnose you."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "It's a house? Pffffft, people namin' themselves after buildings, 'n they call ME dumb. Yeah. One o' them bastards."
* Namhwa doesn't have much hope, he wasn't in sight when he got here."
<Greenling> "Uh, I don't know. He started muttering about bullshit and tossing things in bags earlier. He's probably out being a douchebag somewhere."
* WhiteCrow sighs a bit with relief at that, but gives Rudeth a bit of an annoyed raised eyebrow as he finally actually gets what she sought in the first place.
<Greenling> Rudy can get tea easily. It's pretty shitty tea.
<Zhubin> "Peyt, my delightfully uneducated friend, lets talk some more over a beer. I'll even buy it for you."
* Namhwa sighs, then explains that he's going to check the glands in her neck, armpits, and feet. He's definitely avoiding the chest and thighs.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Well, I'll say, that's a lot more pleasant than me havin' to roll you for change. Or that guy." Peyt points to one of the people on the street. "Was totally gonna shake him down. But free beer is just as fresh." He tossed another winesack to Little Tyrant before heading inside.
<Greenling> She seems to be happy to let you check that.
<Zhubin> "Does the concept of Law even enter in to your skull? I find it amazing that you survive in towns."
* Rudeth smiles apologetically. "Unfortunately, this place isn't too big on tea. Sorry if it's not to your standards."
* WhiteCrow looks as if she's lightened up from a long day's travel, going from a weary traveler to an actually cute and maybe overly-bubbly young woman over her drink. Until she finally gets to drink it. She waits a second. Takes another drink, sets it down. And lets out a rather loud sigh.
<Greenling> That sounds like it might lead to not feeling horrible.
<WhiteCrow> "Do you have at least coffee?"
* Namhwa next has her open her mouth, and notices that her armpits and feet are shrunken slightly, along with really bad breath.
<Rudeth> "Bartentender, can you bring us a pot of coffee?"
<Greenling> "Not until the caravan comes back from Gem, I'm afraid."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Far as I'm concerned, ain't no one ever asked me if I agreed to the laws before they made 'em. Hell, I didn't even get a message askin' for my advice. So them's someone else's laws, not mine."
* Rudeth realizes he's probably starting to annoy the bartender and plans on leaving a healthy tip.
<Greenling> "We're all out after... that incident last week."
* Namhwa checks her skin for moisture from heat of the day.
* Namhwa also retroactively asks her about her symptoms and when she first became sick.
<Zhubin> "I'm not even going to begin to argue with that level of ignorance. In fact, lets go drink." Zhubin leads the way into the bar, and orders some drinks.
<Greenling> She responds in something of a monotone before her throat gets too hoarse. "Water?" x.x
* WhiteCrow drinks some of her coffee and looks to be returned to a somewhat less deflated state and sighs contently, "Good enoguh. Hard to mess this up."
<Namhwa> "Do you have a well around?"
<Greenling> "Out back."
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt took a seat, first unhitching his Choppah and setting it on the bar, followed by unhooking his giant sledge and leaning it against the bar.
<Namhwa> "Sunny will keep you company while I draw some water, okay Inkah?"
<Zhubin> "Why do you carry things that look more appropriate for removing an entire wall?"
<Namhwa> "Say 'hello,' Sunny."
<Zhubin> Zhubin leans on his walking staff as he levers himself into a chair.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Because I'm not the ONLY one who isn't followin' yer damn laws. Like tigers. Tigers are nasty lil' buggers."
<Greenling> "Arf." Sunny extends a paw.
* Namhwa goes to draw some water from out back, then returns with a pail to pour two cups.
<Greenling> Inkah looks skeptical.
<Zhubin> "Not too many tigers in the desert, friend."
* WhiteCrow gags as she tastes the coffee this time, and curses, the rather quiet savant-looking girl cursing, "What's wrong with this damn place?" She gets up and opens her bag she had left at her feet, pulling out a sealed cloth bag of coffee beans and a metal filter, and calling ou thte bartender
<Peyt_Yenthu> "All it takes is one chewin' on your leg."
<Greenling> The generic patrons scootch away from Peyt.
<Rudeth> "So where are you headed?"
<Greenling> (and since it's convenient, bar, inn, same place.)
<Zhubin> "Have you even seen a tiger?" Zhubin is mildly amused by Peyt's antics.
* Namhwa takes Sunny's paw, then lowers it.
* Namhwa then gives Inkah a cup of water.
<Greenling> Sunny tailwags, Inkah drinks.
<Namhwa> "So what were you doing the day before you started feeling bad, Inkah?"
* Namhwa makes small talk to confirm his diagnosis.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "SEEN one?" He points to one of the bones covering the steel plates of his buff jacket. "This is its rib!"
<Greenling> "Uhh. I finally got bored enough to talk to that boy who watches the horses. We went out to this place by the river, 's actually pretty cool, you can see for miles. ... He's still a dork, though."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Granted, the damn thing was on a circus 'r some shite. Was caged up pretty good until some numbnuts decided to break it out."
* WhiteCrow ends up givng the bartender the filter and beans she has, and gives rather specific, demanding orders as how she wants it prepared. She ignroes Rudeth a bit during this, but when finsihed, sighs, and sits patiently, "Sorry about that. So your name is....Rudeth? Right?"
<Greenling> The bartender is now afraid of Crow.
<Zhubin> Zhubin just shakes his head. "Its nice to deal with someone so direct and simple. A wonderful change from the endless haggling and games of trading."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Hagglin' is fer people who can't pick up a hammer bigger than the man they're buyin' from." He takes his drink and swigs it down.
<Namhwa> "Where did you go? Drink a little more slowly, Inkah."
<Zhubin> "Thats merely robbery. No skill needed in that."
<Zhubin> "Though, I admit, we could have used someone like you on the last caravan I was part of." Zhubin drains his drink in one gulp as he mentions the caravan, and calls for another round.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Oh really MISTER MAN. You try shakin' down a man for his last coins when he's desperate. There's skill. Just not much in the way you got."
<Zhubin> "You shake him until he drops them. What skill beyond a strong arm, and strong lungs to shout in his face, do you need?"
<Rudeth> "Yep, that's it." Rudeth grins. Rudeth decides to repeat the previous question. "So where are you headed?"
<Zhubin> "It's much trickier to make him smile while giving you the coins!"
* Namhwa holds back from pouring Inkah more water, and monitors her closely.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I don't see YOU spookin' a man into givin' up his coin. Hell, I bet you never even snapped a man's bone before."
* WhiteCrow takes a moment to look over to see if the bartender isn't messing anything up, before looking backt o Rudeth, "I'm headed to Gem, actually. Looking for leads there moslty."
<Namhwa> "Why don't you just lay down while you tell me the rest?" Namhwa reclines in a corner of the room and pets Sunny while he listens.
<Rudeth> "Leads? Are you tracking something?"
<Zhubin> "My surly friend, I've unfortunately had to do worse than snap a bone." Zhubin trails his words off, and drinks his second beer.
<Zhubin> "Unlike you, however, I didn't take pleasure in it."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Oi now, I don't take pleasure in ALL the killin'. Just the really fun ones."
<Zhubin> "My point remains. I prefer a more elegant solution. Merely killing your way through life will have you hunted down like an animal."
<WhiteCrow> "Not really tracking, searching though. I'm a what we like to call 'Itenerant Savant-Scholar' or 'archeologist' back home. I think most people call it being a 'scavenger', I guess."
<Namhwa> (actually...)
* Namhwa takes Inkah's pulse while she's sitting up, then asks her to lay down and measures her heartbeat again. He asks her about the previous day, then after about five minutes he takes her pulse again, has her sit up, and does it one more time.
<Rudeth> "What are you searching for?" Rudeth pauses. "Sorry if it's supposed to be a secret or something, it's just really interesting. Most of the people passing through are merchants and the like."
<Greenling> Namhwa gets whatever info he needs.
<Namhwa> "I think you're just a bit under-watered, Inkah. I'm going to get a wet blanket for you to lay under. It's very important for you to spend the next three days or so -inside-. Will that be okay?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Man, I rob people fer a livin', and I got screwed over by one o' them mother-humpin' scaleheads. I already know I ain't got much longer to live. But hell, at least I'll know a damn large number of 'em when I get sent there."
<Greenling> "Oh, is that it? Thank the Dragons. Sure, totally."
* WhiteCrow smiles over to Rudeth a bit, finding the fact that someoen is wiling to her her rant fine, "Well, right now I am looking for some ancient motonic capaictor technology. I'm really interested in some of the design and mechancis of them and want to get my hand on an Essence-pump or Terrestrial mote callibrator of some sort. But anything else really woudl work, heehh."
* Namhwa consults a small guide on acupuncture while he speaks, confirming which chakras connect to the water-humours and which ones are connected to the fire-humours.
<Greenling> Rudeth: blah blah blah mechanics blah blah anything else really would work, she has such a pretty laugh.
<Zhubin> "You are an odd man, Peyt. I think I'll take it upon myself to show you how to live in a more civilized manner. Should be an interesting way to pass some time now that..."
<Namhwa> "Good, good. Come on, Sunny. I'll be right back, Inkah."
* Rudeth smiles and nods, clearly having no idea what any of that stuff is but assuming it's quite impressive since he doesn't think he could pronounce half of that. "And you'll be able to find that in Gem?"
* Namhwa goes to inspect the well, make sure it's got enough water. He then checks the linen closet, and looks for an absorbent blanket. He sets a blanket aside, then returns.
* WhiteCrow shrugs, "Maybe. Gem is a very big merchant zone in the Deep South. So my guess is other scavengers go through there pretty regularly and it would be a good place to pick up stuf to just buy on the market while I'm at it, actually."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Now that what? Yer damn dog die or somethin'?"
* Namhwa decides that... what the heck, his acupuncture could always use some practice!
<Greenling> Well's fine, and you have a nice light poofy one there, though it's scratchy.
<Namhwa> "Actually, Inkah, we might be able to reduce the treatment for a day if you would like to receive acupuncture."
<Zhubin> Zhubin shakes his head. "My friend, I'm not so drunk as to sit and bemoan my fate. Just allow my to say you aren't the only one who wouldn't mind leaving someone staked out in the high desert under the sun for a few months. Then they could feel every excruciating moment I lived through."
<Rudeth> "It'd be really fun to travel to Gem again... I've only been there once before, when I was 15. My boss was taking me with him to sell some of his horses. He said he'd never take me back after the havoc that was apparently my fault. To this day, he still makes me stay here."
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt stared. "...what, you used to have three camels? Someone stole the third one? Yeah...guessin' that's it." He took a second drink, working on putting it down.
* WhiteCrow glances over to see the status of her drink with a very serious face, before softening up again as she talks to Rudeth, "Ah, its okay a place I guess. I'm not too fond of it myself. Too exploitive and pretty much ran by a thug. But it works to go through I guess. This si my first time there, acutally."
<Greenling> "...Sure."
<Greenling> "Uh."
<Zhubin> "More like I used to have a wife, a son and daughter, and my skin wasn't burned of all its color." Zhubin's voice raises throughout this, until he's screaming it out, and he slams his drink to the table, shattering the mug.
<Greenling> "...Wait, is this gonna hurt?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt's eyebrow went up again. "Ah. Now see, that's one o' the ones I'd be callin' a Fun Kill. You'll be enjoyin' that one." He handed his beer over to Zhubin. "Also, ya broke yer glass, mate."
* Namhwa carefully lays out his needles, then makes small talk to relax Inkah. "No, not at all! In fact, if you look out that window to your left, you won't even feel a thing. I'll let you know when I'm ready to begin, okay?" Cho carefully selects the thinnest needles, because naturally as a woman she has the highest sensitivity.
<Namhwa> "So, go on about the river and this boy."
<Greenling> She looks mildly nervous for a moment, then takes a breath and seems to gather courage!
<Greenling> "Okay. Uh. It was a long walk..."
* Namhwa marks tiny little spots on Inkah's throat, belly, and hips, then while she's still talking, silently slides the needles drawing the water essence out of her essentially talkative and sexual nature as a woman and into the rest of her body once she looks away.
* Rudeth shrugs. "I'm not much into the politics, so I don't know that much about it, but they have a lot to do and a lot to see..."
* WhiteCrow nods and idly watches things going on behind the bar as she waits for food and her drink, "So what do you do around here then? Must be kind of dull out here."
<Greenling> The water essence is almost visible to you as it dances to your tender ministrations.
<Greenling> :V
<Zhubin> Zhubin sits back down, to the stares of the generic patrons in the bar. "More beer!"
* Namhwa smiles in delight, and commits this particular procedure to memory. His hands feel like they're moving so fluidly, he barely pays attention to the story.
<Greenling> You gain more beer.
<Rudeth> "Well, it is kind of dull, but if you're creative you can find things to do. I spend a lot of time riding, but there's also a river, the forest... The travelers are always interesting, and we get a fair number, since Gem is so close." He shrugs. "It does get pretty boring, though. As soon as I save up enough from my job, I'm planning on moving out. Heading to Gem first, then probably...
<Rudeth> ...somewhere else from there."
<WhiteCrow> "Well, Gem is I guess a good start, but be careful. That palce will grind you to dust before you probablyw ill make much from it. I personally think greener pastures are up North..."
* Namhwa gets Inkah's cup, dips it for more water then says, "Here, all done. Have another drink."
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt takes another beer, drinking it down as well
<Rudeth> "North, hm?" Rudeth thinks for a moment. "I'm really not to picky. Just someplace bigger, more interesting..."
<Namhwa> "You can have another few cups of water while the needles are in, but I don't want you drinking more than a three cups per phase of the day once they're out. Morning, noon, twilight, then keep a cup and the bucket near the bed so you can drink at night."
<Namhwa> "Don't eat anything today unless fruit, if you have it, and tomorrow you can start snacking. By the third day you should be able to have a light meal."
* Namhwa smiles at the healing he's doing.
<Greenling> "Uh, okay. You might wanna... tell dad that or something, I might forget."
* WhiteCrow munches quiety on her food as she thinks on that some, "Well, here's my thoughts. You should maybe sign-on to a caravan. Find a nice place. That said, I think Paragon is a good oen to go to myself. THey'll treat you much better then Gem does, I can say that."
<Namhwa> "Can your father read?"
<Greenling> "...Kiiind of."
* Namhwa frowns a bit.
<Namhwa> "Well, I'll write it out and explain it to him, then."
<Greenling> "...On second thought, if you can write, write it down. I can read."
<Namhwa> "Oh, really? What a delight.
* Rudeth considers this seriously. "That sounds pretty nice. I'll have to talk to my boss, of course, but that sounds pretty good, actually. How long are you here for?"
<Greenling> "Yeah. Mom taught me when I was younger." :3
<Greenling> She seems proud of her mom.
<Namhwa> "How [cool]! May I ask how your mother's doing now?" He writes down his diagnosis and plan for treatment for Inkah. He writes it in flowery lettering at the top, hoping she'll be complimented.
<Namhwa> *her name in flowery lettering
<WhiteCrow> "I'm not sure really. I thinkt he caravn might be just rest-stopping and resupplying a bit, but they also are gogni to be elling aroun dhere I think. But if I do find some stuff, I do need a good back and such, so if anyting I am wiling to take you as an assistant."
<Greenling> "Uhm..." :/ "She left a couple years ago."
<Greenling> "...She's probably fine, though, knowing her."
<Namhwa> "I'm so sorry to hear that. Moms are great, as I'm sure you know. My wife passed away before we could have children. Anyway, that's too bad. How do you get along without her?" he tries to be polite and empathetic.
<Greenling> Sunny is sniffing around.
<Greenling> She grins and seems to appreciate it.
<Namhwa> "What else did your mom teach you?"
<Greenling> "Oh, lots of things. Cooking, sewing, fighting, how to find food..."
<Namhwa> "Wow! All that? What are you doing still at home? It sounds like you'd be happier adventuring."
<Namhwa> "_My_ mom was an adventurer, you know."
<Greenling> o.o
<Greenling> "Really?"
<Greenling> "What was she like?"
<Namhwa> "Yeah, really. My parents are from the West, and out there women aren't allowed off the island. She was a fearsomely good sailor, and disguised herself as a boy to join a pirate ship in the Coral Navy."
<Namhwa> "-That- is how she met my father, actually. He was a deep-sea fisherman returning with a haul of exotic [shark-creature-thing] meat when her captain decided to attack his ship."
<Greenling> Inkah thinks your mom is the coolest thing ever.
<Greenling> Soon, it gets dark.
<Greenling> And eventually, you all have to get to bed.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt snores in a bed, his bony jacket strung up like a blanket. The sledge and sword are kept by the bed.
<Greenling> Zzz.
<Zhubin> ZzzzzzzZZZzzzz
* Namhwa sleeps at the inn, with Sunny curled up next to him.
* WhiteCrow sleeps pretty soundly, having cleaned her weapon and put her gear neatly on the dresser, and the actual weapon at the side of her bed.
* Zhubin sleeps lightly.
* Rudeth sleeps soundly in his room at the farm.
<Greenling> Zzzz.
<Greenling> The night passes. The moon and the stars rise...
<Greenling> ...And eventually set.
<Greenling> (on 1:) Zhubin, you hear some kinda noise thing in your sleep. Nng.
* Zhubin begins tossing more, fighting in his dreams.
<Greenling> (on 5:) Peyt: your finely-tuned bandit instincts detect incoming carnage.
<Greenling> You wake up, *then* hear noises outside.
<Greenling> (on botch:) Cho: your mom's taking you on a trip. For some reason Sunny's tugging at your sleeve. She must not like boats.
<Namhwa> "Sunny, you love sailing!" Namhwa protests, then leans over to hug Sunny.
<Greenling> (sorry. and on 2:) Crow: zzzz- it sounds like... people. Talking. Annoying people.
<Greenling> Sunny whines.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt's ears perk up, his buff jacket on in almost an instant. His Choppah is in his belt, and the sledge in his hands. "Hehehehhh...blood's in the air."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Oi!" Peyt's foot went up, kicking Zhubin's bed up at a slant to roll the priest out of bed.
<Zhubin> "Fuck you whoresons..."Zhubin lands with a thump, eyes opening. "Ouch, an old man needs sleep, you filthy ass." Zhubing grabs his staff, and levers himself up to his feet.
<Zhubin> "What is it?"
<Greenling> Sounds like someone yelling outside. A little ways away, but pretty loud.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt moves over to the window, a wide grin on his face and joy in his eye. "Not entirely sure, but m'ears know the tone."
<Greenling> Coincidentally, at this time, Rudy also wakes up.
<Greenling> Inkah is stumbling around, seemingly looking for something.
<Zhubin> "Well, it would be unseemly to force others awake. Let us take care of it?"
<Greenling> Crow hears a dog whining next to her head.
* Rudeth gets up, rubbing his eyes and approaching Inkah. "Hey, is something wrong?" He yawns. "Are you okay?"
<Greenling> Peyt: let's see here.
<Greenling> That would be... one small group of tax collectors, headed by a dude in Jade armor...
<Greenling> Arguing with a large guy you vaguely recognize that seems to be arguing on behalf of that bandit army on the horizon...
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...someone somewhere must really love me tonight."
<Greenling> Annnnd... one Wyld Hunt.
<Peyt_Yenthu> ...
<Zhubin> "What is it, Peyt?"
* WhiteCrow grumbles a bit as she hears the dog and blinsk a couple times as she looks up at a dog, "What? What the hell?"
<Greenling> Good god, that guy's in a lot of really red armor.
<Greenling> There is a golden retriever tugging on Crows sleeve pitifully.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "If'n I didn't know better, I'd say someone's tryin' to move in on my territory now that I'm not about." Peyt gave out a sharp whistle.
<WhiteCrow> :starts as seh wakes up and looks around for who the hell is in ehr room besides th edog, grabbing her gun by the holster and looking around.
<Zhubin> "So what do you plan on doing Peyt?"
<Greenling> Nobody else in the room.
<Greenling> Though there is yelling outside.
<Zhubin> Zhubin heads downstairs and out, as fast as his feet and stick will carry him, towards the yelling.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Well first, I plan on goin' up to that lil' peckerwood talkin fer that army over there. Then, I'm ask all nice like fer him ta' fuck off." Peyt let Zhubin head down the stairs. Peyt took the express way.
<Greenling> Inkah stumbles over to Rudy.
<Greenling> "...Bad stuff. Need to go."
* Rudeth looks at her, concerned, holding her by the arms. "What bad stuff?" he asks softly. "Just tell me what's going on."
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt lands on the back of Little Tyrant, moving his way out to the yelling.
<Greenling> "..." She looks into his eyes and shakes her head irritably. "Just come on. I'll tell you later."
<Greenling> "Get whatever you don't want to be on fire."
<Greenling> Peyt moves out to the three-way fight. All participants stare at you.
* Zhubin clambers onto Cute, leading Fluffy along, racing along after Peyt.
<Zhubin> "What are you doing, you crazy man?"
* WhiteCrow quickly gets her clothing on and unholsters her weapon,a s well as grabbing her pack. She then creeps to tak ea look out the window
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I've got a giant hammer 'n a dinosaur. Figure I'll make up the rest on the way!"
<Zhubin> "Peyt! Stop that, I'm sure there's a peaceful solution to this, right gentlemen?"
<Greenling> Dog's whining louder now. Crow sees...
<Rudeth> Rudeth's eyes go wide. "Fire?" Rudeth leads her to the stables. "If there's going to be a fire, we need to get as many of the horses as possible out." Rudeth starts working on getting the horses awake and out of the stables, getting his horse first, then trying to get the most valuable ones.
<Greenling> Wyld Hunt, more Dragon-Blooded, army... and the guy with the Claw Strider being followed by the guy with the camels you were on the caravan with.
* WhiteCrow lets otu a curse as she watches teh idiots ride off, "They're going to get everyoen killed." SHe looks voer to the dog, "Where's your master girl?"
<Namhwa> "Sunny, you'd rather swim?" he asks as she jumps off the boat. Namhwa leaps into the water after her.
<Greenling> Tug. Tugtugtug.
<Greenling> Namhwa falls out of bed.
<Greenling> "...Idiot." Nonetheless, Inkah tries to help.
* WhiteCrow follows the dog to where she wants to take her.
<Greenling> Into Cho's room.
* Namhwa rolls onto his side, the floor's not much less comfortable than the bed.
<Greenling> Peyt can easily reach the group of them.
* Zhubin pulls the reins on his camels and stops, a bit distant from the argument.
* WhiteCrow glares for a moment, and walks over to give the sleeping man a good punt on the side, "Wake-up you idiot! How can you sleep through all that commotion?"
<Zhubin> "May I enquire as to what all this loud commotion concerns, gentle folks?"
<Greenling> All three leaders look at you. The leader of the bandits is smirking. The leader of the Hunt looks sour.
<Rudeth> After getting his horse and a few of the more valuable ones, Rudeth tries to get them away from the farm. "Where to, then?"
<Greenling> Yeah Namhwa is awake now. Ow.
* Namhwa wakes up with a start, and looks around the room in a daze.
<Greenling> "...I think we should find the guy on the Claw Strider. Or the doctor." She looks out of it, but fierce.
<Namhwa> "What's going on? Why are you attacking me?" He seems more insulted than anything else.
<Greenling> Zhu: The tax collector guy speaks to you first. "We seem to have a disagreement regarding jurisdiction."
* WhiteCrow is still holding her gun out and places a single index finger ot her mouth, "There are Dragon-Blooded outside making a nuissance. Yoru dog woke me up. APparently because you sleep like a rock."
<Namhwa> "Oh. Good job, Sunny. Thank you, miss," he says quietly.
<Greenling> Namwha: Sunny is still whining.
<Zhubin> "I see. Well, as an uninterested, other than having a night of sleep, party, may I offer my services as an adjudicator?"
<Greenling> She drags your stuff out from under the bed.
* Rudeth nods. "Alright, then, let's head to the inn then." Rudeth hurries toward the inn.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt looked over at the bandit army. ".........." His one good eye sure doesn't look too happy.
<Greenling> Inkah follows you as quickly as she can, but she's still behind.
* WhiteCrow nods, and looks out the window again, "That's not good though. What hte hell is going on?"
<Namhwa> "Oh, what's wrong, sweetheart?" he asks with concern.
<Greenling> The guy in charge of the bandit army grins broadly at Peyt. "Hey there."
<Greenling> Namhwa: Nosenudge stuff towards. Tug sleeve.
* Namhwa gets up. Sunny usually leads him when she knows about something troublesome.
<Zhubin> "Peyt, you know this...gentleman?"
<Greenling> Villagers seem to be peering out their windows at the scene, if anyone's paying attention.
* WhiteCrow holsters her gun and pulls out of her large back-carried bag an unfolding metal atlatle and a couple what look to be ceramic spheres out of a padded wooden box.
<Greenling> Everyone looks at Zhubin. "..."
<Namhwa> "Go on, I'm following." Cho leaves White Crow with just one more thank-you, and notes her weapon with alarm.
<Greenling> The leader of the Hunt laughs.
<Greenling> "Sure, why don't you do that."
<Greenling> Sunny seems to be leaving in no particular direction.
<Zhubin> "Excellent! Then first, what is the argument of jurisdiction?"
<Greenling> Outside of "not towards those guys outside".
<Zhubin> "Then we can examine each group's arguments, and come to a reasonable, peaceful, and quiet solution."
* Namhwa leads Sunny down the stairs, then looks for a back entrance. This sure seems strange!
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt looks down at the bandit leader. "...I know he's a bit too far in the wrong direction, I know that much."
<Greenling> Zhu: After some arguing: the tax collectors have come to investigate wrongdoing. The bandits have orders to... uh... they have some very official and apparently real papers saying very vague things, and a very charismatic leader. The Hunt is investigating rumors of... of you, apparently, uhm, they don't seem to recognize you?
* WhiteCrow opens the window very slowly and quietly, making sure to try and not let it squeak as she hopes the loud lizerd-riding idiot can keep them distracted.
<Greenling> Though they also seem to be attributing things to you you didn't do, for what it's worth.
<Greenling> Back entrance get.
* Namhwa lets Sunny out, then gives her the nod to set the pace.
<Zhubin> Zhubin listens carefully to the Hunt, nodding. "Hmmm, that heretic sounds rather vile. I wish you gentleman all the proper luck, and the blessings of the Dragons in your endeavor."
<Greenling> Rudy and Inkah get to the inn as Cho and Sunny are leaving.
* WhiteCrow places a grenade in the atlatl and waits, staring at the situaitona nd hoping the bandaged fella doesnt' draw people to the caravan at above anything.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt slid off his Claw Strider, not saying much, but if a single eye could kill a man, he's sure giving that leader a nasty look.
* Rudeth approaches Cho. "Excuse me, but do you think you could help us?"
<Namhwa> "What's going on?"
<Namhwa> "Inkah, what are you doing out of bed?!" he asks with alarm.
<Greenling> "Need to get out of here. Please come with us." She pleads with you.
<Zhubin> Zhubin stands in his saddle, and looks down at both the tax collector and the bandit. "And both of you, regardless of your papers, should have the sense, not to mention the decency to not disturb the peace of the village in this manner! If you have the appropriate documents, and I'm not qualified to determine the validity of these documents, just your arguments, you both have the right to be here" Zhubin takes a deep breath, and continues on,
<Namhwa> "I don't think you should be going -anywhere- in your condition, Inkah," he replies, then glances her over.
* WhiteCrow watches the simple dialog between the people downstairs and looking at the behavior fo the Idiot, she decides she's best to ge totu of here. S he folds-up her atlatl, but keeps a smoke grenade out as she unholsters her gun and starts heading downstairs
<Zhubin> voice rising and falling, lulling each group into an attitude of steady listening, before sliding from his camel, and turning the bandit towards his men with the gentle enjoinder to 'go out, set camp, and think this through.'
<Zhubin> The tax men are left with the subtle, yet strong, reminder that as lawful representatives, such night tactics do not suit them, and in fact, may further damage their reputation.
<Namhwa> "What are you running from, anyway?" Namhwa is full of questions and concern.
<Rudeth> Rudeth pauses. "Inkah said the farm was going to catch on fire."
<Greenling> "There's going to be havoc. One way or the other."
<Greenling> "...Not just the farm."
* Namhwa gets a serious look on his face.
* WhiteCrow finally gets downstairs, having packed up and such, and goes out the door to find the tohers, "Oh, hey kid! made a choice on the job issue yet?"
<Greenling> The tax men are justly chastised and grumble about maybe letting the Hunt in first, at least. The bandit leader seems to think you're adorable.
<Greenling> The Hunt just looks bored.
<Namhwa> "Okay, let's go," he says. "You know this place best. Which way?"
* Rudeth smiles at Crow, but still looks pretty worried. "Hey, White Crow. This is Inkah, my boss's daughter."
<Greenling> "Into the mountains? They won't find us there, and it's easier terrain most of the way."
<Greenling> The bandit leader speaks up with a drawl. "Well, I suppose we could allow these esteemed gentlemen to do their business first."
<Namhwa> "Wherever you're most familiar with would be best. Lead on, Inkah."
<Greenling> He seems to mean the Hunt, exclusively.
<Greenling> Inkah looks at Rudy. "Run get horses, will you?"
<Zhubin> "See, a peaceful solution is indeed, best."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Yeah? And then what are YOU all intendin' to do? Usually don't work these parts."
<Greenling> "You're fast enough."
<Greenling> <3 "Who are you again?" He says to Peyt.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "The Tyrant Lizard's Bastard. Barbarian King of this area. 'n who exactly be you?"
* WhiteCrow looks at Inkah a bit and then at Rudy, "Your girl friend?" She pulls he rbag up at that htough, "But we should probably do that. The Idiot and that Camel Guy are probably going to cause this to go bad it looks like."
<Greenling> He extends his hand. "Shining Edge. Nice to meet you."
<Greenling> "...Like hell," says Inkah.
<Rudeth> Rudeth tries not to roll his eyes at Inkah. "Alright, I'll take care of it." Rudeth gets as many as he can and hopes that everyone knows how to ride bareback, because there aren't saddles.
* WhiteCrow sees her horse at least, "Well, I know that one good enough. Wait, where's my saddle?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt's eyebrow raised again. Seems to be a common habit. His hand went out and squeezed. "Sure it is."
<Greenling> He chuckles.
* Rudeth looks at his horse seriously. "Now you behave this time, you fiendish little--" He looks back at Crow. "Um, couldn't get the saddles... Most of them are pretty well behaved though, so just be careful and it shouldn't be a problem. Sorry if it's an issue..."
* WhiteCrow sighs a bit, but slings her heavy canvas bag and such up, "You're carrying this then. These bags usually I hook onto the saddle so I don't ahve to carry them." She looks at th ehrose, "We have reigns at least, right?"
* Namhwa quietly leaps up, then yanks Sunny up onto the saddle in front of him and holds her there.
<Greenling> Sunny holds on tightly.
<Namhwa> "Poor girl, hang on," he whispers.
<Greenling> "...So." Says the Hunt leader. "Have we come to a decision?"
<Greenling> "Can we go now?"
<Zhubin> "I believe, as due representative of the Realm and the Dragons, none here would seriously dispute your rights."
<Namhwa> "Shall we?"
* WhiteCrow pulls out her atlatl again and puts a grenade into it, "But before we go anywhere, just as we make our break and all..."
<WhiteCrow> "Best to ahve some cover."
<Namhwa> "No, they might not notice us!"
<Namhwa> "Egads, woman!"
* Rudeth nods. "Yeah, there are reigns." Rudeth slings the bag onto his shoulder. "Jeez, this is heavy..." he grumbles. "Alright, I'll stay at the lead."
<Greenling> He snorts. The crowd disperses, the bandits encamping and the tax collectors moving towards the inn. "We'll just settle in for the moment, honored (etc)."
* WhiteCrow thinks for a oment and shrugs, putting the grenade adn atlatl back, "Good point." She hops onto her horse, and puts her bag in ehr front.
<Greenling> The Hunt moves towards the center of town.
<Zhubin> Zhubin bows, and leads his camels back to the inn/bar.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt's eye squinted, getting back up onto his Claw Strider. "Oi. Where you think yer goin'?
<Peyt_Yenthu> "
* Rudeth leads them toward the mountains, keeping a good steady speed.
<Zhubin> "To sleep. This woke me up. Where are you going?"
<Greenling> The Claw Strider yaaaawns.
<Greenling> He (she? who can tell?) starts walking west, though you can control it nonetheless.
<Greenling> It seems to smell food.
<Greenling> ...Or wine, knowing it.
<Zhubin> "That way?" Zhubin hops back onto Fluffy, and shrugs, following Peyt.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...godsdamn lazy beast of a reptile." Peyt kicks at the lizard, letting out a sigh and looking back at Zhubin. "What, ya think the bandits are there fer moral support?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> He lets his strider stalk off after food and wine. "When the Hunt be done...this town will be wrecked."
<Zhubin> Zhubin's face falls as he leans over to talk to Peyt. "They were �bandits?�"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "..."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Yer one a them special cases, aren't ya?"
* WhiteCrow looks over her shoulder as they leave, "Hey, Rud and Not Rud's Girlfriend, why are they leaving?"
<Greenling> "...Who?" Inkah says.
<Zhubin> "They had papers!" Zhubin nods.
<Greenling> The Strider seems to smell something yummy in Crow's backpack. Her horse is o___o.
<WhiteCrow> "The Hunt? THey're going to teh center of town I Think."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "The taxpayers had papers. The hunt had papers. The army in the distance? Ain't no papers fer raidin', mate."
<Zhubin> "And I'd kind of like to get away from the Hunt. It seems that for some odd reason, they might have been looking for me."
<Greenling> You begin to leave town.
<Namhwa> "What are you talking about, Miss?" Cho whispers.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...I swear, if this damn thing is chasin' horsemeat again, I'll be right pissed."
<Greenling> As you leave, you see some other townspeople talking to the Hunt.
<Namhwa> Fudge.
<Zhubin> "Maybe we should leave a bit faster."\\
<Greenling> You may also see some bandits being sneaky, and some things being set on fire.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "If I still had me mates, this wouldn't a been a problem."
<Zhubin> "Even faster. Looks like not everyone wanted to be peaceful, after all."
<Greenling> Then you see the Hunt getting pissy, and more fire, now coming from the Hunt.
<Zhubin> "Much faster." Zhubing kicks some speed out of Cute and Fluffy.
* WhiteCrow looks over her shoulder again, gulps, and looks to the rest of the group, "I think we should pick up the pace, guys."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...did them papers tell ya WHAT the Hunt were lookin' fer?"
<Namhwa> "I don't think so.
<Namhwa> "The dust trail would be more obvious than we are right now."
<WhiteCrow> "Yeah, but stuff is...burning."
<Zhubin> "Might have been a...pale albino, who talks about the Sun. And something about being an Anathema. So I know its not me!"
<Zhubin> "And heresies, and...other things."
<Namhwa> "But we're not in the stuff."
<WhiteCrow> "Point."
<Greenling> There is also some screaming.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...ya see? Do ya see? Ya preach about a ball of light, and people start gettin' pissy!" His Claw Strider picks up speed as Crow's horse moves faster.
<Zhubin> "Ok, but its not like I did that whole 'preaching overthrow of the Dragons' that the papers accused me of!
<Zhubin> "
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Scaleheads don't care about accurate. Scarier ya sound, better story it'd be later."
<Greenling> Or the things about gaining followers, setting towns on fire, or stealing pretty Dynasts' daughters and sons.
<Zhubin> "And I certainly haven't created a cult! Nor do I go around stealing children, and eating them."
<Greenling> Crow's horse wants to go much faster than this. Thankfully, Crow can keep it under control.
<Zhubin> "That's rather insulting."
* WhiteCrow lets a few clicking noises out as she feels her hrose get unsteady, "What the hell is wrong with you you dumb thing?"
<Greenling> (so, heading out towards the mountains on general principle?)
<Peyt_Yenthu> A much larger and rather hungry Claw Strider got close up behind Crow's horse.
<Greenling> Crow: you are 99% sure it wants to get away from the scaly thing that's staring at its flanks as if it were a savory pork roast covered in yams and sweet cranberry sauce, I'm hungry.
* Rudeth smiles at Crow. "Don't worry, he's just scared."
* WhiteCrow looks over her shoulder at the approaching clawstrider, "What teh hell are you doing following me?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I'm not. The big bastard is."
<WhiteCrow> "Then could you maybe have him back away from my horse?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Like I said before. YOU wanna get him to stop doin' what it wants to do, be my guest."
<Greenling> It takes about twenty minutes on horse to get to the river.
<Greenling> From there, you head into the mountains. This takes another hour, hour and a half maybe.
<Greenling> The Sun is up and it's morning.
<Greenling> You can see a bright spot back from whence you came.
* WhiteCrow grabs what looked like a sword-handle from the lower-back scabbard hangign around her middle and pulls yout what looks like to be a glowing red blade with a barrel, and mechanical clockwork revolver in the hand-guard, "Don't tempt me."
<Namhwa> "I wouldn't tempt her," Cho chimes in.
<Zhubin> Zhubin turns back his hood, allowing the first rays of the sun to bathe his face.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Ooooh, missy's got a gun. Like I've never seen one o' them before."
* WhiteCrow grumbles some and resheaths the weapon, "Again, don't let that damned thing eat my horse or its on your wallet."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Motivation to move faster, innit?"
<Greenling> Zhubin: it hurts, but then you knew this.
<Namhwa> "I don't think we've attracted any attention, yet..." Namhwa rides up next to Inkah and asks, "So how are you feeling?"
<Zhubin> "Ah, the glorious light of the new day, burning away the impurities of the soul."
* Namhwa cringes at the creepy looking man.
<Greenling> Inkah is slumped over a bit, staring forward. "Fine."
* Rudeth smiles. "It is a nice morning, isn't it? Maybe it's a good omen."
<Greenling> You ride past a couple of things that look vaguely like they once were small villages. Rudy would know that they were.
* Namhwa narrows his eyes.
<Namhwa> "Maybe we should take a break at the next time we come to the river and you can explain what's going on."
<Namhwa> "Or you can," Namhwa says to Zhubin.
* WhiteCrow yawns a bit, "When can we relax you think? I think its past my tea time is all..."
<Zhubin> "I don't quite know, to be honest. The Hunt apparently has decided I am some sort of anathema, though, so...some distance may be appropriate."
* Namhwa smirks at White Crow.
* Rudeth looks sadly at the former villages. "We aren't the first, it seems. Why would they do this? What could they possibly gain?"
<Namhwa> "Anathema?" Namhwa seems to taste the word.
* Namhwa reluctantly looks for corpses among the ruins, from a distance.
<Zhubin> "Giant, glowing evil, you know, Anathema. Which I'm certainly not. I'm a believer of the Dragons, as is proper."
* WhiteCrow looks over to Zhubin, glaring, "Its because you spout that Unconquered Suns tuff constantly. You probably pissed soemoen off at the caravan."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "That, and spoils. Spoils are always good incentive."
<WhiteCrow> "These villages were probably by bandits. I don't think the Hunt operates in a scorched-earth mentality."
<Namhwa> "It's all a load of shit, anyway. Dragons, sun, they just get people killed."
<Zhubin> "It's not my fault that such a powerful being goes unworhiped and recieves not the respect it deserves."
<WhiteCrow> "He works in Heaven. Heaven gets its due."
<Greenling> Doot n doot, mountains, doot n doot, trees.
<Namhwa> "What?"
<WhiteCrow> "At least the Dragon-Blooded get that right."
<Namhwa> "Heaven isn't even really a place. The gods live among us. I've met one or two, you know."
<WhiteCrow> "I know too. But its still good to give a few prayers to heaven now and again
<Greenling> Little hardy-looking bastards, mid-sized ones with scaly bark and tiny leaves...
<Namhwa> "The Dragon-blooded are just... Elemental manifestations of something natural."
<WhiteCrow> "Again, the Immaculates ge tthat right
<Greenling> And suddenly, giant deciduous broad-leafed bastards, and also it seems to be sprinkling.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt's busy picking his nose. Damn people waxing phisoloph....filonot....philosoph.........words.
* WhiteCrow shrugs as she trots along, "Still, gods are there to do jobs. DOn't bother them. God-worshippers liek this guy," she points to Zhubin, "Distract them."
<Zhubin> Zhubin pulls his hood back up. "I'm no crazed worshiper."
* Namhwa snickers.
<Namhwa> "Well, you're right about them doing their jobs."
<Namhwa> "I agree..."
* Rudeth seems intrigues by the conversations and continues to listen to them.
<Zhubin> "Feh, I see none of you are open to learning of the glories of the Sun."
<Greenling> You all notice the road just kinda shifted to the North, but you don't know quite where it did that.
* WhiteCrow hmmms, "Guys, we're going North now, did you notice?"
<Zhubin> "We are?"
* Rudeth looks around and replies, "Huh, I guess we are. Is that bad?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...blast it all."
<Namhwa> "The sun is hot, and thus should not be looked at directly," Namhwa confides in Zhubin.
<Namhwa> "Well, it's away.
* WhiteCrow looks over at Zhubin, "I think the Sun is glorious. So is Luna. And the Maidens. And right now I would liek some help fro Ruvia. But still, Heaven is Heaven. We worship it. ALl gods put in there work there."
<Namhwa> "That's all that matters at the moment."
<Greenling> You also notice a building over the next small hill and around the trees.
<Zhubin> "Of course it shouldn't. Namhwa, I refer not to their places in Heaven, but in how they are regarded here, in Creation."
* WhiteCrow shrugs, "Not sure if its bad really, Rude. I think its fine for now. We are a good ways away from teh town."
<Greenling> It's a large... house-looking thing, overgrown with vines.
* Namhwa looks between Zhubin and White Crow, then just nods.
* WhiteCrow hmmms, and takes her horse a good distance from the damned lizard and hops down, "That's intersting."
* Rudeth squints at the building. "Hey, look at that."
<Namhwa> "What? It's a house. Do goooooooods live there or something?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt slides off his Claw Strider.
* Rudeth jumps off his horse and follows after Crow.
* Namhwa remains on his horse with Inkah.
<Zhubin> Zhubin slides off of Fluffy, walking slowly with his stick, towards the house.
* WhiteCrow loosk over the building some, and finds her curiousity peaked. She goes to her bag, an dpulls out a simple irron pointing-needle thing.
<Greenling> Crow notes: big impressive building.
<Greenling> Manse.
<Greenling> ...Probably a Manse? Maybe a small Demesne there? It's kinda woobly.
<Greenling> But that is not a normal house.
<Greenling> It also seems kinda run-down.
<Greenling> The door's falling off.
* Rudeth looks at Crow. "It looks pretty old. Do you think anyone lives here?"
* WhiteCrow hmmms, and dangles the compass on a cord, "Maybe. The issue is whether there is magic to who lives thre."
* Rudeth raises an eyebrow. "Magic?" He looks at the compass. "What are you doing with that thing?"
* WhiteCrow moves her hand a bit an dlets the iron needle, wtih a small, tiny sliver of jade in it, dangle in teh air. She focuses on its movements and stares at how the needle moves through the air, analyzing the patterns it makes.
* WhiteCrow does this for a good five minutes, and then chews her lip, curses and folds it up, "Its too windy I guess. Hard to get a good reading on this technique. And this isn't really "magic". Its a bit of science."
<Rudeth> "Anything I can do to help?"
<WhiteCrow> "Well, I think right now I'm curious if there's anything in there."
* Nate glances around the architecture, curious about the style and lean of the building and thinks back to the architecture of Chiaroscuro. He tries to place the style of the building and its layout based on the occult books he perused.
<WhiteCrow> "If its as abandoned as it looks, it is a good palce to camp out, as the girl looks kind of tired."
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt shrugged. "Well, if'n yer curious, there's really only one thing to do about it, isn't it?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> The Bandit King heads for the door.
* Rudeth thinks. "Well, wanna scout it out?"
<Greenling> Inkah does look kind of out of it. Also sleepy.
<Zhubin> "And, being abandoned, the Hunt should overlook it."
<WhiteCrow> "Ummm, hey, don't be too harsh on might upset the very delicate geomancy of the place if it is a manse..."
<Greenling> Sunny hops right off the horse and starts sniffing at the Manse.
<Greenling> Or the house. Might be a house.
<Greenling> Might be a rabbit, really.
<Greenling> Big goddamn rabbit.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt took out Choppah, and when he got to the door...he pushed it open!
<Greenling> (on 7: ) Why yes!
* Zhubin follows into the building.
<Greenling> Yes, indeed, you know exactly what that is- that is a style of Earth Manse popular among the people of the South during the Early Shogunate period!
<Nate> "C'mere, Sunny!" Namhwa whistles.
* WhiteCrow follows behind, drawing her weapon, just in case, "Hello? Anyone home?"
<Nate> "Hey, you guys, that's hallowed ground!" Namhwa shouts.
* Rudeth stays behind Crow.
* WhiteCrow looks over her shoulder to Cho, "Wait, what?"
<Zhubin> "Hallowed?"
<Zhubin> Zhubin stops, and bows his head. "Gracious Sun, overseeing all of Creation, in your name."
<Nate> "Yes, it's a building called a Manse, built in the Earth style."
<Greenling> Peyt... Zhubin... Crow... Rudy and Inkah...
* WhiteCrow looks around, "I thought so. You seen one of this sort before?"
<WhiteCrow> "I have only seen the manses back home and such."
<Nate> "It's a classical style, built during the Shogunate."
* Nate parrots the ST a bit.
<Greenling> Sunny is standing outside the door. She woofs lowly at nothing in particular.
* Nate calls Sunny back insistently.
* WhiteCrow nods, stepping out from the threshold towards Cho, "You said hallowed though? Something wrong you seeing?"
<Nate> "Sunny, come *here*."
<Greenling> Sunny looks, then heads back over.
<Nate> "Well, it channels 'Essence,' I think.
<Greenling> "Woof?" Tailwag.
<Nate> "Something that can be very dangerous. Right, girl?" he asks Sunny rhetorically.
<WhiteCrow> "Oh, they do. And if this thing isnt' claimed, its mine." She grins as she looks over the place.
* Nate frowns.
<Nate> "Essence isn't something to be messed about with!"
* Nate is now known as Namhwa
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Well I do believe I was the first one touchin' it, lass. But that's jess' crossin' hairs now." Peyt moves into the manse.
<Namhwa> "At least I'll drag your charred bodies out," he mutters.
<WhiteCrow> "Hmmm? I didn't go through an Essential River Channeling not to reap the benefits sir."
* Rudeth looks around for anything interesting.
<Greenling> You are all in a great hall.
<Greenling> There are stairs in every direction, as well as ornate fixtures.
<Greenling> This whole place seems to have been carved out of a single hunk of dark stone.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Should have been a mite faster then, huh?" Peyt every so often tapped the massive serrated chopping sword on the floor.
<Greenling> Including the doors and what of the furniture you can see.
* WhiteCrow looks around the place and lets out a whistle, "Wow, this thing is nice."
<Greenling> (so does Namhwa stay outside?)
<WhiteCrow> "I wonder where the hearthstone is.."
* WhiteCrow calls otu as she looks around, "Hello?! Is anyone here?!"
<Zhubin> Zhubin shuffles his way around the manse, looking in various rooms.
* Namhwa picks up a stick and waves it in front of Sunny, then tosses it back down the road.
<Namhwa> (yep)
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Seems pretty stripped down, though. Someone did a clean job leavin'. Or it's been picked."
<Greenling> A booming voice answers Crow: "-nyone here? Here? Ere... ere..."
* Namhwa calls Sunny back to him, ties up the horses about twenty feet in the woodline, then hunkers down to watch up road from where they came.
<Greenling> Sunny plays fetch.
<WhiteCrow> "Wow, that's kind of cool."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Echoes? Another special case. Bloody wonderful."
<Greenling> Well, all the actual doors are on the second floor or above.
<Greenling> So first Zhubin would need to climb the stairs... He gets about halfway up them before they go *click* and become a chute.
<Greenling> Right into Rudy.
<Greenling> Fwoosh ZIP bam!
<Rudeth> "Ouch!"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "HA!"
* Zhubin falls down.
<Zhubin> "Ah, what kind of mechanism was that? Now my side will hurt for days."
* Rudeth glares. "Your side? *You* had the advantage of landing on a person. I hit the floor." Rudeth rubs his head. "Ow..."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "It's fer pickin' out the dumb ones."
* WhiteCrow looks at the artwork and carvings of the place. She almost looks a bit gawk-eyed as she wanders around, pointing her finger to trace the patterns in mher mind and twirls a bit. She looks like some little girl at a museam or soemthing.
<Greenling> Namhwa: Sunny is sill sniffing around.
* Namhwa watches her and the road. She'll call his attention to anything. Meanwhile... he does take the opportunity to relieve himself.
<Greenling> The hearthroom is over...
<Greenling> ...
<Greenling> Someplace.
<Greenling> As one might expect, Namhwa hears snarling at the least opportune moment possible.
<Namhwa> "FUUUU...."
* Namhwa spins around, still... you know.
<Greenling> Inside the Manse, there is the echoing sound of someone humming a tune.
<Greenling> Sunny is staring at something you can't see, and snarling.
* Rudeth slowly pulls himself up. "That was...weird."
* Namhwa tries to finish quicky, then hurries over. "What is it?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...well that's a nice song."
* WhiteCrow stops, and sighs, "Damn it, I want to find it..." She looks at the others. She is about to say something when she hears the humming, "You guys here that?"
<Zhubin> "Yeah, I think so."
<Greenling> "Grrrrr." >:/
* Namhwa slows down and takes a moment to evaluate whether Sunny looks like she's being defense, or will pounce. He tries to spot whatever she's growling at as he draws nearly by looking for impressions of its size in the undergrowth and irregularities in the silhouettes of the plants.
* WhiteCrow humms the song in her head a bit, repeating it and counting its beats. She taps her foot and looks at the patterns on the walls to see if it might be rleated to that.
* Rudeth starts humming along with it, simply because the tune is catchy and rather pretty.
<Zhubin> Zhubin just waits, looking around.
<Greenling> Namhwa sees a tall man in what looks like Realm dress staring at him before dashing between the trees.
<Greenling> Sunny looks more concerned with defending you than anything.
<Greenling> Crow: that is... a very old song.
* Namhwa takes a moment to fill his lungs with air, then shouts, "The Realm is here!" at the building.
<Greenling> The building does not respond.
<Namhwa> (LOL)
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...well cod fuck it all." Peyt sheathes his Choppa and heads out the door while switching out to his Sledge.
* Namhwa whistles and clicks at Sunny, calling her back to his ankle.
<Greenling> Peyt walks into the door.
* Namhwa says, "Heel!" in Seatongue, rather.
<Greenling> Sunny stays by Namhwa.
<Zhubin> Zhubin leans on his staff, and makes his way towards the door. "Did you forget how to open a door now Peyt?"
* WhiteCrow tries to pin down teh song, but curses at that, and runs to the front, drawing her weapon.
* Namhwa heads into the treeline across the road, and says, "Stay close!" in Seatongue.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt let himself back up. "...we're locked in."
<Greenling> Namhwa successfully finds the treeline.
* WhiteCrow goes to the door, "What? You'r kidding me. It was openw ehn we got here!"
<Greenling> The door is closed.
<Zhubin> Zhubin shrugs, and tries to head up the stairs, carefully avoiding the step that dumped him the last time.
<Zhubin> "Onwards and upwards, then."
* Namhwa keeps on running in the woods, unless he finds a body of water.
<Greenling> Namhwa keeps on running.
<Greenling> ...How long are you going to run?
<Namhwa> For about two miles, then walk laterally, then crouch down and listen.
<Greenling> Zhubin: you avoid the step. The one above you clicks.
<Greenling> Fortunately, you... somehow make it up anyway.
* Rudeth heads up the stairs as well.
<Zhubin> "Ha! With the will to succeed, all is possbile!"
<Greenling> Namwha runs for about half that before running into an uncrossable precipice in that direction.
<Namhwa> "Oh, poo."
<WhiteCrow> "Well fuck."
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt looked the door up and down. "...I could take it."
<Greenling> Rudeth slips down and hits Crow.
* Namhwa moves laterally to the road, then crouches in the underbrush and tells Sunny to "Look out for those other guys."
* Namhwa listens, too.
* WhiteCrow oomphs as she's suddenly struck, "What happened?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "None of ya can hold a grip."
<Greenling> Sunny nods and sniffs around.
* Rudeth helps her up. "Sorry. The steps have traps on them and I wasn't being careful."
<Greenling> The whistling suddenly grows louder, then stops.
* WhiteCrow lets Rudeth help her and brusehs herself off, "Fine fine. We need to get out of here. "
<Greenling> Er, humming.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt wipes his hands on his buff jacket, picking up his large sledge. "You all make sure Priest doesn't get himself killed up there." He took a few practice swings, a visible mental effort causing the sledge to freeze over into a spiked meat tenderizer look.
* WhiteCrow tri\\es to listen through the humming and curses a bit, "The song I think is supposed to distract."
* WhiteCrow looks at Peyt with a bit of a wide-eyed look, "You know how dangerous that is to do to a manse, right?"
* Namhwa starts to think as he lays in the underbrush. He's never considered the Realm to be an enemy, and Inkah's probably just delusional. That town did catch on fire, though, and there were all those ruins...
<Zhubin> "Peyt, there's some unlooted things up here!"
<Greenling> Sunny comes back and lays down next to you.
<Peyt_Yenthu> The Bandit king hefts up his frozen over sledge, marking a spot on the door with his foot. "This is my Cracking Glacier! And I want out!" He reared back, and smashed at the door with his sledge.
<Namhwa> "Find anything?" he asks in Seatongue as he scratches under her chin.
<Greenling> Her ears flop down and she lays her head on her front paws.
<Greenling> The door goes CRACK.
<Greenling> Though it does not quite yet open.
<Greenling> A slow, low roar comes from all sides.
* Namhwa thinks some more, then shivers when the crack echoes across the forest.
* WhiteCrow stares in abject horror of what's going on. She finds her first manse slowly being annihilated by teh barbarian. This will not boad well for their relationship in the future.
<Greenling> Something like a waterfall.
<Zhubin> "Peyt, I'm keeping all the treasure up here!" Zhubin calls down from the landing.
<Greenling> Something calls out in an unknown tongue.
<Greenling> And suddenly, Peyt gets hit in the back of the head with something.
* Rudeth looks back at Crow. "I don't know much about these things, but I'm guessing that wasn't good?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Ach! Bloody mouth-breathin'...the hell hit me!?"
<WhiteCrow> "If you damage a manse too much, you know the problems Dr. Cho was tlaking about?
<WhiteCrow> "They become more then him being paranoid."
<Greenling> It is a small bar of jade, Peyt.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...Jade? Who the flyin' fuck is throwin' JADE?"
<Peyt_Yenthu> He says as he slips it into his buff jacket.
<Peyt_Yenthu> ....jade is jade.
<WhiteCrow> "I have a theory."
<Greenling> (is it bunnies?)
* Rudeth looks back to Crow. "What is it?"
* WhiteCrow points upstairs, "THe Camel Guy."
<Greenling> The door behind Zhubin ope.s
<Greenling> (*opens)
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...Zhubin, I'm gonna snap you in half SO HARD."
<Zhubin> "I dind't throw anything. Look at my arms, I couldn't get it there if I tried."
<Zhubin> "Hey, a door!" Zhubin walks through, ignoring the bickering.
<Greenling> There's more jade on the other side of the door.
<Zhubin> "Oh, my. I don't think I should tell Peyt."
<Peyt_Yenthu> ".........I can hear better than you, dumbass."
<Greenling> From the ceiling, a trapdoor opens, and a trunkload of gems drops on top of the Jade.
<Zhubin> Zhubin shouts to everyone else "Come on up here. This is a very, very large amount of money."
<WhiteCrow> "I have a fishy feeling about this.
<Greenling> (wb)
<Greenling> Peyt scrambles up the steps.
* Rudeth shrugs. "Well, I've already fallen twice. If I keep trying, eventually I'll make it up." Rudeth grabs the railing and tries to get up the damn steps this time.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...priest, ye've been forgiven for hittin' me."
<Zhubin> "I didn't hit you. I can hardly lift these bars, much less throw them."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "'course, means I get first dibs. What with you hittin' me and all."
* WhiteCrow looks around the lower floor again. She lost a bit of the spark of earlier now that she's stuck, there are Dragon-Blodoed otuside, and half her companions are crazy, but she may be ablet o find a way out of here.
<Zhubin> "You don't even listen, do you?"
<Zhubin> "And if you let me control these resources, I can guarantee a very large return."
<Peyt_Yenthu> "What? Can't hear you." Three more bars of Jade disappear in that buff jacket.
* Namhwa decides to get up.
<Greenling> Namhwa: still sittin'?
<Greenling> (Ah!)
<Namhwa> "Come on, we'll ease back and see what's going on," he whispers to Sunny in Seatongue.
<Greenling> Sunny gets up and follows you.
<Greenling> In a bit, she tenses and walks over to something.
<Greenling> ...Tailwag.
* Namhwa moves through the trees as quietly as he can. It's a bit unusual for Cho to be in a forest, but he tries to.... hey, what's that? Cho moves over to inspect.
<Namhwa> "Good girl," he remarks.
<Greenling> Dead bird. She picks it up in her mouth.
<Namhwa> "Oh, Sunnnnny!"
<Greenling> D: ?
<Namhwa> "Alright, keep it, but don't eat it now."
<Greenling> Inkah grumbles.
<Greenling> She's sitting by a wall.
<Greenling> ...:< Sunny follows, either way.
* Namhwa starts moving back through the woodline with a sharp eye out for any more soldiers. /This is nuts/ he thinks to himself.
<Greenling> You see no soldiers. Also that guy was in a kimono.
* Namhwa pauses every minute or two to listen carefully.
<Greenling> Insert forest-like sounds here.
* WhiteCrow sees the struggle to get up the stairs and decides to investigate the door for now.
* Namhwa keeps on moving until he can crouch in the embankment next to the road to watch the manse.
<Greenling> Namhwa succeeds in this.
* Namhwa whispers, "It's all yours," in Seatongue.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt shoved as many jewels as he could into his coat, his pockets making a pleasant jingling noise.
<Zhubin> Zhubin quietly slides a few choice gems into his pockets as well.
<Greenling> Sunny dashes up to the Manse and starts sniffing again.
* Namhwa gets up. Maybe Sunny sees something that he doesn't.
<Zhubin> "Isn't the young girl missing? And...the doctor?"
* WhiteCrow yells upstairs on hearing that, "THey're outside you idiot!"
<Greenling> Sunny sniff-sniffs around the edges of the Manse... then around it... walking in an odd pattern.
<Greenling> Then she looks up at Namhwa, barking, tail wagging.
* Namhwa tries to figure out if Sunny's indicating a place, a pattern, or what. He watches the way that she walked and where she is now.
<Greenling> She turns around and stars walking to the side. Look back. Bark.
<Greenling> (follow me~)
<Greenling> (*starts)
* Namhwa follows Sunny, and says, "Lead on, sweetie," in Seatongue.
<Greenling> She walks quickly on ahead, tail wagging like a flag.
* Namhwa starts to jog.
<Greenling> Oh yes: through the door is a long corridor.
<Greenling> There's a light at the other end and a couple doors to each side.
<Greenling> The ceiling has little ^ ^ ^ alcove things along it.
<Zhubin> "Well, I'm going to leave you with the Jade, I figure you can't take it all." Zhubin goes and looks, carefully, at the hallway, and alcoves.
* WhiteCrow decides that she should try something besides blowing th edoor up and goes to the top of the stairs, staring up, "You guys have any rope up there?"
<Greenling> She walks... my this is large... about five minutes down the side, looks up, sniffs, then starts digging by the side of the Manse.
<Greenling> Suddenly, a door opens up in the wall.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "Nope! Jes' jump it!"
<Namhwa> "WHOA! Good girl!"
* Namhwa takes a moment to glance around.
<Greenling> Nobody around.
* WhiteCrow sighs angrily, "I hate you!" She then braces herself and attempts to get up teh stairs as quickly as she can before the trap triggers.
* Namhwa peers into the manse.
* Rudeth pauses. "I can try to carry you, if you want, Crow."
<Greenling> You see a short corridor followed by an ornately-decorated, plush sitting room.
* Namhwa goes into the manse, with Sunny by his side.
<Greenling> There are books in bookcases stacked to the ceiling, which is...
<Greenling> ...It seems to extend until the light stops being good enough to read by.
<Zhubin> Zhubin stops and stares, a smile beginning to break over his face, at the sight of all the books. "Amazing."
* Namhwa looks in admiration.
<Namhwa> (Oops)
<Greenling> Errr, oops.
<Greenling> (that *was* to Namhwa.)
<Greenling> (sorry.)
<Greenling> Crow makes it up and *wall*.
<Greenling> (*well)
<Greenling> The light in the room Namhwa has found comes from a large fireplace. There are couches and tables and one door off to the side.
* Namhwa tries to read the spines of some of the books, having only ever been in the presence of books in Chiaroscuro.
<Greenling> Most of the are in Old Realm.
* WhiteCrow pants and riases a fist a bit as she gets to the top. She looks down at Rudeth, and takes off her buff jacket, dangling it down to see if its long enough for himt o get ahold fo, "Can you grab on?"
<Greenling> (*them. damnit.) Some in High.
* Namhwa looks for any theme in the topics.
<Greenling> Occult.
* Namhwa is temporarily lost in the sauce of possible knowledge!
<Greenling> Wyld, Artifact, Craft.
<Greenling> Genesis.
<Zhubin> (Ah, sorry!)
<Greenling> A few Shogunate-era histories, poetry, other pretty things.
* Rudeth grabs and pulls himself up. He smiles. "Thanks, Crow."
* Namhwa decides to grab a book titled, "When Meeting With The Fair Folk," if that's alright.
* WhiteCrow helps the other group member up and pants some mroe hwen its over, before putting back on teh coat. SHe sighs as she feels its cold-enchanted leather on ehr again before getting up, and following the less sane members of the group.
<Greenling> The rest of you head through the corridor. (exits are 1, 2, 3, 4, and through.)
* Namhwa decides to look for book about meeting with the Fair Folk. This is very important to him. He's excited at this point, browsing the shelves and moving from row to row systematically, hoping to spot some sort of organization in the system. If he can find out more about the Fair Folk, then maybe he'll have the upper hand. Thoughts of his wife dance thro
<Namhwa> ugh his head, and he sails along as though he were back on their tiny boat together.
<Greenling> Namhwa finds four or five books- on the Fae in general, properties thereof, known Fae of the South, properties of Wyld Shaping...
<Greenling> And then another one seems to fall and hit him on the head.
* Namhwa gapes at the Wyld shaping book, and clutches it as he falls awkwardly on his ass.
<Namhwa> "wha...?" he asks in Flametongue.
<Greenling> Old Realm.
<Greenling> Studies in the Forbidden Sorceries.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt looks back and forth. "Hrrrm...I'll take these ones (Exits 1), you two check out those (exits 3 and 4). back."
<Greenling> Seems to be hand-written.
* WhiteCrow nods at Peyt's suggestion, drawing her weapon first before going into Exit 3, peaking her head through.
<Zhubin> "I'll take the second door, then." Zhubin shuffles his way to the door, and pushes it open with his stick.
* Namhwa picks up the second book, then looks up.
<Greenling> Nothin' up there but air, man.
* Namhwa looks suspicious.
<Namhwa> "Hello?" he calls out in Old Realm.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt looks through Exit 1
<Greenling> "-lo? o, o, o."
<Greenling> Peyt:
<Greenling> You open the door. It's a lavatory.
<Greenling> Congratulations!
<Peyt_Yenthu> The Gods be blessed. Peyt closed the door after him.
* Namhwa stays put and waits to be found. In the meantime, he starts studying the dialect of the book that he picked out.
<Peyt_Yenthu> ten minutes later he came back out, leaving the door open. "I wouldn't go in there fer at least twenty minutes."
<Greenling> Namhwa: the sections seem to be on mass mental influence, doing things to "the Loom" through "inverse motonic resonance", and resurrection. the last one is rather short.
<Greenling> Other than that... it's complicated.
<Greenling> Crow:
* Namhwa reads the last section eagerly, poring over each word and committing it to memory.
<Greenling> This happens to be a small guest room.
<Greenling> Or possibly servant's quarters.
* WhiteCrow resheaths her weapon and steps into the room, looking around to see what's there.
<Greenling> Bed, drawer, looking-glass, night-table, picture on wall.
<Greenling> Nam: it seems to be a philosophical treatise.
* Rudeth follows Crow into the room.
* WhiteCrow looks in the drawers and such. Mostly looking for Artifacts, clothing, or books at th emoment.
<Greenling> You find the very old clothing of a young woman.
<Greenling> That's about it.
* Rudeth looks at the picture on the wall.
<Greenling> It's a picture of a tall man and a young woman in formal clothing.
<Peyt_Yenthu> Peyt heads over to exit 4 to check it out
<Greenling> Peyt:
<Greenling> Small wine closet.
<Peyt_Yenthu> "...score." He snags a few bottles and closes the door again.
* WhiteCrow takes the dress, for back hoem at least, and then decides to head out when she finds little else of use, "So, so far we have found what looks to be mansion stuff."
<Zhubin> Zhubin pushes open Door #2!
<Peyt_Yenthu> "I think I found the best rooms."
<Greenling> Zhubin finds more stairs.
<Zhubin> "Oh merciful Sun."
<Rudeth> "I hope these stairs don't do that thing like the other stairs."
<Zhubin> Zhubin shrugs, and heads up the stairs. "Watch out below."
* WhiteCrow waits out of the way of the stairs before deciding to follow them
* Rudeth waits to see if Zhubin makes it up.
<Greenling> Zhubin walks up the stairs.
<Greenling> A small ding sound.
<Greenling> And you're in an attic.
<Greenling> ...There is so much STUFF in here.
* Zhubin begins to slowly make his through the attic, looking around.
* Rudeth follows after once he makes it up.
* WhiteCrow follows when eh sees Zhubin not fall, and glances about, "I gotta say, I wonder if Cho or his dog are okay...."
<Greenling> Rudy leaps up, of a sudden, and barely makes it.
<Greenling> Crow slams into the wall behind.
* WhiteCrow suddenly finds the ground go ramp beneath her feet though, an dlet sotu a loud, angry curse as she is ejected from teh stairs
* Rudeth reaches toward Crow. "If you throw your jacket, I can pull you up."
* WhiteCrow nods, pulling it off and otssing it up to Rudeth, "THanks."
* Rudeth uses the jacket to pull her up the ramp.
<Greenling> Crow: you realize *right* after Rudeth pulls you up that that was almost certainly a password activation chime.
<WhiteCrow> "Let me test something."
* WhiteCrow clears her throat and sarcasticallyc alls out, "Praise the sun!"
* Rudeth looks at Crow really funny. "Are you trying to piss of Zhubin?"
<Rudeth> *off
<WhiteCrow> "Only slightly."
<Greenling> You hear a small chime.
<Greenling> Nothng else seems to happen that you can directly see.
* WhiteCrow nods at that, and finds a corner to scream obscenities for a moment
<Greenling> No other chimes erupt.
<Greenling> What *is* Peyt doing?
* WhiteCrow returns when she's calmed downa nd starts to go throguh the attic now, leaving her bag against a wall so she can lgihten her load
<Greenling> Well...
<Greenling> There's domestic objects, clothes, toys, trunks of crap, the occasional book...
<Greenling> Shelves with jars and things you don't recognize, a few things that shine like jade...
* Rudeth pokes around anything shiny or interesting looking.
<Greenling> There are some minor artistic pieces.
* WhiteCrow looks through the books, sifting through the Old Realm novels wtih a bit of itnerest.
<Zhubin> Zhubin continues to wander, somewhat in amazement of all the old treasures.
<Greenling> Zhubin notices an odd... pattern.
<Greenling> Not much of the Dragons in the art or literature here.
<Zhubin> "Interesting, indeed. Could this be from before the Order?"
* WhiteCrow actually looks through them, "Probably. The damned "sun" code doesn't hurt that hteory."
<Greenling> From what you can understand of this thing, it seems to be a cheap romance about a Solar Anathema and their Lunar Mate.
<Zhubin> "Miss, I would kindly ask you, at the least, to have the decency to not belittle my beliefs."
* Zhubin searches for anything to help him pin down that nagging thought he has.
* WhiteCrow nods at that, reading the book, "Well, its about Anathema nonetheless. So I guess it does pre-date the ORder."
<Greenling> Annnd Namhwa is kneeling in the floor of the room.
<Greenling> Sunny is tugging on his sleeve worriedly.
* Rudeth flips through the books to see if there are any with pictures, since he's illiterate.
<Greenling> Rudy finds one with pictures. They're not very fun, though.
* Namhwa dry heaves for a moment.
* WhiteCrow gathers up the books. S he makes sure to look at some of the titles as she does so to see what might also be useful
<Greenling> Whine, whine?
<Namhwa> "Come here, Sunny," he croaks in Seatongue, then pulls her into a hug as he continues kneeling.
<Greenling> Crow: what's up here is mostly trash, though they're interesting period pieces. Most are older than the one you found, though.
* WhiteCrow hmmms, and starts to gather-up books into her bag. She looks at publication dates mostly. She balks at seeing the "Queen M-r-l-" dates in them, but generally deals.
* Namhwa stands up and looks at where the chair was.
<Greenling> (er, not older. younger.)
<Greenling> (but you might find one or two of those. :3)
* WhiteCrow pretty much sticks to about two or three books. S he picks the oldest, knowing they'll be most antiquated.
<Greenling> So, three in the attic: what next?
* Namhwa looks for the books that he had before, and still feels sick in his stomach.
<Zhubin> Zhubin heads towards the stairs. "I stll feel as if we have missed something important."
<Greenling> Zhubin heads.
<Greenling> Zhubin slides!
<Greenling> Into a dining room.
<Greenling> A large one, filled with the smell of fresh cooking.
<Zhubin> "I should perhaps make this into an entertainment palace for children. Is that fresh food?"
* Rudeth slides down the ramp after him.
<Zhubin> Zhubin, at his normal crawling pace, makes his way to his feet.
<Rudeth> "You know, that's actually pretty fun."
<Greenling> It's... rather scattershot.
<Greenling> Some things look edible- even tasty. Others look weird or even clearly aren't made of food.
* WhiteCrow tests the password somemore, "Sun!"
<Greenling> No chime.
<WhiteCrow> "Spiffy SUn?"
<Greenling> No chime.
<Zhubin> "Gracious Sun, bearer of holy warmth and light, I beseech your guidance." Zhubin prays as he continues to walk around, exploring the dining room and any attached room.
<WhiteCrow> "Our Sun in Heaven?"
<Greenling> No Chime for Crow.
* WhiteCrow tries again...muffled and annoyed, "Merciful SUn..."
<Greenling> Zhubin gets wine.
<Greenling> Crow hears a chime!
<Greenling> As in, wine appears before Zhubin.
<Zhubin> "Thank you for your blessings, o merciful Sun." Zhubin drinks his wine.
<Greenling> Chime.
* Rudeth gawks. "Hey--how did you make that happen?" He pauses. "So wait, does that mean your god's guidance is to get drunk?"
<Greenling> Zhubin suddenly feels warm and comfortable, and as if he were in someplace mildly unsafe.
* WhiteCrow heads downstairs and follwos others when she has tested the stairs, a bit assured fo her safety, and annoyed by this damendable place.
<Greenling> Specifically, as if something unsafe were lurking and watching.
<Zhubin> "Thank you, lord of the Sky." Zhubin turns to Rudeth. "We must be careful, the Sun's holy rays seek and find all, and have brought to me a warning of danger within this place."
<Greenling> Inkah is still around. She pokes around at the food.
<Greenling> Meanwhile, Cho is hugging his dog.
<Greenling> She is licking his face and trying to be comforting.
<Zhubin> "Child, please don't eat the food, it may be unsafe."
<Greenling> "...I'm hungry. Why'd you drink the wine, then?"
<Zhubin> "It was a direct gift from the Unconquered Sun, to refuse would have been rude. However, this place seems to enjoy playing odd tricks on those of us in here."
<Zhubin> "Come with me, we should find the others, and then have a meal outside, perhaps."
* WhiteCrow looks around th eplace and then realizes something.
<WhiteCrow> "I just realized, we have a password."
<WhiteCrow> "Coudln't we....get the door open now/"
<Zhubin> "Perhaps, we could. And the benediction of the Sun is no mere password."
* Namhwa looks up at the sound of his new acquaintences.
* Zhubin heads for the closed door.
* Namhwa goes to the closest one and hugs them.
<Greenling> Why yes, Namhwa *can* hear them.
<Greenling> And that would be Zhu.
<Greenling> On the other side of the door.
<Namhwa> "Ohthankgoodness."
<Zhubin> "Are you alright Namhwa?" Zhubin braces himself to avoid being knocked down.
<Zhubin> "And that is quite a large library."
* WhiteCrow looks at the library and gawks a bit.
<WhiteCrow> "Wow..."
<WhiteCrow> "Now I really need to find the eharthstone."
<Namhwa> "Yeah, yeah, fine, just needed..." he backs away and finishes, "To make sure."
* Namhwa turns back to the library.
* WhiteCrow tilts her ehad and looks through the spines.
<Greenling> Crow: the gods love you. All of them. Clearly.
* ObsidianOverlord is now known as ObsSleep
<Zhubin> "Oh, Merciful and gracious Sun. Your bounty is truly overwhelming."
<Zhubin> Zhubin bows his head.
* Namhwa goes to collect the Shaping book and The Tome of Forbidden Sorceries (or whatever it's called).
* WhiteCrow looks over thsoe book covers, "You keeping those ones?"
* WhiteCrow actually looks for stuff dealing with magitech and other Artificery fields
<Zhubin> "Those are some very interesting choices there Namhwa."
* Namhwa nods. "Yes."
<Namhwa> "Why, thank you," he answers politely.
<Zhubin> Zhubin also looks around the room, to see if there are any texts on the practices of Sun worship.
* Namhwa looks for any traveling cases to protect the books and hide their covers.
<Namhwa> "So, I'm here to rescue you all..." he trails off in an attempt at humor.
<Zhubin> "Thank you."
<Zhubin> Zhubin smiles widely.
* WhiteCrow nods, "Yeah, I presumed as much. We need to get otu of here if what you saw is right."
<WhiteCrow> "Though I'm wanting ot atleast claim thsi place's hearthstone first. T hat way we can at elast cut off the Exalted from using it wtihout damaging it."
<Namhwa> "Quite welcome, sir," he replies. "I definitely saw Realm garb. I'm certain of it." He continues as he looks, then asks Sunny, "You see anything for these books, girl like the traveling cases in the library?" in Seatongue.
* Namhwa turns to look at Inkah.
<Namhwa> "Are you alright?"
<Greenling> "Yeah. I'm hungry, though."
<WhiteCrow> "The food in the kitchen should be safe. Manses like this can ahve facilities liek this. I think some nobility use thing slike that."
<WhiteCrow> "I think at least the Perfect has that."
<Namhwa> "Let's go scrounge up some food, then," he replies, then straps the books to the side of his satchel. They barely fit there, and are just held inside a leather strap.
<Greenling> Sunny runs up the stairs.
<Greenling> She slides back down on top of a trunk.
* Namhwa looks concerned when he hears the words "The Perfect," the ignores Inkah and runs after Sunny, then looks at the trunk.
<Namhwa> "What have you found, girl?" he asks in Seatongue.
<Greenling> "Wuf." She says.
<Greenling> "...Can I have *this* food?" She points at a roast turkey.
* Namhwa checks out the trunk.
<Greenling> (er, Inkah says.)
<Namhwa> "Yeah, sure, taste it first, though," he calls out disractedly.
<Greenling> It is an empty trunk. The outside bottom is slippery.
* WhiteCrow feels ehr sense of purpose a bit refreshed and steps outside. She looks voer the walls and corridors, taking into account more of what she has found. She remembers what she read on this subject, and traces her hands along some of the bricks and motifs as she squints to find the heartroom.
<Greenling> Omnomnomnom.
<Greenling> The hearthroom...
* Namhwa looks at the trunk.
<Namhwa> "Pure genius!" he exclaims.
<Greenling> Well it would be thataway, where the stairs are.
<Greenling> Of course.
* Namhwa looks around for something to tow the trunk with.
<Greenling> Rope, clothing, sheer willpower...
* Namhwa puts the books in the trunk, then takes out some of the bandaging to wrap it around and through the handles.
<Greenling> Zhu: you find a small hymnal in very ornate Old Realm.
* Zhubin reverently takes the book, and gently opens it.
* Namhwa decides to wrap the bandaging around the rope for some reason (it adds friction!) and then tries tugging the trunk around.
* WhiteCrow hmms as she examines the stairs, standing in front of them, "Ummm, Hail Luna?"
<Greenling> Nope.
<Greenling> Nam: easy.
* WhiteCrow thinks on this, "By the Sun's Grace, I would like to see the heartroom!"
* Namhwa tries to flip the trunk on the side to see if it can handle getting bounced around.
* WhiteCrow doesnt' sound very enthused when she says this to the stairwell
<Greenling> Zhu, you can read this with some difficulty, but you can read it. Also, the letters are calligraphed in pure orichalcum.
<Greenling> There's a small, annoyed roar coming from Crow's direction.
<Zhubin> "This is truly amazing."
* Namhwa looks up.
<Zhubin> "What was that? Crow?" Zhubin goes to where Crow is, to investigate.
* Rudeth rushes toward Crow. "What happened?"
<Greenling> The stairwell moves aside.
<Greenling> Now there's a different door there.
<Zhubin> "As the day brings light to warm our bodies and fields, so too does the Sun bring good fortune to us."
* WhiteCrow draws her weapon and goes to the door, "Mister Zhu, I woudl appreciate that maybe it mgith nto best to pray every time. It might trigger the unintended effect." SHe walks to the door, and slowly begins to oepn it.
<Rudeth> "...this is the craziest house I've ever seen." Rudeth stays close behind Crow.
* WhiteCrow nods some as she opens the door, "You know, I ahve to agree..."
<Greenling> You open the door. Something crackles.
<Greenling> There's an open-domed room.
<Greenling> There's a small boy sitting in the middle of it on a small raised platform. He looks sad.
<Zhubin> "Child, how did you make your way into here?"
<Greenling> He looks at Zhubin as if he had asked which way is down.
<Greenling> (and stop, then.)