Caitlin Sturm

From Greenthings


[edit] Caitlin Sturm

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 135 lbs.

Eye Colour: Hazel

[edit] History

Born Caitlin Emily Sturm to a pair of doctors, Caitlin spent most of her childhood moving from place to place, country to country, as her parents roamed where their practice was needed. Due to this semi-nomadic lifestyle, Caitlin had little contact with any family other than her parents and made little in the way of lasting friendships. Caitlin grew up reading medical journals when most girls were reading American Girl novels or playing with Barbies.

As a result, the loss of her parents to mysterious circumstances at the age of sixteen left her with nothing but her books.

[edit] Abilities

Power Int ••• Str •• Pres ••

Finesse Wits •• Dex •••• Manip ••

Resistence Res •• Sta •• Comp ••

[edit] Skills

Mental Aca ••• (+1 Medical Research) Compu • Crafts • Inv • Med •••• (+1 Emergency Care) Sci •

Physical Athl •• Surv • Wep • (+1 Knives)

Social Empath • Express •• Persua •• Socialise • Subter •

[edit] Merits

Resources ••••, Striking Looks ••, Good Time Management ••, Eidetic Memory ••, Language (Spanish) •, Multilingual (Latin, Italian) •, Well-Travelled •, Fast Reflexes •, Natural Immunity •

[edit] Other Stoof

Health 7 Willpower 4 Size 5 Speed 11 Initiative Mod 6 Defence 2 Armour 1/0 (Heavy Clothing)

Virtue: Charity Vice: Lust (Impatience)

Flaw: Poor Sight (Corrected By Glasses)

[edit] Current XP

XP Banked 21

XP Spent 2 XP Nat Imm

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