
From Genco

Female plants must be fertilized by a male of the species in order to produce viable seeds.

Each plant species has a basic structure and growth patter, requiring criteria to be met before advancing to the next stage in growth. These most basic functions are static in the genetic make-up of the plant, and are passed down to subsequent generations.

Between these stages are periods of "learning" when the plant absorbes information from its various sensory centers. This includes mineral content of the soil, the amount and frequency of sunlight it receives, trauma caused by animals, etc.

The plant's genetic learning zones are propagated with genetic information, randomly chosen from the parents at conception. This information can be overwritten by environmental factors. Each inherited trait gains genetic "stability" when passed down. Each iteration of genetic stability becomes more difficult to overwrite by environmental influence. If not completely overwritten, the trait is passed down, with the average of environmental stress versus genetic strength of the trait.

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