Talk:Game Boy Advance

From Glitches

[edit] rpLdwFuhcYAcOABMQXx

Here's the thing. When I go to purchase setomhing. Anything. I AM IN CONTROL of the sale. NOT YOU! It's MY money. You want it? You get it on MY terms. I don't care if your offering me a new car for $50 bucks. I know a few DB Members and they have mixed reviews. A few have remodeled their houses with two coming out ahead and one breaking even. That's neither here nor there. If you try to pressure me or hide facts from me, you are lying about setomhing. Period. Fact.And that crap about the MFG dictating terms to you? BS. No MFG give less than two SH**s about your business. They have their own to worry about. They have a price and a minimum for a product. It's not a secret. Call any MFG you can think of. Tell them you want 100 of setomhing and they will give you a price.So basically your business model is flawed in two places. One, those who are to become members are most likly already decided before they come to you so high pressure is useless. Two, using phrases like helping families or MFG Restrictions is BS and anyone with an IQ over 6 knows it so stop lying! I know you have a million members. So good, you have a large pool to get stats from. What's the average time it takes a member to recoup their cost? If it was 1 month or 1 year I bet you a nickel it would be part of your pitch. Only one reason to leave it out or claim you don't know ditto for any real useful information. BTW DB really lost my respect when my english language challenged parents were refused a request to bring me in to help with any barriers. I let them go but before they left I physically took their checkbook so they were literally unable to pay for anything right there.

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