Feathers of Gold

From Greenthings

Revision as of 02:56, 5 August 2009 by (Talk)
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[edit] Feathers of Gold - Introduction

The Usurpation was delayed, and tragedy unified Heaven. The Jade Prison was tossed into the Wyld. The Lunars held position and wage cold war from the Blessed Isle, while the Thousand Kingdoms of the Terrestrials are left to defend the Threshold with the technology of their former superiors.

Planning for the Second Balorian Crusade has released the Solar Exaltations, no less great, but irrevocably changed. The new Age is coming; who will tell your story?

A large-scale and therefore likely to be quickly abandoned Exalted hack.

[edit] History

We all know how most of this goes, but it's tweaked a little. The mechanics-related changes will be repeated someplace else.
The Primordial War Done.
The First Age of Man Mostly done.
The Balorian Crusade (among other problems) Not done, obviously.
The Lunar Deliberative This will go up to when the Solars are first released.
Dawning of the Third Age We probably won't be playing with this timeline, at least not for the first game.

[edit] Setting

[edit] Creation

Bigger than it is in canon and rather lopsided, but still much smaller than it was in the First Age. The Lunar Deliberative has its hands on the Isle, the East is partly run by another Lunar offshoot, and the Tribes of the Dragons share the rest of the land with mortals and stranger folk. The Immaculate faith exists in a modified form and for different reasons.

[edit] Blessed Isle

Nations and Peoples
Geography and Supernatural Elements

[edit] The East

Nations and Peoples
Geography and Supernatural Elements

[edit] The South

Nations and Peoples
Geography and Supernatural Elements

[edit] The West

Nations and Peoples
Geography and Supernatural Elements

[edit] The North

Nations and Peoples
Geography and Supernatural Elements

[edit] Yu-Shan

Yu-Shan is basically blocked off. Sids still have to come down to do work, of course... but it's much more dangerous. Thankfully, there are also a lot more of them, so there's not so much of a staffing crisis, just, er, more of a space issue.
Departments and People

[edit] The Wyld

Flyff! Should work differently maybe.

[edit] Major Courts

[edit] Bordermarches

[edit] Other

Mostly unchanged, though the Underworld has a different kind of punch since they don't have Abyssals.

[edit] The Underworld

[edit] Malfeas

[edit] Splats

going to have to revamp large portions of system anyway, so.

The Curse is a malfunction of Essence, and tied thus to Caste/Aspect for all critters. The more Peripheral spent, the more Anima flares, the more chance you have to break/more often you have to roll until you've regained all that. Run completely out of Peripheral and you break automatically- though this is, of course, not that hard to avoid in most circumstances.

On the other hand, Anima flares are less dangerous and more useful other than that- the natural anima stuff, but more than that. also, f'ex Lunars can still shift however they like when in that state.

The concept of Breeding... I had an idea for that that I forget. possibly to do with Half-Castes. There are definitely Half-Castes, because I like them.

I believe I will make MA as Hero styles = splat-only powers, everything else = alternate trees? Might make *those* also not always tied to the MA ability. maybe steal some things from DBs learning CMA crunch/fluff.

Appearance is replaced by Empathy, I think. I don't want to gank composure or countenance just because nWoD works when perception and integrity exist, and empathy (as in ability to appreciate other people) doesn't have a precise analogue- soc and inv can do some, compassion does some... but none quite.

The Virtue system is definitely getting redone, but that requires mechanical knowledge...

General info - Mortal chargen, general info, and *-blooded templates.
Notable mortals and *-blooded
Other interesting people - Gods, monsters, and other beings of Creation and Yu-Shan.

[edit] Solars

The Solars are still essentially creatures of the Sun, but their powers have changed- the metaphorical has become literal and vice versa.

Anima, iconic expressions of self/Exaltation = making the Chosen more like the Sun, more archetypal over time. the Anima banner now expresses itself as mutations which never entirely go away, but get stronger as more Per. is spent to become iconic, as well as more Permanent Essence is gotten. Like that Glorious Hero Form thing, or Assumption Charms. Possibly still need to hack this.

As the Lawgivers, though tainted by the Wyld, they are champions of Creation. they are capable of imposing their will on whatever field they please- plenty of Shaping Charms. also partially explains the Just Hit It Harder And It Works thing a bit nicer.

Perhaps: Charms are still Ability Charms, but like the other folks, they now have an additional specialty. I kinda want to do something with Virtues and Graces.

in general terms, I want:

-these Solars to be distinctly different from First Age Solars, but still recognizable as Chosen of the Sun
-a player to be able to justify the idea of a human being getting these powers
-less continuity between First and this Age
-the Wyld-taint as a flaw that can be overcome in multiple ways

same as before, outside of making Str useful and Emp for App

I would still like to completely rewrite this. for one thing having five would make my life sodamnmucheasier. maybe take a page from Scion and you get Virtues based on your god? or even give *that* to Caste?

how many virtues would you need to define to have unique setups for 5x4 Castes in sets of either 4 or 5? I wish I remembered these equations.

these will work like FF in that they're obviously Virtue-tied. they need to be both distinct from Artifact and not make Artifact useless, though they *can* make them *less useful* for Solars.

give Solars the usual number of Graces; rating is dependent on something like Virtue rating; Grace/Virtue is a keyword(s), meaning (required) or (can use).

  • could* do something like, if Virtues are Caste-tied, make Graces tied to those unique virtues, thereby making it harder for Solars to go out-of-Caste (locking into "roles"); could do tweaking with which Virtues overlap, or just with who gets how many Keyword. this is gonna be hard to balance, especially with customs.

primary-virtue-tied get extra benefits. probably, mostly, cannot be stolen or vexed etc..

ftlog, define how one makes a Charm somehow kinda.

as far as I know about the same, except for tweaking flavor a bit. make some new ones, take away the old, add Shaping Charms.

Solars have a set number of Wyld mutations gained upon chargen; for a character who already has those, these may replace or modify a certain amount old ones. anima flare adds more/increases them, which are also set.

this does trigger the "too Wyld to live outside" thing at some point, especially at lower Essence, and speeds towards some sort of chimerism-equivalent if not careful. the problem with Solars isn't having your identity and mind go all sloppy, it's being forced into a 2d critter and, essentially, taking on a raksha caste.

General info - Solar template and chargen info.
Notable Solars
Wyld Mutations as well as whatever else you'd like to use it for.

[edit] Lunars

Mostly fluff. Some Charmhacking to reflect slight change in purpose.
General info - Lunar template and chargen info.
Notable Lunars
Totem creation system - Can also be used for familiar and beast creation.

[edit] Sidereals

Loss and gain. More of them. Less ability to do as they like in Creation. No Arcane Fate, but something different. Possible Astrology hack. If I go with the MA as universal or Solars idea, they get Sorcery... which means I have to hack Sorcery. Great.
General info - Sidereal template and chargen info.
Notable Sidereals
Modified Sorcery

[edit] Entropics

General info - Entropic Exalted template and chargen info.
Notable Entropics

[edit] Dragon-Blooded

Get kind of a kick. More able to do things to and with mortals, and while they don't have hegemony everywhere, they do have shiny artifact and magitech flavoring.
General info - DB template and chargen info.
Notable Chosen of the Dragons

[edit] Other Things


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