Style: What most people do wrong when approaching

From Genco

When I went out the first night on Mystery's workshop, I tried an experiment. I approached a set, opened, and then DHV'd. [Demonstration of higher value.] And not a single set stuck. I didn't reach the hook point. Everything seemed sort of flat, until I finally just excused myself. This happened because I had dropped two important pieces out of my game. If you know what they are already, then you are obviously already successful in the field. The next day, I did the exact same thing, except I added Negs and Time Constraints to the approach. Everything flew open. I was pulling girls off of guys left and right. So, if you are approaching, but not having success getting in with the set, go out tonight and add negs and time constraints to the first three minutes of your approach. It makes a huge difference. For those who don't have this material, here's an example: TIME CONSTRAINT: I can only stay for a minute, because I have to rejoin my friends over there. NEG: Oh my God, is she always like that? How do you roll with her? And, a third point, which I've made often. In order for an approach to work in a bar or club, you must enter the set with an energy/fun level equal to or slightly greater than its current energy level. If you walk in not smiling, talking softly, and with bad body language, you're going to get blown out, no matter what you say right. Hope this helps some people... Style

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