Talk:Halo 2

From Glitches

Gee willeikrs, that's such a great post!

[edit] fllghItvSYCXWBV

You can't. Once it's been sunk you can't get it back. And I agree with you, it looks better with the water, but it needs to be sunk as there are other areas you can get to.References :

[edit] mYQfhMHrU

create a player : (1) can u get rid of old taootts, and add new taootts like half sleeves or full sleeves if u look in the NBA everyone is tatted up. (2) have more than 2 body types (slim and gigantic swole) like a wrestler allow us to choose from like 4 different body types. yall did good on dunk packages if u can create more , more player interactions would be great also more shoes and on the shoes let us use all 3 team colors and on the shooting sleeves the team color is always neon bright compared to the color on the jersey just sayin keep it up 2k its getting better every year.

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