Forum History

From Gfwiki

Back in 1998 I moved my geocities site (Dexter's Ultimate Cheat Page, I kid you not) to it's own domain and renamed it to From that moment on I was playing with the idea of multiple sites covering different things. The initial idea was Demo-Files, PatchFiles, Trailerfiles etc. saw the light in 1999 and was a great success. After playing the Soldier of Fortune demo in I believe january 2000, things swifted around and I was gonna focus on a game-specific site;! The site turned out to be a huge success and (covering Elite Force) was introduced september 25th 2000. Now I don't remember exactly but somewhere around that time I started a little forum callled GamingForums at which later became When FileFront got much more involved with the network (and had been for quite a while) we merged FileFront's forums and FilesNetwork forums into 1 and kept the name GamingForums. The rest is known history :)

Courtesy of FF|Pro-Filer

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