
From Genco


[edit] Mafia heirarchy

(cosa nostra)

Commission (heads of most powerful families)

Don or Capo di Tututti Capi or Boss (authority only challenged by commision)

Bougata or Underboss (equivalent to vice president or deputy deirector)

Consigliere (counselor or adviser)

Caporegime (captain or lieutenant, under the underboss, a go-between for the workers and the don)

Soldier/Button man (often in cfharge of one of the family's legal operations)

[edit] Mining Industries


industrial metals industries chromium and manganese

copper, nickel, cobalt

extractive metallurgy


light metals

low-melting metals

mineral processing


ore deposits

physical metallurgy

precious metals

refractory metals



petroleum and natural gas

[edit] Nonfarm Industry Classification

(U.S. Census)


  • mining
  • construction
  • manufacturing
  • nondurable manufacturing


  • transportation
  • wholesale trade
  • retail trade
  • finance, insurance, real estate
  • services
    • hotesl and other lodging
    • personal services
    • business services
    • auto repair, services, and garages
    • Miscellaneous repair shops
    • motion pictures
    • amusement and recreation services
    • health services
    • legal services
    • educational services
    • social services
    • engineering, management, and consulting services
    • accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services
    • research and testing services
    • management and public relations services


[edit] Textile Industries

developement of textiles and textile industry

production of fabric

production of yarn

textile consumption

textile finishing processes

[edit] Freemasonry

(from lowest to highest)

York Rite


1. Entered Apprentice

2. Fellow Craftsman

3. Master Mason


4. Mark Master

5. Past Master

6. Most Excellent Master

7. Royal Arch Mason


8. Royal Master

9. Select Master

10. Super Excellent Master


11. Red Cross Knight

12. Knight Templar

13. Knight of Malta

Scottish Rite


1. Entered apprentice

2. Fellow Craftsman

3. Master Mason

Lodge of Perfection

4. Secret Master

5. Perfect Master

6. Intimate Secretary

7. Provost and Judge

8. Intendant of the Building

9. Master Elect of Nine

10. Master Elect of Fifteen

11. Sublime Master Elected

12. Grand Master Architect

13. Master of the Ninth Arch

14. Grand Elect Mason

Councils of Princes of Jerusalem

15. Knight of the East or Sword

16. Prince of Jerusalem

Chapters of Rose Croix

17. Knight of the East and West

18. Knight of the Rose Croix de H.R.D.M.

Consistories of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret

19. Grand Pontiff

20. Master Ad Vitam

21. Patriarch Noachite

22. Prince of Libanus

23. Chief of the Tabernacle

24. Prince of the Tabernacle

25. Knight of the Brazen Serpents

26. Prince of mercy

27. Commander of the Temple

28. Knight of the SUn

29. Knight of St. Andrew

30. Grand Elect Knight, K.H., or Knight of the White and Black Eagle

31. Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander

32. Sublime Princ eof the Royal Secret

33. Sovereign Grand Inspector- General of the 33d and Last Degree

[edit] Castes and Classes

[edit] Capitalist Caste System

(socialist undertones)

  • 1. We work for All, We Feed all: workers supporting everyone
  • 2. We eat for you: rich eating what workers produced.
  • 3. We shoot at you: soldiers who defended the rich.
  • 4. We foot you: clergy guaranteeing workers their reward in the next world.
  • 5. We rule you: "kings" of labor and politics.

[edit] General Hierarchical Caste System

  • 1. persons of holy descent
  • 2. landowners and administrators
  • 3. priests
  • 4. craftsmen
  • 5. agricultural tenants and laborers
  • 6. herders
  • 7. despised persons

[edit] Classes of US Aliens

  • 1. Illegal aliens: entered country secretly or by using false documents or who have ignored conditions of their visas.
  • 2. Temporary visitors: admitted by visa for business or school; stay is limited and visas must be renewed.
  • 3. Refugees: admitted after being forced to flee other countries' war or oppression
    • Parole: temporary status with no set time limit
    • Conditional Entrant: eligible for permanent resident status in two years.
  • 4. Permanent REsident Aliens: stay as long as they like, giving the government their latest address each January; cannot vote or hold public office.

[edit] Sociological Classes

Upper class: oweners, managers, top public officials.

Middle class: nonmanual white-collar workers, owners of small businesses.

Working class: manual laborers

Lower class/underclass: irregularly employed and rural poor.

[edit] Socialist state classes

upperclass: political elite and industrial managers

middle class: lower nonmanual workers

lower class: manual workers

lowest class: large farm population (collective and state workers)

[edit] Social Classes according to marx

aristocratic class (superior through education, abilitiy, wealth, or social prestige)

bourgeoisie (middle class, or in marxist theory the property owning class.

petite bourgeoisie (lower middle class, having least wealth and lowest social status)

proletariat (in marxist theory the class of industrial wage earners who do not possess capital or property and must labor to survive)

[edit] Classification of nations

First world nation: country or group of countries that is major force in international politics or finance.

Second world nation: advanced and powerful but less prosperous

Third world nation: neither a major force in international politics or finance; many live at or below level of extreme poverty.

[edit] Social estates

first: clergy

second: nobility

third: the commoners, townsmen, or middle class of a country

fourth: the press; journalists

fifth: sometimes defined as the trade unions or scholars

[edit] Cadre System

(persons appointed to paid position in government or party system)

Five formal categories for cadre assessment:

  • Virtue (character and political correctness)
  • Ability
  • Attention to duties
  • Achievements
  • Level of formal study

[edit] Governmental Systems

anarchy: rule by no one

autocracy or monarchy: rule by one

oligarchy or aristocracy: rule by a few leaders

plutocracy: rule by the wealthy

ochlocracy: rule by a mob

democracy or polity: rule of the people

[edit] Political Ideologies









[edit] UK Armed Forces Ranks

[edit] Army

  • Field Marshal
  • General
  • Lieutenant-General
  • Major-General
  • Brigadier
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant-Colonel
  • Major
  • Captain
  • Lieutenant
  • Second Lieutenant

[edit] Navy

  • Admiral
  • Commodore
  • Captain
  • Commander
  • Lieutenant
  • Acting Lieutenant

[edit] Hinduism

[edit] Aims of life

Dharma, right conduct

Artha, material gain

Kama, pleasure as secual love

Moksa, spiritual liberation

[edit] Hindu Gods

Indra - thunder god, god of battle

Varuna - guardian of order, divine overseer

Agni - god of fire

Surya - deity associated with the sun

Brahma - the creator

Vishnu - the preserver, has ten incarnations:

  • Matsya - the fish
  • Kurma - toroise
  • Varaha - the boar
  • Barasunga - the man-lion
  • Vamana - the dwarf
  • Parasurama - Rama bearing the axe
  • Ramachandra - also Rama, who carries a bow and quiver of arrows
  • Krishna - god featured in the Bhagavadgita. Worshipped as a baby or as a flute-playing cowherd
  • Buddha - the exalted teacher from the 6th-5th centure BCE
  • Kalki - "the one to come"
  • Shiva - god of destruction
  • Ganesh - the elephant-headed god, worshipped as god of good luck
  • Hanuman - monkey warrior god, associated with Rama

[edit] Goddesses

Durga - omnipotent warrior, also known as Amba

Parvati - wife of Shiva

Kali - goddess associated with destruction

Lashmi - goddess of beauty, wealth and fortune, wife of Vishnu

Saraswati - Goddess of learning, arts, and music.

[edit] Satanic Hierarchy

Satan or the Devil: Lucifer

First Group:

Beelzebub (sins of pride)

Leviathan (sins against faith)

Asmodeus (sins of luxuriousness and wantonness)

Balberith (homicides, quarrels, and blasphemy)

Astaroth (idleness, sloth)

Verrine (impatience)

Gressil (impurity, uncleanness)

Sonneillon (hatred)

Second Group:

Carreau (hard-heartedness)

Carnivean (obscenity)

Ocillet (temptation to break vow of poverty)

Rosier (abandoning god for the flesh)

Verrier (disobedience)

Third Group:

Belias (arrogance)

Olivier (mercilessness)

Iuvart (inactive)

[edit] Thirteen Jewish Principles

that god exists

that god is one alone

that god has no corporeal presence

that god is outside the scope of time

that god alone is to be worshipped

that god informs his prophets

that moses was the greatest of the prophets

that thte torah is the work of god

that thte torah cannot change

that god apprehends the thoughts and acts of all people

that those who do good will recieve their reward, and those who do evil will receive retribution

that the messiah will come

that there will be a bodily ressurrection of the dead, although only the soul may be eternal

[edit] Tree of Life- The Cabala

Jewish mystic knowledge; mastering its 10 spheres, one can achieve greatness

(roots to top...)

Malkhuth: physical body and health

yesod: personality

hod: logic and reason

netsah: needs, passions, and senses.

tifereth/rahamin: energy or life force

geburah/pachad/din: our destructive nature

hesed/gedulah: love and mercy

binah: soul

Hokhmah: creativity

Kether: lultimate unity of all aspects of human nature

[edit] Calendar

Chaitra or Caitra (March/april)


Jyestha or Jyastha

Ashandha or Asadha

(Dvitiya Asadha, certain leap years)


(Dvitiya Sravana, certain leap years)




Margasirsha or Margasirsa or MArgasivsa

Pausa or Pansa


Phalguna (February/March)

[edit] Festivals

April - new year

July - monsoon begins

August - Krishna's Birthday

September - remembering ancestors of shradh

October - Durga Puja: clelbration of goddesses, and Dashera: rama's victory over Ravana

Novenber - -Divali: Festival of lights

January - Kumbha Mela: Pilgrim fairs

February - Mahashivaratri: festival for shive

March - Holi: spring HArvest celebration.

[edit] Caste System

Twice-born castes (jatis):

  • Brahmins: priests and scholars
  • Kshatriyas: warriors and rulers
  • Vaisyas: SKilled traders, merchants, farmers, minor officials.

Not Twice-born castes:

  • Sudras: unskilled workers, peasants, laborers.
  • Pariah/Harijans: outcasts, Untouchables, Children of God (four varna are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras)

[edit] Four stages of life

  • 1. Student (Brahmacarin)
  • 2. Housedweller (Grhastha)
  • 3. Forest-Dweller (Vanaprastha)
  • 4. Renouncer (Sannyasin)

[edit] Chemistry:

  • Analytical
  • Bio
  • Inorganic
  • Organic
  • Physical
    • Electro
    • Nuclear
    • Photo
    • Thermo
    • Work


  • Agricultural
  • Engineering
  • Petroleum
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Synthetic
  • Textile

[edit] Physics:

  • Acoustics
  • Bio
  • Electromagnetism
  • Optics
  • Geophysics
  • Health
  • Mechanics


  • Aero
  • Hydro
  • Statics
    • Aero
    • Hydro
  • Kinematics
  • Particle
  • Statistical
  • Thermal
    • Cryogenics
    • High-temperature research
  • Tribology (Frisction, lubrication, and wear)

[edit] Energy Forms:

  • Free
  • Kinetic/Dynamic
  • Potential/Static
  • Radiant/Electromagnetic
  • Zero-point


  • Chemical
  • Electrical
  • Geothermal
  • Hydraulic
  • Internal
  • Magnetic Field Energy
  • Nuclear
  • Solar
  • Steam
  • Thermal/heat
  • Tidal
  • Water
  • Wind

[edit] Laws of Motion:

  • 1. Inertia: If a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain so until acted on by a force.
  • 2. The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the force, taking place in the direction of the force.
  • 3. The actions of two bodies on each othere are alwayas equal and opposite ("For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction)

[edit] Laws of Thermodynamics

  • 1. Conservation of energy (the cahnge in the internal energy of a system is equal to the sum of the heat added to the system and the work done by it.)
  • 2. Heat always flows from a higher temperature to a lower (law that it is impossible for any self-acting machine, without any other agent, totransfer heat to another body at a higher temperature)
  • 3. Entropy (measure of disorder of molecules and atoms) of disordered solids reaches zero at absolute zero, i.e., there will be no disorder at all.

[edit] Measures

  • Cubit
  • Omer
  • Peck
  • Liter
  • Quart
  • Ephah
  • Bath
  • Shekel
  • Ounce
  • Gram
  • Mina
  • Stadion
  • Obol
  • Drachma
  • Libra
  • Grain
  • Scruples
  • Avoirdupois
  • Troy

[edit] Numerals

  • Yocto (Sept)
  • Zepto (Sext)
  • Atto (Quint)
  • Femto (Quadr)
  • Pico (Trill)
  • Nano (Bill)
  • Micro (Mill)

[edit] Time

  • Millennium (1000)
  • Century (100)
  • Score (20)
  • Decade (10)
  • Lustrum (5)
  • Quadrennium or Olympiad (4)
  • Triennium (3)
  • Biennium (2)
  • Year
  • Fortnight (2 wks.)

[edit] Size

  • Tera
  • Giga
  • Mega
  • Kilo
  • Milli
  • Micro
  • Nano
  • Pico
  • Femto
  • Atto
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