
From Glitches

i work for DB, associate/director, for one we are not telmtarkeeers i havent cold called anyone since i have been working there. everyone that i talked to has requested information from us and we are calling them back. i dont agree with everything we do ie calling them 3 to 4 times a day, however i see the benefit in the company. when i sit with a family i tell them we are set up for people who are in the process of making significant purchases for their homes, if not we wouldnt be for you at this time. there isn't any pressure to join we would like you to but we dont twist your arm. you have a choice yes or no, its that simple. and it is easy to use the cataloges if you have a brain and if you dont use the online services get the make and model number come in and place the order then leave, dont use the books. we do not have quotas to meet at the DB i work at u set a goal at the beginning of the month and try to meet it if you dont then thats fine try harder next month. we dont offer any gifts to you, we dont try to find out how much u make before we invite you in, everyone is welcome just not children under 12 FOR THE FIRST VISIT. each center is privately owned so use this one, the gulfcoast region where everyone needs everything all over!!!! figure it out!

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