Nintendo 64
From Glitches
honestly, NBA 2k11 was probably the best bbksetaall game that will be made for the next couple years perhaps. I am basing that because it is a solid game and also has the jordans and the birds and the kemps. 2k11 is so raw i cant even believe sometimes. what makes me mad is . i just saw a preview of 2k12 on youtube . and it looks like 2k sports has bumped their head and im a little concerned . Please watch the 2k12 previews on youtube and you will notice the crosshaire sight running along the screen. im not sure what that is all about. BUT PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE CONTROLS OR THE GAMEPLAY . That would be rediculous, the controls are so smooth, i feel like i am on the bbksetaall court tossing dimes with rondo, its very realistic and comfortable, please do not change the controls so perhaps my 50 year old uncle could play it one time and laugh and it wouldnt be as hard. that is not the point. thanks for listening, hi hater bye hater