
From Gfwiki



Bobindashadows is and old member of Filfront Gaming forums. he started off hovering around the dawn of war filefront where he made and downloaded many mods.He had been lurking on the dawn of war forums and call of duty forums as early as 05. He later joined Filefront Gaming forums in 2007 and now is a Respected and well known member exclusively in the Spam Forum. He also Participated in many Spam Forum events. He Also created the Glorious Gold Thread. (See lower down)

Reality Status

Bobindashadows is rumored to be a 14 year old who lives in London England. He is currently in school Prepping for GCSE's. He is Half German/English and has Japanese Roots. He lived in Whitehorse in Canada for 4 years of his life which mounted up for a hatred of snow "Its gets fucking everywhere and pisses me off." whenever it was a snow day in england he was always the one that stayed at home and chilled out for the day. On a more serious note he had a serious fall after falling through a high roof and severly breaking both his ankles and shattering his knees. He now has permanent damage to his knees and ankles is not able to lift heavy objects. "its hard walking and i havn't run in a long time.."

Major events

Bobindashadows has participated in many forum activities including the great matinee wars. he also attacked the staff lounge and has taken part in the Great thread wars. Also Bobindashadows is one of the leading masterminds in the War against the pub.

The Great Thread wars and Gold thread

Bobindashadows participated in the great threads. he was originally part of the black thread but after devastating attacks by the red thread, he decided to leave black thread as he realised that red thread was too big to be beat and black thread was treating him with not much regard even with the victories he obtained. He has had hatred for them ever since. and in August 2008 he created the Gold thread and Immediately Allied up with the red thread and the pink thread.

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